Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1195 The Requiem of the Betrayer (5)

Chapter 1195 The Requiem of the Betrayer (5)

Turn on the TV, and the news is full of reports about the disaster situation after the nuclear bomb attack in the Fiji Sea area. Reporters wearing gas masks are roaming the streets of Sydney for interviews.

Although it has been eight days since the nuclear bomb exploded, the streets of Sydney still look like an apocalyptic scene. Silt, seaweed, coral, fish and shrimp corpses, and the remains of various buildings are all over the bustling streets and alleys of the past, and the blue Sydney Bay in the past is floating. With red and green rubbish, the broken cross-sea bridge hangs limply on the sea like a giant's dislocated arm, and the rusty Queen Elizabeth's back is covered above the former landmark Sydney Opera House.
This is like a metaphor. Modern technology destroys modern cities, and human beings will eventually destroy themselves.

However, the macro scene is far less touching than the micro scene.When the night fell, the emergency shelter with candles was full of faint candlelight. In the city without light pollution, the candlelight and the stars in the sky complemented each other, and there was silence in front of the wall with the "missing person notice" on it. Crowds, they hold candles, follow the faint light, looking for slim hope, tears are the most trivial prayers.Not far away, a missionary wearing a priest's uniform held a cross and chanted scriptures in a low voice. His expression was sacred, and there were kneeling believers around him. The pious people prostrated themselves on the ground, and the blackness gathered into a sea, like a swamp surrounded by fireflies.

Painful scenes followed one after another, and the accusations and pleadings were moving.

Cheng Mo changed the channel and replaced it with a personal interview. Someone reprimanded the camera for the ineffective rescue, someone cried bitterly and wanted to find their relatives, and someone told how they escaped from the tsunami in shock.
Changed the channel again, this time finally the screen was no longer Sydney, and switched back to Xiangjiang's studio.The protagonist was replaced by a Chinese woman with hyaluronic acid all over her face, and the subtitles below read "Exclusive interview: Liu Jiechen, a mainland Internet celebrity who bravely broadcast live in the midst of the nuclear disaster that wiped out the world".

"At that time, I was live broadcasting in Darling Harbor, and suddenly the air defense siren rang, and all the people on the street were running, and then I heard someone shouting something in English. I didn't understand it well at the time, but later I realized It means 'Nuclear attack, quickly find an underground bunker'."

The hostess with bob hair and wooden horse legs tilted her head and asked, "Then why don't you run?"

Liu Jiechen said with a smile: "What a rare opportunity to encounter a nuclear bomb attack! I think I can't run away anyway, so I might as well continue the live broadcast. The main reason is that I still thought it was impossible at the time. Nuclear bombs are far away from us. It's so far away."

"So you stayed because of a misunderstanding?"

"Yes, and no. The subconscious reaction at the time was indeed a mistake, but when I saw the nuclear bomb, I was not particularly afraid, but my mind was blank."

"Besides the nuclear bomb, what else did you see at that time?"

Liu Jiechen raised his hands and said: "Wow! I was really shocked at that time. The light of the nuclear bomb was covered by a horrifying black mass. Then an indescribable scene happened. I think it is impossible for the nuclear bomb to explode." There is such a spectacular scene, it is even more exaggerated than Hollywood special effects movies. It is the real end of the world, everything is flying towards the sky, it is like the whole world is turned upside down, the sea is full of waterspouts, the city The sky above was occupied by billboards, cars, dining tables, and glass. The Elizabeth cruise ship covered by the Sydney Opera House was floating in the air at that time. When I saw all this, I completely forgot the fear until my mobile phone also floated. up."

"It is said that your mobile phone has captured a relatively clear picture, which has never been broadcast to the outside world."

"Yes, my mobile phone was completely broken afterwards, and I couldn't see it at the time. It wasn't until the motherland dispatched an evacuation plane immediately, and after I got home and repaired my mobile phone, I found out that there was such an incredible video."

"Can you play it for us?"

Liu Jiechen nodded and said "yes", took out the phone from his suit pocket, found the video, clicked play, and handed it to the hostess.

The hostess first approached the camera and let the mobile phone play a blurry video, and then said: "The audience may not see it very clearly, so let's transfer this video to the projector for slow playback."

After a while, the screen of the mobile phone popped up. Liu Jiechen was still broadcasting live at this time. First, he introduced the white shell-shaped building Sydney Opera House, and then waved to the tall and majestic Elizabeth cruise ship. The camera turned to the sea. The sea and sky are all cloudless, which is a beautiful scene of the coast in summer.

At this moment, the air defense siren sounded, and people began to run like crazy, screaming and crying, only Liu Jiechen was still broadcasting live with his mobile phone, when a fireball appeared in the sky, it is becoming brighter than the sun.

Liu Jiechen's calm words came from the TV, and her voice seemed a little distorted in the slow playback, "Look~~! It~come~, maybe~after~ten~more~seconds~, I~ Just ~ will ~ turn into ~ a ~ group ~ ash ~ ember! This ~ is ~ my ~ last ~ ~ first ~ field ~ live ~ broadcast, hope ~ hope ~ new ~ come ~ treasure ~ baby ~ We~no~click~close~note~please~click~one~next~close~note, click~close~note, no~lost~way, double~click~comment~6~6~6~ ".

At the moment when the camera was turned up, the hostess pressed the pause button, "Maybe everyone can't see clearly at this rate, let's watch it frame by frame."

Hearing these words, Xi Shi and Feng Luwan at the dining table put down their chopsticks and looked at the TV. Only Athena was still eating noodles at a leisurely pace.

Cheng Mo also stared at the TV intently. On the screen that looked like a slideshow, a black figure in the shape of a human appeared in the bright red light.

The picture freezes here and gradually zooms in until he can vaguely see a jagged thing on top of his head, like a god wearing a crown. The hostess' voice-over sounded, "Oh my God! This is the Chosen One ? Or is it a god?"

"I think he must be a god!" Liu Jiechen replied piously, "I used to be an atheist, but now I am his faithful believer."

"Nebuchadnezzar the Great.!?" Xi Shi swallowed the word "person" back, and she gasped, "Although I heard it was him again, I was still shocked. Bar?"

Feng Luwan didn't pay attention to Xi Shi's reaction at all, and she was also full of astonishment, "This is the first time someone has photographed Nebuchadnezzar's appearance, how can such a video be released?" After taking out the phone, he immediately put it down again, and walked quickly towards the bedroom, "No, I'll still send emails, the phone calls may be monitored."

Athena paused when she heard "Nebuchadnezzar", and looked up at the screen. At this time, a black spot covering a large area of ​​the sky had appeared, and the figure had disappeared in the black spot.She said: "It's the old man, he used 'time-space distortion' to divert the nuclear bomb." She lowered her head and continued to eat noodles, "There are also 'Eye of Lance', 'Grave of the Dark Star', 'Schwarzschild Domain 'They are all his exclusive skills. In terms of exclusive skills, only David Rockefeller, the number one general in the world, can compare with them."

Shi Shi looked at Athena and asked in a low voice, "Miss Boss, did you fight Nebuchadnezzar?"

Athena ate and faced slowly, and said lightly: "Yes."

Cheng Mo also asked Athena about Nebuchadnezzar's memory, but her memory was powerful, and Athena couldn't say anything about other things. She didn't really understand the difference between people, and Nebuchadnezzar was the only one she couldn't read brainwaves from.

"Awesome!" Xi Shi shook his head and gave a thumbs up, "I think back then, that old immortal Joey Oakes (the previous generation of Shax Demon God) was most afraid of Lord Nebuchadnezzar, he Said that it is impossible for him to survive under the hands of Lord Nebuchadnezzar for a minute without knowing you"

"For the carrier, it can last for 10 minutes." Athena thought for a while and said, "In this situation, it probably won't last for 1 minute."

Xi Shi asked curiously: "If you also become a general, do you have a chance to beat him?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on the number one general, and whether you can find a skill that can deal with the 'Eye of Lance' skill. If you have the skill of "Eye of Lance", the winning rate should be [-]-[-], and I will be [-]-[-]. If you can't get the first overall general, but you have the skills to deal with "Lance's Eye", the winning rate will be [-]-[-]. He is six and I am four. The winning percentage decreases according to the ranking of the generals. If you do not have the ability to deal with the 'Eye of Lance', even if you are the number one general, it is impossible to say 'win'. The best result is not to lose."

It was also the first time Cheng Mo heard Athena mention the fight with Nebuchadnezzar. This was the only defeat in Athena's life. Although Athena didn't keep secrets, he didn't have the nerve to ask, so Athena didn't mention it.

Xi Shi didn't have so many worries as Cheng Mo, and sighed and said, "I haven't heard much about the exclusive skill 'Eye of Lance'! Is it so strong?" (The exclusive skill does not appear in the skill table )

"Generally, the chosen ones have no chance to fight Nebuchadnezzar, let alone let him use the 'Eye of Lance'. Anyway, I just lost with this skill, and there is no room for fighting back." Athena said Said expressionlessly, "The principle of this skill is the 'Lens-Tiring Effect' creating space-time gaps in black holes, so in his 'Schwarzschild Field', he can appear anywhere anytime, anywhere, It is equivalent to having countless 'teleportation' whose distance cannot be estimated."

Cheng Mo and Xi Shi made unbelievable voices at the same time, Xi Shi said "I fuck", Cheng Mo said "Fuck".

"Isn't this too invincible?" Xi Shi whispered subconsciously.

Cheng Mo shook his head and said, "What's the difference from cheating?"

Athena said lightly: "So I said that if you don't have the skills to deal with the 'Eye of Lance', don't think about 'winning'. The only thing you can think about is how not to lose, or how to lose decently."

"It's no wonder that 'Stargate' wants to unite with other organizations to encircle and suppress the Garden of Eden, and other organizations are unwilling." Xi Shi sighed, "They are not afraid of the Black Death, but Lord Nebuchadnezzar!"

"The Black Death is now a mess," Athena said.

Xi Shi frowned and said, "Actually, I often can't figure it out? Nebuchadnezzar is so powerful, why did our 'Black Death' manage like this? It's really a good card."

Athena ate chopstick noodles, "because he just doesn't care."

Xi Shi still wanted to talk, but Feng Luwan had already walked out of the bedroom, so she watched the TV and changed the subject, "Is it the Stargate or the Sunflower flag? I really can't think of anyone who has the ability to throw it from the Arctic Circle except them. Nuclear bomb!"


After breakfast, the group went straight to Sullivan's Li World Intelligence Center in Xiangjiang under the leadership of Xi Shi.Although it is the intelligence center of the inner world, it is set up in the densely populated central ring together with the investigation company of the outer world. This is a place where international companies gather together, and it is also an excellent cover for the intelligence dealer organization of the inner world like Sullivan. .

Sullivan's company in Hong Kong is located in the strategically located AIA Financial Centre, which also overlooks Victoria Harbour.Xi Shi led Cheng Mo, Athena, and Feng Luwan, who were wearing human skin masks, as customers, took the exclusive sightseeing elevator directly to the 59th floor, and entered the president's office in Greater China.

Alfred Orlof, a slightly fat Swede with light brown hair, was waiting respectfully at the door.Seeing Xi Shi came in first, he immediately smiled and said in Cantonese: "Good morning, Miss Xi Shi."

Shishi raised his head and said, "Alfred, Lord Demon God will come here in person today, and it depends on your performance."

Alfred Orlof didn't regard Mo and Athena either, but bowed slightly and said, "Your subordinates must do their best."

Cheng Mo nodded, and Alfred Olov moved to the bookcase, took out a book with ease, and pressed the switch behind, but the bookcase did not move away, but the wall opposite the bookcase slowed down. Slowly move away, revealing an entrance.

Alfred Orlof said "Please come with me" and led everyone into the dark room. Inside was a room of less than [-] square meters, which was filled with computers and various equipment.

"This is a beast, responsible for the placement of our Xiangjiang workstation. This is a gopher, responsible for information theft. This is a router, responsible for network tracking. This is Batman, also responsible for network tracking. This is Mr. Variety, the only summer we have here. Chinese, he is responsible for infiltration."

After some introduction, Alfred Orlof took Cheng Mo and the others to the projection area. He slapped his chin and said, "Mr. Variety Star, call out the real-time picture of the ground operation team."

The thin and tall man with long hair and glasses raised his hand and replied loudly: "Okay ~ BOSS!"

A Toyota Alpha appeared on the white projection screen, and a female celebrity that even Cheng Mo had seen appeared in the lens
(End of this chapter)

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