Rebel Demon King

Chapter 124 This kind of development is definitely not a romantic comedy

Chapter 124 This kind of development is definitely not a romantic comedy
Cheng Mo watched Xie Minyun waving goodbye to the old woman, and immediately turned around and walked back. Today, he will arrive home at least half an hour later, and in this half hour, at least seven to fifteen questions will be missed. This loss is really huge. Cheng Mo's heart is bleeding.

After walking two steps, he found that Xie Minyun was following him. Cheng Mo didn't speak. It should be that Xie Minyun had also sat and stood, and walked back with him. There was nothing wrong with him. "But I only sat for two stops! These two stops are not It's far away, I don't need to take a car, so she originally planned to get off at my house? This is a bit strange, and there is no transfer station at my house."

Cheng Mo was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any questions. He just clasped his schoolbag shoulder straps and walked towards his home without saying a word, while Xie Minyun didn't speak, but followed step by step.

The two of them walked silently on the high-rise construction road for more than ten minutes, until they passed through the alley next to the Helong Stadium, and when they could see the old city wall of Tianxin Pavilion, Cheng Mo said, "Why are you following me?"

It's not far from his home here, but Xie Minyun has already missed two bus stops.

"Your house shop on the way? Is the tree carried by your house? I'm not allowed to go?"

From the tone of voice, Xie Minyun hadn't come out of the argument just now, and seemed to be still pondering which passage she could argue better, so Cheng Mo encountered a strong counterattack as soon as he opened his mouth.

Cheng Mo said blankly: "I mean, you are almost walking home with me, don't you take the car?"

"Ah? Why don't you take the bus back?" Xie Minyun stopped in his tracks with a very surprised tone.

Cheng Mo didn't even look at Xie Minyun, and continued to walk forward, responding in an extremely calm tone: "Ah! Why did I take the bus back!" This tone was exactly the opposite of Xie Minyun's "accident", full of ridicule, just now When Xie Minyun missed the bus stop, Cheng Mo could speak, but he didn't. Occasionally teasing this proud, arrogant, and defiant senior was also a pleasant thing for him.

Xie Minyun chased after him in three steps at a time, and grabbed Cheng Mo's schoolbag strap, "You, stop for me."

"What are you going to do?" Cheng Mo looked back at Xie Minyun with a puzzled expression on her face, and her expression was also puzzled, like a cub who was separated from a herd of deer on the barren grassland, with a blank look in her eyes and found out after looking around. The confusion and panic of not knowing where to turn.

"I'm just asking by the way, where can I take a bus, I'm not familiar with this place. No, I probably have never been here before."

Xie Minyun said the word "By the way" quickly and very vaguely. The explanation behind was not only superfluous, but also emphasized the tone. It seemed to be explaining something. If you understand it, you will know that it is very redundant.

"Turn on the phone and use the map." Cheng Mo said calmly, but he was thinking in his heart: this woman is not a road idiot, is she?
Xie Minyun seemed to have already thought about how to answer, and said very confidently: "Isn't it faster to ask you? Why do I need to open the map? Do you think that navigation does not require traffic? I am a person with little money now, so of course I should cherish every moment." Penny!"

"Oh! But it should be more expensive if you ask me." Cheng Mo continued to probe mercilessly.


Xie Minyun raised his eyebrows horizontally, looking like he wanted to get angry but could only hold back, forming a "super fierce" emoticon package, which is really cute, like a little milk cat who wants to bite someone with its baby teeth.

Faced with Xie Minyun's extremely "deterrent" expression, Cheng Mo sighed in his heart, but was indifferent on the surface, "For such a simple problem, I charge a relatively cheap fee, only 5 cents."

Cheng Mo's words were obviously aimed at Xie Minyun's initial "You don't want to make a dime from me", this revenge slap came too fast.

Xie Minyun narrowed his eyes, and stared at Cheng Mo with hatred, just like the eyes of the insulted weak in TV dramas who want to remember the appearance of the enemy and take revenge in the future, which contains an unforgettable coldness, which made Cheng Mo's heart shudder .

Then Xie Minyun let go of Cheng Mo's schoolbag, silently took out his phone and walked over Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo slowed down a little, keeping a short distance from Xie Minyun, admiring her beautiful and graceful back while walking slowly behind her, the dark blue plaid pleated skirt swayed in the breeze. The skirt, and other female students like to lift the skirt very high to make the legs look different. Her skirt is pulled very low, but it can only reach a little above the knee. It is not that the skirt is short, but her The legs are just too long.

In the narrow street, such a long-legged girl in school uniform is too dazzling, more eye-catching than the setting sun, even people across the street stopped and looked back.

But Xie Minyun didn't care about this, she kept looking around with her mobile phone, seemed to be judging the direction, and walked very cautiously, when she passed a crossroad, she stopped, as if hesitating, and then When Cheng Mo was about to catch up with her, she chose a wrong direction.

Cheng Mo was a little helpless, it was obvious that she was a road idiot!
"Hey! You're going in the wrong direction!" Cheng Mo had to remind him aloud.

Xie Minyun heard Cheng Mo's voice close at hand, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, she quickened her pace and walked towards the mistake, and turned her head and said angrily: "You don't need to meddle in your own business!"

This time it was Cheng Mo's turn to grab Xie Minyun's schoolbag. He stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the strap above Xie Minyun's schoolbag, which made Xie Minyun's body pause and even leaned back.

Xie Minyun was very angry. This was the first time someone dared to touch her. Although it wasn't her body, her schoolbag wasn't good either, so she was going to teach this ignorant brat a deep lesson in order to avenge her just now.

However, just as Xie Minyun opened her mouth to swear, she felt a gust of wind passing by her side. This gust of wind almost passed by her, lifting her hair and brushing her cheeks messily.

Xie Minyun turned around and saw an electric car that hadn't run very far. It was obvious that this electric car passed her by just now, that is to say, if Cheng Mo hadn't stopped her just now, she might have been with the electric car. Cars collide.

"It's just 'maybe'. It's impossible for this kind of thing to change my attitude." Although Xie Minyun thought so, when he actually spoke, he still reduced the intensity of the blow, but changed from the original plan of "ferocious swearing" to It was just a domineering question: "Why are you teasing me?"

Cheng Mo was very speechless for Xie Minyun's knowingly asking, "If it wasn't for fear that you would be bumped and couldn't go to the auction on Saturday, I wouldn't care about you! Forget it, for the sake of cheating her, Forgive her!" Cheng Mo said to himself.

"The direction you go will only get farther and farther away from the 202 station. In other words, where are you going?"

"I don't need your hypocritical concern!" Xie Minyun sneered, but he didn't continue to move in the wrong direction, and stopped at the edge of the curb.

Cheng Mo was too lazy to talk, and stood on the sidewalk condescendingly, and asked blankly: "Where do you live, I'll tell you which car to take and how to get there, this consultation is free."

"Joke! Such a simple matter, I will need your help?"

Xie Minyun's tone of speech was very firm, and her expression showed no flaws. However, this sentence itself was the biggest flaw. The footsteps of her stop also betrayed her. Cheng Mo resisted the urge to ridicule her. If he really wanted to poke her Maybe this fierce woman will use violence, she can feel it from the fact that she likes to pull her schoolbag so much, so Cheng Mo pretended to be sincere and said: "You are not familiar with this place, the bus routes here are more complicated , people like me will often make mistakes, let alone you?"

Xie Minyun's expression was a little hesitant, she was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

Cheng Mo continued to gently persuade: "I was also at fault for sitting and standing, I am just making up for my mistakes."

"Yes! It's you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't miss the stop, so this is what you should do." Xie Minyun stood back on the sidewalk, shoulder to shoulder with Cheng Mo.

"You have to tell me where you live first?"

Xie Minyun said very vigilantly: "Do you have any plans?"

"You only need to say the general location, not which door or household you go to"

"Oh! Zijin Terrace, but I can't seem to find it on the map"

Cheng Mo took out his mobile phone, opened the Gaode map and entered "Zijintai", and sure enough, only the relevant content of "Zijin" popped up, and there was no such place as "Zijintai".

Cheng Mo frowned and said, "Did you remember wrongly?"

Xie Minyun shook his head and said: "No, there are only a few households living in our place, which is a private area, and it is indeed not marked on the map."

"Then how did you plan to go back?"

Xie Minyun picked up the phone, clicked on the map with the stored route, and then handed it to Cheng Mo and said, "This is the route I originally planned."

After Cheng Mo zoomed in, he was a little speechless. This girl really got him drunk. The route she planned was to take 202 and get off at Wuyi Square, and then take the subway to Beichen Delta, Furong North Road, which is not far from the destination. Then I have to transfer to a bus, and I have to walk 4 kilometers to get home. The key is that the last [-] kilometers are on a hill, there is no bus, and I have to go through a tunnel.
Since it's such a hassle, why don't you take a taxi, or ask someone to pick her up?
For her own words of "experience the life of ordinary people", this woman tossing herself as a road idiot like this is really distorted and terrifying.

"Why don't you know which bus to take?" Seeing Cheng Mo lost in thought, Xie Minyun asked suspiciously.

Cheng Mo lifted it up, handed the phone to Xie Minyun and said, "I know how to get there, just follow me."

"I don't need you to send it, just tell me how to get there."

"Who is bored to see you off? By the way."


When Cheng Mo returned home, he was a little exhausted, as if his frail body had been hollowed out.

After putting the schoolbag on the stool, I sent a WeChat message to Xie Minyun: Take the 113 bus for about 10, [-], [-] minutes and get off at the gate of the Academy of Social Sciences. There are six stops in total. Take care of yourself. Don’t miss the sign of the Academy of Social Sciences up.

To save himself trouble, Cheng Mo tricked Xie Minyun into taking the bus to her grandfather, Wang Shanhai's house. Of course, this was also for Xie Minyun's own good. After all, it is too dangerous for a road idiot to travel such a long and complicated road.

Soon Cheng Mo received a reply from Xie Minyun. She had never sent a voice before. The voice she sent this time was probably because there was no empty seat on the bus and it was inconvenient to type. Cheng Mo guessed.

But Cheng Mo guessed wrong, Xie Minyun didn't appreciate it at all, she clicked on the voice Cheng Mo and heard Xie Minyun's hurried voice: "You are a Floris with a brain the size of a grapefruit (Note 1), you vulgar Charles Dawson with no moral credit.”

Cheng Mo immediately turned off the voice, thinking: "Even the parasites in my stomach are more independent than you, you should stop being an ordinary person, don't force yourself."

But Cheng Mo just thought about this sentence and didn't reply, so he wouldn't waste time on such meaningless quarrels!

(Pretentious little knowledge) (Note 1): Floresian-as early as 18000 years ago, a new and unknown human species lived on the remote island of Flores in eastern Indonesia.Because they were found on the island of Flores, anthropologists call them Homo Flores.

Florisians are a branch of the human family tree. Their height is equivalent to that of chimpanzees, about 1 meter (because of their short stature, they are also called hobbits); their heads are as big as a small grapefruit, which is just the size of the heads of modern humans. a quarter.Anthropologists believe they are an extinct branch of the Asian Javanese (h.erectus), the ancestor of modern humans.However, they are quite different from modern humans, so they should be classified as a different human species. According to "Nature", Homo Flores is the smallest of the 10 human species known to man.

(Note 2): Charles. Dawson-created the "Piltdown Man (Piltdown Man) scam", which was once a sensation.Charles Dawson claims to have found the missing link, an early human fossil, in Piltdown, a village near Uckfield, East Sussex, England.

The characteristic of this fossil is that he has a modern human skull and the mandible of an ape.This discovery shocked the archaeological community, because this discovery was very consistent with the human view of the lack of evolution at that time, that is, there was a transitional species of apes.

(End of this chapter)

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