Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1194 The Requiem of the Betrayer (4)

Chapter 1194 The Requiem of the Betrayer (4)

As night falls, mottled lights inhabit among the high and low scattered buildings, and the black mirror-like sea water reflects brilliant neon lights, and faint mountain shadows can be seen behind the neon lights.

The Gulfstream 750 flew over the dark city and slowly landed at Xiangjiang International Airport at two o'clock in the middle of the night.After the plane came to a complete stop, Cheng Mo followed Feng Luwan out of the cabin door. The warm evening wind blew up his hair, and the dots of lights decorated the quiet Xiangjiang International Airport with a lack of interest, giving people a sense of eagerness to move. loneliness.

The three of them walked down the gangway one by one, and a red-haired girl wearing sunglasses and ripped jeans and an LV denim jacket jumped off the black G63 off-road vehicle not far away. Like the wind, she passed Feng Luwan and was blown into Cheng Mo's arms. In the middle, he put his arms around Cheng Mo's neck, and shouted cheerfully: "Long time no see! Boss~ I miss you so much!"

The fragrant wind was blowing on his face, but Cheng Mo said angrily, "I don't think you want to kill me, but you want me to die."

Perhaps noticing the coercive gaze of Athena behind her, the red-haired girl let go of her hand, blinked her big obsequious eyes, and asked with a smile: "Miss boss, can you allow me to kiss the boss, I have never I’ve seen a man who came out of the Winter Palace alive, and I saw it today, so I really want to have sex.”

Athena said with a blank face: "Xi Shi, your Chinese is improving very quickly, but I don't know if your wrestling level has improved?"

Cheng Mo was also sweating coldly in the 20-degree weather in Xiangjiang, and immediately rejected the sweet temptation with a firm attitude, and severely reprimanded: "What is Kaiyang meat? Xishi, I paid you, not to let you You're here to make such a silly joke."

Xi Shi was not afraid of Athena, folded his arms, snorted coldly and said, "Madam, I have been working hard for you, and I haven't received a penny of salary until now! Such a big company doesn't let you fuck me Heart of money, the company’s stock has gone up these days! And it’s not working time now, but it’s Xi Shi’s rest time. When the boss fell into the Winter Palace, I worked 24 hours a day without sleep, although the final result was the same as I have nothing to do with you, so I’m doing my best, right? I haven’t gone out for a drink, done a SAP, or been in a pure love for half a year, but you and your wife can’t even give a kiss. What a vicious capitalist !"

"Didn't you get your salary?" Athena turned her head and asked Cheng Mo, "How much is Xi Shi's annual salary?"

Cheng Mo replied: "The basic salary promised to her is [-] million a year! Commission and stock dividends depend on work performance and work intensity."

"That would cost hundreds of millions? Wouldn't it be possible to buy a lot of McDonald's?" Athena thought for a while and said, "It's still okay to kiss. Xi Shi, please kiss! Kiss will deduct your salary for a year."

"One year's salary?" Xi Shi shook his head like a rattle, "One year's salary is enough for me to keep several wolf dogs who are much more handsome than the boss. It's not worth it, it's not worth it, half a month's salary is about the same."

Athena said lightly: "You have to hold it if you kiss me or not."

"Fuck!" Xi Shi cursed, pressed Cheng Mo's cheeks with both hands, gave a "boo" and kissed Cheng Mo's lips hard, then raised his middle finger at Athena, turned around and twisted. With a slender waist, he walked towards the G63, shaking the key, and singing the Cantonese song "Gong Xi Fa Cai".

Feng Luwan pretended not to see anything, and walked towards G65 without squinting.

Cheng Mo was speechless at first, then raised his hand to helplessly wipe the lipstick on his lips, and whispered dumbfoundingly: "Why are you teasing her? It's not that you don't know that she is crazy alone."

"I didn't tease her." Athena said, "It just seems that the price was lowered just now."

"Ah?" Cheng Mo said full of resentment: "How can this be? Why do I feel that my husband has become a commodity with you?"

"After I have worked as a part-timer, I feel that it is not easy to make money. If I can save it, I will save it." Athena glanced at Cheng Mo, and said indifferently, "Besides, you are not the kind of person who is very principled. Look at you. How long will you stay in the Winter Palace?"

Cheng Mo quickly waved his hands, "My fault, my fault. But I really can't do anything about it." He lowered his voice, "If I don't do some things, a world war may have broken out by now."

"World War?" Athena asked, "The two nuclear bombs are not related to you, are they?"

Cheng Mo's scalp was numb, he pressed the shield in his pocket and nodded, "There were some things that were difficult to talk about on the plane just now, I'll tell you slowly later!"

Seeing Cheng Mo's admission, Athena was not too surprised, and said calmly, "I never thought that my husband is still a man with a beautiful face, a troublesome face, and a smile that captivates the world! Isn't this a modern feudal lord?"

Cheng Mo was stunned for a moment, and then he thought that this was really the case, so he smiled wryly and said: "The lady is really good at allusions, and she is willing to bow down to her husband."

Athena asked again: "Is it Yan Yitong who launched the nuclear bomb for you? That star?"

Cheng Mo nodded, "She has an extremely powerful special physique. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to escape from the Winter Palace this time." Looking at Feng Luwan and Xi Shi who had already boarded the car, "Let's go first. Wait until the time comes. I will tell you in detail where it is safe."

Athena closed her eyes, brushed her long hair, and said softly in the night wind, "Nuclear bomb, interesting."


Whether "Sullivan" is an investigation company in the watch world or an information trading organization in the back world, it not only has a branch office in an important spy city like Xiangjiang, but also has a large number of safe houses.Cheng Mo, Athena, and Feng Luwan all changed their identities to enter the country, and did not notify Tai Chi Dragon, so naturally they would not stay in a hotel.

The safe house is located on the 26th floor of a high-end apartment in North Point, surrounded by mountains and sea, facing Victoria Harbour, and has an invincible night view.The decoration of the house belongs to a relatively modern home style. It uses a lot of beige and white, interspersed with a small amount of black furniture.

Cheng Mo glanced at the living room of more than 100 square meters, and saw the beautiful view of the city that never sleeps through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and said, "As a safe house, this is too extravagant."

Xi Shi threw off the red-soled shoes on his feet, lay on the sofa and said, "I just bought it not long ago. I think the boss is from Xiaguo. I might want to stay in Xiangjiang, so I bought this apartment with my own money as a place to stay." It cost tens of millions, and the boss's annual salary is gone, so I have to reimburse me for this!"

Cheng Mo smiled and said, "You can discuss this matter with the proprietress."

Xi Shi rolled her eyes and said, "Don't think I don't know, the lady boss never cares about money."

Cheng Mo said: "From today onwards."

Xi Shi smiled "hehe", shook his hands and said, "Then let's talk about it when you divorce the proprietress! Remember that you are raising a mistress here."

Hearing the word "Xiao San", Cheng Mo really felt that Xi Shi was perfect for which pot he would not open or lift, and he didn't dare to look at Athena, so he pretended to be serious and said: "Speaking of business, I'll let you investigate the Chen family, How's the investigation going?"

"It can only be said that Taijilong's information is kept confidential too well, and there are not many things I can find out."

"Tell me first."

Xi Shi picked up the remote control on the table and pressed it twice, the projection in the living room automatically hung down, she picked up the phone again, and connected to the projector, after a few operations, the main characters of the Chen family appeared on the projection profile picture, and character introduction.

Feng Luwan came over and glanced at Xi Shi and said, "Hey, the investigation is quite comprehensive."

Xi Shi smiled and said: "These are the information on the surface, I think as long as you are familiar with your Tai Chi dragon, it will not be difficult to find out." She said seriously, "I am not complimenting you, your secrecy work is indeed very strict. , we can’t find much more than these information that everyone can find.”

Feng Luwan also smiled and said, "It can't be just that much, right?"

Xi Shi swiped the phone again, and another nine portraits popped up on the screen, "These are the nine relatively large families that have close contacts with the Chen family. These families mainly made their fortunes in Baiyue and Xiangjiang. They are He Zhangpan The five major families of Liu Murong, and the four major families of Shuang Li and Guo Zheng."

Feng Luwan nodded and said, "This is something that everyone knows."

Xi Shi shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's all we can find in Xia Guo's intelligence network. Besides, it's not something particularly taboo for officials to have close contacts with wealthy businessmen. It depends on whether they have What substantive interests. However, it is difficult for us to find out these deep-seated contents in the interior. It's all innocuous stuff"

Sliding the screen again, the faces of several young people appeared on the projection, "So we did the opposite, starting from the country of Magnesium, investigating the successors of these families staying in the country of Magnesium, and seeing what can be learned from them. I can't dig out any useful clues. I don't know if I don't check. It's quite shocking to check. The capital and industries that these families have in Magnesia are not small. Many companies are listed on Nasdaq and Dow Jones. They operate behind the scenes, such as XXXXXX, XXXXXX, XXXXXX, XXXXXX, all of which are very large "conscience" companies. I just don't know which country's conscience it is."

Feng Luwan said coldly: "These are also on the surface. We are a free country, and they are free to go where they want to go public."

Shish slid the screen again, and an intricate network graph appeared on it, "These are companies with cross-shareholdings of these families, and their network of relationships in the country of Magnesia, which includes many people from the country of Magnesia, and there are many The retirees from the Pentagon and the people from Stargate are the most important, and the most important information is." She pressed the phone screen, and an icon in the hidden corner of the network map popped up, "Purdue Charitable Foundation"

"According to our investigation, this private foundation holds a large number of shares in its superior company, and it is mainly concentrated in Xiagai shares. What is interesting is that most of the shares held by this private fund come from donations, and every Each donation is in the tens of billions of dollars. Although we can’t find out how much money this private fund has, according to legal requirements, this private charitable fund must allocate 5% of its assets for public welfare and charity every year. We can According to some data in 2020, this foundation cooperates with UNESCO, World Food Program, UNICEF and other international organizations, and the donation and charity project cooperation cost about 2000 billion U.S. dollars, which also shows that this Private charitable funds can control at least 7000 billion U.S. dollars, and we have asked professionals to estimate that the possible value is about 2021 billion U.S. dollars." Hirsch paused and said, "The interesting thing is that this private fund is in In 2023, I got the full tax-exempt qualification from the federal government. Since then, I have never donated a penny, and in [-], I also received donations from two military companies, Boeing and General Motors.”

"2021?" Cheng Mo and Feng Luwan said in unison.

Xi Shi whispered: "Yes. The full tax-exempt qualification certification will be issued in September 2021, which is four months after Chen Shaohua's release."

Feng Luwan shook her head and said, "Unless we can get actual evidence that this foundation is related to the Chen family, it will not explain anything." She looked at Xi Shi and asked, "Can you find out about this foundation?" Do you have the details of the directors and shareholders of the meeting?"

"I can't find it." Xi Shi shook his head, "I only know that the Chinese pinyin is muyu."

"Wooden fish?" Feng Luwan asked suspiciously.

"No." Cheng Mo hesitated, "Maybe it's Mu Yu."

"Mu Yu?" Feng Luwan was puzzled.

Cheng Mo whispered, "Murong Yusi's Mu Yu."


This night was a sleepless night for Cheng Mo, mainly because Athena heard the story of Yan Yitong's "nuclear bomb play princes" for Cheng Mo, and she wanted to go back to the Winter Palace immediately to see how "restrained" this carrier nemesis is. .

Cheng Mo talked about it, which made Athena temporarily dismiss the idea.Early in the morning, Cheng Mo, who knew he had sinned deeply, got up and made lobster noodles, boiled vegetables, and pineapple buns for the three women.The noodles are bamboo noodles, and the lobster is the new Xilan rock lobster bought by Xishi. The shell of this kind of shrimp is relatively hard, but the meat is also very tender.

Xi Shi, who watched TVB dramas all night, heard Cheng Mo's shout, and walked out first. In the restaurant, he saw Cheng Mo wearing disposable gloves and concentrating on peeling lobsters with "Seven Sins". Flying on the plate, pieces of lobster meat with a little red silk in the white were taken out from the hard shell and placed in the bowl next to it piece by piece.

Xishi said happily: "Is the boss's service so good? He even peeled the shrimp for us. It's really touching~~~~"

Cheng Mo said without raising his head: "You peel it yourself, I peeled it for Athena."

Xi Shi raised his middle finger at Chengmo, sat down on the chair, and said angrily: "Stingy, you can't get a shelled lobster for hundreds of millions."

Cheng Mo glanced at Xi Shi, "You really want a lot, you want kisses, you want a house, you want to be a mistress, and you want me to be your servant."

"Hey~~~~" Xi Shi interrupted Cheng Mo without losing the opportunity, and said with a smile: "Yes~ I want you to come down~~~~ for me to eat!"

Cheng Mo said angrily: "You still have the nerve to play with such an old meme!"

"I'm a foreigner, and I've been able to play memes for a long time, okay! Besides, this meme is so classic, and it will never go out of style!"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I saw that the boss eats the secretary's tofu. If you eat the boss's tofu like this, you will be fired sooner or later."

"Cut~" Xi Shi scooped up some noodles with his chopsticks, "Are you willing to fire a secretary like me who is so obsessed?"

Cheng Mo put the peeled lobster meat in the Xi Shi bowl, "I'm afraid of you~I'm afraid of you! Eat it quickly! After eating, there are still things to do!"

Not long after, Feng Luwan and Athena also came out, and Cheng Mo immediately pushed the plate full of peeled lobster meat in front of Athena, got up and pushed the chair away for Athena, "Honey, I peeled all the lobsters for you Sit down and eat!"

"Boss, did you do something wrong!" Xi Shi knocked on the bowl and said, "This is a bit too courteous, even my wife called it out!"

Cheng Mo glared at Xi Shi and said, "I want you to talk more."

The depressed Feng Luwan forced a smile and said, "Is this lobster noodles or dog food noodles?"

Athena sat down, glanced at the lobster meat piled up in half of the sea bowl, and said lightly: "There is a century-old lobster in the Arctic Circle, which is as thick as an arm."

"There is a chance," Cheng Mo wiped off his cold sweat and said, "We will eat if we have the chance."

Athena asked again: "By the way, New Hiran's lobsters won't be contaminated by nuclear weapons, right?"

Knowing that Athena was asking the question knowingly, Cheng Mo turned on the TV in the dining room, and said, "Let's watch the news."

(End of this chapter)

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