Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1164 Orfeo in Hell (10)

Chapter 1164 Orfeo in Hell (10)

Cheng Mo and Yan Yitong ran to the 33rd floor from the spiral stairs surrounding the central elevator. The sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom" resounded throughout the empty and lonely cylindrical hall, as if it was the accompaniment of Yan Yitong's singing.

The two of them passed through the cross-shaped grille overpass, and the "Seven Sins" floated in mid-air, emitting a faint halo. Under their feet was a huge computer room frozen in the old time and space, and in front of them were twelve gray civilian doors embedded on the alloy wall Anti door.

Although he hadn't been able to go in yet, Cheng Mo already felt a heavy sense of oppression, as if behind the twelve doors was a beast that could destroy the world.

I don't know if it's because of Yan Yitong's exciting singing, or because he is about to witness the artifact, Cheng Mo is also a little excited for no reason.Although people all over the world have heard the great reputation of "nuclear weapons", few people can see it with their own eyes.

For Cheng Mo, this is definitely one of the important moments that can be remembered.

Walking to the nearest gate, I saw the character "4" erected between the gaps in the door. This character alone is no shorter than his people.He visually measured that it must be at least [-] meters high and [-] meters wide. This kind of civil defense door is installed in a nuclear bomb well, which means that its minimum requirement is to be able to prevent nuclear explosions, and one door will weigh several tons.

Cheng Mo studied the door handle like a steering wheel. The anti-rust paint painted on it was free of dust and felt new. Obviously, it had been maintained frequently.However, the style of the door is still a very old closed air pressure door, which has no high-tech components.The lock is also an old-fashioned mechanical lock, and there is no need to verify fingerprints, irises or the like.

Yan Yitong stopped singing, and asked softly, "What is this place?"

"It should be the Soviet nuclear bomb launch base." Cheng Mo bent down, poured the "Seven Sins" into the keyhole, then turned it gently twice, and twisted the steering wheel lock of the air pressure valve to open it.

"Didn't the Soviet disintegrate?"

Cheng Mo straightened up, held the steering wheel and started to spin, "We often see in comics that a huge empire falls, and there will always be mysterious treasures left behind. I guess the 'Winter Palace' is what was left after the fall of the Soviet Union greatest legacy."

"Is it worth it?"

"These things cannot be measured by money. Whoever masters this place can easily start a world war, and even destroy 90.00% of any country in the world." Cheng Mo replied, he spun several times desperately, and the air pressure booster The work was very smooth, there was no unpleasant friction sound, and the civil defense door weighing several tons was opened a thin crack inward without any effort.

"Wow! That's too exciting!" Yan Yitong said.

Cheng Mo didn't speak, and continued to turn the steering wheel doorknob. He didn't know how many turns before he opened the door enough for him and Yan Yitong to get through.He exhaled foul breath, and said to Yan Yitong beside him, "Let's go in and have a look."

"Yeah!" Yan Yitong nodded like a little bodyguard holding a submachine gun.

Cheng Mo stepped into the door, and there was a huge steel passageway, like a subway passage.It's just that it's not made of concrete, it's all alloy.Maozi's things are solid, without any fancy decorations, just a layer of silver anti-rust paint on various pipes and brackets.There is also a row of clothes that look like spacesuits hanging at the entrance.

Yan Yitong glanced at the white spacesuit, and said with great interest: "Spacesuit? It looks like a place where rockets are launched."

"No," Cheng Mo shook his head, "That's a radiation protection suit."

"Then shall we wear it?"

"No need. We don't need to maintain the nuclear bomb."

"Ah! Does the nuclear bomb also need to be maintained?"

"Of course, the maintenance fee is an astronomical figure." Cheng Mo walked forward quickly, "Otherwise the Winter Palace wouldn't try to slaughter people."

"Then let's go, let's see what a nuclear bomb looks like!"

Yan Yitong caught Cheng Mo and ran forward, the corridor was filled with the sound of two running footsteps.Soon the two of them ran to the end of the corridor, and there was another civil defense gate in front, but it was slightly smaller than the entrance.

After a little effort, Cheng Mo opened the door and walked over with Yan Yitong, only to see a rocket-like intercontinental missile tens of meters high standing quietly in the silo.

The two raised their heads at the same time. In the scaffolding layer after layer, a huge gray and white monster was resting on its back, as if it could break through the dawn at any time.Cheng Mo held his breath and saw the red Soviet flag painted on the missile. Below the flag was a long black Russian word - СоюзСоветских Социалистических Республик, and at the bottom was a horizontal one - Царь-бомба (Tsar).

According to legend, this thing has never been included in the active weapons because of its too powerful power, but I saw it in the "Winter Palace" unexpectedly.

Cheng Mo gasped, as if he saw the slogan written by the God of Death.

All this shows that this base belongs to the once powerful Soviet.

Maybe it still is.

Yan Yitong didn't seem to feel the horror of the giant in front of him, and said with a little disappointment: "It's just a big rocket!"

"The equivalent of this thing is 5000 million tons, and the killing radius is as high as 3800 kilometers. It is equivalent to more than [-] Hiroshima atomic bombs exploding at the same time. Most countries cannot stop the launch of this nuclear bomb." Cheng Mo said, facing the silo He walked over to the lifting platform on the edge, and he stood on the lifting platform that can stand five or six people. He turned his head and asked Yan Yitong, "I want to go up and have a look. Are you waiting for me below? Or what should I do?"

"Together." Yan Yitong jumped up gently, and she stared at the "tsar" who was close at hand, "Is this thing so powerful? Is it true that the nuclear bombs on the earth are enough to destroy the world? Like "Radiation" ’ or ‘Wasteland’?”

Cheng Mo found the start button on the edge of the lifting platform, pressed "Up", and the sound of hinge rotation sounded, and the lifting platform slowly rose.He explained in a low voice: "Those games are exaggerated. Theoretically speaking, all the nuclear bombs in the world explode together, which is the equivalent of 250 Tsarist nuclear bombs in front of us. It is 1960 billion tons of TNT. This equivalent is less than an earthquake. For example The earthquake in Chile in 350 was equivalent to 1815 billion tons of TNT; the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1000 was equivalent to [-] billion tons of TNT. So these things are nothing compared to natural disasters.”

"Then why do everyone talk about nuclear bombs so scary? What about nuclear winter, where the sun is covered by dust."

Cheng Mo smiled and said: "That's all deliberately nonsense by Carl Sagan and other scientists. If you know some physics knowledge, you know that even if all the nuclear weapons in human hands explode, they will not be able to destroy human civilization, let alone destroy the world." So I came up with a scary nuclear winter. This concept has been cited by many science fiction novels and comics. In fact, the two largest nuclear powers on earth have enough nuclear bombs to destroy each other’s medium and large cities.”

"So that's how it is." Yan Yitong's tone was slightly disappointed.

"Isn't that enough?"

"Hee hee!" Yan Yitong chuckled, "No, it's just a bit far from what I imagined, and I feel that the next time I sing "The Divine Comedy of Nuclear Explosion" it won't be so exciting."

"Uh!" Cheng Mo nodded, "Your angle is really strange!"

Talking some nonsensical words, the lifting platform reached the highest point.Cheng Mo walked around the silo with a diameter of more than 30 meters along the scaffolding, but could not find any exit to the outside world. He looked at the huge manhole cover that may weigh hundreds of tons and could not be stolen. He was a little disappointed.If you want to use the "Seven Sins" to expose it, you might as well find another way out.

Back on the lifting platform, Cheng Mo immediately pressed the "down" button.

"What? Can't you go up?" Yan Yitong asked.

"Yeah." Cheng Mo nodded, "But I can roughly guess where it is."

"Ah? Where is it?"

Cheng Mo said in a low voice: "It must be within the Arctic Circle. As for the exact location, it is hard to say, but I think it must be a place that is neither too far nor too close to country A, and may even be far from Ennos There is also a little distance from the mainland.”

"How did you figure it out?"

"Preserving a nuclear bomb is not a child's play. If it is not handled properly, it will explode in the silo. Therefore, it not only needs frequent maintenance, but also needs to maintain a constant temperature environment that cannot be too cold or too hot. The results here The air outlets are all spraying relatively dry hot air. And now it is July, the hottest season in the year in the northern hemisphere, which means that the outside environment is very cold and humid. In addition, the Soviet nuclear bombs are all aimed at country A, so roughly The location is just around the corner”

"Si Gaoyi! Si Gaoyi!" Yan Yitong clapped his hands happily, "Then the two of us have completed the task!"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "It's still far away. Ennos has a long coastline close to the Arctic Ocean, and the Winter Palace is buried deep underground. It is impossible to find the specific latitude and longitude, unless the high-level executives of the Ennos Sunflower flag are willing to put All the nuclear bomb launch bases of the former Soviet Union have been revealed. This is the top secret of a country, and it is impossible to agree. But I suspect that maybe the Ennos people don’t even know the existence of the ‘Winter Palace’”


After exiting the nuclear bomb silo and returning to the launch center of the main building, Yan Yitong looked around at the other eleven doors and asked, "Do you need to look at the others?"

"It's not necessary." Cheng Mo quickly turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction, and closed the civil defense door as thick as a wardrobe.

"Then what should we do now?" Yan Yitong asked.

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said, "It seems that we can only find another exit."

"Hello!" Yan Yitong lowered his voice, "Why don't you launch a nuclear bomb, so that the manhole cover will not be opened?"

Cheng Mo nodded, "It's a way, but we have to get the launch operation manual first, so we don't blow up all of us in the 'Winter Palace'."

"Huh? Isn't it enough to press the button?"

"It's so simple, without operating instructions and secret keys, we can't and can't open these machines. Generally speaking, the launch of nuclear bombs requires a fixed review process, and multiple people need to agree to start the launch device."

"It's so complicated!" Yan Yitong pouted, "I really thought I had a good idea."

Cheng Mo screwed the air pressure valve lock until it couldn't be turned, and then checked the tight-fitting civil defense door before walking quickly towards the elevator room, "Maybe we can go to the fifth floor to have a look, maybe we can find something."

"Oh!" Yan Yitong quickly followed, "I don't know what happened to my brother and the others?"

"The fact that they didn't use the walkie-talkie means it's safe."

"The guards of the 'Winter Palace' are so stupid! They haven't found out yet!" Yan Yitong said angrily.

"Maybe no one has escaped successfully in decades, so they are completely unprepared."


The two of them did not take the elevator directly from the 32nd floor, but returned to the 29th floor, and then entered the elevator. Cheng Mo first pressed the fifth floor, but there was no response. It seemed that ordinary people did not have permission to reach the floor, so he pressed the up the sixth floor.

The elevator began to run downwards "hum, hum, hum", and it took a while to reach the sixth floor.Cheng Mo walked out of the elevator and stood at the corner of the corridor to listen for a while. He didn't hear gunshots or other relatively loud movements, so he was sure that Yan Funing and the others should not have been discovered, but he didn't know if they had successfully found the operation center.

He took Yan Yitong still at the end of the "H" corridor, and used the "Seven Sins" to open the cover door.He leaned over the opening of the safety staircase and looked down at the fifth floor. The entire fifth floor was brightly lit, just like the 31st floor, and there were no partitions to divide it into rooms. It was a space of a few hundred square meters with only elevators.

The various pipelines above the roof obscured the view, and Cheng Mo couldn't see much of the situation. He could only see various old ventilation systems, diesel generators, oil and water pipes, and transportation tracks.
Cheng Mo was hesitating whether he should go down now, when he heard the arrival sound of "Ding Dong" from the elevator on the fifth floor.He hastily closed the cover, made a silent gesture to Yan Yitong, and put his ear against the cover to activate the super hearing.

Soon, several footsteps were heard, among which the sound of a high-heeled shoe hitting the alloy floor was very clear.There is nothing surprising about having women in the "Hermitage".It is not surprising that there are women wearing high heels in the "Winter Palace", but it is worth studying.To Cheng Mo's surprise, the footsteps of several people gradually drifted away and gradually disappeared.

"It seems that the fifth floor has a passage leading to other places, maybe it leads to the outside world." Cheng Mo thought to himself, he opened the cover door again, listened carefully for a while, and made sure that no one reached the fifth floor again, so he was right Yan Yitong said softly, "Go down first."

Yan Yitong walked to the edge of the wall, grabbed the stairs and climbed down. When Yan Yitong climbed halfway, Cheng Mo also stood up the stairs. After going down a few steps, he closed the cover door and quickly went down the stairs to the fifth floor. Cautiously landed beside Yan Yitong.

After observing the surrounding situation, Cheng Mo dragged Yan Yitong and quickly ran behind an old machine that looked like an engine.This machine was bigger than a small car, it was already covered with rust, and the writing on it was blurred, Cheng Mo couldn't figure out what it was for at all.

Saying "Wait" in Yan Yitong's ear, Cheng Mo walked to the edge of the machine without a sound, and then looked in the direction where the footsteps disappeared.There are also two tall civil defense doors that are exactly the same as those on the 32nd floor, but the civil defense doors here have all been opened, revealing all the corridors.

Cheng Mo waited quietly for a while, but when he didn't hear any sound, he beckoned to Yan Yitong and told her to come over.

"Follow me." Cheng Mo whispered, he bent down, lowered his footsteps, shuttled among all kinds of messy debris, and led Yan Yitong to the side of the corridor.

As soon as he walked through the thick civil defense gate, Cheng Mo was taken aback, he quickly turned around and put his arms around Yan Yitong and covered her mouth.

Yan Yitong was still a little puzzled, following Cheng Mo's line of sight, he saw two KGB guards lying on the side of the corridor wall, their throats had been cut, and their heads were tilted against the wide cross-section of the side of the civil defense door.

Cheng Mo made a silent gesture to Yan Yitong again, and let go of her hand after she nodded.A red miner's lamp is installed on the top of the corridor, and it is emitting a faint light. There are two rails on both sides of the corridor, and several pickup truck-sized rail carriers are parked on it. Some parts are placed in the not-so-deep dump. Some have living supplies, and some have strangely shaped bombs.
In the dim light, there was a grim atmosphere of war in the corridor.

Dangerous breath blows toward the face.

"This leads to the outside." Cheng Mo was overjoyed, and pulled Yan Yitong along the rails to walk quickly into the corridor.Unlike other places, the air in the corridor is getting more and more humid, and the anti-corrosion paint on the walls is cracked like cobwebs and corroded severely.

"There's water here." Cheng Mo thought to himself. After walking about tens of meters, he saw another civil defense door, and heard the sound of the engine running and talking.

He slowed down, walked along the wall with Yan Yitong to the side of the open civil defense door, listened quietly, and heard a voice that surprised him.

"Oh sweetheart! Believe me, I really can't let you down, let's escape from here, the sea is wide enough for fish to jump, and the sky is high for birds to fly."

This is the sincere and magnetic voice of his cheap father-in-law, Socrates Onassis.

Followed by a delicate female voice.

"But I'll grow old when I leave the Winter Palace!"

This is the voice of Queen Dolovna.
(End of this chapter)

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