Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1137 Utopia (9)

Chapter 1137 Utopia (9)

Chloe Delorme stopped abruptly when she said "the most important place", and got stuck at the most critical place. Cheng Mo was not in a hurry, but just watched Chloe Delorme calmly.To be honest, looking at such a young and beautiful mother-in-law is also a kind of enjoyment, just like tasting a pure ancient Roman Venus sculpture.

Cheng Mo watched the mother-in-law turn around and hold the mouse. After a complex operation, after verifying the fingerprint and face and entering the password, there was a stainless steel sheet like a venetian blind extending from the bottom to the outside of the glass curtain wall. , the leaves gradually covered the entire semi-circular glass room, the sunlight was gradually cut off from the outside, and the laboratory slowly entered darkness.

When all the roof blades are closed and the last ray of sunlight is blocked, only the computer screen in front of Cheng Mo’s eyes emits a faint light in the whole glass room. Chloe Delorme starts to verify fingerprints and facial features on the computer. , After entering the password, the stainless steel floor located in the center of the laboratory opened a circular hole in silence.

Although the light of the display screen can't cover that far, Cheng Mo's eyes can almost ignore the darkness now, so he can see clearly the round hole that appeared quietly, like a sewer channel.

Things are getting weirder and weirder, making Cheng Mo feel like he has entered a suspenseful drama full of doubts.

Chloe Delorme didn't seem to be affected by the darkness either. She turned around and quickly walked towards the round hole channel separated by many obstacles, and at the same time said in a low voice: "Follow me."

Cheng silently followed, and the two soon walked into the darkness.Seeing that Cheng Mo walked with ease and without bumps, Chloe Delorme asked softly, "Master, are you also a lizardman?"

"It seems to be that when I entered the 'Winter Palace', it was said that I was replaced with lizard blood." Cheng Mo laughed at himself and said, "I just don't know that I haven't changed the five major organs. A person who has undergone a transfusion operation is considered a pure-blood or a mutant.”

"Of course they're pure-blooded." Chloe Delorme whispered, "That's not a bad thing."

"From your tone, isn't it all a good thing?"

"Generally speaking, I would only recommend older people to undergo transfusion surgery, because performing transfusion surgery will have a certain impact on a person's personality, becoming lustful, irritable, and impulsive. But these things are placed on older people. body, it won't be a problem."

Cheng Mo involuntarily looked down at Chloe Delorme's swaying figure in the dark. Even though she was wearing a loose white coat, it was still difficult to conceal the voluptuous lines. Cheng Mo felt My mentality is normal, and I don't have any special impulse, so I said with peace of mind: "I think I'm fine."

Chloe Delorme said lightly: "Of course you still feel that you can control it now."

"You mean that its influence is gradually deepening?" Cheng Mo asked.

"Let's go down and talk." Chloe Delorme walked to the edge of the round hole, found the location of the red-painted gangway, then raised her hand to stroke her blond hair, bowed slightly, and climbed down the stairs.

Cheng Mo lowered his head and could see Chloe Delorme's plump figure in the open white coat, and there was a smell of musk in the air, which was intoxicating. He shook his head, rubbed his cheeks, and All distracting thoughts got out of my mind, and I followed Chloe Delorme to climb down.

Entering the well, there was more light on the contrary. Cheng Mo looked intently, only to find that the circular passage was made of stainless steel. To Cheng Mo's surprise, these stainless steels also had dense grooves like circuit boards. The passage to the "Exclamation Point Cafe" is exactly the same.

Cheng Mo was puzzled, and then saw that every one or two meters away, there was a half circle of glass windows, and he could see the outside scene.The light came through from the green lake outside, and there were many strange fishes swimming outside the glass at this moment.As the passage got deeper and deeper, the water in the lake became like ink. Surprisingly, light could still be seen occasionally. Cheng Mo observed carefully, only to see that it was a fish with a lamp hanging above its head. Generally speaking, it should be It is a fish that can only be seen in the deep sea, but I didn't expect it to exist in this lake.

I don't know how long this thin glass pipe is. According to Cheng Mo's estimate, it is at least 20 meters. The two of them climbed for about five or six minutes before reaching the bottom. The bottom is a flat circle, like The body of the wine decanter is mostly made of alloy, and has a semi-curved view window. Opposite the view window is a small sofa and a coffee table.

Chloe Delorme got down to the lower end, turned on the light, and stood by the gangway. When Cheng Mo came down, she made a gesture of invitation and said, "Master, please sit down."

Cheng Mo looked out of the glass window, and this place has probably reached the bottom of the lake. Among the swaying aquatic plants, there are countless fish that are difficult to see in the aquarium. These fish are all too big. , and mostly ferocious carnivorous animals.Even if Cheng Mo is well-informed, it is difficult to name these fish, and he can only roughly guess their species, which are all fish that have disappeared in ancient times.For example, there is a pike that looks very much like a pike, but it is rounder and has sharper teeth than a pike.

While Cheng Mo was concentrating on observing the various fish outside the window, Chloe Delorme operated the LCD screen by the gangway before walking to the cabinet behind the sofa and asking, "Coffee or tea?"

Cheng Mo looked back at Chloe Delorme and replied, "Let's have tea!"

After a while, there was the sound of boiling water behind him, and after a while Chloe Delorme brought a cup of tea and put it on the coffee table, "Master, please use it."

It was only then that Cheng Mo noticed that there was only a relatively large sofa for one person, and there was no other place to sit. He quickly stood up and said shamelessly, "Ms. Delorme, sit down."

Cheng Mo really didn't know how to address the mother-in-law, but the mother-in-law didn't seem to care about it at all. Seeing Cheng Mo standing up and asking her to sit respectfully, she bent down a little and said seriously: "In front of the master, How can there be a reason for the servant to sit?"

"There's no need to care about those old-fashioned feudal etiquette." Cheng Mo said, "What's more, we have other relationships."

Chloe Delorme continued to bow her waist at seventy degrees, without raising her head, said: "This is not only etiquette, but also tradition. Tradition is a solemn thing. The successors of our Delorme family have strict observances." Obligation, this is an important responsibility engraved in our genes and blood, for which we have waited for a full 660 six years."

Cheng Mo heard that his mother-in-law's tone was unquestionable, and he didn't know what to say. He thought that 660 and six years was really a number, so he asked, "How did you determine that I am really the Lord of the Plague? Maybe I just I learned about this from Athena and used it to deceive you."

"Only the head of the Delorme family knows about the ancestral motto that our Delorme family is the servant of the Lord of the Plague. Although Athena and I have been separated for many years, I still understand her character. She will not compare this with I will tell you something important that has nothing to do with you, and." Chloe Delorme looked at Cheng Mo before saying, "If you are not the 'Plague Lord', you probably won't be able to marry my daughter, let alone No one can fool me."

Cheng Mo thought of Athena's ability to read brain waves, and wondered if reading brain waves is a traditional skill of the Delorme family?At this moment, he could only say with a wry smile, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have said I was the Lord of the Plague."

"Even if you don't tell me, I will know sooner or later."


Chloe Delorme raised her head and said, "Because you will come to the Book of Angels sooner or later."

Thinking of the entanglement of all kinds of messy clues in Cheng Mo's mind in "The Book of Angels", he took a deep breath, and without sitting down, he stood by the sofa and said, "We will do things one by one. .”

"First, why do you say that 'Dark Dream Bar' is an important place second only to 'Universal Thinking Garden'? Where are they important?"

Chloe Delorme pondered for a while and said: "If the 'Cosmic Thinking Garden' is the data center of the Utopia, then the 'Dark Dream Bar' is the only channel leading to the outside world."

Cheng Mo frowned and asked puzzledly: "Data center? The only channel? What exactly is Utopia?"

"This question, the entire Utopia, except for a very few people, probably no one can answer it in more detail than me," Chloe Delorme said in a low voice.


After listening to his mother-in-law's narration about the "Utopia", Cheng Mo gasped. For the first time, he had doubts about whether he could escape from the "Utopia", because the hidden advantages he possessed seemed to no longer exist. After slowing down the racing heartbeat, he walked back and forth by the sofa for a few steps before turning around and asking, "Then how did you come to the 'Winter Palace'?"

"This starts with Ou Yu's discovery of the 'Remains of the Black Death' in Christianfield, Denmark."

"It turns out that it is really called the 'Land of the Black Death Remains'. The name is indeed much more appropriate. The 'Land of Asgard Ruins' is really something wrong. After I went in, I still felt a little baffled."

"'Asgard's ruins'?" Chloe Delorme sneered, "Ouyu and the Holy See really want to hide it."

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said, "It's no wonder that Ou Yu kept the 'Land of Asgard Ruins' a secret. The 'Singer's Horn' is probably just a superficial reason."

"Yes." Chloe Delorme nodded and said, "After discovering the 'Land of the Remains of the Black Death', Ou Yu and the Holy See also knew the existence of our family, and also knew that the Book of Angels was In the hands of our Delorme family, thanks to the deep entanglement between our Black Death and Ou Yu, not long after this matter was discovered by Ou Yu and the Holy See, the news was learned by Lord Nebuchadnezzar, and he immediately Notified me, I immediately sent Athena to Socrates Onassis, XZ the hidden things, and then I wanted to escape from the monitoring range of Ouyu and the Holy See, but unfortunately, they The power is too huge, I was caught in a short time, and then sent to the 'Winter Palace'"

"So it's because of this incident." Cheng Mo said.

Chloe Delorme shook her head and said, "Actually, sooner or later, something will happen to me. It's luck that I'm still alive."


"This starts with Socrates Onassis looking for me again, wanting to create a perfect offspring." Chloe Delorme turned her head to look at the swimming fish outside the window, and asked in a low voice, "No Master, have you seen Da Vinci's "The Last Supper"?"

Cheng Mo wondered why "The Last Supper" was involved, and he said a little puzzled: "I haven't had the chance to go to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan to see the original version."

"If you read the original version, you may find something. If you are interested in the character of Judas because of this, you may find out that Da Vinci had a model when he drew the character of Judas, and in order to draw this character well Figures, Leonardo Da Vinci also painted a lot of side and front portrait studies, these studies are now hidden in the closed 'Windsor Royal Library', in these studies, Judas has hands like sharp claws, eyes like dragons eyes, a monster uglier than the devil"

Shocked, Cheng Mo shook the coffee in his hand, "You mean Judas is a lizardman? The lizardman is not a monster created by Stargate and Ouyu?"

"Hmph!" Chloe Delorme sneered, she did not directly answer Cheng Mo's question, but said: "The Bible never mentions why Judas betrayed the Creator, and for whom did he betray the Creator. Isn't it? "

"Isn't it for thirty silver coins?" Cheng Mo pondered for a while, and then said according to Chloe Delorme's train of thought, "But thirty silver coins are indeed very unreasonable. Judah sold his brother Joseph as a slave , just sold twenty silver coins, and then sold the Creator for a slave price, that is, thirty silver coins, which was equivalent to about four months’ wages at the time, which is really illogical.”

(End of this chapter)

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