Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1176 Lord of the Underworld (1)

Chapter 1176 Lord of the Underworld (1)

The black "Tsar XR36" made a deafening sound in the silo, and the huge airflow impacted the monitoring probe to vibrate wildly.

The line of white Russian words - Союз Советских Социалистических Республик rose slowly amidst the violent fireworks, pointing directly at the sky.

Even in the underground tens of meters away from the silo, Cheng Mo felt the obvious movement.The cups on the table and the computer screen were vibrating desperately, the unoccupied chair was either jumping lightly or falling down, the glass in the corridor also made a resonant beep, and even Frakey standing on the pedestal Mir Arnold's [-]-D projection was shaking too, like a jammed TV signal.

But no one cared, everyone looked up dumbfounded as the black giant escaped from its cage and flew into the blue sky.In an instant, like a morning star falling into daylight, it flickered and disappeared.

The control center was silent, and everyone lost their voices.

The sound of "pa, pa, pa" floated out from the surround sound, breaking the silence.Yan Funing stood in front of the nuclear bomb launch pad and applauded wildly, "The launch was successful, salute to the great Soviet!"

"Yan Funing, what exactly do you want?" Vladimir Arnold's cold mechanical voice trembled, because it was a synthesizer, and it was impossible to tell if it was fear or anger.

"What do you want?" Yan Funing half-turned and leaned casually against the green launch console, "I still have to think about it. Maybe I can figure it out after 10 minutes or so when the Czar lands on the ground. What do you want?"

"I really regret that I believed you."

The annoyance contained in Vladimir Arnold's deep mechanical voice is so obvious, and his three-dimensional projection also covered his face, as if he would fall down at any time, and he seemed to be wailing helplessly.

Cheng Mo turned his head and looked at the glass curtain wall behind him. He could see the jellyfish-like brain in the petri dish marked with Vladimir Arnold, hitting the glass of the petri dish under the traction of the wires, as if making a suicide attempt. move.

"Trust me? Do you really believe me, or do you just want me to help you deceive Cheng Mo? Also, don't you also keep me in the dark? Tell me how to guide Cheng Mo back to the real world, but where It's still a virtual world." Yan Funing mocked coldly, "Everyone is not a good person, so there is no need to be hypocritical here."

Vladimir Arnold shook his head, "I did conceal it from you in this matter, but I never meant to harm you, nor did I want to harm anyone, I just wanted to complete the task that I had to complete. "

Yan Funing restrained the arrogant expression on his face, and said in a low voice: "I know that the Soviet is supreme in your heart, and you have no regrets about what you do for it. But teacher, why do you still want to guard the dead empire? What? The Soviets have long since returned to dust. What are you holding on to here? XXXXXX has long since failed! What are you still waiting for and looking forward to? Only with the technology of the Winter Palace can we save stupid human beings! teacher"

Vladimir Arnold raised his head, glared at Yan Funing and said, "What's the use of this technology? What's the use of this technology? Besides allowing rich people to live forever in the digital world, what else can it do? It can't change anything, We can't change anything."

"Don't be so pessimistic, teacher." Yan Funing said lightly, "Nothing can be accomplished overnight, no matter who you are, sometimes you need to compromise, just like me, I have been compromising for the first 27 years of my life, I choose to compromise for safety, Joined Tai Chi Dragon. In order to get more resources, I compromised to join Qianlong Group. In order to rise faster to gain power, I compromised to become an agent. In order to survive in a foreign land” the gasp in his voice It's getting bigger and bigger, it seems that there is a flame burning in my chest, "I keep compromising to myself, to the surrounding environment, to strangers I don't know, to the enemy! Compromise! Compromise! Endless compromise. I think one day I will be myself"

"Is this why you launched the nuclear bomb?" Vladimir Arnold stood up straight and waved his hands and shouted, "No one will stop you from being yourself."

Yan Funing closed his eyes, as if he had calmed down, and when he opened them, he smiled and said, "None of you will understand." He turned around and faced the operating table again, leaving his profile to the camera, He whispered, "I don't need you to understand. In half an hour, the first nuclear bomb will explode in Sidney. Now let's think about it, where is the next target?"

Paul XIV jumped to his feet, pumping his fists and yelling, "What? You're going to fire again? Are you satisfied with killing us all?"

Yan Funing looked at the camera, shook his head with a chuckle and said, "Of course not, this one is for negotiation. I have to choose a target to lock on to it, then inject fuel, and calculate the attack trajectory. It will take a little time. I have to Get everything ready. If the conditions you offer are not satisfactory to me, then I will launch these nuclear bombs one by one until all 24 are fired. Anyway, this world is a bustling ruin, so let me Why not turn it into a real ruin? Don't we all like equality?" He licked his dry lips, "Everyone is equal in the face of destruction"

"I agree with whatever you want. As long as you start the destruction program immediately." Vladimir Arnold said without hesitation, "It's still too late. If you don't know how to destroy him, I can teach you. Next to the console, there is a computer that tracks the trajectory of the nuclear bomb, and we can use it to force the missile to detonate before it re-enters the atmosphere."

"Teacher, I know, I have read the operation manual." Yan Funing glanced at the console with a military computer embedded next to it and said, "But I don't intend to do this, I don't want you to think that I am a talkative person, and Don't want to give you guys a chance to stall. Not only will I not destroy this bomb, I'll get the next one ready for launch, and now we're talking about the second one, where we drop it!"

"You don't need to start the destruction program first, you can ask now, and I will agree to anything." Vladimir Arnold said eagerly.

"No! I don't agree!" Paul XIV appeared in front of Vladimir Arnold's three-dimensional projection like a ghost and said loudly, "What if he wants to control the Winter Palace? Then what should we do in the future? "

"Look, how prescient I am." Yan Funing smiled, "I knew that I had never seen the terror of the Tsar, and there would be people who would object."

Vladimir Arnold said helplessly: "Do you think we can not give him?"

Paul XIV turned his head to look at the big screen, put his hands together, and begged bitterly: "Don't you want to leave? I will send you away now, and you can go wherever you want! I promise to send you safely, you If you don’t believe us, you can leave by yourself in a submarine! You can leave in any way you want, even if you want to leave in a rocket, I can remove the nuclear bomb and fit you with seats!”

"There is a saying in our country of Xia called 'It's easy to ask God to send God away', and now I don't want to leave, 'Winter Palace' is such a good place, how can I be willing to leave? I am full of affection for this place, you know? For me It is said that there is no safer place than here, surrounded by towering nuclear bombs, just click the button to deliver the most grand fireworks of mankind, and annihilate all good and evil. I sleep in a closed operation center and use explosions to buy overnight Sleep well, I open my eyes, I don't need to rely on hallucinations, I can see the homeland hidden in the deep sea, the silence embraces me. Behold, the tsar and Satan are returning to their places, the world trembles under my keys, the great keyboard Hero, will live forever, no one can threaten." Yan Funing recited a poem impassionedly, and said in a low voice with a sullen face, "Look, I'm really a goddamn poet."

"Crazy! Crazy! MD, why is there someone more crazy than me in this world!" Paul XIV yelled, and he teleported back to Cheng Mo, standing on the table and grabbing Cheng Mo's collar , spit and said loudly, "You should say something! Persuade him to go with you! Doesn't his sister like you? Think of a way! Don't let my head be knocked in vain!"

Cheng Mo smiled wryly and said: "It's not just you who were deceived, but also me. His goal from the beginning was to control the 'Winter Palace', and I was just a fool who was used by him. Based on what I know about him, If he can't achieve this goal, he will not stop launching nuclear bombs."

"That's right! Cheng Mo understands me." Yan Funing snapped his fingers, and he said in a negotiating tone, "How about we set our next goal in London? I hated that city a long time ago! Subway station The place is full of stuffy smells, especially in winter, in order to pretend that you are a real Cockney, you have to pretend to be indifferent wearing a coat and scarf, in fact, you would like to take off all your clothes! The trains are crowded and there is no signal, and there are huge crowds of people wherever you go, and there are people of different skin colors and languages ​​in all directions. It is already very difficult to distinguish these people. You have to master the different accents of people from all walks of life. The office people never use the same accent, the office and the lawyer don't use the same accent, the lawyer speaks differently than the aristocrat, my god, it's a hell of a secret agent there. I'm tired of having to Saying 'SORRY' and meeting up to discuss the weather, not to mention football hooligans who get drunk and go crazy, a peaceful person like me getting into a fight every month, it just sucks. The most damning thing is that faucet, a faucet will always produce hot water, and a faucet will always only produce cold water, it is anti-human! Can you understand?"

Yan Funing, with a frantic face, entered the coordinates of London on the console. Although it was not the time for the broadcast countdown, everyone could hear the machine at the nuclear bomb launch center reporting warmly, "51°30' north latitude." , east longitude 0.1°5′”, and prompt whether to start injecting fuel and calculate the attack trajectory.

Yan Funing pressed Confirm, with a half-relief and half-stern expression on his face, "In the second half of this year, Red Lion and Stargate will cooperate to destroy the Black Death, how can we let the Black Death that is fighting ahead be sacrificed like this? ? I will use nuclear bombs to bring positive energy to the world, and West Nile will bloom in two, promoting the spirit of justice. I hope everyone will pay more attention to it!"

"Ёбтвоюмать! Ёбтвоюмать!" Paul XIV was furious and cursed loudly.

Cheng Mo felt that this outdated meme was not funny at all, he stared at Yan Funing's face, the red and green indicator lights reflected a heart-pounding light in his pupils, behind that light seemed to be a black swirl that swallowed everything, there was no Calm, but not complacent, like a harvester out of control, dancing wildly in the lonely wilderness.

Cheng Mo seemed to sense Yan Funing's strangeness, as if he was waiting for someone to press the stop button to make him stop.

This feeling was both strange and surprising to Cheng Mo. He turned his head and whispered to Paul XIV: "If you can't pay the price he wants, now we have to think of other ways."

"Ёбтвоюмать! Then you think of a way?" Paul XIV kicked the computer on the table away, and the flying parts startled the work in the hall, and they squatted down unconsciously.

Cheng Mo grabbed Paul XIV by the back collar, lifted him up like a short-legged corgi, turned around and walked quickly towards the aisle.

"How long is it until the nuclear bomb enters the atmosphere?"

Paul XIV, who was carried by Cheng Mo, didn't struggle, and said angrily: "The speed of R36 is Mach 26. The distance from the Winter Palace to Sydney is about 9277 kilometers. You can calculate it yourself."

"Mach 26 is definitely just an average speed. The flight speed of R36 at the front of the atmosphere is definitely not fast due to the influence of gravity. According to the speed of Mach 10, it will take 3-5 minutes. It has been 7 minutes and 38 seconds since the launch. That is to say, R36 is now It has already left the atmosphere. It takes about 36 minutes for the R29 to travel from the Winter Palace to Sidney. The speed of the intercontinental missile is the fastest when it re-enters the atmosphere. Nee, that means we have about thirteen to nineteen minutes left if we want to detonate the Tsar outside the atmosphere."

"That's almost it!" Paul XIV said dejectedly, "It's too late anyway."

Entering the tunnel with brains on both sides, Cheng Mo asked in a low voice: "One, is there a way to intercept the Winter Palace?"


"Second, can we notify Ennos to intercept?"

"R36, as the Tsar's vehicle, is also called Satan. This name was given by Stargate and Ouyu. You must know that as the last trump card of the Soviet Union, no matter whether it is Magnesia or any country, there is no bargaining Ability. It was originally designed to target the Stargate. The existence of our GTS-755 base was the top secret of the Soviet Union. At that time, the whole world was shrouded in the cloud of nuclear war. Mutual destruction requires three rounds of shooting to ensure that each other will launch a fourth nuclear strike. It is meaningless, that is to say, no matter which country it is, it has completely become ruins. And GTS-755 is designed to implement the fourth round of nuclear strikes. There is a secret base. According to expert estimates, after the third nuclear strike, both sides must resume production and recuperate. It will take at least ten years to re-develop nuclear deterrence. In order to win the development opportunity, our GTS-755 must be in the stargate Before the restoration of nuclear deterrence, a fourth devastating nuclear strike was launched on its military industrial center to ensure the first-mover advantage of our Soviet. However, because of the collective betrayal of the highest level at that time, the loyal First Deputy Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff Marshal Akhromeyev did not tell anyone about the existence of this base, so after he shot himself at 1991:8 on August 24, 21, no one in the Soviet Union knew about the 'Winter Palace'. So Ennos They don't even know we exist, let alone intercept them."

Cheng Mo stopped at the elevator entrance and asked, "Even if they don't know, is it okay to inform them now?"

"Wouldn't that expose us? We can still play tricks now, and no one may know that we shot it." Paul XIV sighed, "Besides, it's meaningless even to intercept, just to sit down and die." "Stargate, the designer added armor containing uranium-238 metal for the Tsar. Generally speaking, under the interception of ordinary kinetic energy weapons, the nuclear warhead will basically not be damaged. , it will land no matter what, it’s just a matter of where it lands. It doesn’t matter if it lands a little bit! A missile with a Tsar warhead is fired, then its explosive power has a radius of 700 kilometers and a total coverage of 8.26 square kilometers , the 500 square kilometers in the center will be barren. How big is Sydney?"

Cheng Mo smiled bitterly and said, "More than 1.2 square kilometers." After a pause, he asked, "Then can we find a way to enter the nuclear bomb operation center? You are the chosen one!"

"If I can, I will wait here?" Paul XIV yelled strangely, now all the chemical poisons are filled from the 31st floor to the 27th floor, even if I am a carrier, I will only give experience. Don't even think about taking a submarine out, In safe mode, the dock on the fifth floor is closed, no one can get out, and no one can get in. Experts have already considered all the issues you can consider for you. "

"You mean we can only wait?"

"We can only wait." Paul XIV nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Cheng Mo said coldly, "Forget it if you hand over the Winter Palace to him. If you really want him to shoot the nuclear bomb to Lundun, even if there is no world war, your 'Winter Palace' will have to be completely destroyed." Destroy! I think the first move would be the Ennoth Sunflower Banner"

"If you really want to hand me over, I'm not the same as death!" Paul XIV shook his head and said very bachelorly, "If you want to die, let's all die together."

Cheng Mo closed his eyes and thought for a while, let go of his hand, and threw Paul XIV on the ground, "Start the elevator, let's go to the fifth floor! I remember the ventilation duct leading to the dock on the fifth floor and the difference in the Winter Palace." Same."

(End of this chapter)

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