Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1131 Utopia (3)

Chapter 1131 Utopia (3)

Cheng Mo first looked at the vicissitudes of the old man's face. The slightly white beard and rough skin made people seem to see Hemingway. Of course, the old man was much more handsome than Hemingway. That kind of handsome man with a strong manly style makes people feel that he has a broad mind like the sea, and also has an unfathomable depth like the sea.

All in all, Socrates Onassis is definitely not the kind of oily and pompous playboy from the outside, but gives people a feeling of trustworthiness.

It's just that Cheng Mo remembered the sweet words that the old man had said to Queen Drovna, looked down at his rough hands with hairy backs, and remembered that the old man used this hand to lock the bird into the cage just now , I don’t know if it’s because of the moonlight or the faint light, but the fingertips seem to be glowing with oil, and Cheng Mo suddenly feels that the old man is extremely unreliable, and he doesn’t seem to be on the Forbes rich list. The top richest man in the world.

Probably noticing the hesitation in Cheng Mo's eyes, as well as the oily luster of his right fingertips, Socrates Onassis smiled slightly, retracted his right hand, and immediately raised his left hand, but he forgot that his left hand was still holding a German Queen Rovna's corset threw the corset strap and the bowl-shaped sponge pad all over Cheng Mo's body.

The two looked at Queen Drovna's lace corset embroidered with gold threads at the same time, and fell into a strange silence. The scene was quite awkward for a while.

"Sorry." The battle-tested father-in-law was the first to react, and immediately stuffed the bra into his jacket, then wiped his right hand on his trousers, and then stretched out his hand to Cheng Mo again indomitably.

Cheng Mo quickly shook hands with the father-in-law helplessly, and said softly, "Cheng Mo, nice to meet you, Mr. Onassis."

"People from the Xia Kingdom?"

Cheng Mo nodded.

"Thanks to you just now, otherwise I would be in trouble now. Alexei has a problem with his thinking. He is promiscuous outside, but he does not allow his wife to have stories with other men. It is really unmannered."

Cheng Mo couldn't respond to the father-in-law's complaints, so he smiled and said nothing.At this time, Paul XIV and Queen Drovna were still arguing by the fountain, and the two had no way to leave immediately. They could only hide behind the boxwood tree and continue to watch a couple quarreling.Even if the couple is king and queen, the content of the quarrel is the same as that of ordinary couples.Queen Derovna blamed Paul XIV for ignoring her feelings, and Paul XIV blamed Queen Derovna for not being considerate.Each stood on its own stand and talked for itself, and never considered for the other.

At first, it was reasonable, but the more noisy it became, the more fierce it became, and they began to expose each other's scars.Queen Drovna scolded Paul XIV as a headless fly beside Chloe, who only knew how to turn around.Paul XIV accused Queen Drovna of being jealous and undisciplined.
Seeing the couple getting more and more quarrelsome, the instigator Socrates Onassis said with emotion: "Marriage is the tomb of one love, and the fertile soil of another love. Every man who doesn't understand women's heart has green grass on his grave. " After he finished speaking, he patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder and said, "I tell you! Men must not get on top and marry another woman casually, because as soon as you get married, you will find that other women are very attractive."

"Uh~~~!" Cheng Mo scratched his head, "I'm already married."

"Ah? How old are you? How did you get married?" Socrates Onassis asked in surprise.

Cheng Mo didn't dare to be perfunctory to the old man, but he didn't have the nerve to say that he had been married three times, only twice less than the old man, so he replied softly, "I'm 23."

Socrates Onassis sighed and said: "Then you are too miserable. You were arrested and brought to the Winter Palace at such a young age. Your wife must not." Seemingly aware of Cheng Mo's expression, he immediately changed the subject and said, " In fact, it’s nothing, marriage is just one thing, you can find better ones in the Winter Palace. Even if you can’t find a better one, you can spend some money and let the people in the Winter Palace cultivate it for you, and they can help you make it Anyone you want, male or female, young or old, robot or real"

Cheng Mo remembered that there were many star clones on Penglai Island, he frowned and kissed: "Real people? You mean clones?"

Socrates Onassis nodded, "Clones are more expensive than robots and take a long time, but anyway, there are not many other things in the Winter Palace, that is, the most time, it is worth waiting. If you want, I suggest you directly Cloning is expensive, but it is a bit more expensive than robots. Robots have no soul. But robots are also good. Because of their powerful algorithms, they can serve you very comfortably. The disadvantage is that you have to use them too often. Maintenance, and parts have to be replaced. As for clones, their interaction with you will be very real, but because they have been injected with hormones to promote growth, their IQ and cognition are more like children. For people like me who like mature women , it’s not that interesting, as for the experience in that aspect, it’s generally not as good as that of robots, and it’s not as high as artificial intelligence’s learning ability.”

Cheng Mo saw that the father-in-law was beaming with joy and talking more and more vigorously, so he had to interrupt the in-depth evaluation of the old man, and said in a low voice: "I'm not interested in either of these, I"

Socrates Onassis stroked his chin and said, "That's more difficult. There are fewer women caught in the Winter Palace, and there are only a handful of beautiful ones." He turned his head and looked at Cheng Mo, "You Don't think about Chloe and Drovna, these two women are not something you can touch!"

Cheng Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, hesitated for a while and explained in a low voice: "Mr. Onassis, it is impossible for me to do such a thing."

Socrates Onassis shook his head and said: "The most unbelievable sentence in this world is 'impossible'"

Although Cheng Mo felt that he was not telling the old man that his wife was his daughter, it seemed that what he said in the future would be less reliable and sounded more like a conspiracy, so he said softly: "You know why I help you?"

"Yes!" Socrates Onassis said with some doubts, "I wanted to ask you just now, but I don't know you either! Why did you help me?"

Cheng Mo turned to look at Socrates Onassis, took a deep breath and said, "Because."

Socrates Onassis shuddered when he saw Cheng's silent eyes, "It's not because you like me, is it?"

Cheng Mo was speechless to this old man who appeared to be mature and stable but was actually very nonsensical, and said softly angrily: "Mr. Onassis, my wife is the monster you just mentioned, your daughter Athena!"

Socrates Onassis's expression was sluggish at first, and then he became furious. He grabbed Cheng Mo's collar, stood up from behind the spherical boxwood tree, and shouted angrily: "Bastard!" , what are you kidding?"

This roar was louder than the quarrel between Paul XIV and Queen Drovna. The branches and leaves in the trembling garden trembled. The red-faced couple by the fountain had to stop arguing and turned their heads to look at him in surprise. Cheng Mo and Socrates Onassis after the boxwood.

Paul XIV was shocked at first, then pointed at Socrates Onassis, and roared angrily at Queen Drovna: "Please explain to me, what's going on?"

Queen Drovna glanced at Socrates Onassis who was holding onto Cheng Mo's collar, the panic in her pupils was only fleeting, and she showed extreme disbelief on her face, raising her hands and staring at the angry lion like a lion. Paul XIV sneered, and said in a noncommittal tone: "How do I know what's going on? You have to ask Socrates why he is here, not me!"

Queen Drovna's acting skills were really brilliant, she vividly interpreted the wronged contempt, so Paul XIV hesitated for a moment, turned around and asked, "Why are you here?"

Socrates Onassis immediately let go of Cheng Mo's collar, put his arm around Cheng Mo's shoulder, and said with an ambiguous smile: "Your Majesty, what do you think two men can do in the garden?" ? A tryst, of course."

At this moment, Chloe and Zorro also appeared on the other side of the fountain. The six stood in a straight line, with Paul XIV and Queen Drovna in the middle, and the other four at the two ends. They could clearly see each other can see each other.

Zorro, who was wearing a mask and carrying a long sword, laughed "haha", "It's a coincidence that it's better to come early, Chloe, let me say that there is a good show to watch!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the mother-in-law, the old father-in-law became a little at a loss from his original calmness. He lifted and put it on Cheng Mo's shoulders, and he was so embarrassed that he completely lost his calm and composed scumbag demeanor.

Paul XIV looked at Chloe, then at Socrates Onassis, and said sarcastically, "I didn't expect Mr. Onassis to be a gay guy who loves men's leather drums. It's a surprise!"

Chloe said blankly: "It's so boring!" Then she turned around and was about to leave.

Paul XIV glanced triumphantly at Socrates Onassis.

Socrates Onassis quickly jumped out of the boxwood tree and said loudly, "Chloe, listen to my explanation!"

Just as he jumped out of the boxwood tree, the lace bodice embroidered with gold thread tucked in the dress slipped out and fell to the ground.Seeing the corset, Paul XIV and Queen Drovna changed their faces at the same time.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the garden was heavy like a polar region of ice and snow.

Socrates Onassis was calm when he was in danger, smiled awkwardly, bent down from the stone road, picked up the golden corset under the light, stuffed it into Cheng Mo's arms, and blamed: "You said you What are you doing wearing this thing? If you don’t have breasts, you don’t have breasts. I don’t know, and I’ve got a sponge pad.”

Cheng Mo was very confused and opened his mouth to say something.But I heard Socrates Onassis lower his voice and grin his teeth threateningly: "If you are really my son-in-law, do you know what you should do?"

Cheng Mo really wanted to cry without tears, so he honestly took the corset with milk scent from Socrates Onassis, forced a smile and said, "I won't wear it next time. "

Socrates Onassis rubbed Cheng Mo's hair, and said with a smile on his face, "Good boy."

Cheng silently hid the bra behind her back.

Socrates Onassis was about to become silent and remained in the same place, regardless of Paul XIV and Queen Drovna, and shouted: "Chloe, don't go, listen to me! I really have a lot I have something important to tell you!"

Paul XIV's face was cloudy and uncertain. He stared at Socrates Onassis with vacant eyes and chased after Chloe, but he didn't stop him in the end.When Socrates Onassis disappeared into the garden, he didn't take a long look, grabbed Queen Drovna's wrist, and said coldly, "Go! Come back to the bedroom with me!"

Queen Drovna bared her teeth and claws, trying to break free from Paul XIV's grip, and screamed: "No, I want to go back to my own Cold Spring Palace!"

Paul XIV ignored Queen Drovna's struggle at all, clamped the woman between his chest muscles, and walked around her towards the bedroom. Amidst the endless quarrel, only Cheng Mo and Zorro were left standing at the two ends of the fountain. relative to each other.

Zoro pinned the long sword on his shoulder to his waist, clapped his hands and said, "Well done, Lin Zhinuo, I will take you into the Garden of Cosmic Thinking the day after tomorrow, please get ready!"

Zorro ignored Cheng Mo after he finished speaking, and walked towards the exit of the garden singing the most famous song "Overture to Heaven and Hell" in "Orfeo in Hell".

Zoro's voice was ugly, but in the silent night, amidst the sound of gurgling water, there was a strange magic power, coupled with the sound of the long sword dragging on the ground, people were easily distracted and immersed in the libretto among.

Cheng Mo stared at Zorro's back, and his mind was full of messy clues. These clues were obvious, but they were tangled up in a mess, making it difficult to see the real purpose hidden behind.

After Zorro's voice disappeared in the wind, Cheng Mo picked up Queen Dorovna's bra and glanced at it. Subconsciously, she calculated that it was only a B cup at most, thinking that Queen Dorovna looked like she was cramped and padded. Looking at this thing with a sad face and not knowing what to do with it, he finally sighed, hid it in his shirt, and walked towards the exit of the garden.

When we arrived at the main hall, the dance was still going on, Cheng Mo searched for a long time, but didn't find the person he was looking for.So I lingered around the dining table for a while, eavesdropping on the conversations of these people, but it was all unnutritious gossip, no one discussed things outside the Utopia, and no one discussed meaningful things, as if this was really an ordinary world Ordinary Ball.

Even though he was bored, Cheng Mo stayed until the last moment before returning to his room.One night passed, and early in the morning, someone knocked on his door.Cheng Mo asked Sislaberg to open the door, and Socrates Onassis rushed in with a serious face, and grabbed Cheng Mo's collar who had just gotten up again, "Stinky boy, explain to me, What did you mean by what you said yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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