Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1136 Utopia (8)

Chapter 1136 Utopia (8)

I don't know what material the bridge is made of, but it doesn't look eroded at all under the water, and it's as bright as new in the sun, shining with mottled light.Several fat fish that were lifted up by accident bounced around on the bridge full of round holes, moving slowly but firmly towards the edge of the bridge.

Cheng Mo originally didn't pay much attention to these small fish struggling desperately for survival, but when he walked past the first black strange fish jumping around on the bridge, it bent its body desperately, bounced high, and opened its mouth. The big mouth across the head showed its sharp teeth, and bit towards Cheng Mo's knee.

Although a little caught off guard, Cheng Mo still took a quick step forward, allowing the strange black fish slightly bigger than the iPad to bite into space.Cheng Mo looked back at the strange black fish, and felt that it was a bit like a "alien fish" in South America, and a bit like a "scavenger". There are more than 6000 kinds of fish in the world, and Cheng Mo doesn't know all of them. , Cheng Mo didn't look much, and continued to walk forward, but this time he paid more attention to those strange things swimming around in the lake.

Look carefully, almost all of them are strange fish that he doesn't know very well, some big and some small, the big ones are comparable to sharks, swimming slowly in the deep water.The small ones are like mobile phones, running around in groups.These fish are known to be fish with super strong vitality and fighting power at a glance, unlike ornamental fish such as koi.

Cheng Mo doubted that if people wanted to swim in the lake, they would be attacked by these fishes and gnawed into skeletons.Thinking of this, Cheng Mo shuddered, secretly thinking that the mother-in-law and Athena were as difficult to deal with, and maybe they were the ones who would feed people to fish if they disagreed.

Walking across the bridge, the whole picture of the transparent glass house has appeared in front of Cheng Mo's eyes. Compared with the luxury of the old man's palace, the mother-in-law's place is shockingly simple.There are almost no lights in the room, not to mention crystal lamps and antiques. The furniture in the room is also made of plastic and stainless steel. The biggest feature is that there are blackboards everywhere, as well as various forms and messy writing. white paper.

From a distance, Cheng Mo saw a blond-haired mother-in-law sitting on a table writing something quickly.Cheng Mo walked to the entrance of the glass room, the door was closed, and there was a whiteboard hanging on it, with a schedule written on it, and reminders like a memo.

Cheng Mo raised his hand and knocked on the top of the whiteboard, turned his back to his mother-in-law who was sitting and said without looking up: "Come in."

The glass door slid open automatically, and he walked in lightly. The glass house was well ventilated, and the sunlight filled the entire room without feeling stuffy.Instead, you can feel the slight wind flowing.Mother-in-law Chloe Delorme is sitting in front of a huge monitor showing the parameters and graphics of a mechanical part, while her desk itself is a whiteboard filled with various data and formulas.Cheng Mo lowered his head slightly, and he could see his mother-in-law, Chloe Delorme, wearing a white laboratory coat, drawing a table of current flow process on a piece of white paper, with "data processing" and "response speed" on it, Cheng Mo Mo Mo couldn't tell what kind of part it was, but he could guess that it could be used by robots or even cyborgs.

Seeing the earnestness of the mother-in-law bowing her head and counting, Cheng Mo knew that she should not disturb her at such a time, so she stood beside her without moving.He didn't want to spy on his mother-in-law's research results, so he looked around for a while bored.But the things in the glass room were really lackluster. In the end, Cheng Mo's gaze could only fall on the monitor in front of the mother-in-law.

Cheng Mo was researching what parts were on the monitor, when suddenly the monitor entered sleep mode and became pitch black, with sunlight shining on the screen, reflecting the face of mother-in-law Chloe Delorme.Because this face was somewhat similar to his wife Athena, Cheng Mo couldn't help being attracted.

I also secretly compared the similarities and differences in my heart. The mother and daughter are generally cold, but Athena is more oriental, like an exquisite mixed-race doll.And the mother-in-law is a typical European-style beauty, with a mature and sexy charm in the corners of her eyes, eyebrows, and lips.At a glance, people will think of Malena played by Monica Bellucci in "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily".

In terms of appearance alone, Athena is of course the best, but in terms of temperament, Athena is a little thinner.To be honest, from Cheng Mo's point of view, this kind of elegant and enchanting temperament is probably only comparable to Bai Xiuxiu.

Cheng Mo compared the mother-in-law with Bai Xiuxiu again. One is the mature beauty of the East, and the other is the mature beauty of the West.Both of them attract attention and attract people's daydream with their every move, and their frown and smile make men fascinated and women envy.Bai Xiuxiu's style is more graceful and subtle, while the mother-in-law's style is more bold and enthusiastic.

But all of this is judged from the appearance, Cheng Mo doesn't know what kind of person the mother-in-law is.

"Your name is Cheng Mo?"

The mother-in-law, Chloe Delorme, startled Cheng Mo by her sudden utterance. He turned his attention away from the monitor, and looked at Chloe Delorme's charming but indifferent face. He smiled and said, "Hi, Ms. Delorme, I'm Cheng Mo."

Chloe Delorme glanced at the monitor first, but luckily the monitor had been reactivated at this time, there was no reflection of Chloe Delorme, only the graphics and parameters of the parts.Maybe because Cheng Mo was concentrating on studying this part just now, Chloe Delorme asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Cheng Mo secretly rejoiced that he didn't let his mother-in-law know that he was actually observing her just now, otherwise he would be embarrassed, and said: "No, I don't know, but it looks like a part that helps to process the sound."

Chloe Delorme didn't say "yes" or "no", she turned her chair around, like a teacher teaching a student, and said with a blank face: "Socrates said you are Athena's husband?"

"Yes, Ms. Delorme." Cheng Mo replied.

Lord Chloe DeLorme did not interrogate and question Cheng Mo like Socrates Onassis, but just thought about it for a while, as if asking indifferently: "You want to enter the 'Dark Dream'? Why?"

Cheng Mo hesitated and said, "Ms. Delorme, I know you disappeared when Athena was seven years old. She has been trying to find you. Don't you care about her?"

Chloe Delorme glanced at Cheng Mo unexpectedly, and said lightly: "I know her ability, and I believe she can live well on her own."

"I don't think so." Cheng Mo shook his head, "I think losing you will have a great impact on her. I think if you were here, she would definitely become a much more normal girl."

Chloe Delorme frowned, "Are you here to enter the 'Dark Dream', or to discuss Athena?"

Cheng Mo said without hesitation: "It is my responsibility as a husband to inform you of Athena's situation. Of course, I must also enter the 'Black Dream'."

Chloe Delorme said coldly: "My time is limited, and I can only help you with one thing. Now that I know you are really Athena's husband, if you still want to discuss Athena with me, just Don't ask me to help you enter the 'Dark Dream' again"

Logically speaking, Cheng Mo should definitely choose the latter. After all, it is more important to enter the "Dark Dream" right now. There will be more time to talk about the matter of the mother and daughter in the future, but Cheng Mo thought of himself, and his mind became hot. He said calmly: "Ms. Delorme, whether you help me enter the 'Dark Dream' or not, I still want you to know that Athena still misses the lemon mousse you made for her at the end. She clearly remembers life In your laboratory, I know it is the same as your laboratory, it is an island, an island within an island, she said it is a very beautiful place, there are only staff who do not understand English and French except you , they just do some chores every day, and they dare not talk to her. You don’t talk to her very much, either you are doing experiments, or you are preparing to do experiments, and even when you rarely talk to her, you are doing experiments. I clearly remember that you put the electrode pads of various instruments on her body, and then collected data. She also did similar things to me. She still remembers that the word you said to her most was 'perfect', but until Today, she doesn't think 'perfect' is a compliment either. She remembers having no friends or games to play with when she was a child. There were no blocks, puppets, or other children, and all she could do was quizzes every day. , later when she grows up, it becomes a math problem, and no one gives her lessons, you are always busy, you only spend one or two hours a day to teach her, and most of the time she is self-study, you just give her Assign tasks and inspect her progress Even so, she still wants to find the island where she lived when she was a child, the island where she was imprisoned. In fact, she is very similar to you now, she likes to wear a white lab coat and has no extra emotions , like mathematics, like experiments, all this is because of you"

Chloe Delorme closed her eyes and asked without any emotion: "Is there anything else?"

"Also." Cheng Mo said, "She regretted leaving you when you handed her over to Uncle Socrates. She didn't even ask why. She was besieged by long-term annoyance, and she couldn't get out of it. You're genetically turned down her adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin thresholds to make her flawless, but you know she's been looking forward to your compliments and prefers to eat with you that sense of satisfaction.”

Chloe Delorme moved her computer chair slightly and stood up from the monitor, "It's time." She put her hands in the pockets of her white coat and walked towards the door, the heels of her flat shoes tapping on the stainless steel The floor made a precise and crisp sound like a clock, and she said without looking back, "You can go."

Cheng Mo stared at the swaying back of Chloe Delorme, the waterfall-like blond hair flashed a blurred colorful brilliance in front of his eyes, he suppressed his anger at the attitude of his mother-in-law Chloe Delorme, Just amplified the volume a little and said, "You can't say no to me."

Chloe Delorme ignored Cheng Mo's intentions, and she didn't stop. At this time, she had already walked to the door, and the glass door had slid to one side.

Just as Chloe Delorme was about to step out of the laboratory, Cheng Mo whispered, "I am the Lord of the Plague."

Chloe Delorme's figure seemed to be frozen, and she was frozen at the exit. After a while, she turned around stiffly, stared at Cheng Mo, and said in an unbelievable tone: "You Lord of Plague?"

Cheng Mo slightly raised his head, "Yes, I am the Lord of the Plague."

Chloe Delorme hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head, then knelt down on one knee, and said softly: "Master, the Delorme family, will always be your faithful servant."

This change was a bit inexplicable, and Cheng Mo was also very surprised. He rushed over and helped his mother-in-law up with both hands, "Ms. Delorme, don't do this. If Athena finds out, I'm afraid I will be thrown into the lake." to feed the fish, she has already fed it once last time."

Chloe Delorme stood up with Cheng Mo's support. Her expression was still cold as usual, but she was respectful. She said in a shameful tone, "It's because I didn't educate well."

Cheng Mo let go of his hand, pushed down his glasses, and said with a smile: "No, don't say that, it's my fault, it's my fault."

Chloe Delorme said in a low voice: "Master, don't cover up for Athena, I will definitely teach her a lesson when I have the chance."

Cheng Mo waved his hand, "Don't call me master, call me Cheng Mo, I really can't bear it, you. You are my mother-in-law!"

Chloe Delorme frowned and said: "How can the ancestors' precepts and etiquette be abolished? It must be that girl Athena is too unreasonable!"

Cheng Mo was sweating, he didn't expect his mother-in-law to be so rigid, and smiled wryly, "Athena is really nice."

"Let's not talk about this first." Chloe Delorme said seriously: "Master, do you want to enter the black dream?"

"Yeah." Cheng Mo nodded.

"Why do you want to go?"

Hearing the doubts in Chloe Delorme's tone, Cheng Mo thought that the mother-in-law also thought that there were all kinds of weird services there, so she was puzzled. Naturally, Cheng Mo didn't want the mother-in-law to think that he was that kind of person, and immediately explained: "I want to go to 'Black Dream' not because of the kind of service it can provide, but to meet someone"

Chloe Delorme shook her head and said: "No, you misunderstood. The reason I asked is because everything about 'Dark Dream' is just an appearance. In fact, 'Dark Dream' is the entire Utopia except the 'Garden of Cosmic Thinking'." ’ the most important place outside of

(End of this chapter)

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