Rebel Demon King

Chapter 262 Death Train (1)

Chapter 262 Death Train (1)

(Thanks to "Zhangmen" for the rewards, the third shift has been achieved, and the shift owes 25)

On August 8, at 1:[-] a.m. Moscow time.

"It's really interesting. Brazenly offering rewards for things belonging to our Napoleon family?" Napoleon VII looked at the alien notebook on the coffee table and said mockingly, as if the glowing screen in front of him was a real person, not a real person. A computer displaying the Chosen Forum.

Bastian, who was standing behind Napoleon, heard Napoleon VII's icy voice like a hacksaw pulling on a hard iron pillar, and seemed to be able to see sparks shooting out in the darkness, so he stood up straight involuntarily.

"Have you found out who this 'Just Executioner' is?" Napoleon VII asked, twirling the Ouroboros ring on his left middle finger.

"Two companies, Ipsos and Hurricane Breath, have been entrusted to conduct investigations, but there is no definite news at present. At present, we can only find out that the approximate address at the time of posting is in our French territory"

Napoleon VII frowned, "Registration at the Chosen Forum requires the correct ID of the Chosen One. You can't find out your real name. At least you should find out his ID in the Chosen One system."

Bastian bent down quickly, sweating profusely and said: "We invited hackers to try to enter the Chosen Forum, but so far no one has succeeded. And there is also a hacker who died at home inexplicably. Now the darknet No one in the hacker forum dares to accept our orders.”

Bastian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the rolling sound of his throat could be clearly heard in the silent room, he continued nervously: "Your Highness, I think we should stop thinking about the Chosen Forum by ourselves, just in case If it is discovered, I am afraid it will not end well. Everyone guesses that Nebuchadnezzar, one of the twelve generals, is the actual controller of the Chosen Forum. If you offend him."

Napoleon VII sneered, "Nebuchadnezzar? That clown who wears a mask even on his body? I'll challenge him sooner or later. What's there to be afraid of?"

"Your Highness!" Bastian quickly knelt down on one knee, "Please don't forget the exhortation of the previous Patriarch that he would rather be an enemy of the Rothschilds than Nebuchadnezzar, let alone be an enemy of Nebuchadnezzar. The Twelve Gods will be the goal of struggle. Becoming the Twelve Gods is both a glory and a curse. Whoever lives long enough on the list of the chosen ones will be the winner, not occupy the top position."

Napoleon VII stood up, with the bright night sky of Moscow beside him, Napoleon VII turned around, his long golden hair gently flung out a wonderful arc, he stood facing the floor-to-ceiling glass with his hands behind his back, the red Kremlin The city wall and the green spire are right under his nose, "Bastian, I just remember the family motto of the Napoleon family: the glory of life lies not in never failing, but in being able to fight repeatedly. For me, Since you choose to become the enemy of the Napoleon family, you only have two choices, either you have my head cut off, or my head is cut off, there is no third choice!"

"Your Highness, I know some things better than you. The ID of Nebuchadnezzar is called the Immortal King of Time and Space, because this ID has existed for nearly 200 years. Many people speculate that the artifact 'Holy Crown of Thorns' is in his In his hand. That is a monster that has lived for nearly 200 years. According to legend, during World War II, he alone slaughtered more than 20 German troops, and he wiped out the 24th Armored Division, 44th, 71st, 113th, 305th, 295th, and 389th. Infantry Division. Even the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, or the Habbses dare not offend him easily, so don’t think about avenging the past so long.” Bastian’s half-kneeling body was in the Trembling slightly, even if he was in the carrier state, it was difficult to suppress the fear from his heart.

Napoleon VII was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "Bastian, let's not think about things that are so far away, let's go forward step by step, no matter how far away or how impossible, don't try to reach At the end, I won’t know what kind of scenery it is, I can’t give up halfway, but first, I have to deal with Shirkov, a jumping clown, and take back the Crossbee by the way.”

Napoleon VII glanced sideways at the "Cross Bee" reward post with a hit rate of over 35. The hit rate of [-] is already a very high number on the Chosen Forum, which means tens of thousands of Chosen If anyone knows the news, they will try their best to find Shirkov, as long as they are a little bit capable, they may know that Shirkov is in the hands of Room [-] of the Gauri Kingdom.

Napoleon VII could not say that he hated Room 35 of the Kingdom of Gauri, but he especially hated this "just executioner" who intentionally posted a message on the Chosen Forum. He looked at the post whose click-through rate was still rising and said coldly: "Let this bastard who stabbed the knife in the back know what a stupid thing he did." After a pause, Napoleon VII looked at the half-kneeling Bastian and said, "Get up! Bastian Ann, I know you are doing it for my own good. You have been a guardian since my grandfather. You are now 65 years old and still working for the Napoleon family. I will not treat you badly. Who will pass the Ouroboros in your hand to? If you don't want Andre to enter the other world, I will also arrange a good position for him, so that he can enjoy the glory and wealth for the rest of his life."

Bastian knew that although Napoleon VII seemed reasonable, he was actually a very conceited person. No matter how far away his goal was, he would not change it. No matter whether the decision he made was wrong or not, he would never change it. After carrying it out to the end, he sighed in his heart, stood up and said softly, "Then what are the arrangements for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, Morris and I will go to K20 first, and you and Bernard will go to 240 the next day."


Cheng Mo felt someone calling him, and when he opened his eyes, Li Jiting was sitting on the leather armrest of the sofa, but Li Jiting was a little hazy in his vision, because he had just woken up and hadn't had time to put on his glasses yet.

Cheng Mo, who was wearing rabbit pajamas, got up from the sofa, pulled off the hat with rabbit ears covering his head, and then reached for the glasses on the coffee table. When the quilt slipped off his body, Cheng Mo felt a chill, He took a closer look and found that there was a patter of rain outside the lobby. After experiencing so many days of good weather in Europe, it finally ushered in the first rainy day on the day he was about to leave.

"Let's go back to the room! The train at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, you and Xiao Jin have to start packing, it's best to go to the supermarket to buy some necessities. This train will take [-] days."

Cheng Mo let out an "oh", stood up, hugged the pillow and quilt, and followed Li Jiting to the elevator.

"It looks like you didn't sleep well?" Li Jiting asked with a smile after pressing the 27th floor, looking at Cheng Mo's dark circles.

"It's okay!" Cheng Mo said softly with his chin resting on the quilt. In fact, he just fell asleep for a while. He didn't know how long it was. He only knew that he never dared to close his eyelids, closed his eyes Those dead, lifeless pupils would appear in his mind, as if staring at him in the dark. Cheng Mo originally thought that he could see through life and death, but when he faced the real death, he still felt fear.

"Just get used to it. You are much better than I was the first time. The first time I saw a corpse, it was a corpse that had been dead for three or four days. I won't describe it in detail. In short, I vomited on the spot."

"I can imagine." Cheng Mo naturally knew that after four or five days of death, the corpse would appear as a giant, which was a very disgusting state.

"Let's not talk about this." Li Jiting took out a lighter from his suit pocket and handed it to Cheng Mo, "You take this, it's a locator and a communicator, you can use it to contact me in an emergency."

"In addition, when you go back to your room, hurry up and Baidu how to use a Taurus curve pistol. When you are in danger, you can find a Taurus curve pistol with 6 bullets under your quilt. Open the safety and pull the trigger." Li Jiting made a shooting motion, and then smiled: "But you probably won't have a chance to use it. Just in case."

"I hope so!" Cheng Mo responded noncommittally.

At this time, the elevator reached the 27th floor, and the two walked out of the elevator one after the other, turned right and walked directly to room 2709.
(End of this chapter)

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