Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1163 Orfeo in Hell (9)

Chapter 1163 Orfeo in Hell (9)

A low "hum" sounded, and the old thing, which was wider than the hospital elevator, began to move upward slowly.The speed was slow but steady. Cheng Mo looked up at the top of the elevator door. There was no floor indicator, and even the buttons were black plastic buttons.The white-painted floor numbers on some buttons have been repainted many times because of being worn out.

Apparently the elevator is at least 40 years old.Not as new as the warehouse where the "hibernation bins" are stored.

Cheng Mo carefully observed the two rows of dark buttons. The most severely worn ones were neither the 30th to 33rd floors on the top nor the 1st to 3rd floors at the bottom, but the 10th to 20th floors in the middle.This is in line with the description of Lavrenti Beliaguyue, these 10 floors are the storage warehouses of the "sleep warehouse".Because there is a patrol every three hours, the five warehouse floors that are already in use are the most pressed.

其次磨损程度比较深的, 则是22、23、24、25、26、27层,这些据说是士兵宿舍。另外按键最新的也并不是最上和最下的三层楼,而是5楼。

Cheng Mo obtained limited information from Lavrenti Beria, and could not guess what the fifth floor was for.

"Aren't you colleagues? Why don't you trust my brother?" Yan Yitong suddenly asked in a low voice.

Cheng Mo hesitated whether he should tell Yan Yitong how his brother treated Feng Qianqian, after thinking for a few seconds, he still shook his head and said: "I think it's better for you not to know the reason, some things are more cruel than you imagined. There are many."

"You come to save him," Yan Yitong's voice became low, "I thought you two had a good relationship."

"No matter what, it won't affect our friendship." Cheng Mo said it naturally, and didn't deliberately emphasize the word "friendship".

Yan Yitong turned around, turned to look at Cheng Mo and asked, "Actually, don't you think Utopia is also quite interesting? As long as you keep expanding the area of ​​Utopia, build more interesting places like 'Dark Dream'." Utopia is definitely much more fun than reality.”

"Yeah!" Cheng Mo nodded absent-mindedly, "It must be very attractive to develop into a game."

"Yes! Yes!" Yan Yitong became inexplicably happy, "Have you seen "Ready Player One"? Spielberg directed it."

Cheng Mo, who was listening to the surrounding situation wholeheartedly, didn't speak, but just shook his head casually.

"Do you think the whole world will become like a Utopia in the future? Everyone can live for a long time and live in a virtual world?"

"It may be possible in the future, but it will definitely not work in the past few decades."


"Because it requires astronomical resources." Cheng Mo wanted to explain a few more words, but the elevator had already made a "ding" sound, and then stopped.So he stopped talking, stuck in front of Yan Yitong and silently waited for the stainless steel door to slide open, he didn't even look at the camera aimed at the elevator entrance, stepped straight out, and said softly, "Follow me."

There is no need to distinguish the direction in a place of several hundred square meters. Cheng Mo chose the corridor on the right to walk in. With just a glance, he judged that the layout of this floor is the same as that of the 8th floor. The corridor is in the circular building. It is in the shape of "H" in the plane, but the horizontal corridor in the middle of "H" has a relatively large square vacancy in the middle because of the existence of the elevator room.

With such a simple terrain, there is no room for dodging. If you encounter people, it is almost impossible to dodge.

However, according to the information disclosed by Lavrenti Beria, the "Winter Palace" has limited manpower, and there has been no accident for many years, and there is no way to escape, so the guards are not strict. Almost no one is watching the surveillance, and even regular inspections are only perfunctory.

Cheng Mo looked at the current situation, that was indeed the case. If it wasn't for the lax defense, they wouldn't have escaped easily, and they haven't been found yet.

The whitish light is not bright, and it makes people feel more and more quiet when it shines in the long corridor, except for the tap-dancing footsteps of Yan Yitong's boots on the steel-like ground, only Cheng Mo's own slight footsteps .

When he reached the corner, Cheng Mo stopped for a while, and turned to the warehouse on the 8th floor.He squatted down, took out a small mirror from his jacket pocket, put it in his palm and stretched it out to observe it. The location on the 29th floor is not a warehouse, it looks like a living area, because he saw a coffee room, a library and a small activity area.

Cheng Mo stared and found that these areas were covered with a thin layer of dust, as if no one had been there for a long time.He changed the angle several times, and saw the whole corridor and the camera clearly.After thinking for a while, Cheng Mo put away the mirror, felt that there was no need to hide his ears and steal the bell, and chose not to worry about the camera, made a go gesture to Yan Yitong, and quickly ran towards the end of the corridor.

At the four corners of the "H"-shaped corridor there are iron stairs that go up and down, exactly like the ones on the chimney.Cheng Mo took Yan Yitong quickly through the outdated living area, just a few rooms with closed doors. What is the 29th floor and the three floors above the [-]th floor? Lavrenti Beria has never been there, so he cannot give him information.

As far as he judges now, the defense here is not tight, and the place where Lavrenti Beria and the others cannot go does not seem to be a particularly important place.It was a good thing for him, and it couldn't be more perfect if he could go to the ground and look at it without any trouble.

At the end of the corridor, apart from the iron stairs, there is also a semi-enclosed ventilation duct wrapped in insulation cotton, Cheng Mo can clearly hear the sound of the exhaust fan inside.Looking up at the ceiling, there are not many pipelines here, only a thick insulation layer, and at the end of the iron stairs extending up like staples one by one, there is a round alloy cover plate carved with a double-headed eagle Door.

Cheng Mo held onto the cold iron stairs, the red paint on them was so old that it would shatter when touched.He said "be careful" to Yan Yitong, then climbed up, and soon passed the ventilation fan on the ventilation pipe.He raised his hand and felt it on the ventilation fan. The wind had been heated and filtered, and it was very warm and dry.

This means that the surrounding environment must be very cold.

Cheng Mo continued to climb up. When he could touch the manhole cover-shaped door, he grabbed the stairs with one hand and tried to push it, but he couldn't push it. Then he found the position of the lock and began to use the "Seven Sins" to cut it. Break the buckle.Although he was convinced that no one in the security center was watching the surveillance, Cheng Mo still output with all his strength and cut off the lock with the fastest speed.

When the cover was pushed open, Cheng Mo still held the handle in the middle, slowly turned the cover over, and gently placed it on the floor so as not to make any noise.After climbing up, it was a dark room. Cheng Mo looked around and found that it was a tool room with all kinds of wrenches, electric hammers, pliers, and screwdrivers in a mess.

He turned around and pulled Yan Yitong up, and immediately closed the alloy door weighing at least several tens of kilograms.As the twilight faded away, the room plunged into darkness.

Yan Yitong reached out and grabbed Cheng Mo's arm, and said softly, "It's so dark."

Cheng Mo lights up the "Seven Sins", letting the white beam of light float in mid-air by itself, and the soft light illuminates a large circle.

Yan Yitong exclaimed "Wow", staring at the "Seven Sins" who looked like a giant light stick and asked, "What is this? A laser sword used by Jedi knights?"

Cheng Mo smiled and said, "Almost! But it's even better than that."

"Can I touch it?"


Yan Yitong stretched out his hand and carefully touched the "Seven Sins", and didn't feel anything strange, so he held it in his hand and waved it a few times.In the dark, "Seven Sins" emits a clear streamer, which is very beautiful.

Cheng Mo ignored the cheerful Yan Yitong, he didn't need too much light to see clearly here.Turning around in the tool room, I found a triangular ruler and some things that can make a simple sextant, but some key components are missing, which will lead to poor accuracy, and he may not be able to see the sea level. Therefore, Cheng Mo gave up his plan to make a sextant.

For astronomy enthusiasts like him, he can quickly measure the height of celestial objects through fingers, joints and palms, and estimate the accuracy, which can catch up with a simple sextant.

Abandoning making the sextant, Cheng Mo asked Yan Yitong to wait in the tool room, while he searched in other rooms on the same floor. He couldn't find communication equipment such as computers and telephones, and he didn't find anything on this floor. If there is something particularly noteworthy, I went back to the tool room.

This makes Cheng Mo very puzzled, why No.30 floor needs permission to go up.Thinking and wondering, he pushed open the door of the tool room, and Yan Yitong, who was hiding in the dark, jumped out and held the "Seven Sins" as if holding a gun, and uttered "biubiubiu" to him.

Cheng Mo was not frightened at all, he stood by the door and looked at Yan Yitong like a fool.

Yan Yitong pulled off the mask of the woolen hat, revealing his small face, pouted and said, "Why are you so calm?"

Cheng Mo didn't expect that Yan Yitong was still in the mood to play around, and asked instead: "I wonder why you aren't afraid?"

"You and my brother are both here, what's there to be afraid of?" Yan Yitong waved the "Seven Sins", and in the dark air, he played with dazzling circles of light, and asked triumphantly: "Look, does it look like it?" Like, Unbridled Type·Strike the Tide.”


"Haven't you seen "Ghost Slayer: Blade"?"

Cheng Mo shook his head.

"Forget it." Yan Yitong handed back the "Seven Sins" to Cheng Mo who came over, "Next time you lend me a prop, I'll give you a cosplay."

Cheng Mo glanced at the priceless weapon in Yan Yitong's hand, and agreed with a "huh" without thinking.After taking the "Seven Sins", he walked towards the stairs, "Wait a minute, I will open the door first, and then we will continue going up."

Yan Yitong followed Cheng Mo step by step, and asked softly curiously: "Cheng Mo, which character in the anime do you like the most?"

"I won't be emotionally attached to anime characters." Cheng Mo quickly climbed up to the top of the stairs, and began to cut the lock of the door cover on the first floor of No.30 with "Seven Sins".

Yan Yitong stood under Cheng Mo, looked up at Cheng Mo and said, "No, even if you don't like one, there is always a preference!?"

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment, then replied in a low voice, "Yinwu Xiangzi."

"Kyoko Otonashi?" Yan Yitong was slightly surprised, "What kind of comic character? I've never heard of it."

"A very old show." Cheng Mo said while cutting the lock, "It's called "A Moment Apartment."

"Oh! I thought you would think that Mai Sakurajima, Mafuyu Kirisu, or Saber are good!"

Although Cheng Mo doesn't know who "Tongsu Mafuyu" is, he can guess that it must be a teacher role. It is obvious that Yan Yitong chose the role according to Cheng Mo's three wives.In fact, Cheng Mo's taste is not what Yan Yitong imagined. To be honest, his favorite Yinwu Xiangzi is closer to Bai Xiuxiu.

Seeing that Cheng Mo didn't speak, Yan Yitong said with a smile: "I can cosplay all three of these. I'm not enough, I can still squeeze a little bit! Even if it's Boa Hancock, it's not like I haven't played before. Douyin 200 million likes. You said that if anyone finds me as his wife, will he feel like he has made a lot of money, which is equivalent to marrying a lot of paper people."

Cheng Mo thought that what Yan Yitong said really made sense. Indeed, a girl like Yan Yitong who can play games with her, watch anime, and cosplay any character is definitely the ultimate dream of every otaku.

"Unfortunately, I'm not an otaku."

Yan Yitong lowered his head, "humph" and said, "You used to be."

Cheng Mo smiled and joked, "You know it was before."

"If...if you weren't the chosen one, would you like me?" Yan Yitong stared at the big boots on his feet and said quietly.

The movement of Cheng Mo's hands stopped for a moment, he sighed secretly, and continued to cut the lock of the round alloy door, "There is no if in this world"

Yan Yitong raised his head and said timidly, "Maybe there is!"

"No one will know what will happen if it happens later." Cheng Mo cut off the lock, he climbed up a flight of stairs, slightly pushed open the upper alloy cover door, and then looked down at Yan Yitong who was standing below, "No matter how many characters you can cosplay, it's not you, only you are you, Tongtong. The happiness, joy and meaning of life you find from others are all false. You have to try to focus on your own heart. Find the life you really want"

"Really?" Yan Yitong showed a puzzled expression.

Cheng Mo gently overturned the alloy covers to the ground, climbed up to the second floor of No.30, put the "Seven Sins" at the entrance of the cave, and said to Yan Yitong, "Come up!"

When Yan Yitong also went up to the 32nd floor, Cheng Mo let the "Seven Sins" float above his head and looked into the darkness.Unexpectedly, the space on the 32nd floor was extraordinarily large, the entire first floor was not separated by partitions, and the floor height was at least ten meters, equivalent to the height of a two-story building.Cheng Mo looked into the air, and it turned out that the 32nd and 33rd floors were a semi-hollowed-out duplex structure.

In the hundreds of square meters hall on the 32nd floor, there are all kinds of old instruments. Most of these instruments do not have displays, or even display screens. The large workshop workshop of the era.

Cheng Mo walked quickly to the most central console and studied it carefully, only to see that the plastic buttons were written in Russian, the opening device on the side was the most primitive device that needed a "key", and the timer above the console was also The electronic watch style that was only available decades ago
Undoubtedly, they came from the former Soviet era, and it was the first time in Cheng Mo's life that he saw such an ancient machine.He carefully studied the Russian words on the buttons, and the more he looked at them, the more frightened he became, because it looked like a launch pad for an intercontinental nuclear bomb.

Only then did he understand why access to the [-]th floor and above required permission.

Seeing Cheng Mo's always calm face showing consternation, Yan Yitong asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Mo rolled his throat and said seriously: "Nuclear bomb. This is an operating platform for launching nuclear bombs."

Yan Yitong was not shocked when she heard the terrifying term "nuclear bomb". After all, the earth is destroyed by nuclear bombs from time to time in anime, and she has already developed antibodies. She glanced at the old-fashioned console and said casually : "Aren't the nuclear bomb launching devices in the movie all a black box? There is also a big red button, which the commander of country A often carries away."

"The red button is just a special communication device. When the commander presses the red button, the central command post will receive the order, and then the central command post will transmit the task of launching the nuclear bomb to various nuclear bomb launching units, such as missile bases, nuclear submarines and strategic bomber"

"Oh! So there is a nuclear bomb here?" Yan Yitong looked around, "Why didn't I see it?"

Cheng Mo looked up at the 33rd floor. The elevator platform in the middle of the 33rd floor has a cross-shaped stainless steel grille bridge extending in all directions, and there is a hollow stainless steel grille floor around the wall, and there are twelve thick alloy fuses on the wall. Door.Since this is the launch operation center, these twelve doors must lead to the silo.

He looked up at the roof again. The distance of ten meters is definitely not enough for the length of an intercontinental missile. In addition, the launch operation center must be buried deep underground in order to prevent nuclear strikes, so it is impossible to get to the ground from here.Just see if there are nuclear bomb silos behind these twelve doors.

Assuming they were all there, then maybe the access to the ground would be somewhere else.Rather than on the 33th floor to the [-]rd floor.Anyway, have to see it.

Cheng Mo took a deep breath, "Come on, let's go and see the nuclear bomb."

"Yeah!" Yan Yitong nodded happily, and sang the Divine Comedy of Nuclear Explosion
(End of this chapter)

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