Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1133 Utopia (5)

Chapter 1133 Utopia (5)

The lawn beside the road is flanked by a large expanse of Douglas fir trees, tall isosceles triangles, standing on the edge of the spiral ramp.Cheng Mo has been monitoring the surrounding situation. At this time, only the sharp iron hooves of the mechanical horse and the sound of wheels rolling the concrete road echoed in the breeze. The existence of these sounds made the garden even more silent.

In addition, Chernaberg once said that only those chess piece-shaped fences in the "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" are more dangerous, and there are not many defensive measures in the garden, so Cheng Mo stood up calmly, and first observed the terrain, " The main building composed of 1" and "0" is just above the highest hill in the garden, and there is a lake under the hill.Looking around, Cheng Mo didn't find anything unusual, so he walked out of the fir forest along the concrete road, and immediately most of the landscape in the garden appeared in front of Cheng Mo.Considering that there might be accidents, Cheng Mo took a closer look. The garden is roughly composed of 5 main areas, which are connected by strangely shaped artificial lakes, large white stairs, bridges and winding terraces.

In Cheng Mo's eyes, these snail-shell-like curves and the symmetry that can be seen everywhere are not to show the diversity of plants, but they are obviously expressing the relationship between mathematics and the universe.In addition to some special geometric figures, there are landscape patterns modeled after big bangs, geometric fractals, twisted DNA spirals and black holes, or sculptures expressing formulas.

This garden is so strange that Chengmo is amazed. It not only requires a deep understanding of mathematics and cosmology, but also requires the designer to be an outstanding horticulturist.Otherwise, it would be impossible to combine elements of nature, science and art so perfectly.

Of course, it also requires the IQ of the viewer, otherwise you would never know that these different architectural works are combined to express the essence of the creation of the universe.For example, the stepped waterfall is used to tell the story of the universe; the form of the terrace is to show the space and time distortion produced by the black hole; the pond and landform series are used to embody fractal geometry; and the quark trail takes the viewer to visit the most basic matter member.

The entire cosmic thinking garden is the embodiment of this kind of detached thinking, and it is the supreme beauty to be enjoyed through the senses and intelligence.

Even though time was tight, Cheng Mo stopped to appreciate it for a while, then straightened his robe, put on the black hood, and walked along the concrete road towards the main building composed of "1" and "0".This road is not directly leading to the main building, but a winding road like a tea garden, but the two sides are not planted with tea trees, but neatly trimmed shrubs.

It will undoubtedly take a lot of time to walk up this winding mountain road like mosquito coils.But these shrubs occasionally have gaps. Some gaps lead to the upper ring road, and some lead to the lower ring road. The shape of the gap is not fixed, and some are wedge-shaped, rectangular, square and parallelogram. There are all kinds of graphics, obviously this is not a plant maze that can be easily walked out by following the continuous walls or drawing lines along the right side.

Cheng Mo studied it carefully, and soon found out that this is a mathematical maze that expresses the relationship between graph theory and the maze. It requires a lot of calculations to walk through the maze, which is not too difficult for Cheng Mo , you only need to calculate the path through "Euler's Theorem".However, this process still took Cheng Mo some time. By the time he reached the main building, he had already spent half an hour.

After walking out of the maze and coming to the main building of "1" and "0", Cheng Mo could already see someone wearing the same black robe as him walking by in the corridor.Cheng Mo hid behind a bronze "umbilical ring NC" and waited for a while. After judging that there was no danger, he walked towards the main building from the path paved with stone slabs. At the same time, he tried to find the "Exclamation Point Cafe" Location.It's a pity that there are no road signs to guide him anywhere, so he can only enter the main building and try.

Entering the main building with the word "1", Cheng Mo saw a place that looked like an electronic classroom, and there were a dozen or twenty people in black robes discussing something loudly around the blackboard.Cheng Mo glanced at the blackboard and saw the formulas on the blackboard. Cheng Mo walked into the classroom and pretended to listen, but no one paid attention to him. All the people in black robes were discussing math problems seriously, and he took the opportunity to observe whether Yan Funing was there. in.

After searching around, he couldn't find Yan Funing, but he got a general idea of ​​the problem that a group of people were researching.Roughly they are talking about the impossibility of factoring large prime numbers.This is the fact that modern encryption technology relies on, and it is also the core of the P (polynomial time) vs. NP (non-deterministic polynomial time) puzzle - what is reducible and what is not.

Cheng Mo listened with gusto, and was distracted several times because of this, wishing to interrupt and ask some questions, but he had no time to waste, so he could only control himself to leave the classroom with supreme perseverance. When the woman you like falls in love and can get full marks immediately, the boss calls and asks you to go back to the company and work overtime immediately.

It's really uncomfortable, and it's no wonder everyone is becoming more and more dissatisfied with 996 and capitalists.

So what if it hurts?Cheng Mo could only reluctantly look back at the blackboard several times, walked out of the classroom, and continued to search in Building No. 1.Looking all the way, Cheng Mo found that "[-]" building is full of this kind of classrooms, but the classrooms are different in size, and each classroom is discussing different math problems, the whole is like a university teaching building.There is a strong academic atmosphere inside, and for those who are keen on academics, this place is a real ivory tower.

Neither Yan Funing nor the "Exclamation Mark Cafe" was found in Building "1", so we had to go to Building "0" which is not far next door.I went into building "0" and checked, and it was determined that building "0" was a dormitory.The dormitory is unguarded, and most of the doors are open. The room is quite simple, with only two beds, two desks and two wardrobes. It is comparable to the dormitory of Xiaguo University, like the room of an ascetic.At this point in the morning, most of the rooms are empty.

Seeing that the time is getting less and less, but he can't even find the "Exclamation Point Cafe", let alone Yan Funing, there is no way to find it blindly like this, so Cheng Mo thought for a moment, and quickly walked from Building "0" The narrow stairs on the left run up to the top floor. The top floor of Building "0" is a large platform, on which there are parasols and dining tables for people to rest.

Cheng Mo ran to the edge of the iron railing and looked down, almost the entire "Utopia" could be seen, including the imperial palace, forests, lakes, swamps, wetlands, mountains, and the boundless white mist at the edge.To Cheng Mo's surprise, the buildings "1" and "0" of the "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" are the central locations of Utopia, not the Imperial Palace or the Winter Palace.

For Cheng Mo, this was an extremely unexpected discovery, but he didn't have time to think about the reason, and he didn't have time to appreciate the boundless beauty. He had to find the "Exclamation Point Cafe" quickly.He leaned on the cold iron railing and looked down at the park, trying to find the location of the cafe. However, the park is not too small. Although there are not many buildings in it, there are quite a few, and they are scattered all over the garden. , It is definitely too late to study one by one.

If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely be helpless, or even lie down and give up.Cheng Mo never thought of "giving up". He turned his brain sharply and tried to start with the title "exclamation mark".Logically speaking, in a place like the "Universal Thinking Garden", the name "exclamation point" must be linked to mathematics, and in mathematics "!" is a factorial symbol, which means that the "factorial" of a positive integer is all less than and equal to The product of positive integers of the number, and the factorial of 0 is 1, and the factorial of the natural number n is written as n!.

It happens that the main buildings of the "Universal Thinking Garden" building are "0" and "1".
Cheng Mo thought it was definitely not a coincidence, he closed his eyes, and the terrain and buildings of the entire "Universal Thinking Garden" appeared in his brain.

"The key point is 'the factorial of 0 is 1, and the factorial of a natural number n is written as n!' Then where is n?"

Cheng Mo searched all the buildings, sculptures and landscape graphics in his memory, but he couldn't find the "n". He opened his eyes, frowned, and continued to look down with his hands on the railing, trying to find if he missed something. Just as his eyes glanced at the shadow cast by the Douglas fir forest on the lake, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

He immediately turned around and ran towards the other side of building "0". Sure enough, when he looked down, he saw the sun cast an "n" on the large lawn behind him, and he walked towards the side of the building. Looking from the bottom of the "1" building, it is the shadow of a vertical bar.

"Could it be that building '1' has a basement floor?" Cheng Mo didn't have time to think too much, he only had half an hour left, which also included the fact that he had to get back to the edge of the Douglas fir forest through the spiral maze from the hills time.Calculating in his mind how long it would take him to get to the Douglas fir grove, he ran frantically downstairs.

Building "0" is a strange building. The arc-shaped buildings on both sides are already very narrow, so the stairs are even narrower, and there is no elevator. Cheng Mo ran up and down the stairs that could barely accommodate two people walking side by side. Jump and run down.For a moment, the entire corridor was filled with the sound of his heavy footsteps.When I went down to the third floor, the whole staircase was blocked by a slightly fat golden-haired fat man. The fat man grabbed the iron railing with one hand and went downstairs panting, cursing and saying: "I must apply for the dormitory on the first floor." , if this continues, if I don’t die in front of the blackboard, I have to die in the stairs first.”

Cheng Mo stopped a few times, seeing that he couldn't squeeze through, he could only hold on to the railing, and lightly passed over the fat man's head, the wind from the soles of the shoes hung up the fat man's sparse hair, his white scalp was visible to the naked eye .

Fatty looked at Cheng Mo's nimble voice falling down the stairs, and roared angrily, "What are you doing? Crazy? Are you in a hurry to die?"

Cheng Mo said without turning his head: "Sorry, I just figured out the key to prove the 'Goldbach Conjecture'!"

The fat man covered his face with his hands, "Oh my God! You actually proved the 'Goldbach Conjecture'? Brother, what classroom are you in?"

Cheng Mo ignored the fat man's loud inquiry, and ran to the first floor like the wind. Seeing that Cheng Mo was about to disappear, the fat man impatiently moved up the stairs. The footsteps of dinosaurs running echoed in the corridor, maybe it was too much. Because of his excitement and anxiety, the fat man accidentally fell down in the cramped corridor on the second floor, and suddenly there was a loud thunderous noise in the garden.

Cheng Mo had already gone down to the first floor, so he could only close his eyes, said "sorry" in his heart, and ran to building "1".Because he had checked the inside of Building No. 1 just now, he knew that there was absolutely no entrance to the basement on the first floor, so Cheng Mo walked around the extension of Building No. A downward-facing entrance concealed in the bushes was found on the grass between Building No. "1".

There was no sign or light at the entrance, it was dark, and it was quite dark. Cheng Mo took a deep breath, continued counting the time silently in his heart, and walked down.The moment he stepped up the stairs, the lights inside came on, all of them metal light strips embedded in the marble walls, which looked like circuit boards.

Cheng Mo was amazed, but he had no time to think about it. He went down the stairs in three steps, and pushed open the black metal door at the end of the stairs.After walking in, he was suddenly enlightened, and a circular coffee shop that was neither too big nor too small appeared in front of his eyes.The lighting in the cafe is soft, surrounded by black blackboards, with some tables and chairs scattered inside, and a circular bar in the center of the cafe.

None of this is special, but Cheng Mo was extremely shocked, because the floor of the coffee shop is all transparent glass, and under the glass is an electronic matrix, and countless lights are flowing in the electronic matrix.
When Cheng Mo stared at the electronic matrix under his feet in amazement, a familiar voice came from the direction of the bar.

"Our coffee shop has not opened yet, please come over at 11:30!"

Cheng Mo raised his head and looked in the direction of the bar, and saw Yan Funing, who was wearing the same black robe, standing inside the bar.This made him forget the spectacle under his feet, and immediately walked towards the bar.He took off the hood on his head, looked at Yan Funing and said calmly, "Yan Funing!"

Yan Funing stood inside the black metal bar, holding a can of coffee beans in his hand. He stared at Cheng Mo expressionlessly, as if he didn't know Cheng Mo at all, and said, "I'm Yan Funing, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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