Rebel Demon King

Chapter 261 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (End)

Chapter 261 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (End)

(The first update, two-in-one update, and one or two updates in the evening)
The light in the bathroom was pale, the beige square tiles reflected a hazy halo, and the brass-colored metal bathtub decorated the whole bathroom very gorgeously, but the corpses inside made the bathroom look like a scene from a horror movie.

After Li Jiting broke open the plastic bag containing the corpse, the smell of blood, urine and saponins came over his face, Cheng Mo couldn't help turning his head, and turned his head after a while to look at the startled man again. screen.

"One shot kills, the marksmanship is very professional, and it is too late for the opponent to struggle and call. The bullet enters from the back of the head and penetrates between the eyebrows. Judging from the size of the cavity, it is shot at close range, equipped with a silencer, and used Makarov Pistol, this kind of pistol has a special bullet, and the shell case is specially designed to hold 9mm×18mm lead bullets, also known as Makarov bullets." After a pause, Li Jiting looked at the dark red bullet holes on the back of the corpse and said calmly: "The hair standing around the bullet hole still has burn marks, which shows that the muzzle of the gun is very close, and the opponent is completely unprepared."

On the surface, Cheng Mo remained calm, as if he was watching Li Jiting observe the corpse very calmly. In fact, his mind was a little confused at this moment. It was the first time he saw the real corpse so close, and it was still in such a strange situation. Down.

As for his father's, it was called the "body". It was placed in the mourning hall and ice coffin. In a place full of ceremonies, his feeling was completely different from seeing the "corpse" now. It didn't make people feel anything at all. It's something to be afraid of, like seeing a person fall asleep forever.

But at this moment, although the light in the quiet bathroom is bright, the decoration is luxurious, neither dirty nor messy, there is an inexplicable sense of fear climbing up his heart like a vine, which seems to be desperately pulling watching him fall toward the darkness.

Although Cheng Mo, to be precise, should be his carrier, he didn't have any physical discomfort, and even his heartbeat didn't beat half a beat, but in his subconscious, he was still extremely repulsed by such things as "death", so At this moment, after the chaotic thinking, his brain turned blank, only one thought was shouting: "Hurry up and escape from this place, hurry up and escape from this place."

If it wasn't for Li Jiting calmly inspecting the body of this strange Russian in front of his eyes, Cheng Mo would have turned around and ran away. It wasn't all fear, but the instinctive fear of death. After all, he was only 16 years old. .

"The double-headed eagle national emblem tattoo of the Russian Empire? I hope he's not Shirkov." Li Jiting looked at the double-headed eagle tattoo on the man's neck and said softly.

Cheng Mo forced his chaotic thinking to get on the right track. He tried to get rid of the fear, let his brain work again, and enter into thinking: Although tattoos are considered a symbol of the underworld in modern times, tattooed people in Asia are generally treated as alternatives. From my point of view, many workplaces do not accept tattooed people, but in fact the first tattoo artist opened a tattoo space in 1880, in a Turkish bath called "Jermin Street" in London, and later appeared in The heights of London's hip West End.So, where did the development of the professional tattoo industry start?The answer is - in the upper class of England.

Therefore, the European nobles did not reject tattoos, and even in the early days, only nobles could stand up with tattoos, so it is not certain whether this person is Shirkov with tattoos.

The hair color of Shirkov in the photo is flaxen, which is similar to this person, except that the hair of this corpse is very short. Shirkov’s skin is whiter than this corpse, of course, and the time of death is more than eight hours, so The corpse's rigor began to spread, and the whole body was turning black. He had read these things in mystery novels
Cheng Mo forced his thinking to run quickly, while Li Jiting didn't show any abnormality towards the corpse, as if he was looking at an object, he turned the stiff corpse around with a light flip. For the carrier, flipping A man weighing about 160 catties is as easy as turning a fish in a pot.

Then Li Jiting tore off the plastic bag, and the face of this corpse appeared in front of Cheng Mo and Li Jiting in an instant. The man's eye sockets were deep, his pupils were dilated without any luster, and his eyeballs became flat from spherical. This was because there was no blood pressure in his body. He has a hooked nose, a mustache, a scar on his forehead, a bullet hole between his eyebrows, and red and white connective tissue and fibrous membranes.

His appearance was very ordinary, so he couldn't be the handsome Shirkov.

"It's not Shirkov." Li Jiting breathed a sigh of relief, "The outlet of the bullet between the eyebrows is two to three times larger than the entrance. This is because the pistol has a greater kinetic energy and the bullet did not roll over." Li Jiting let go of the body and re- Put it back in the bathtub, "The time of death is around three or four in the afternoon."

Cheng Mo understood why Li Jiting breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was relieved. If the deceased was Shirkov, it means that the Crusader Bee has already been in the hands of the people of Cao County, and it is meaningless to leave his life behind. It is possible, but it is almost impossible to track down a Cao County agent who does not know his appearance.

Li Jiting didn't stop checking the body, he tore off the thick green plastic bag like a raincoat, Cheng Mo guessed that it was a body bag that every safe house would have.

Li Jiting fumbled in the man's jeans bag. Except for a folded bag, a circle of keys and a few thousand rubles, there was no mobile phone. The mobile phone should have been taken away, and there was nothing else that could indicate the man's identity.

Li Jiting tore open the man's T-shirt, and the man's blackened and stiff torso was covered with tattoos, "This man is a member of the Russian Mafia. The symbolic tattoo of the Russian Mafia is a star. The star tattoo on the shoulder means that he has been in prison. The stars are tattooed on the knees, which means never bowing the knee, and the stars are tattooed on the chest, representing status and power. Only the trusted backbone of the organization can accept the audit and enjoy the honor of having the stars tattooed on the chest.”

Li Jiting did not turn his head to look at Mo, but pointed to the star tattoo on the man's shoulder and continued: "In Russia, tattoos are a hidden symbol. For members of Russian gangsters, tattoos are a person's identity card. Through tattoos, there is no need to Files, you can know his past and his experience, these tattoos even determine their status in prison."

The carrier's sense of smell has been completely shut down by Cheng Mo, and an overly keen sense of smell is completely tortured at this moment, such as the smell of carbon dioxide molecules permeating it. In fact, carbon dioxide itself has no smell, but it is mixed with water vapor containing other molecules in the air. The reaction produces carbonic acid. As the respiration proceeds, the concentration of carbonic acid becomes higher and higher. This kind of air has an odor when inhaled and stimulates the respiratory tract. This is one of the reasons for the peculiar smell in the room.

After turning off his sense of smell, Cheng Mo's discomfort was reduced a lot, which allowed him to focus on seeing the tattoo on the man's body. The man's abdomen was tattooed with Russian words "huge Soviet thought" and "C2H5OH", the chemical formula of ethanol (alcohol) , with Yeltsin's head portrait, obviously alluding to Yeltsin, a million-year-old alcoholic.
"This man's status in the gang is not high, but he has been in prison twice and participated in the Checheng War." Li Jiting pointed to the Russian cheers slogan on the left side of his abdomen: "The excited Kremlin tears, for the Checheng Victory in the war!".

After speaking, Li Jiting put the plastic bag back on the man's body, straightened up, walked to the sink opposite the bathtub, turned on the water and began to wash his hands with soap, as if he just did something insignificant.

While washing his hands, Li Jiting said as if talking to himself: "I used to be an observer in Afghanistan, and I saw with my own eyes a market bombed by fundamentalists in Zabul. Most of the dead were civilians of the XX faction. More than 30 people The corpses were lying on the street, the corpses were mixed with construction waste such as bombed wood, tarpaulins, gravel, etc., covered with a thick layer of cement-colored dust, there was no dignity at all. , Garbage bag-like corpses, and the cunning uncle who was still bargaining with you a few days ago, the shy girl who looked at her with affectionate eyes, and the kid who kicked a patched old ball and shouted for uncle."

Li Jiting looked at himself in the mirror, and said in a flat tone: "At that moment, do you know what I was thinking? I didn't feel anything, I just felt numb all over, as if there was an invisible huge monster entrenched in the market above my head It looked down on us contemptuously, devouring the surrounding emotions and colors, leaving only a gray nothingness in my heart."

"Death is not terrible. Although a person rarely sees death in his life, he is always accompanied by death; war is not terrible. War is almost as old as our human beings. What is terrible is the human heart. When we lose our reason and turn into beasts or machines When the time comes, people are no longer people.” Li Jiting’s voice sounded like church bells in the cramped bathroom, deep and distant.

Li Jiting turned his head to look at Cheng Mo and said with a smile, "So don't let animal instincts occupy our hearts."

Cheng Mo nodded, for the first time he felt that Li Jiting's smile was not cynical, but a kind of helpless comfort.

Li Jiting turned his head, turned off the tap, sighed, and wiped his hands with a white towel hanging on the towel rack beside him: "The clue seems to be broken again, apprentice, what do you think?"

"You can't say that. Why this gangster came here and why he was killed is worth thinking about. Since he was killed without any precautions, it means that he didn't know Shirkov was here. According to Judging from the professionalism you just described, it should have been killed by another agent from Cao County."

Li Jiting turned around and walked out of the bathroom, Cheng Mo hurriedly followed, telling him to stay here alone, it was still a little creepy, those lifeless eyes were always floating in his mind, it was a shame that his memory was too strong at this time Annoying thing.

"Why do you think this gangster came here?" Li Jiting asked leisurely after walking out of the bathroom.

Cheng Mo knew that Li Jiting also had the answer in his heart, and he was just testing him, "Let me guess, maybe it's for the train ticket"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"At this time, I need help from others, and it can only be to escape from Moscow. Suppose they want to take the K240 instead of the 20, then it will be difficult for the people of Cao County to get tickets by themselves. If the staff of Cao County in Russia are watched by others , then they can only rely on Russians or Chinese. Naturally, it is the fastest, most convenient and unobtrusive way to find Russian gangsters in Moscow. They also know that the gangsters in Moscow are looking for them, so when this gangster comes over with a ticket , in order not to leak the news, it will naturally be silenced. This is the reason for my guess."

"I think so too. The man who was killed is definitely not up to the level of helping them escape, but it is more than enough to be a scalper. Do you think they will take K20?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "It's hard to say, this may also be a kind of behavior of secretly repairing the plank road. It's hard to say how the other party chooses, but I tend to. 240. After all, the last carriage of 240 is under their control in Cao County. It is quite convenient, and it can provide diplomatic protection when necessary, but K20 is not, but K20 is not without advantages, not as eye-catching as 240, but K20 has more international tourists, and it is slightly easier to hide than 240.”

Li Jiting was not idle when he was discussing with Cheng Mo. He checked the surveillance first, but the hard drive had been taken away, so he began to search in this small room. There are not many safe houses. It can be confirmed that it is the safe house of Cao County people, but the location of this room is separated by two walls of the Cao County Safe House on the fifth floor of Pevlitskaya Apartment, and they can even see each other through the windows. Li Jiting does not think it is a coincidence , there is at least a 90.00% possibility that this is the safe house of Cao County people.

This is not a case. It doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not. What is important is the clues. Unfortunately, the other party is very cunning and did not leave any clues.

"Wait, I'm trying to find a way to see if I can track the other party. If I can't, I will arrange for you to take K20 to return home tomorrow, and I will take 240 the day after tomorrow." After a pause, Li Jiting explained: "The main reason for asking you to take K20 is because of the manpower. Not enough, and your observation skills are sufficiently detailed, I think as long as Shirkov is on the K20, he will definitely not be able to escape your eyes."

"You guys? It doesn't matter if I get in the car, the benefits are directly proportional to the risks, but I think Sister Xie should let her take the plane back!" Cheng Mo frowned slightly, it was obvious that this matter was not fun at all, an irrelevant person Lose their lives casually. People like them who are deliberately pursuing them will definitely die if they encounter them. If they don't survive, they may be spared. It is too dangerous.

He has no choice. If he has a choice, he will not involve himself in such a dangerous thing. In order to survive, he must become the chosen one. If he wants to be the chosen one, he cannot be afraid of danger.

"Because she is here, I am assured that you got in the car. Don't underestimate her. She has practiced. In a fight between the main body and the main body, she can win three of you." Li Jiting laughed.

"It's not that she is strong, but that my body is too weak." Cheng Mo said expressionlessly.

"Even if you don't have heart disease, you are still no match for her. Xiaojin has been practicing kendo since she was a child, and she even won the national women's kendo championship."

Cheng Mo snorted: "Practicing kendo can compare with guns? This is not a competition, if you are not careful, you will lose your life. It is better for me to ride alone, and she cannot be involved."

Standing beside the bed, Li Jiting rubbed his chin and said to Cheng Mo with an ambiguous smile, "Yo? You really care about him! I don't know how Xiao Jin will feel when he hears this!"

"I don't like being dragged down, nor do I like dragging others down. So it's better to be alone." Cheng Mo said coldly.

Li Jiting smiled "hehe", looked at Cheng Mo slyly and said, "Let's do this! I'll tell her tomorrow that you're helping me hunt down a spy, and let her understand the dangers of riding K20. It's up to her to choose!"

Of course Cheng Mo knew how a girl like Xie Minyun would choose, and opened his mouth a little dissatisfied.

However, Li Jiting waved his hand and interrupted Cheng Mo, "Don't worry! Do you think that when someone like her goes abroad, no one will follow her secretly to protect her? If it weren't for the fact that you are too weak, I wouldn't take advantage of Xiao Jin. When I go back, I still don’t know what it will be like to be scolded by his father.”

"Can't you send someone to protect my body?"

Li Jiting shook his head, "No, I will send someone to protect you. Your identity as a stalker may be exposed. It's not suitable to expose your identity. It's okay. As long as you find Shirkov, please notify me as soon as possible. Not only will you rush to K20 immediately, but you will also ask other people hidden in the car to act. You mainly play the role of an observer, not to fight and kill, and there will be no danger if you pay attention."

Seeing that Li Jiting's thoughts could not be dispelled, Cheng Mo was very helpless, so he could only stop talking and watch Li Jiting work.

Li Jiting searched the safe room in the Budapest hotel for a while, but found no other valuable clues. When he left, Li Jiting did not forget to put another bag on the corpse to ensure that there would be no serious incidents of corpses in the room. Quickly exposed, and then left the European-style hotel with Cheng Mo.

After walking out of the hotel, Li Jiting said: "You return to the main body now, so that the use time of the carrier can be advanced as much as possible. Remember, when you get on the car tomorrow, don't use the carrier unless it is absolutely necessary. You only have one chance to activate it in 24 hours, so you must activate it once in [-] hours. Use it when saving your life"

Cheng Mo said calmly: "Got it!"

Li Jiting patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "Today I will give you a credit. Although I did not find Shirkov, but I found his whereabouts, and I can exchange some money from Napoleon VII."


After Cheng Mo's carrier disappeared into the co-pilot, Li Jiting took out his mobile phone and sent the information about Shirkov's stay in the safe room on the fifth floor of the Budapest hotel. Of course, these will not be free.

"There won't be two trains in the world that can bring together so many Chosen Ones and Gladiators, so it's time for them to appear." Li Jiting looked at the mobile phone showing that the sending was complete, and said to himself.

The black Audi slid into the sleepless street before disappearing into the gloom of night.

(End of this chapter)

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