Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1175 The Sphinx of the Winter Palace (6)

Chapter 1175 The Sphinx of the Winter Palace (6)

Around the towering dome, a circle of red police lights kept flashing, and the red flag in the center of the roof also lit up, illuminating the entire empty nuclear bomb launch center like a sea of ​​blood.

The "Winter Palace" base, to be precise, should be the "GTS-755" base made a rumbling sound, which sounded like thunder when an earthquake came.

Yan Funing felt a violent tremor, he looked around, almost everything was shaking.The toolbox by the wall was bouncing around on the floor, making a tinkling sound like an inferior music box.In the flickering red light like blood, all kinds of operating desks, electrical cabinets, control cabinets, and high-voltage switch cabinets painted with green paint were shaking wildly, and the sound was so loud that people worried that these things would collapse at any time.

"Is there an earthquake?" Standing in front of the "Protected Mode Start Console", Yan Yitong asked in amazement, grabbing the corner of the console.

"It's just that the movement of the protection mode is a bit loud." Yan Funing said with a smile, but he was a little worried that the quality of the Soviets' stuff was not good enough to survive the activation of the protection mode, which made it impossible to launch the nuclear bomb.

"Oh~" Yan Yitong didn't have as many troubles as Yan Funing. He turned around and asked again, "Brother, do you think Cheng Mo and the others have escaped from the virtual world now? This won't damage the server, will it?"

Yan Funing said earnestly and earnestly: "I say Tongtong! Men are bad embryos who have not been trained. You can't be too kind to them. The more kind you are, the more they will think you are easy to deceive. Why does Athena attract so many men? Just because she is beautiful? Of course not, because she has the strength and ruthlessness to cut off a man's head, which is equivalent to putting a noose around a man's neck. It is this dangerous feeling that makes men enjoy it , understand?"

"You mean the only way to keep a man loyal is to make him afraid?" Yan Yitong asked half understanding.

"Of course not. If there is only fear, people like Cheng Mo will find it more exciting to have an affair. He will be crazy about this game of catch and catch. So I want to see how the animal trainer trains the beast Yes? A man is this kind of low-level animal. He has to hold the food in one hand and the whip in the other, so that he will respect and fear you." He smiled and said coldly, "Including me."

Yan Yitong said dejectedly: "Brother is always like this?" But in the blink of an eye, she shook her head resolutely, "I don't believe it, brother is not this kind of person! Neither is Cheng Mo."

"Silly girl, when did my brother lie to you!"

Yan Funing said with a loving face, even though his current love is only half left, but looking at the uninjured half, he is still utterly handsome. If you look at the injured half of his face together, it will be truly utterly tragic.

Yan Yitong's face was confused, and when she was using her small head to think, there was a piercing friction sound in the elevator shaft, like the sudden sound of a huge electric current in the earphones, which made people mad.Immediately afterwards, the indicator light above the elevator began to flash randomly, and there was an endless sound of falling in the elevator shaft, and the stainless steel door suddenly swelled outward, as if something hard was falling from it.

Both showed gritty expressions, but Yan Funing just frowned, while Yan Yitong raised his hands to cover his ears, and let out an unbearable cry.

The voice was loud and ethereal, like a song, and it completely overwhelmed the sharp noise erupting in the elevator shaft for a while.At this moment, the flashing police lights above their heads, the tool boxes jumping in the corner, like various green cabinets for epileptic patients, suddenly entered a static state, as if someone was using the time skill.The sudden sharp tone also stopped suddenly, and the entire cylindrical Winter Palace base also stopped vibrating, as if it had returned to normal.

Yan Funing quickly grabbed Yan Yitong's arm and comforted softly: "Tongtong, it's okay, it's okay, it's just that the elevator was squeezed down."

Yan Yitong didn't realize what happened just now, and felt that there was no messy noise, so she put down her hand, shook her head, and said with lingering fear: "I can't stand this kind of sound the most. Every time I hear this There is a voice that always feels like something is going to come out of my head."

Yan Funing forced a smile and said, "In the future, those lazy bastards must be lubricated." He walked quickly to the elevator, grabbed the cracked outer door of the elevator with both hands, and pulled it hard, leaving the gray Metal blocks appeared in front of them.He turned his head to look at Yan Yitong, "Look, I'm right! Don't be afraid, it's not that something dangerous happened."

Yan Yitong nodded, "With my brother around, I won't be afraid."

Yan Funing turned back and walked towards the largest console. His steps were brisk, and an expression of uncontrollable excitement appeared on his half-angel, half-demon face. This face that should have been ferocious turned into an extremely harmonious one, as if he should be like this, he Rolling his throat, he said with a restrained and forbearing emotion: "Come on, let my brother fire a salute for you."

"Shooting the salute? What a secondary school!" Yan Yitong followed Yan Funing to the main console, bouncing around, and said happily, "Brother, you don't mean to launch a nuclear bomb, do you?"

"Why not?" Yan Funing looked down at the keyholes and red buttons on the left and right sides of the console, "Such a day worth celebrating, of course we have to set off the world's largest fireworks."

"Do you really want to let it go?" Yan Yitong was stunned, and then she said with a smile, "Stop joking."

Yan Funing smiled, his smile was handsome and ferocious, and the teeth protruding from the corners of his lips were extremely white, like diamonds under the white light of the console, "Come on, Tongtong, you decide where we throw the first firework. "


"Talk about it?" Paul XIV sneered, "You think I'll be afraid if the nuclear bomb launch center is held hostage? Without the coded instructions from me and Arnold, it's impossible for someone to launch the nuclear bomb."

Paul XIV jumped up again, and hit Cheng Mo's chest with his head like a lamb. The black cloak and black mask made him look like a comic actor, but this hammer was overwhelming. With great force, Cheng Mo was directly knocked out, and hit the safety stairs at the end of the corridor like a cannonball.

With a "bang", Cheng Mo got stuck on the wall inlaid with the stairs, and then slowly slid down towards the ground.He could clearly feel the bending of the stairs behind him, and he could also feel that his body was much tougher than before. Even the damage equivalent to a fifty or sixty-yard car impact only made him feel pain all over his body, and did not cause any damage. Substantial trauma.

There is no doubt that this is the effect of "Dragon Blood". After the blood exchange, Cheng Mo's body has been strengthened a lot, but it is still far worse than the carrier.It is still a dream to kill Paul XIV, who is No. 60 and No. [-] in the heaven list, by relying on the body and the "Seven Sins". Besides, it is meaningless to kill his carrier. He can still activate it, maybe it is just a loss Just some experience points.

"I still have to endure it." Sitting by the wall, Cheng Mo pretended to be seriously injured, and forcefully coughed up some blood, saying intermittently: "I, I think. You. You are really too impulsive. .Too confident, no matter what, you have to wait and see how to reject a possible collaborator so early. This is not a quality that a king should have, maybe you will regret it later."

Paul XIV teleported and suddenly appeared in front of Cheng Mo. He opened his mouth with both hands, stuck out his tongue and made a face, "Wow! I'm so scared!" He grabbed Cheng Mo's collar, He lifted him up a little from the ground, but Cheng Mo was much taller than him, and he threw Cheng Mo to the ground angrily, "My sincere friend, threats are indeed the prerequisite for negotiation, but they must also be substantive." Threat. Even if Yan Funing can launch a nuclear bomb, does he have the guts? I don't think a person with a little common sense would have the courage to make such a decision!"

Cheng Mo laughed "haha". I don't know if it was because of Paul XIV's funny actions or because of Paul XIV's remarks, but he laughed unscrupulously.

"What are you laughing at?" Paul XIV asked sullenly.

"He will definitely launch it," Cheng Mo said lightly, "Trust me"

Paul XIV also burst into laughter. He threw away the western sword in his hand, and rolled on the ground with his stomach in his arms. He looked like a horse monkey, and he couldn't tell that he was a nobleman, let alone a king.

Cheng Mo felt baffled, "What's so funny?"

"There is nothing funnier than this. Do you think nuclear bombs are gold? Paul XIV made a wretched gesture of shooting a gun, "You can shoot it with one () shot?" "

Just as Paul XIV was doing the classic movement with his right hand, amidst the spinning red alarm, that very gentle Soviet-style female voice sounded again.

"The countdown to the launch of the nuclear bomb is now 10 minutes, well 1 Tsar XR-36M, fuel injection, the target is 33°55' south latitude, 150°53' east longitude, and the attack trajectory is being calculated"

This singing-like voice is obviously not a love song that arouses desire. Paul XIV's hands sliding in the air froze in mid-air. He said to himself, "Impossible, impossible, how did this happen?"

Cheng Mo was also very surprised, he thought that Yan Funing should at least negotiate terms with Paul XIV first, and if there was no agreement, a nuclear bomb would be threatened in an uninhabited sea, but Yan Funing didn't talk about anything, and started first After completing the launch process, the aiming location is still
Paul XIV jumped up from the ground, grabbed Cheng Mo by the collar, and asked loudly angrily: "пиздец (same MB), 33°55' south latitude, 150°53' east longitude, where is this damned place? "

Cheng Mo suppressed the shock in his heart, and said lightly, "Sinney."

"Sydney?" Paul XIV asked incoherently, "Which Sydney?"

"Which one else? The largest city in Ozhou."

Paul XIV asked angrily, "Is this Yan Funing out of his mind?"

"His mind is very clear." Cheng Mo pretended to be noncommittal and said, "His sister disappeared in Sydney, maybe it's just such a trivial revenge!"

"Quickly tell him to stop, hurry up and tell him to stop!" Paul XIV shouted loudly while shaking Cheng Mo, "This crazy person!"

Cheng Mo sneered pretending to be indifferent, slapped Paul XIV's hand holding his collar away, stood up calmly, straightened the collar that was crooked by Paul XIV, and then slapped him He slapped Paul XIV on the face, and said coldly: "Please! Kneel down and beg me. Maybe I will kindly help you."

After being slapped by Cheng Mo, Paul XIV froze in place. Cheng Mo couldn't observe much emotion from his masked face, but he vaguely felt that Paul XIV was not very angry. Thinking of Paul XIV Cheng Mo took the fourteenth generation's strange habit for granted.He wondered in his heart, Paul XIV, who doesn't know how to slap in the face, is very happy, right?

"The countdown to the launch of the nuclear bomb is now 7 minutes. Well 1 Tsar XR-36M, the fuel injection has been completed, the target is 33°55' south latitude, 150°53' east longitude, and the attack trajectory is being simulated"

This gentle reminder made Paul XIV unable to hold back any longer. He knelt on his knees and lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said softly: "Stop him! What will happen if he does this. You should know."

Cheng Mo calmly said, "I don't think His Majesty's attitude is very sincere." He sighed and said, "I can't feel His Majesty's sincerity!"

Paul XIV clenched his fists, brewed in the cold air for a long time, and then said tremblingly: "Mr. Cheng, please stop Yan Funing, please help. The world needs you to save."

Cheng Mo let out an "uh" and said flatly: "There is a very ceremonial way of apologizing in Japan, called 'Doxiazuo', which is used to express the deepest apology or sincere request, although His Majesty is not Japanese people, but you can also learn from the craftsmanship of Japanese people, if you want to ask for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help!"

Paul XIV cursed in a low voice, "Japanese people from CNM", then propped his hands on the ground, knocked his head down, and swallowed his anger and said, "Is this okay?"


Paul XIV raised his head and said sullenly:
"Don't think that if the nuclear bomb is launched, you will end well!"

"Okay!" Cheng said calmly, "Now you contact the nuclear bomb launch center and let me talk to him."

Paul XIV jumped up, grabbed Cheng Mo's wrist and ran towards the defense line in the elevator, "Hurry up, we have to go to the first floor."

"The countdown to the launch of the nuclear bomb is now 5 minutes. Well 1 Tsar XR-36M, the fuel injection has been completed, the target is 33°55' south latitude, 150°53' east longitude, and the attack trajectory is being corrected"

Amidst the sound of the countdown without a sense of urgency, Paul XIV ran fast. He dragged Cheng Mo to the elevator room, jumped up, kicked the stainless steel door into the elevator shaft with two short legs, A dark doorway was revealed.He landed directly on the stainless steel door panel in the elevator shaft, and dragged Cheng Mo to step on the silver stainless steel door panel and fell towards the dark depths of the elevator shaft.

The rapidly falling stainless steel plates rubbed against the steel cables and the walls of the elevator shaft, causing countless sparks to pop up.The sparks flickered, the sound of "swooshing" was intermittent, but the fierce wind never stopped, blowing Cheng Mo's hair up on end.

After only falling for more than ten seconds, the stainless steel plate violated the common sense of gravity and stopped in the elevator doorway on the first floor out of thin air.This time Paul XIV did not kick the door, but shouted, "Open the door."

The alloy door, which was much thicker than the stainless steel elevator door upstairs, slid open silently, revealing a passageway illuminated with blue light.There are glass curtain walls on both sides of the corridor, and countless "petri dishes" are placed inside the curtain walls, which should be called "sleeping cabins".These sleeping cabins are much smaller than Cheng Modai's sleeping cabins, because they are not filled with people, but white brains.
"Go in!" Paul XIV said eagerly, and he jumped into the corridor first.

Cheng Mo also jumped in, and the stainless steel plate floating in the elevator shaft fell straight down, and the elevator door quickly closed.

Paul XIV rushed through the passageway that looked like Ocean World on his short legs, and entered a bright hall with huge screens on three sides and computers in the middle, which looked like a rocket launch command center.

Cheng Mo was a little startled when he saw the scene on both sides. Those white brains were floating in the petri dish like jellyfish, as if swimming in the deep blue sea. He observed carefully during his sprint and saw the petri dish On the lower pedestals are innumerable great names—Lugin, Arnold, Schnileman, Buchshtab, Barbarn, Kolmolokov, Kurchatov , Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg, Lebedev. Sergey Pavlovich Korolev.

And at the forefront, near the hall is Vladimir Arnold.

Cheng Mo withdrew his gaze and followed Paul XIV into the futuristic hall. This place is not only like a rocket launch center, but also like a spacecraft cab in a sci-fi movie. The pictures on the three screens should be "ideal The virtual picture in the country.The whole hall is extremely dreamy, except that there are no fancy three-dimensional projection screens and the like
Just as Cheng Mo finished complaining, he saw that the person standing on the black circular pedestal on the right side of the main screen was somewhat imaginary, not like a real person but a three-dimensional projection.He stopped in his tracks and took a closer look at who it wasn't Vladimir Arnold, the grandfather of the famous mathematician No. [-].

He looked in the direction Vladimir Arnold was facing again, only to find that the big screen on the right was playing the picture of the nuclear bomb launch center, and Yan Funing's half-beautiful, half-ugly face occupied the center of the screen. central location.

"Yan Funing, you can't do this. What conditions and ideas can we discuss? If you do this, you are pushing the world into war, and you will become a sinner through the ages."

Vladimir Arnold's voice sounded from all directions, like surround sound.

"Trust my teacher," Yan Funing smiled, "I guarantee that no one will blame us. As long as we say that it was not intentional, but an operational error, those organizations will just bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich, and then kindly say to us next time Notice"

Paul XIV turned around and pulled Cheng Mo from the passage to the bottom of the hall, and said loudly: "Yan Funing, your companion is here! I think we can talk about anything, there is no need to actually launch a nuclear bomb, it is completely unnecessary, That stuff is expensive and not fun"

Seeing Yan Funing just smiling, Paul XIV turned his head and said to Cheng Mo: "Stop him quickly! Otherwise it will be too late."

Cheng Mo looked at the big screen, all the instruments of the familiar nuclear bomb launch center were working, and the red and green indicator lights were flashing regularly inside.

"Yan Funing, you can't do this." Cheng Mo said seriously, "We just want to leave the Winter Palace. There is no need to launch a nuclear bomb. Even if you want to launch it, you can't aim at Sydney."

"Why not? I said yes, it can!" Yan Funing shrugged his shoulders first, and then said impatiently, "Cheng Mo, I have had enough of this uncontrollable life. From now on, from this seconds, no one can order me, no one can tell me what to do, no one."

The frightening soft female voice sounded again, as if announcing death: "Now enter the 1-minute countdown to the launch of the nuclear bomb, Well No. 1 Tsar XR-36M, fuel injection is complete, target latitude 33°55' south, East longitude 150°53', the attack trajectory has been corrected, waiting for confirmation"

Yan Funing raised his hands and said loudly with joy, "Come, let's celebrate this historic moment, for the birth of freedom!"

"do not want!"

"do not want!"

"do not want!"

Amidst the exclamation of countless people, Yan Funing slapped the red confirmation button with a slap.

"Attack Confirmed! Countdown"





"Cheers! The moment to witness the miracle!" Yan Funing shouted in the silence of the crowd.






Paul XIV looked up at Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo also noticed Paul XIV's gaze, and looked down at Paul XIV.

When the sound of "1" sounded, Paul XIV said, "Is my head knocked for nothing?"

Cheng Mo saw that the big screen switched to the picture of the silo, and the booster had already started to burn, emitting a strong flame.He nodded and said, "I'm sorry, it should be"

(End of this chapter)

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