Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1416 The Wedding of the Century (11)

It’s midnight on the last day of the Gregorian calendar 2029, and there is less than an hour left before the new year.

The full-screen architectural "gift box" wrapping the "New Eiffel Tower" exudes a rainbow halo of changing colors, illuminating the entire Paris like a burning dusk. From the Champ de Mars to Notre Dame, to the Tuileries Palace and the Palace of Versailles, there are crowds of people. Viewed from a high altitude, Paris is crowded with people. The closer to the city center, the denser the crowds. Not only is the Seine River crowded with cruise ships, you can clearly see the dense crowds of people on the cruise ships. You can even see the Ouyang Ouyang on the roof of every building. People are looking into the direction of the Eiffel Tower with telescopes.

But there are exceptions, but the road from the Eiffel Tower across the bridge to the Trocadéro Gardens, then to the Arc de Triomphe via the Champs Elysées and finally to Notre Dame Cathedral is empty.

This semi-circular road, which is dozens of kilometers long, is also the road of the century that attracts everyone’s attention tonight.

At this moment, under the dazzling gift box at the beginning of the road, twenty white pure-blood French horses, with high forehead ornaments, like unicorns shining with holy light, lined up in two rows, dragging A carriage made of pure gold was ready. On both sides of the road entering the Jena Bridge, stood the majestic French Royal Guard of Honor, dressed in red uniforms, wearing Napoleon hats with red tails on their heads, holding FAMAS automatic rifles in their hands. They formed two impenetrable lines of defense, blocking the spectators behind them.

The closer it gets to midnight, the louder the crowd becomes. Everyone is looking towards the end of the road, eagerly waiting for Napoleon VII, the Emperor of the Fourth French Empire, and his wife, Queen Athena, to pass by. , rushed to Notre Dame de Paris to attend the coronation ceremony and wedding.

Legend has it that the new pope, Saint Hierre, will crown His Majesty Napoleon VII and Queen Athena and preside over the wedding in the church where Napoleon I was once crowned.

In order to be able to watch the grandest wedding of this century and the most matched golden boy in the world up close, people on both sides of the road have been waiting for three days and three nights without sleep to get a seat. A position here is worth tens of thousands of world coins, so people don't have to wait or fight for it. Even if they want to sleep, they can only sit on the stool or sleeping bag they brought with them and simply sleep for a while. The street-facing windows along the way are even more expensive, with faces and telescopes all on them. It seems that people from all over the world have come to Paris to see it. Even the bone-chilling chill of Paris in December was dispelled by the enthusiasm of the spectators, leaving the whole city like a can filled with sardines.

[BGM: "Void (Walking on Thin Ice)" Hongzhe_Cui]

However, while people were waiting for the French emperor, Napoleon VII, to untie the ribbons of the "gift box" and present the "New Eiffel Tower" and the gift to Athena to the world, Napoleon VII was walking alone in the darkness of underground passage.

The lifted seven-star marshal is like a blazing torch, emitting halo, casting his tall shadow on the ancient mottled arched stone wall, bending into a black arc, just like overlooking the new city from high altitude. ·The empty path from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame de Paris. Completely different from the bustling lights and flowers overhead, this dark sewer is filled with a damp smell. Shallow sewage flows through a U-shaped ditch covered with moss. From time to time, black mice gallop past. .

And Napoleon VII, His Majesty the Emperor of France, was dressed in a bright and beautiful suit. His upper body was a purple velvet dress embroidered with gold threads. The dress was embroidered with fine and gorgeous laurel patterns and lemon balm decorations, and there was a diamond collar button at the collar. The lower body is in black velvet breeches with a gold edge inlaid at the seam of the trousers. The trousers are ironed and hung down to the high leather boots. As he walked on the steps on the right side of the sewer, he was like a ray of sunshine shining into the dirty and dank world, making it a completely different world.

He is so handsome and bright, like the blue sky, like a peacock, like a white shirt, like the prince who saves the princess in the movie, like the undoubted protagonist of the story.

Tonight will be the pinnacle moment of his life. What he dreamed of many years ago has now been realized one by one. He has become a god general, an emperor, and restored the glory of the Napoleon family. All he has to do is revitalize France and make it a great country again.

Just one last wish.

At this moment, he is on his way to regaining his glory.

Tonight, the fate of an empire and even the fate of the world will be decided.

Napoleon VII walked to the authentic node with a resolute expression, a crossroads, which is directly below the Eiffel Tower. He walked to the wall where the hanging ladder was installed, and pressed seven times on the bricks next to the thirteenth step, two long, three short, and two. The wall tiles popped out, and then a display screen popped out from above to verify the fingerprint. and iris, a large piece of wall slid open silently, revealing an elevator car with three sides entirely made of glass.

He entered the elevator, pressed the button for the top floor, the brick door closed smoothly, and the elevator began to move up quickly. The almost completely transparent elevator quickly rose to the ground, but still nothing could be seen, only the black rough steel bracket and the circuit board on the back of the gift box. Through the glass, you can clearly see the colorful halo coming out of the gap between the pipes and the screen, which looks like a neon tube. In the gorgeous halo, he seemed to see the rippling blue waves of the Seine River passing through the left and right banks, with exquisitely carved and magnificent historical sites lined up on both sides. The streets are lined with ancient and beautiful buildings and lush French plane trees. They are the history of the city and the future of the city. They are the greatness of this city and the burden of this city.

During the rapid ascent, the elevator passed the range of the electronic screen, like a free bird rushing out of the high wall. His field of vision suddenly became extremely wide, and the scenes of Paris and the sky in his mind filled his pupils. He saw the Gothic-style spire of Notre Dame de Paris, the Rameses Monument stolen from ancient Egypt, the Roman-style Arc de Triomphe and the Baroque-style Louvre.
The next second, the elevator stopped, as if an exciting piece of music was about to reach its climax and ended abruptly. The feeling of openness is also due to the fact that the shelter on the top disappears instantly. But it didn't stop him from seeing the entire city through the gap as wide as his arm.

The elevator door opened, and he stepped out of the elevator and entered the observation deck on the highest floor of the new Eiffel Tower.

In the suppressed vision, there was silence all around. Clusters of lights were like the sparkling light of sky fire on the sea of ​​buildings. The people crowded in the narrow streets were like schools of fish, and he was like a sea flying above this sea. eagle.

“Like this reborn tower, I will stand forever in the heart of Paris.”

With this belief, Napoleon VII entered this dying place. With the moonlight and the light from the screen, he passed through the chaotic black like a flame. He stepped towards the center of the circular viewing platform, where there were two sofa chairs and a round coffee table. The coffee table is covered with a white palace embroidered tablecloth. On the right side of the table are a teapot and three square white bone china plates from large to small. The white bone china plates are stacked on a pure gold three-tier shelf to form a pyramid. There are some desserts on each level of the pyramid, such as macarons, eclairs, Napoleon meringue cake, etc. On the left side of the round table is a white bone china vase filled with pink irises. There is no lighting in the observation deck, but the dazzling screen light will scatter in. As the screen light changes, the colors in the observation deck also change. It shines on the dark blue carpet embroidered with the Napoleon family coat of arms and engraved with it. On the vases with golden bees, colorful pastries and red velvet sofa chairs, circles, rectangles and pyramids are scattered in the interplay of light and shadow, like some kind of hints and symbols, or a strange modern still life painting.

Napoleon VII lit up the gloomy scene like a flame. He sat down upright, looked at his watch, and then looked outside the tower. The brightly lit banks of the Seine were full of spectators. They looked eagerly in his direction, waiting for zero o'clock, waiting for the arrival of the new year, and waiting for the biggest mystery of this century to be revealed.

He closed his eyes, grabbed the armrests with both hands, and leaned into the sofa.

The moment darkness enveloped him, he really wanted to escape back to his small tomb-like alloy house, lie on the bed again, and suck No. 7's thumb, just like hiding in his mother's arms and sucking milk.

This idea strongly tempted him. Although it was shameful to escape, it could temporarily let go of fear, confusion, and powerlessness. He hated this feeling. It made him feel like he was walking in a maze full of mirrors. Every time he turned, he would wonder whether the person in the mirror was himself.

However, the surname "Napoleon" is the pillar that supports him walking here. This surname radiated heat and light in his heart and mind, illuminating his surroundings like a beacon. This name made him unable to give up or surrender. No matter what the final result was, what it would look like in the end, what kind of future it would usher in, he told himself not to think about it, not to care.

"If you care, you don't deserve this name!"

"Impossible que ce mot ne se trouve que dans le dictionnaire des imbéciles. (The word 'impossible' can only be found in the dictionary of fools. Napoleon I's famous saying)"

He seemed to be thinking in a claustrophobic space. His thoughts became intense. His hands with bulging veins clasped the armrests tightly until they left several scars on the blood-red velvet sofa chair, marks scratched by fingernails. , like a wound that cannot be healed.

During the long and quick wait, he smelled a cold and fresh wind. The wind penetrated his nose like a sword, carrying a suffocating murderous aura.

Napoleon VII immediately opened his eyes and relaxed his body. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the wind. Although he had predicted the result, he couldn't help his heart beating "bang, bang, bang". He had thought about how he would feel when he saw that person again, but it turned out that imagination was never as powerful as reality, and the shock in his heart far exceeded his expectations.

Fortunately, just as he was prepared to do, Cheng Mo walked on the top of this tower, seemingly walking leisurely, but in fact he was walking on thin ice.

They are no different, they all walk on bone-chilling ice seas.

At this moment, there are still thirty-three minutes before the "zero" point. In the gap outside the viewing window, the city's sea of ​​lights and the purple sky with swaying lasers are reflected on his lenses. Behind the lenses is a pair of indifferent pupils. The cold eyes are really hard to catch. The December air was cold, and dew condensed on Cheng Mo's cashmere pajamas, making the lines no longer soft and looking a little hard, making the pajamas look like casual clothes. His semi-wet hair was blown back into a very stylish style, and he looked like he was flying at super high speed. Maybe it was the back of his head, or maybe it was the stiff pajamas that made his temperament sharper, breaking away from the childishness brought about by his appearance. He walked slowly towards the center of the observation deck, looking at Napoleon VII.

Napoleon VII could still see his heroic self through the lens. In the mirror image polluted by the halo, he saw the fatigue in his pupils. He was not sure whether the fatigue belonged to Cheng Mo or himself, but he was sure that that marble The hard face carved out reveals some sentimentality, which belongs to me. Breathing slightly, he placed the seven-star scepter, which symbolized power and security, on the sofa, and then stood up calmly. The well-tailored satin king's dress was stretched straight, and his makeup and clothing were impeccable, perfect. Like a Prince of Europa straight out of a movie. He smiled his signature smile as if greeting an old friend, walked out of the sofa, and opened his arms to Cheng Mo. In this second, he became the proud and confident man again.

"I'm so glad that you can keep the appointment, my friend. I have been waiting for this day." Napoleon VII paused for a moment, like a long interlude, until the end of his breath, "It has been a long time."

"Friend?" Cheng Mo glanced coldly at Napoleon VII's generous and undefended chest, showing his sincerity with his bare heart, and then raised his eyebrows to look at his smiling face that was as warm and bright as the sun, coldly He said, "I'm most afraid of others treating me as a friend." After a pause, he said coldly, "There are still good people."

Facing the indifferent Cheng Mo, Napoleon VII put down his raised hands coolly and made a gesture of invitation, "Today's weather is a bit cold. I should have drank some wine to warm my body, but I know You don’t like wine, so I prepared black tea and some snacks. Look, it’s exactly like the time you and Xie Minyun came to Paris many years ago. I remember clearly that at that time Xie Minyun was still a simple and sunny girl, Although others can't see it, I think she has always been very sunny and can bring people a kind of power called "positive energy" in Chinese. But you are very shy and a little strange, and you look out of place with her. .”

Cheng Mo interrupted Napoleon VII's reminiscing about the past, "You already said these words last time, there is no need to repeat them."

Napoleon VII smiled, with a hint of bitterness in his smile, "This is human nature. When we meet again, those memories that are particularly profound will come to mind. For me, the most impressive moments are not in Fontainebleau is not in Paris, nor on the Sea of ​​Dusk, but on the banks of the Seine. I just have a lot of emotions that I didn’t have the chance to say before, but I want to say them now. After all, this is also the last chance.”

"There's no need, Christopher. There's no need for you or me to waste time on memories that neither of us will cherish. I know that you won't be happy with those memories. As for emotion? Maybe you want to feel something. "It's just..." Cheng Mo said, "...that was your only chance to kill me, but you missed it."

Napoleon VII was silent for a few seconds as if he had been hit by a bullet. "Maybe you are right. It is undeniable that there are indeed many problems between us. Private and public. From the media, we are indeed in a We are in a hostile relationship, but the media is the media and reality is reality. In reality, I don’t think the relationship between us is a dead knot.”

"It's a knot." Cheng Mo said with an indifferent expression, "Right here, on this tower, you have tied an incomprehensible knot for your own destiny."

Napoleon VII lowered his eyes, stroked his chest and said guiltily, "I understand your anger, Cheng Mo. That's why I found Hier through my sister first. I knew that if I didn't find Hier, I wouldn't even be able to speak. opportunity." He smiled melancholy and said mockingly, "But even so, it takes more courage to find Hiyer than to find you."

"Have you confessed to her?" Cheng Mo asked seemingly nonchalantly, but his low tone contained great weight.

"Of course." Napoleon VII nodded and said, "It's not that superficial. I told her a lot of my inner thoughts, and I told her why I did what I did. As the leader of Europa, if you want to be independent, you must get rid of the Star Gate. The only way to get rid of the control of Star Gate is to hope that Tai Chi Dragon and Star Gate will fight head-on. I know that I am shameless and despicable, but I can only do that. I am sorry for hurting her, but I do not regret that I Decisions made. Before being her friend, I was first Napoleon VII and the leader of France. My personal emotions were insignificant and the will of the country overrode my personal will. I also explained to her about the clown. Regarding the matter of General Sith and Philip, I admitted the sins of greed and arrogance I committed because of my pride and wanting to become a general and a savior. I thought everything was within my control, and I didn’t expect you two. The appearance of the world changed the world line and made everything go out of control. These were said in front of her and Dai Wa. Dai Wa cried for a long time. She said that she did not expect that I would be such a cold and heartless person. On the contrary, Her Majesty the Saint comforted her. She said that personally, she had no grudge against me, but she could not forgive me on behalf of the people who died. She said that although I was not the direct murderer, I was also responsible for indirect sins. She said that I would not escape and would make up for everything. So she apologized for the cultural relics and monuments on both sides of the Taiwan Strait that you had destroyed, and said that she would raise some money and donate it to the Paris Cultural Relics Protection Organization on your behalf. I told her that the cultural relics and monuments were almost restored. Now, money is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the future of mankind, the future of Europa, and the future of France. I said I must talk to you face to face." He lowered his head slightly and met Cheng Mo's eyes. "She agreed. ”

Cheng Mo and Napoleon VII looked at each other for a few seconds, then took out his hand from his coat pocket, walked a few steps to the coffee table, then slightly pulled away the scarlet sofa chair, and sat down naturally. He leaned into the sofa, casually put his elbows on the armrests, clasped his hands in front of his chest, raised his eyebrows and looked at Napoleon VII and said calmly: "This is not a confession, but a self-exculpation forced by the situation. "

"Yes, you're right." Napoleon VII also sat down, and picked up the gold-wired bee bone china pot and poured Cheng Mo a cup of black tea. "If it weren't for the situation, how could people like us do it because of the situation? How can we repent of morals and ethics, which are tools that bind mortals? However, the respect for Her Majesty in the heart is real and cannot be discounted. The more you experience it, the more you can feel that Her Majesty is such a pure human being. An activist is so precious."

Cheng Mo stared at Napoleon VII expressionlessly through the rising steam and whispered, "Even if she can forgive you, it doesn't mean that I can."

"I invited you here not to beg for forgiveness." Napoleon VII smiled, "How can people like us kneel down to anyone else, kiss the back of her hand, and beg for forgiveness other than to our beloved?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "You and I are not the same kind of people." "Perhaps everyone in this world is different." Napoleon VII picked up the cup and took a sip of steaming black tea, "But to be the king 'There's only one kind of person."

"I don't accept your statement without any data support."

Napoleon VII laughed a few times, "It's a good joke." When he stopped, he suddenly changed the subject, "With all due respect, Li Daitao's trick of supporting agents has been played by lizard people for thousands of years. They are better at playing than you and have more experience than you. But their methods are so gentle compared to yours. The principle of a drop of blood, the principle of belief, the principle of ritual. As long as you are willing, there are many ways to become a puppet. There are so many people in the world. There are so many mysterious organizations, just add one to the list. They have relied on this method to control the world behind the scenes for thousands of years. And your approach is too violent and bloody, which has aroused the disgust and fear of all elites. Haven't you noticed that you want to Is it getting more and more difficult to implement your plan?"

"Yes, you are right, but I have absolute strength. In the face of absolute strength, they and you can only watch your living space being compressed until it disappears completely." Cheng Mo said, "This It’s not a trick, it’s a conspiracy.”

"Them and you?" Napoleon VII smiled mysteriously and shook his head, "Cheng Mo, you are indeed not the same type of person as me. You are still too kind. I think you are still immersed in the disaster you have created. , unable to escape, so you will let those comments that slander and slander you spread. You still have special feelings for your homeland, so you will ignore the arrogance and domineering anti-Lucifer elements hidden within Tai Chi Dragon. You still believe Only the goodness and beauty in human nature will willingly shoulder the heinous guilt and become the devil who is the enemy of the world, right?" He applauded and praised loudly, "It is really the highest romance of an idealist!"

During the applause, Cheng Mo's expression gradually became serious. He knew what the other party was talking about. This made Napoleon VII's applause gradually become distant, as if a car was speeding past his nose. After the scream of the engine, he His heart began to tremble. He clearly realized that he was walking on the highway at midnight, there were no lights, there was fog around him, there was no destination in front of him, and he couldn't see the way back.

". But history has proven that as long as you put down the butcher knife for a moment, the evil in human nature will be uncontrollable. Can you ensure that you are always willing to bear the crime, hold the butcher knife in your hand, and be the devil that makes all living beings despise and fear you? You Have you ever thought about those followers, friends, lovers, and children who dare not say your name? You are obviously the king of the world, and you can have a glorious and majestic image, and you can become your followers, friends, lovers, and people. The pride of a child can extend the blessings you have worked so hard for forever, and can also bring a better future to mankind. Why do you choose to bear all this?" Napoleon VII paused for a few seconds before speaking. Said in a sarcastic tone, "Even if you can ensure that you can sacrifice yourself for your ideals, do you think they will be willing to share this infamy like you and live in darkness? Especially when you use After the cyborgs replace those who must be replaced, do you think they will celebrate that the world has finally ushered in change, or are they afraid that it will be their turn next?"

Cheng Mo loosened his hand on his chest. He slowly placed his hand on the armrest. His fingers tightened on the red velvet fabric, as if his fingertips were inserted into the coagulated blood. He closed his eyes. , "So those people who participated in the 'Land of Ancient Babylonian Ruins' were arranged by you?"

"It's us, Cheng Mo." Napoleon VII poured himself another cup of black tea, "And don't think that you are the only one in the world who can sacrifice everything for your ideals. I can do it too."

Cheng Mo opened his eyes and saw that under the mist, Napoleon VII's expression, which was almost withered just now, was filled with vitality again, like an epiphyllum about to bloom at midnight. He sighed and asked, "Who are the people behind 'Satan Advent' and 'Death Art Society'?"

"On the surface, it's me, John Chris Morgan, Sampaima, Akal Cavusoglu, and Saionji Benimaru."


"Actually, there are Walliver, Samikina, Barbatos, Gu Xing, Zero and Yan Funing, but we each control the branches in our respective regions. Sometimes we will coordinate and infiltrate each other, and sometimes we will conflict. , killing each other. In short, some people want to muddy the waters, some want the name 'Lucifer' to be more destructive, some want this name not to be forgotten by the public, and some want to make it a synonym for revolution. "Napoleon VII said meaningfully, "The thoughts of Walliver, Samikina, Barbatos, and Gu Xing should be very simple. As the demons of the Black Death, it is necessary for them to investigate and even control the 'Advent of Satan' Such an organization. What you should think about is whether there are people behind Xiyuanji Benimaru, Zero and Yan Funing, especially Zero and Yan Funing."

Cheng Mo thought of Bai Xiuxiu who was completely transferred from the Tai Chi Dragon headquarters this time. The smell of bloodshed hit his face. He sighed in his heart, straightened up his body leaning on the back of his chair, and looked at the cup on the coffee table, "Compared to tea, Actually I prefer drinking now.”

Napoleon VII was well prepared and picked up a bottle of "Louis XIII" from under the coffee table. He smiled, "At times like this, it is indeed more suitable to have a few glasses of wine. Wine cannot warm the heart, but it can make people forget some of the chills. , from the winter chill of December.”

Cheng Mo possessed himself and pushed the bone china cup in front of Napoleon VII. Watching him unscrew the wine bottle and fill up the wine, the aroma of black tea that permeated the cold air was immediately washed away by the strong and mellow smell of wine. , he picked up the glass and drank it down. After putting down the glass, he asked: "Then who is behind the 'Road Stick' organization?"

Napoleon VII refilled Cheng Mo's drink, poured himself another glass, and then asked with a smile: "What do you think?"

"Xi Shi?"

Napoleon VII raised his glass and said, "You can guess it yourself."

Cheng Mo did not clink glasses with Napoleon VII. He raised his hand and drank the glass in one gulp, his mouth filled with the bitterness of loneliness. He knew this day would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. He murmured: "Why can't we wait until complete victory?"

Napoleon VII raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, thus missing Cheng Mo's fleeting loneliness. He didn't know who Cheng Mo was asking, and subconsciously replied: "Because victory is tonight."


"Isn't it a bit unbelievable?"

Cheng Mo lowered his head and glanced at the refilled wine glass. His confused face was reflected in the clear wine. He couldn't be called disappointed, nor could he believe it, but he felt a little sad for no reason.

Napoleon VII's expression is more sad than Cheng Mo's, but at the same time there is a strange excitement. It seems that he has entered some kind of drunken state without drinking much wine. You can't tell whether he is happy or sad, or everything. Emotions are lightning fast. He raised his hand as if giving a speech, still holding the glass of "Louis XIII" in his hand, "Look, is this the most magnificent scam in history? The whole world has been deceived by me. Everyone thinks this is a scam." The grandest wedding, the elite thought it was the grandest joke. I used the love of my life and five years to weave this web. At this moment, the elites from all over the world are gathered here. Those who are hiding in The lizard men behind the scenes, the enemies who have their swords pointed at you, the superficial people who foolishly think I'm just a pawn, the vulgar people who just want to cash in, the people who want to see a Joker movie. All the ugly people are here tonight, Paris!" He poured all the wine into his mouth, as if he had temporarily forgotten his sorrow as he said. He looked at the table and smiled happily, while pouring himself wine. , wine and tears flowed out together, a bunch from the wine bottle, two lines from the eyes, "I will let them know who is the real clown."

Cheng Mo looked at Napoleon VII's elegant and crazy smile absentmindedly, and remembered a classic interpretation of "Lord of the Flies·Pyramid" that Shen Youyi had updated on the school's public account several years ago. He didn’t know whether it was memory or alcohol, but Shen Youyi’s clear and warm voice sounded in his brain. “Lord of the Flies” is the representative work of William Golding, a modern English writer and Nobel Prize winner for literature. It is a philosophical novel disguised as science fiction. The story is about a nuclear war in the future during World War III. A group of children between the ages of six and twelve were stranded on a desert island due to a plane crash during the retreat. , were able to live in harmony at first, but later due to the expansion of evil nature, they killed each other, and gradually evolved into a tragic story. A good story, the words that make up it are the riddle, and the deep metaphor hidden in it is the answer. , in the process of reading, we have to find the answer to the mystery through the riddle and the series of clues given by the author. You can think carefully about what the novel "Lord of the Flies" is a metaphor for."

Napoleon VII raised his glass to Cheng Mo with a smile on his face, "You should celebrate. Soon, you will truly become the king of this world." He said loudly, "No, you are the only god in this world!"

Cheng Mo said in a sleepy voice: "The only god?"

"The only God." Napoleon VII said with certainty, "Nowadays, no one has a choice. You should know in your heart that from the moment you kill David Rockefeller, you must become a god, not a devil. "

"Then do I have a choice?" Cheng Mo asked in his heart, and he thought of Wang Xiaobo's "Utopia and the Philosopher King". There can be no "Philosopher King" in the world, because "Philosophers" are revolutionaries and deconstructors of order. The "king" is violence and the defender of order. The philosopher and the king are irreconcilable contradictions and cannot become a contradictory unity. In history, great human beings who wanted to become "philosopher kings" and make their country an "utopia" either disappeared into ashes and remained unknown, or fell into the dust with mixed reputations and reputations.

He drank another glass of wine by himself, and a firework exploded far away outside the window, like countless burning moths flying towards the netherworld. In a trance, he saw the master's back swaying in the flames. . He came back to his senses and said with a sneer: "Do you think I will forgive you if you surrender?"

Napoleon VII shook his head, "I just said, I am not inviting you to ask for forgiveness."

The "Seven Sins Sect" popped up in Cheng Mo's hand. This sword was like a beam of light passing through the silent dark room, breaking the dark space into two parts. He stood up and stepped on the coffee table. Teacups and teapots banged. It jumped and overturned on the coffee table. Brown liquid flowed across the white tablecloth. The vase also fell down, rolled off the table and hit the floor.


The moment the bottle burst, there were fireworks outside the window, and the two sounds merged into one, penetrating the dark night and the quiet observation deck. Amidst the explosion, pink iris flowers and white porcelain fragments were scattered on the ground. At the same time, gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky, showing the number "10". The light penetrated the quiet and dark observation deck, illuminating the faces of the two people.

The whole city is boiling, everyone is counting down, waiting for the ancient bell of Notre Dame to ring, waiting for the new Eiffel Tower to stand again on the right bank of the Seine, waiting for the new year to arrive, waiting for The climax of the wedding of the century and the gift reveal.

Amidst the countdown that resounded through the sky, Cheng Mo held the light of judgment against the throat of Napoleon VII, with a hint of contemptuous anger, "You think you control the lives of those lizards and opponents, do you think you can?" If you completely clean me up, will you be qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

"7!" The countdown soared into the sky, and the explosion of fireworks made the glass buzz.

Napoleon VII allowed the lightsaber to be pressed against his throat, piercing his skin, and a bright red flower bloomed. He sat upright, tensed his muscles, and grasped the armrest of the sofa tightly, as if he couldn't see or feel the sword at all. The existence of the sword. His temples were spasming, but his face smiled at Cheng Mo, "In 3 seconds, the tower will be unveiled, and people will see an Eiffel Tower that is no different from the previous one, although it is completely different. , but it is still called the Eiffel Tower, and its appearance is still exactly the same as before. It will still be a symbol of Paris and France and will not change."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Cheng Mo didn't know where his anger came from, maybe it was because of the pain of not being understood. He doesn't want to be Lucifer, who symbolizes the end of the world, nor does he want to be the god who rules everything. He has so much power, he has countless fans and hundreds of millions of fans, a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter, but he is still lonely. So many, so heavy gazes were cast on him, some of which were worship, some of hope, some of which were disgust, and some of which were fear, all looking up at him. Some people saw an evil god, some saw a good god, and some people didn't care whether he was an evil god or a good god, they just wanted to enshrine him in the temple. No one cares if he wants to be a god.


"You think, I can live to this day, live to the wedding, and Athena didn't cut off my head. Why is this?"

Cheng Mo was shocked and thought of Athena, who hadn't spoken to him for several months. Is it really all because of Xie Minyun that she didn't talk to him?

It is true that Athena herself has never had any demands for power or material, but behind her are the Onassis family, the Delorme family, and the Hydra that have followed her for many years. A few months ago, Athena went to the rebuilt Hydra Building and visited her father-in-law, Socrates Onassis, and mother-in-law, Chloe Delorme. Their biggest wish was to have children. Athena had no problem with him being the "King of Gods" or the "King of Demons", but that didn't mean she would tolerate the slander and slander against him, nor did it mean she would forgive those enemies who wanted to kill him. Especially when she was urged by her father-in-law and mother-in-law to have a child, she would definitely kill all his enemies before getting pregnant. She didn't talk to him, maybe because she didn't want to lie.

What a misfortune. No matter how much the boy slaying the dragon escapes, he must become a dragon.


Napoleon VII drank a glass of wine by himself, and his words mixed with the sound of swallowing were like low condolences, "Because I paid for today."

But to Cheng Mo, everything sounded like the sounds in a dream, whether it was the crackle of fireworks burning in the night, or the countdown of people roaring like mountains and tsunamis. It is clear that the success of what he planned is just around the corner, and he will reach the true pinnacle of power and become a god respected by all living beings, no longer the demon that everyone fears. But in his red eyes, there was a deep and indescribable sadness.


The bells of Notre Dame de Paris on the spire in the distance sounded passionately. The long bells cut through the night, revealing a colorful ceremony. Fireworks and laser lights of various colors flashed in the air. The majestic sound waves could be vaguely observed. The impact of the beams of praise light trembled and twisted. Then balloons and white doves rose into the sky, blotting out the night.

".The price of death!" Napoleon VII stood up against the tip of the sword. He opened his hands gracefully, but his voice was so passionate that it was almost a pious prayer. "Look, this is my wedding and my funeral."

(Updated at 12 o'clock in the final chapter)

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