Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1134 Utopia (6)

Chapter 1134 Utopia (6)

Yan Funing's unexpected answer didn't make Cheng Mo stop. He watched Yan Funing's face and observed his expression, but he didn't get any useful information, but Yan Funing's answer just now contained a lot of content.He calmly replied "I am Yan Funing", which means that he has no amnesia and clearly knows his identity.

The next rhetorical question "Who are you" is very intriguing.Maybe it's a reminder, maybe it's a warning, all in all, Cheng Mo can be sure of one thing, this is definitely not a place where you can talk.

Logically speaking, even if this is not a place to talk, it is not a problem, but he only has 4 minutes at most to talk to Yan Funing, which is really troublesome.At this moment, many thoughts turned in Cheng Mo's mind, and he thought that the purpose of entering the Winter Palace was not a secret, and he could tell it out, so he quickly walked to the bar, and said to Yan Funing calmly: "You don't know Me, but I know you, I am Lin Zhinuo of Tai Chi Dragon, I entered the Winter Palace to save you."

Yan Funing and Cheng Mo looked at each other for a moment, as if thinking for a moment, then whispered: "Thank you, but I don't need it, let me make you a cup of coffee."

After finishing speaking, Yan Funing didn't wait for Cheng Mo to answer, he walked to the side of the coffee machine and began to fiddle with it.

Seeing that he didn't have much time, Yan Funing, who didn't know the situation, was still making coffee slowly.Cheng Mo was not anxious, nor did he give up because of Yan Funing's attitude and words, nor did he open his mouth to discuss with Yan Funing. He stared at Yan Funing's movements, and began to ponder the meaning of Yan Funing's second sentence in his mind.There is no doubt that every sentence and every word of a wise man is not superfluous, but what Yan Funing said does not match the "code book" used by the "Qianlong Group". The "one-time key" was handed over to Cheng Mo.For this reason, Cheng Mo memorized the entire codebook.

But what Yan Funing said had nothing to do with the numbers at all, and it was impossible to compare them with the code book. Cheng Mo tried to dismantle these words into numbers, whether it was corresponding to the keyboard, or using pinyin, or using the most primitive "Caesar Encryption" to interpret, Still can't find the hidden meaning of this sentence.

The time was getting closer and closer, and Cheng Mo didn't know when he would see Yan Funing next time, so he tentatively asked, "How long will it take for the coffee?"

"You can have a dessert first." Yan Funing walked to the farther side of the glass counter, put a "strawberry donut" in the curved glass counter, put it on the plate, and "gurgled" on the coffee machine "During the operation, the white porcelain plate without the knife and fork was placed in front of Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo glanced at the "Strawberry Donuts" on the counter and thought that Yan Funing must have reset the encryption key mathematically, and anyone who knows cryptography will know that in the world of cryptography, the answer is deep is buried under the surface, so no matter what you see, words, images, or numbers are used to cover up and hide the answer. Its content may or may not be related to the answer. They all need to be identified by the decryptor himself.If all this is expressed mathematically, it is a simple formula: X≠X.This is the end of the code setter, but the beginning of the breaker.

No matter where the code starts and ends, it is essentially a regular mathematical formula.For those who want to decipher, it is to find out those mathematical formulas from the appearance, find out what x is, and what it represents.

This is not a simple matter, nor can it be cracked instantly.

"One more minute," Cheng Mo thought, "I have to go."

Yan Funing pushed the white porcelain plate with donuts in front of Cheng Mo's eyes, and said, "Don't you want to eat?"

Cheng Mo looked down at the "Strawberry Donut" on the counter again. The red strawberry placed in the center ring of the donut and supported by white cream was so dazzling that Cheng Mo remembered Yan Yitong's favorite fruit It is strawberry.At this time, he guessed a possibility in his brain, the meaning hidden in Yan Funing's words might be hidden in it.So he picked up the strawberry on the donut without hesitation, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely, "I won't wait for the coffee."

Cheng Mo turned and ran, and the electronic matrix under his feet flashed countless light spots following his steps.

Yan Funing stared at Cheng Mo's back, picked up the remaining bagel on the plate, and chewed carefully.After a while, the coffee in the coffee machine was ready, and the hot coffee automatically flowed from the coffee machine into the white porcelain cup.He stroked the cream on his fingers, stirred it a few times in the coffee cup with a spoon, and poured it all into his mouth regardless of whether the coffee was hot or not.Then he moved his lips and said a word that only he could hear - "interesting".


Cheng Mo pushed open the black iron door and rushed out quickly. He put on the hood, tied the rope, ran across the wall of the circuit board, and then jumped over the bushes before stopping a little. He walked towards the labyrinth on the edge of the hill with extremely fast steps.Counting down the time, Cheng Mo walked into the maze, without hesitation for a second, he started to run wildly, running wildly in the maze as if there were pursuers behind him.

Even if you take a wrong gap at this time, the end result is a delay of several minutes, or even more than ten minutes.As for Cheng Mo, he couldn't afford to delay even a minute.He had to arrive at the edge of the Douglas Fir forest at the appointed time. The "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" seemed harmless, but in fact it might be the most dangerous place in the entire "Winter Palace".

Chernaberg just said that the chess piece fences around the "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" are very powerful killing machines, and he didn't mention all kinds of inconceivable things in the "Garden of Cosmic Thinking", which made Cheng Mo feel more and more that he came to "Winter Palace" may involve a larger conspiracy.

It's just that he doesn't have time to think about these at the moment, he must put all his energy on running out of the maze.Although he only walked through the maze once, Cheng Mo had already walked through it countless times in his mind.Therefore, even though those oddly shaped gaps seem illogical, in Cheng Mo's eyes, each of them is guiding the way down the mountain.

Cheng Mo ran through every gap almost without thinking, exited the maze with the fastest speed and the shortest path, and ran to the lake under the hills.At the moment when the maze flashed out, Cheng Mo saw the tall black mechanical horse running on the concrete road from a distance. It may be because of unloading all the goods, or it may be because of Chernaberg's intention. The speed of the black mechanical horse dragging the truck was faster than Cheng Mo calculated.

"Damn it!" Cheng Mo cursed secretly, ignoring the possibility of being seen, holding a black robe in both hands, desperately chasing after the mechanical horse pulling the truck. The sound of "da da" iron hooves was like a life-threatening note, and Cheng Mo's breathing became a little quicker.If he was replaced by him before, he would definitely not be able to catch up with such a fast mechanical horse, but now Cheng Mo, whether it is physical strength or explosive power, is not far beyond his previous self, and far surpasses ordinary people. Even tougher than most professional athletes, so when the carriage ran into the fir forest, he caught up with the carriage as expected.

Czernaberg just paused while driving the tall mechanical black horse. When he saw Cheng Mo get into the bottom of the car, he chuckled and said, "It's really fast!"

Cheng Mo ignored Chernabog, put his foot on the frame of the rear wheel of the truck, grasped the frame of the front wheel with both hands, and panted, "Go quickly."

"Okay, hurry up." Chernaberg said with a smile, he waved the whip pretendingly, and the mechanical horse started running again, this time at a faster speed than before.Under the violent bumps, the carriage quickly passed through the somewhat winding concrete road and exited the "Universal Thinking Garden".

At this time, Chernaberg also slowed down the speed of the car, and saw the black iron door slowly closing, and the row of seemingly ordinary black chess pieces reappeared in front of his eyes.Cheng Mo didn't care that the carriage hadn't stopped completely, so he let go of his tired hands and let himself fall heavily on the gravel road.

Cheng Mo stood up when the carriage passed over his body completely, rubbed his arms and followed the carriage towards the thatched cottage.When they reached Zoro's thatched hut, Chernabog was unloading the carriage from the mechanical horse.


Chernabog didn't stop what he was doing, he glanced at Cheng Mo and said, "Mr. Lin Zhinuo, my mission has been completed, do you have anything else to do?"

"Where's Mr. Zorro?" Cheng Mo said, "I want to thank him in person."

"No need." Czernaberg shook his head and said, "The master is not here."

"I think he may still need me." Cheng Mo shrugged his sore shoulders, "Act in another play or something."

Chernaborg replied: "If there is a need, I will come to you in due time."

"Okay!" Cheng Mo waved his hand and said, "Then goodbye, Chernabog."

Chernaberg bowed slightly and said, "Of course we will see you again, Mr. Lin Zhinuo."

Cheng Mo walked slowly along the way back, but in his mind he began to interpret what he said according to the key given by Yan Funing.Assuming it is the key of the "Qianlong Group" given by Bai Xiuxiu, then it should be the number given by Yan Funing minus the numbers in the order of pi "3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 693993751..." to get a set of numbers, and then compare "Codebook" to find meaning.

However, what Yan Funing gave was not a number, but a sentence, so it is very easy to disassemble this sentence into numbers first.One possibility is the number of strokes, one possibility is that the pinyin corresponds to the numbers on the mobile phone keypad, and another possibility is to convert the pinyin into numbers in alphabetical order.
In the beginning, Cheng Mo had already used these methods to convert Yan Funing's words into numbers.It's just that the key was interpreted according to the key of the "Qianlong Group" at that time, so there was no way to form fluent words and sentences.Even Cheng Mo has considered the default in the sentence "Thank you, but I don't need it, let me make you a cup of coffee."For example, the complete expression should be "Thank you for saving me, but I don't need your help, let me make you a cup of coffee to express my gratitude."Chengmo has calculated the offsets according to various combinations, but still has not found a correct solution.

Now Yan Funing uses the "strawberry donut" as a reminder, Cheng Mo knows that Yan Funing replaced "pi" with Yan Yitong's birthday, so when he left, he took away the strawberries and left only the donuts to express himself After understanding what Yan Funing meant, he grasped the secret key.Now it is only a matter of time to find the correct interpretation.

After using the first few sets of numbers, Cheng Mo finally knew what Yan Funing was talking about just now - "Tomorrow, 21 o'clock, black dream".


Cheng Mo returned to the "Winter Palace" and took a bath in the bathtub. The series of events that happened in the "Utopia" made him feel like a cloud, and everyone behaved very strangely, whether it was "Paul XIV", Zorro or his father-in-law, even Yan Funing who was trapped in it. He was also chattering, making people full of doubts.

He sank his head into the water, reorganized his thoughts while suffocating second by second, and raised his head out of the water until he couldn't breathe. In the rapid panting sound, he thought that maybe tomorrow Can get some clues from Yan Funing.

"But you have to find a way to get the membership of 'Black Dream' first, otherwise it would be ridiculous if you can't get in tomorrow." Cheng Mo thought to himself, he stood up from the bathtub, picked up the towel and wiped it off. Sissraberg took the bathrobe in his hand, and after wrapping it up, he asked Sissraberg to dial the number of "Siren Manor".

Although the father-in-law said that there is no need to make an appointment, Cheng Mo felt that he had to be more polite.


At 02:30 in the afternoon, Cheng Mo found the "Siren Manor" according to the map. This magnificent manor was built beside the "Swan Lake", surrounded by forests, and the golden gilt iron gates were all inlaid with Onassis. The family's "Trident" logo, and in the center of the iron gate is a "Sea King" seal of the Onassis family.

Before Cheng Mo could pull the ring, two maids in ancient Western white gauze had already opened the golden door.Led by two robot maids, Cheng Mo walked through the forest path and came to an ancient Greek-style palace. In front of the palace was a huge circular fountain. In the center of the fountain was a lifelike golden siren. Sculpture, her head is held high, crystal water is sprayed from her mouth, and graceful music is playing at the same time.

Socrates Onassis is standing by a fountain feeding fish.Seeing Cheng Mo approaching, he dumped the small fish in the bucket in his hand, so the dolphins in the big pond jumped up one after another, splashing water in the bright sun.

"Dear" Socrates Onassis handed the bucket to the maid, walked over and gave Cheng Mo a warm hug, and said loudly, "I'm glad to see you so soon. Tell me, if you need help of?"

(End of this chapter)

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