Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1417 The Wedding of the Century (End)

Chapter 1417 The Wedding of the Century (End)

"Now, our great French Emperor, Napoleon VII, will inaugurate the Eiffel Tower!"

Gabriel Bornet, the first director of France, held up the microphone and shouted loudly.

Amid cheers, the audience at the Champ de Mars, the Trocadéro Gardens and both sides of the Seine stood up. Amid thunderous applause, Napoleon VII, wearing a scarlet velvet cloak and an olive-leaf golden crown, walked along the blood-red wool blanket. Walk towards the Eiffel Tower. Countless fireworks and laser lights soared into the sky around the Eiffel Tower, illuminating the end of the red carpet like No. 7 on Mount Olympus, holding a bouquet, wearing a "feather in the clouds" and a bright crown on her head. goddess.

Heaven and earth together form an unparalleled temple and become a celebration hall for the whole world to celebrate.

Robert Crawford, who was sitting in the second row in the best viewing position for the ceremony, looked around. In addition to the dignitaries of various countries, business giants and lizard man bosses from the media, all the Hollywood entertainment stars controlled by the lizards were also present. , from singers to actors, from directors to composers, there are so many stars here, not even the "Grammy" and the "Oscar" can gather together so many stars. Not only these celebrities from the entertainment industry, but also celebrities from the cultural and sports circles from all over the world and celebrities in various fields also came.

All human elites gather here tonight. Paris at this moment, the Champ de Mars at this moment, is the highest palace of mankind. Robert Crawford really didn't dare to think about what kind of accident happened. However, he still believed in Ou Yu's security capabilities. In addition, everyone was the chosen one and all attended the ceremony as carriers, so there was nothing to worry about. of.

However, the name "Lucifer" still weighed heavily on Robert Crawford's heart. Thinking of the news about Benner Nielsen he had just received, he changed his mind, leaned forward slightly, got close to Murdoch who was sitting in the front row, and said in a low voice: "Boss, I just received News, Benner Nielsen is now in Paris."

Modoc moved his lips and said softly: "That means Lucifer has also come to Paris."

"But why hasn't he appeared yet?" Robert Crawford felt chilled in his heart. He looked around, clenched his fists, and planned an escape route for himself. Even if he was a carrier, he couldn't die casually. His ranking on the Heavenly Ranking is not low, but Lucifer has no opponent. The chosen ones from all over the world are tied together, and they may not be the opponents of Lucifer and Athena. This is a recognized fact.

"Perhaps Lucifer has arrived a long time ago and is waiting for an opportunity to find a suitable time to strike. As I said, he does not necessarily have to strike at the Eiffel Tower, although the Eiffel Tower must be his weakness."

"Then we continue to wait?"

Murdock thought for a moment and whispered: "Go back to Ouyu headquarters first. Lord Edward, General Liu Yu, Lord Alfred, and King Mountbatten are all there." He grabbed the handbag placed next to his seat. Crutches, "It's safer there."


"This is destined to be the greatest night in human history." Amedeo stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and whispered like a prayer.

At this time, the bells of Notre Dame de Paris were like the groans of the earth where a bonfire spread, reverberating between heaven and earth.

Fireworks and lasers traced gorgeous tracks on the black mirror of the Ghost Building in Montparnasse. Behind these messy trajectories is the reflection of the "gift box" that is overflowing with light. The two buildings face each other in the flower-filled night sky of Paris. They stand tall among the flat Parisian buildings, like mirror images of each other.

"I always have an ominous feeling. Wang is not the kind of person who compromises easily." Zero's deep voice, through the mask, had a dull and gloomy feeling, like a wizard's curse.

"What's there to worry about? We're not going to be enemies with the king. Aren't we helping him achieve his ideals?" Amedeo said in a brisk tone, "Isn't Napoleon VII's life not enough to calm his anger?"

Zero was silent for a while, and then said in a confused and erratic tone: "I can't guess what the king is thinking. I have never understood the king, and I don't understand why he deliberately kept the name of the devil and made himself the fear of the world. I also can’t understand Napoleon VII. In my mind, he never did anything out of the ordinary. He walked on thin ice step by step. However, at the last moment, he suddenly stumbled and put his life on the line. This is something I never expected. .”

“I can’t understand the king’s thoughts, but I understand Christopher very well,” Amedeo said. “For him, becoming a symbol, symbol, and even a totem of France is the ideal he pursues throughout his life. More What's more, he uploaded all his cell data and DNA data and completed the digitization of his brain, "personality copying" and "consciousness imprinting." The server that stores his biological data is as big as a football field. And such servers total There are three, one of which is at the Ouyu headquarters, and the former Ouyu artificial intelligence has officially changed its name from 'Aurora' to 'Napoleon'. You can think that his physical body is going to die, but he can not only act as an electronic creature People exist and can still survive in the online world. Maybe this is another form of immortality."

"Consciousness imprinting? Can it really be done?"

"I don't know. Only Napoleon VII knows the answer." Amedeo changed the topic and said, "In any case, he is indeed worthy of respect. Whether he is using his own reputation to make trouble, or he is decisively approaching us. When negotiating peace, he showed that he had a clear mind and not only had a deep understanding of the Star Gate, but also predicted their approach. He was also keenly aware that Wang's approach was too idealistic and would definitely cause internal dissatisfaction."

Number Zero sighed and said, "Wang's approach is indeed open to question."

"Indeed. The establishment of a global governance system with 'artificial intelligence' as the core almost eliminates human participation. It can indeed ensure fairness to the greatest extent and allow ordinary people to avoid the threats of famine, plague and war. It can be so extreme. To eliminate suffering, the price to be paid is the complete collapse of humanism and human civilization. With unified language, unified culture, and unified history, wouldn’t humans become rats kept in captivity on the earth by artificial intelligence, only provided with data by artificial intelligence? ?”

Zero shook his head, "This statement is biased. Globalization is a historical necessity, so the unification of language, culture and history is also inevitable. Strong civilizations devour weak civilizations. This is the evolution of human society and civilization. Even if the king does not In doing so, this unification is happening now, and the expansion of cities and the popularity of the Internet are accelerating this unification. Dialects disappear and small languages ​​are annihilated. The loss of traditional culture is also getting faster and faster, and there are fewer and fewer subcultures. The whole world is being dominated by pop culture with consumer attributes. The history of countless races and countries is being systematically erased or tampered with into false history." He looked at the gift box in the distance, "Ruling the world with artificial intelligence, but It’s to speed up the process.”

"Since this is bound to be the case, why do you oppose the king's approach?"

"The king should give the power of choice to humans themselves, rather than letting artificial intelligence rely on big data, models and algorithms to decide where humans should go. That's why I support the suggestions put forward by Napoleon VII to reduce the weight of artificial intelligence in handling public affairs. Set network boundaries, build a more diverse world, and ensure the diversity of human civilization to the greatest extent." Zero took a deep breath, "But sometimes I think what Wang said is right, civilization and history are for Review and sacrifice are not for inheritance. Only by completely smashing the old capital-dominated world and getting rid of production and life oriented by exploitation and consumption can a brand new world be born. Only by thoroughly entering In the new era, the culture and history that we once denied and discarded will be gradually recovered. There are best examples in history. If you want to stand up again from the tragic history stained with blood and tears, you must first continue to Overthrow, constantly deny one's own culture, history, and even nation. This process is indeed painful, like cramping and peeling off the skin, but only in this way can the remaining poison rooted in the blood be eliminated. Only in this way can the mind be changed and rebirth completed. No sacrifice How can we start a new history with culture and history as the price? Only by being completely reborn can we look back again, slowly take back the lost history and culture one by one, and embed them into our own civilization. Like the entire human race, we must look forward and look back. If we fail to complete a complete revolution, mankind will still be unable to escape the historical cycle and will still go back to the old path. At that time, hunger, plague and war will come again."

"Why didn't the king say this to me?"

"Because you didn't ask."

"If you don't ask, you should talk. If he doesn't explain, how can we understand what he is thinking?"

"If he explains it, will you be willing to give up your status as a prince and demote your entire royal family to civilians?" Zero asked.

"What Wang said makes sense. But I think the biggest problem with Wang is that he thinks too highly of us people." Amedeo smiled bitterly and said, "He thought he gave us enough, skills, money... here He is not stingy, but he still underestimates the greed of human nature. How can skills and money satisfy people like us who are already wealthy? What we need is status! To be admired by everyone and respected by all walks of life, to be able to leave a mark in history. What a false reputation and status! These are what those of us who have fought bloody battles deserve, so why not take them and waste them?"

"What's a waste? Amedeo? Are you talking about this champagne?"

Barbatos, the underground king of France, came over, patted Amedeo on the shoulder, and said jokingly.

Zero and Amedeo turned around. Behind them was an oval ring table filled with various snacks, desserts and wine. Dozens of demons were sitting or standing around them. Some of them were restrained in black robes and beak masks, and some simply showed their true bodies. They held champagne and chatted happily, occasionally looking at the big screen. The wedding scene on the curtain. Of course, there are many people, like them, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows facing the Eiffel Tower, looking in the direction of the gift box, as if they can glimpse the era that is rolling forward through the gap.

"OH, of course not, Lord Barbatos, I am talking about controlling worldly authority."

"Then it's time to raise a glass and celebrate that from tomorrow on, we, the Black Death, will be the greatest organization in the world.



All the Black Death Demon Gods stood up and raised their wine glasses. Everyone drank the wine happily and watched happily on the TV screen, Napoleon VII walked on the red carpet and slowly walked towards "No. 7".

"The only obstacle before us now is the king's wrath."

"I believe Wang can understand that we are all thinking about him. The 'Pheromone Project' has been discovered, and now the whole world is under strict investigation. The name of the Black Death is now known to women and children, and hiding in the shadows is no longer ours. Our organization is like an elephant hiding in the room. It has nowhere to hide. We must go to a bright place so that ordinary people can understand what we are doing and implement our plans."

"There is no need to say much about the greatness of the King! But we cannot let the general public misunderstand and label us the Black Death as the public enemy of mankind. The King and we have sacrificed so much for mankind, and yet we still have to bear the infamy. It is unfair!"



"I have no objection to leaving everything to Nuwa for decision-making, but the reality we must consider is that Nuwa needs computing power and electrical energy. At present, the Garden of Eden can still hold on, but with the increase of electronic biological people, we must Setting up servers, these cannot be solved by us hiding in the dark. We must step out and get the cooperation of other organizations and countries. We must jointly establish an organization similar to the United Nations. This organization must have our Black Death as the core!"

The devils spoke freely until Napoleon VII on the big screen stopped and stood on the stage under the gift box with No. 7. They held scissors and prepared to cut the ribbon for the completion of the new Eiffel Tower.

Although everyone knew that this was just a false performance, and the Napoleon VII above was not Napoleon VII himself, and Athena was not Athena herself, they still held their breath subconsciously.

"Want one?"

Du Leng took out a pack of "Soft China" from his pocket, shook out one and handed it to Bai Ning, and then handed it to Clotte Gaeng who was standing aside, "This is the most famous cigarette in China."

"Hua Zi?" Clotte Guyon asked in suffocated Chinese.

"Yes." Du Leng smiled, "Hua Zi."

"Hua Zi."

Clotte Guyon repeated it and took out the cigarette from the cigarette case. Du Leng immediately handed over the fire again, lighting it first to Clotte Guyon, then to Bai Ning, and finally to himself, The three people sat on the ergonomic chairs, stared at the TV wall and started puffing away.

One side of the TV wall is a one-way floor-to-ceiling glass. Outside the glass window is a work hall. The hall is filled with computers and monitors. Every row of desks is filled with staff wearing Ouyu uniforms. Surrounding the hall are standing people with guns and ammunition. The Chosen Ones, the strange thing is that they are not equipped with laser guns or other charged firearms, they are all gunpowder guns. At the front of the hall, there are hundreds of screens. Each screen symbolizes a monitor at an important location. The displayed pictures cover the entire above-ground and underground parts of Ouyu Headquarters, the Plaza de Mars, the Trocadero Gardens and Eiffel Tower. Not only can you see the conference room, where Lord Edward, Lord Liu Yu, Lord Alfred, and King Mountbatten are sitting, but you can also see every safe house assigned to dignitaries from all over the world.

In history, the elites on Earth have never been so concentrated, especially the elites of Onsa and the Lizardmen. Tonight, almost all of them are under the Eiffel Tower, on the banks of the Seine, at the Ouyu headquarters, and in Paris.

The three people hiding in the director's office smoked silently until Napoleon VII, wearing a scarlet cloak, walked along the red carpet and went under the gift box. Clotte Guyon stubbed out the eyes in his hand, stuffed them into the ashtray on the table, stood up, and said a little decadently: "You two sit here for a while, I will go out to make arrangements and prepare to turn on the cone microwave." darkroom'."

Bai Ning looked at Clotte Gaeon and suddenly asked: "I heard that the 'conical microwave anechoic chamber' can not only block signals so that the carrier cannot return to the body, but can also shield energy so that energy cannot be transmitted."

Clotte Guyon hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "The database has been opened to the Black Death, so this is not a secret."

Bai Ning smiled and said, "I'm going to ask a question. If you feel embarrassed, you don't have to answer it."

"You asked."

"Why didn't His Majesty Napoleon choose to use the energy shielding function?" Bai Ning asked meaningfully.

Of course, Clotte Guyon understood what Bai Ning was asking, and said quickly in a low tone: "You know clearly, so why ask? Because if you cooperate with the Black Death and Tai Chi Dragon, you will win 100%. Your Majesty has long ago Only after thinking clearly about this issue did he plan such a trap. He never took personal honor and disgrace to heart. For him, the surname Napoleon, France, always comes first."

Bai Ning nodded, "Thank you for being so candid." He also put out the cigarette in his hand, "Your Majesty, you are a great man worthy of respect."

Clotte Guyon touched his chest and bowed slightly, "Thank you for your compliment."

"Also, please be sure not to give Liu Yu a chance to escape."

"Don't worry, we have been preparing for this day for so many years."

Bai Ning nodded, smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Everything is for the future of mankind." Clotte Guyon bowed again and then walked out of the office.

After the door closed, only Bai Ning and Du Leng were left in the room. The two people continued to stare at the TV screen, watching Napoleon VII walking slowly, with applause, cheers, and salutes rumbling. The camera swept over the stern-faced guards and the enthusiastic and excited audience, and finally settled on the picture of Napoleon VII. On a face as bright as the sun.

"I remember you, Cheng Mo and the others were here?"

"Well, that was the operation codenamed 'Asgard Dream'. We got the 'Singing Horn' in Christian Field and escaped all the way to Paris. We happened to encounter the clown Sith installing poison gas in various underground pipes in Paris. Du Leng said, "At that time, five of us stayed in Paris with Cheng Mo."

"You, Gu Feifan, Fu Yuanzhuo and who else?"

"Zhu Lingqi, he couldn't get out of here alive. And Guan Bojun, died in the dusk battle."


"By the way, Commissioner Bai." Du Leng hesitated and asked softly, "Is Gu Feifan okay?"

"Well, his problem is not big. He is currently under residential surveillance. The main problem is his father's problem."

"That shouldn't affect him, right? I can guarantee that there will be no problem with him. He can't possibly have any thoughts against Principal Bai and Cheng Mo."

Bai Ning turned to look at Du Leng. He was silent for a while and then said expressionlessly: "Du Leng, Zhengzhi is very cruel. When interceding with others, make sure you are a winner first."

Du Leng smiled bitterly, "I understand."

"The vast majority of people are driven forward by the trend, and everyone can't help themselves. But being unable to help yourself is no excuse. You have to admit that you are going in the wrong direction." After saying this, Bai Ning picked up the cigarette case from the table and smoked. He took out a cigarette and said, "In the end, it was my sister and Cheng Mo who were too kind, which made these people think they had a chance."

Du Leng immediately took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for Bai Ning. He sighed and said, "There is nothing we can do. The sacrifices in the 'Twilight Battle' were too many."

Bai Ning took a sip and said quietly, "As for Gu Feifan, Fu Yuanzhuo will definitely protect him without you having to step in."

"Fu Yuanzhuo?"

"After tonight, Fu Yuanzhuo's value will be very different."

"I see."

Bai Ning patted Du Leng's shoulder and smiled, "It's already a great blessing for people like you to be able to hug each other for warmth." He looked at the big screen, "Unlike Napoleon VII and Cheng Mo, they only have themselves." Du Leng also took a long puff of cigarette and said softly: "Who in this world is not alone?"

Bai Ning shook his head, "It's different." He said softly, "What's so scary about being alone? Think about them, they are walking backwards in the crowd from beginning to end, facing forward are the numb and hateful faces of the world, looking back It is the dark side of darkness. Looking around, there are only ferocious waves composed of rolling human heads, trying to push them to the top of the waves. Millions of people want to see him ascend to the gods, millions of people want to see him fall, but who cares what he thinks Woolen cloth?"


(BGM——"Memory Reboot (slowed)" VΦJ/Narvent)

Napoleon VII grabbed the "Seven Sins" with both hands and slammed his body into it. At that moment, his tall and powerful figure was twisted in the sky by lasers and fireworks, and twisted into an abstract oil painting attached to the dome. . His voice was like a flame, igniting the steel tower, as if the explosions and burning around him were the product of the extreme explosion of this steel tower.

This sudden impact woke Cheng Mo up from his dream. He lowered his eyes and saw that the "Seven Sins" in his hand had been embedded in the middle of Napoleon VII's chest at some point. A red light was pierced from the center, along the blood vessels. Spreading towards his limbs and bones. The crimson fluorescence was like some kind of radioactive dye, illuminating Napoleon VII's veins, arteries, and capillaries. Through the pale, almost transparent skin, Cheng Mo seemed to see rushing magma flowing in his blood vessels. His whole body was lit up by the burning red light, like a glowing firefly. As the red light became redder, brighter and darker, his skin peeled off piece by piece, turning into a series of vague numbers, like flying ashes, swirling up along the air waves. It looks like a DNA spiral woven in black and red.

These ashes fell in Cheng Mo's pupils, like an hallucination. He clenched the "Seven Sins" in his hand and stared at Napoleon VII in the strange flames. The cold and fanatical blue eyes danced with the sunset. Under the glow of the rays, he felt a sudden sadness and sympathy in his heart. He asked loudly without understanding: "Why?"

Napoleon VII sang like a hymn, "I have looked throughout history and witnessed the glory of thousands of civilizations. But now, when you look around, there is still so much light left in the darkness that has lasted from ancient times to the present. And I, Bathed in the glory of France, wearing a crown that has been passed down for thousands of years, and my name, remind me all the time. You are Napoleon, the name that has created the greatness and glory of France. But the greatness of France, Napoleon Does the greatness of France depend on history? No! The greatness of France and Napoleon depends on whether France and I are great now. If France sinks and I lose the will to fight, then the history of France and the surname Napoleon will also Like the stars that once sank in the long river of history, they have turned into sand that no one cares about! So, Cheng Mo, come! Kill me! I will gain eternal life in destruction!"

Cheng Mo passed through the flames with his left hand and grabbed Napoleon VII's collar. Pieces of digital black ashes expanded like smoke. "Get up and fight me. What you are doing is not brave!"

"I don't need you to define my behavior! I was born different and destined to be great!" Napoleon VII, who was completely black in the firelight, raised his hands. "If you don't believe me, just listen!"

Thousands of people under the Eiffel Tower seemed to hear his cry and responded with a roar as loud as a tide.

"Long live my emperor!"

"Long live my emperor!"

"Long live my emperor!"

Napoleon VII raised his hands high, and his dark and withered arms were like calcined tree trunks. He seemed to have gained eternal life in the eternal burning flames. In the flames and light that covered the sky, he shouted loudly, " Did you hear that? Did you hear that?"

Cheng Mo shook the charred body of Napoleon VII vigorously and shouted angrily: "Coward! Coward! You just changed surrender with a nice name!"

"You can't defeat me. Don't you think this is the best outcome I can get? You can't defeat me. The sword in your hand can only bring judgment, but it cannot give salvation. Human beings are chaotic. Any Purification is in vain! Just like human power cannot resist the second law of thermodynamics!" Napoleon VII's voice became hoarse, and his red and black torso collapsed piece by piece, like broken lava slag. His body began to collapse from the limbs to the head, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a cloud of dust and smoke, leaving room for a lonely cry, "Remember, my name - Napoleon VII! I will be your enemy forever and ever!" I will be with France!"

Cheng Mo looked at his left hand and spread it out, leaving only a few clusters of fly ash hovering in his palm. He thought that Napoleon VII did not want to talk to him, but that the other party just regarded him as a special person to confide in, or that Napoleon VII just wanted to die in his hands and knock him down completely in another way. .

The turbulent emotions like the ocean gradually dissipated, and countless sharp fragments hidden in life came one after another, cutting into his soul. He thought of Li Jiting again, of the emptiness behind him, of the door that could not be returned, of the rusty fishing boat under the sea, and of the crown of thorns piercing the flesh above his head. This vast feeling of loneliness surges forward, and together with those distant or recent memories, they create an invulnerable curse.

He seemed to feel countless pairs of eyes, densely packed, they were beside him, bright or dark, watching day and night, just to find his flaws, loopholes, and negligence, waiting for him to relax, give up, and turn around. .He was not afraid, just bored.

There was huge applause and cheers outside the window. He turned around and saw countless heart-shaped balloons and white carrier pigeons rising into the sky, dispersing the smoke that had not faded away and covering the dark sky.

The voice of Napoleon VII echoed under the sky, but it was slightly different from the passionate and high-spirited voice just now. If you listen carefully, you can realize that the tone of this voice is mechanical and dull, and it is completely scripted. It is far from the impassioned tone of Napoleon VII at all times.

"Today is a great day. On this great day, I would first like to thank the relatives and friends present here, the guests from all over the world, the travelers and tourists who came to Paris from all over the world, and the audience friends who paid attention to this wedding in front of the terminal. Of course thanks”

Everyone shouted in laughter: "Athena!!!"

Napoleon VII smiled, "I was twenty-seven years old at the time, and my friend and Her Majesty were still in their first year of high school. The first time I met him was on the banks of the Seine, and he and Her Majesty I joined a tour group and slipped out during a visit to the Louvre. When I first saw him, I felt that there was a tacit understanding between us like brothers and sisters of the opposite sex."

When Cheng Mo heard these words, a sense of absurdity arose in his chest. He could almost foresee the next direction. First, he would completely clear his name. Maybe Napoleon VII would also claim that it was not him who got married, but himself. Best friends Lucifer and Athena, followed by a touching and sincere speech, praising the great friendship between the three gods that is higher than human beings. This plot is ridiculous, but it can indeed perfectly create a human saint. image of. I just didn't know if Xie Minyun, who asked him to come over, knew that such a ridiculous plot would happen.

"What a bad joke."

In a daze, Cheng Mo heard the "beep, beep, beep" sound of the carrier communication. He clicked it, and Amedeo's smiling face popped up in the void. Beside him and behind him, almost all the demons were present.

"Surprise!!!" Amedio raised his hands and shouted.

Cheng Mo's face was expressionless.

Amedeo immediately put away his smile and said softly: "King, Christopher has been like this, can't you forgive him? He didn't ask for much. It's just a false throne. Now we and Taiji Long's people , is using the 'microwave darkroom device' to target all your opponents, and you will soon become the supreme monarch of this world! What if you give his electronic biological man a place?"

Cheng Mo was so exhausted that he didn't want to say another word. He raised his hand and wiped it across his face. A black mask inlaid with gold covered his ordinary face.

"King? King? Calm down. Queen Athena is waiting for you. If you are not satisfied, this wedding can also be your wedding celebration. It's just that it's a bit unkind to dominate the guests. It's not good for your image. This is not a good thing. We have tried our best to restore your reputation and let your brilliance shine on the whole world. Soon your ideal will be realized, and no one on this earth will ever disobey your will! You Will become a true god, a true God."

"God? God? I wear the crown of thorns to defeat gods and God, to fight against hypocritical order and justice. I reject all red carpets paved with lies, reject false thrones set up in the clouds, and refuse to compromise with the unfortunate curse. . I know that mankind needs a villain and a demon king, so I will be the big demon king that everyone is afraid of. You forced me to have such a result today. No one can escape, accept the trial!"

In the deep angry voice, black, golden, and red particle-like substances were floating around his body. They were dazzling and dark, exuding murderous aura, solemnity, terror, and solemn beauty. They loaded an ordinary boy into a terrifying dragon armor. The black horns on his head were like beautiful galaxies, and the boiling wings were like clouds and water waves after sunset. Pieces of shiny armor formed a perfectly structured torso, like a sword forged by the stars. He vibrated his vast wings and fanned out countless black butterflies and countless stardust. Those butterflies and stardust surrounded him, just like a planetary halo surrounding a star.

These colorful butterflies and stardust smashed through the glass on all sides, and a strong cold wind suddenly rushed in, slowly lifting him to the roof. The thick display screen roof trembled "buzz, buzz, buzz". This tremor shook the entire "gift box" in an instant. The entire "gift box" was shaking and screaming, like a building crumbling in an earthquake. .

But the people on the ground did not think there was anything strange about this at first. They thought this was the moment to reveal the gift, and the applause and cheers became more and more enthusiastic.

Cheng Mo carried the electric light like a sword, a falcon, and a cloud that penetrated the roof. The entire gift box exploded like a shredded paper salute. Countless screens shot up into the sky like colorful pieces of paper, and fell to the ground like confetti and fireworks. Floating on the Seine, in the center of the stage between the Champ de Mars and Crocadero, a choir dressed like angels stood under the spotlight, as if they had no idea that a performance accident had occurred and were still singing the wedding song with all their strength. hymn. Hundreds of white angels with haloes above their heads sang holy, elegant and joyful songs, making people feel like they were really in heaven at this moment. And in front of people's eyes, the iron-black Eiffel Tower, which had not seen the light of day for a long time, finally unveiled its mysterious veil, naked and exposed to the eyes of hundreds of millions of people. It is as tall and elegant as ever. It's like an immortal dream that stands forever in the heart of Paris.

This destructive and gorgeous scene pushed the wedding atmosphere to its climax in the eyes of the world.

Everyone was screaming, cheering, and stood up. They raised their heads, raised their eyes, and stared at the Eiffel Tower in their seats, in the windows, in the gaps of the buildings, and on the road. Want to find the gift hidden by Napoleon VII.

At this moment, even Napoleon VII raised his head and looked at the top of the tower, as if his computer was down, completely forgetting that he had not finished speaking.

The whole of Paris fell into an empty silence, and everyone was waiting, as if waiting for a miracle, as if waiting for hope, or as if waiting for some unexpected drastic change.

The joyful and festive atmosphere ended abruptly the next second.

People didn't see the gift, but they saw a beam of pure white light penetrate the clouds, illuminating Paris as if it were daytime.

Immediately afterwards, a vast, cold and vast sound field dominated the night sky. It was like a thick, cold fog that dispersed in the hot air. It instantly cooled the atmosphere and made it dark, as if it were a solar eclipse that swallowed the sun.

"Do you know the sin of the official who plays with public opinion and money? Do you know the sin of the private businessman who is stained with blood and evil? Do you know the sin of the wise man who fools the desire of the public to kneel down and worship? Do you know the sin of the actor who falls into filth and is willing to be a pawn? Sin? Mortals who are indifferent and succumb to the trend, do you know the sin? I gave you a chance to repent, but you tried to resist the judgment! Now, if you are not with me, you are my enemy! Do you want to be my enemy? "Cheng Mo raised the "Seven Sins" in his hand high, and the bright beam of light penetrated the clouds, illuminating Paris like daylight, "Answer me!"

Millions of ordinary people in the world have seen this black figure. On the colorful screen like flying snowflakes, the moonlight is melted, covered with stars, and the sky is split with a long sword in hand. The sacred and pure "Song of the Saints", the beautiful and solemn melody weaved with the laurel crown, he wore it, like all the mountains and stars, all the lakes and clouds, all the anger and sublimity, all the partings in the world and encounters, and all the temples of gods and tombs of emperors. He floats under the deep night, gathering all the butterflies in the world. These butterflies fly in the gaps between the shining stars and fall from the sky one after another. His eyes are like light, as if he is trying to detect the secret connections between billions of human beings. He is above all things, and all ordinary people can only bow their heads and prostrate themselves.

"Do you want to be my enemy? Answer me!"

His lowered eyes lingered on the ancient buildings of Paris, as if the cold Siberian wind had cut open the hard throat of the entire city.

"answer me!!!"

He roared a third time, and the whole city trembled.

No one had the courage to answer him, as if by default.

There was thunder rolling in the distance, and a ghostly behemoth shimmering with starlight floated over quickly like a galloping dark cloud, carrying lightning and thunder. The ground trembled, fierce winds poured into Paris, and the Eiffel Tower made a creaking sound. First, the glass of the Montparnasse Tower, then the glass of high-rise buildings, and then the glass of all buildings burst. Like thousands of glass flowers. The city is shaking like chaff, the waves of the Seine River are rolling, the brand-new iron tower rises into the sky, like a rocket rising into the sky, there are floats parked on the road, cavalry riding tall horses, the roofs of rooms and the cathedral on Notre Dame de Paris. The bells, the sculptures in the Trocadéro Park, and the dignitaries, businessmen, and celebrities sitting in prominent positions all flew up with their seats, and those gorgeous and gorgeous evening gowns were swaying in the wind. In the sacred light that washes the night sky, they are like panicked peacocks, fluttering their gorgeous wings and tail, flying towards the indescribable black island. Some people tried to return to the main body, but found that they could not establish contact with the server. They looked towards Ou Yu's headquarters, which had the strongest defense system. At this time, even the entire Ouyu headquarters seemed like a big tree that had been uprooted, dragging the layers of bases at the bottom and slowly floating up. People crowded in the city streets thought of escaping, but it was already too late. People seemed to be blown up by the wind, and seemed to be sucked up by a huge suction force, screaming like dust toward the sky. The giant thing above flew away.

But those choirs dressed as angels standing in the center of the stage were still singing. The pipe organ became louder and louder amid the sound of the wind, and the black man beating the drum still firmly controlled the rhythm even as he rolled. The singers in white angel costumes, with golden halos above their heads, are flying in the brilliance of the light pillars, just like real angels flying to heaven. The melodious and melodious hymns are flying and swirling in the apocalyptic disaster, which is so beautiful, like It is the compassion and love given to mankind by the Creator that eliminates the worldly fears in the confrontation with Cheng Mo.

At the same time, thousands of bright lights rose from the Montparnasse Tower and the Ouyu headquarters, like countless meteors rising from the ground.

At this moment, the world seemed to be turned upside down. The Creator was holding the decayed and dirty city, shaking it vigorously, trying to dump all the filth from this ancient city.

In the perverted world, a ray of light struggled to fly towards Cheng Mo, and staggered to a stop not far from him. Liu Yu, who was wearing the Tai Chi Dragon General's official uniform, howled loudly towards him, as if he was trapped out of control. beast.

"Lucifer! Are you crazy?"

Cheng Mo glanced at him and said coldly: "Wrong answer." The "Seven Sins Sect" that penetrated the sky split into a beam of light and penetrated Liu Yu's head in an instant.

The third god Edward who was right next to Liu Yu shut his mouth tightly. He grabbed his son Joshua and flew towards the giant thing in the sky along with the irresistible gravity. With death in front of him, no chosen one dares to launch an attack on the devil in front of him.

"King, what is that?"

Amedeo and Zero endured the huge pressure, like two lights traveling in the ice, and slowly approached Cheng Mo.

"Garden of Eden." Cheng Mo glanced at Amedeo and replied coldly.

"What?" Amedeo's face changed.

"Spaceship Eden."

"We know we were wrong." Amedeo smiled bitterly.

"If you know you're wrong, just accept reform."

Amedeo sighed, looked at Zero, and motioned for him to say something as well. Cheng Mo didn't give the two of them a chance, and waved his hand gently. Unable to resist the unparalleled gravity, Amedeo and Zero flew towards the Garden of Eden like swift light.

"Cheng Mo!"

Athena was like a mermaid, maneuvering around the floating debris and passing through the overturned urban forest. Her blond hair danced wildly in the grand brilliance of the "Seven Sins Sect", almost blending into the light. She raised her face as exquisite as a diamond, frowned and stared at him, and asked: "What are you doing? "

"I want to leave, leave the earth." Cheng Mo said indifferently, "Before I leave, I want to imprison these guilty people and let them be exiled together with me, the devil."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Cheng Mo didn't answer, but asked: "Are you coming with me or not?"

"Wherever you are, I will go."

Cheng Mo stretched out his hand to Athena, "Then let's go."

"Lord Lucifer!!!! Can I interview you at the end!?"

Cheng Mo turned his head and looked around. On a steeple covered with tiles, Benner Nelson was lying on it shivering with a camera in his arms. He turned back to Athena and said, "You go back first. I'll be right away."

Athena nodded, turned around gracefully like a fish, and swam towards the sky. Cheng Mo teleported to the roof. He didn't say anything, he just snapped his fingers.

Benner Nelson hadn't come back to his senses yet. The brilliant light pillar was like extinguished neon, quickly shrinking toward the center, first turning into a glimmer of light, and finally disappearing. And he appeared in the center of the Champ de Mars. Suddenly, the whole world became quiet. Paris, which was crowded and bustling just now, became empty. All the people and messy objects disappeared. Even the Eiffel Tower that was supposed to be here disappeared. The unexpected ground It was extremely clean, with only a few remaining screens stuck upside down in the cracks of the bricks. Snowflakes flashed on the screen, as if the signal had been lost.

Benner Nielsen, who was holding the camera, looked up. Among the densely falling garbage, the saint who seemed to come from another dimension seemed to be like the tide of the Milky Way in the cool night breeze, exuding a thrilling and surging meaning. It makes people feel amazed and at the same time extremely frightened.

"Lord Lucifer, do you have anything to say to the world?"

"There is no need to be afraid or to miss you. After I leave, you will be me!"

Benner Nelson was in a state of excitement, and he wanted to say something, but a feeling of emotion and sadness that he didn't know came from came across his chest, leaving him unable to say anything. He could only watch the person disappear. Among the vast stars, the nebula-like spaceship flew quickly towards the east and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He hugged the camera tightly in his arms. He knew what it meant when these people disappeared. It meant that the world's political order, business logic, culture, and entertainment industries had all disappeared overnight. He doesn't know what mankind will lose, but he knows that a brand new world, a world ruled by artificial intelligence, is coming.

The camera in his arms may be a record of the end of human civilization, or it may be a kind of fire.

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