Rebel Demon King

Chapter 123 What's Worse Is that Cheng Mo Will Be Away From It

Chapter 123 What's Worse Is that Cheng Mo Will Be Away From It

(Thanks to Xncuiheen's rudder for the reward)
When the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, the summer in Star City is extremely long, and the sun hangs tenaciously on the skyline, refusing to fall.

Although it was evening, it was hard to see that it was the setting sun, the bright clouds were burning in the sky, the high-rise buildings in the east of the river were stained with a lonely sky, and the old bus on the bridge of the Xiangjiang River was crowded with traffic. The car swayed forward on the somewhat uneven bridge surface.

The poor shock absorption system and sudden sudden braking made Xie Minyun very uncomfortable. She never thought that taking a bus would be such an unpleasant experience.

Sure enough, the life of ordinary people is really full of hardships, Xie Minyun thought so.

However, when she saw Cheng Mo, who was sitting on the seat as if nothing had happened, drinking his longan red date tea with a straw in his mouth, she felt very angry. Give up your seat to the lady next to you?
Even if he gave way, she wouldn't sit down, but couldn't he show the courtesy a boy should have?What a stingy, cunning, hypocritical, greedy, selfish, insidious, calculating
He's not a villain, he's not that bad, he's not a gentleman, he's not that kind; he's not a hooligan, he doesn't have the guts, he's not a gentleman, he doesn't have that quality. He's just someone she hates anyway.

The more Xie Minyun saw Cheng Mo, the more angry he became, so under the sunlight, he lowered Cheng Mo's head, a very cruel curse - "So, you must not fall in love with me!"

For this reason, she even betrayed her own smile, but he said brazenly: "People like me who think that loneliness is eternal, even if the Xiangjiang River is dry, it is impossible to fall in love with you!"

Xie Minyun clutched the armrest tightly with one hand and her milk tea with the other, nodded and looked at Cheng Mo with lowered eyebrows, "Although you can't see that you have a crush on me yet, remember what you said today, when I learn to micro-express you But you can't fool me."

"You are very beautiful, but you have not yet reached the point where everyone loves you. I really don't know where your confidence comes from!" Regarding Xie Minyun's self-confidence breaking through the sky, Cheng Mo expressed a little speechlessness, but admitted that the other party was beautiful, but denied it It is still a little contradictory to see the other party is cute, after all, in this age, beauty is justice.

No matter how righteous Xie Minyun is, in short, he must not be among these people, Cheng Mo firmly believes.

"You are indeed wrong about this. I am really cute. You see, even you don't have the courage to look at me and talk."

Xie Minyun was not proud or complacent when she said this, but was just stating a fact in a straightforward manner, maybe it was true as she said, the people she came into contact with were either because of her beauty, or because of her intelligence, or because of her background , all of them showed that they liked her very much, so that made her have extraordinary self-confidence?
Cheng Mo felt that it was not that simple, otherwise Xie Minyun would not be so persistent in wanting to learn "micro-expressions".

"But this woman's matter has nothing to do with me. I don't care about her." Cheng Mo thought to himself, so he took a breath, turned his head, and said in the face of the suffocating temptation: " The reason why I don't turn my head to look at you is that firstly, I have no interest in you at all; secondly, to avoid embarrassment, although I am not a gentleman, I am not a hooligan either."

At this moment, when Cheng Mo turns his head, he will face Xie Minyun's towering mountain. Her snow-white and long neck and winding curves are really incredible, beyond the limit that mathematics and literature can describe. Even Cheng Mo can't bear it. Live to throb.

Sure enough, "courtship" is an instinct engraved in human genes, even I can't escape it, Cheng Mo thought so.

Xie Minyun saw Cheng Mo's gaze deliberately falling in front of him, resisting the urge to poke Cheng Mo's eyes blind, instead straightened up proudly, and sneered: "This is what you call uninterested? A vulgar person like you , and dare to lie that you think loneliness is eternal? In fact, you don’t like loneliness at all, and the reason why you are lonely is because you can’t integrate into others at all!”

After a pause, Xie Minyun continued: "So, I am different from you. A popular person like me is the one who chooses to be alone, just like I actively choose to live the life of ordinary people. And people like you are always Passive, you are the chosen one, you are hypocritical. I am truly lonely, and you are just a second child. You are not the same as me!"

"I didn't say I'm the same kind as you, and I don't want to be the same kind of person as you. A person who still needs my teaching is ashamed to say that I'm the same kind as me. It's really forcing me down." Cheng Mo took his eyes back from Xie Minyun's proud mountain, this kind of thing that destroys people's will can't be seen too much.

"There are so many things I don't know. Confucius said that three people must have my teacher. You just happened to know a skill that I don't know and am interested in. Of course, I have to admit that Uncle Cheng's teaching is still It is very useful, at least you have read a lot of idle books, understand some metaphysical principles (Note 1), and some metaphysical tricks, but don’t think that you are very detached, in essence, talking about cognition without practice is a castle in the air , Therefore, it is not wrong to say that you are in the second grade!"

Xie Minyun spoke louder and louder, completely forgetting that he was on a bus. At this moment, the dispute between the two has attracted the attention of other people on the bus, especially the old woman sitting next to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo also ignored himself on the bus, and said disdainfully: "You want to talk about philosophy with me at your level? That would really make me laugh out loud! What is the antonym of loneliness? How do you understand loneliness? Metaphysically What? What does this word mean in our country and in the history of philosophy? You have to figure it out before you come to discuss philosophy with me."

Xie Minyun sneered, "You are so arrogant, thinking that you are the only one who is smart in the whole world? Are you the only one who has read Aristotle and Kant? You are the only one who understands metaphysics (metaphysical in English)? You are the only one who knows 'metaphysics' From "Book of Changes Xici", the original text is "the metaphysical is called Tao, and the metaphysical is called utensils'."

The two people quarreled with metaphysics all the way from whether the antonym of loneliness is "vulgar" or "conformity", whether it was "the antonym of loneliness is unity" as Marquez said, or "A party is the comparison" in "The Analects of Confucius". The relationship with idealism and materialism.

The two autistic patients in the second grade made the people in the car very confused, but there seemed to be no reason to stop this kind of incomprehensible quarrel!I can only look at the two people as if they were watching a joke, of course the most important thing is to look at Xie Minyun. In fact, they lack a sufficient reason to look at Xie Minyun, and now they can watch it openly.

So the two of them passed the station in such a gorgeous way, until the old lady sitting next to Cheng Mo wanted to get off, Cheng Mo had to stand up, and the two ended this completely meaningless argument.

Seeing that the gray-haired old woman was trembling when she stood up, Xie Minyun stretched out his hand to support the old woman without hesitation, and prepared to see her off the car.

Naturally, Cheng Mo didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, but he just stood up and gave way. Only local tyrants can afford to help the elderly, and his poor fishing line doesn't have the financial resources at all.

The old lady was walked to the back door of the bus by Xie Minyun. When she got off the bus, she said with a smile: "You are a good girl, you are knowledgeable and sensible." Then she turned her head and said to Cheng Mo: "Small lovers, don't quarrel, mother-in-law told you a trick, lovers Any dispute between the two can be resolved with one kiss, and if one kiss is not enough, two kisses will be enough."

Xie Minyun frowned and was about to explain, when he saw Cheng Mo walking towards her, his expressionless seriousness really frightened Xie Minyun, "He doesn't really want to kiss me, does he? But we don't Lovers? Is he crazy! What should I do? Should I kick him before the kiss, or slap him after the kiss"

Xie Minyun looked at Cheng Mo's mind in a mess, and seeing him getting closer, subconsciously said, "What are you going to do?"

Cheng Mo glanced at Xie Minyun and the old woman, didn't speak, and quickly walked past Xie Minyun, and got off the bus before the old woman stepped down the steps of the bus.

The old lady who was supported by Xie Minyun said with an embarrassed face: "Oh, the young people nowadays are so polite. Don't send it down. Although I am old, I won't be able to walk all the way."

Cheng Mo turned around and said, "Uh, I'm sorry, I just got off the bus because I stopped by."


(Pretentious little knowledge) Note 1: The word "metaphysics" is specially marked because we usually come into contact with it, but we don't know much about it. Metaphysics and epistemology are two major themes in the history of philosophy development.Metaphysics here refers to the questioning and exploration of the real nature of the world, or the most fundamental thing.The goal is to develop a comprehensive and holistic worldview of the universe.Inaccurately speaking, it can be understood as various abstract big questions.As a non-professional and daily use, as long as you understand this general feeling.

The statement in the encyclopedia is somewhat fallacious. Domestic textbooks generally associate metaphysics with idealism, which is not very accurate.As for the inaccuracy, you don't need to delve into it. In fact, "metaphysical" metaphysics can be translated as "metaphysics".

(End of this chapter)

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