Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1130 Utopia (2)

Chapter 1130 Utopia (2)

"Let go of me, hurry up and find your prosperous white lotus. She's the one to like. I'm just a worthless old woman!"

Queen Drovna said full of resentment, the sourness and jealousy in that tone overflowed so much that even Cheng Mo could smell jealousy in the strong fragrance of flowers.

"Oh my darling, you are so wrong. Nobody has a better say than me when it comes to Chloe. I'm not saying anything bad about her, I'm just stating a fact. She's just a heartless , It’s just a diamond shell robot without a soul. No one will like her after getting to know her, just like no one really likes a robot. But you are different, your soul and appearance are so different, You frown and smile, you are angry and coquettish, they are all roses and whirlpools, making people linger and unable to break free. In contrast, Chloe is just a plastic doll, which still can’t be used and can only be seen.”

The old man's love talk skills are really brilliant, the urgency is just right, the place that should be sincere is deep and firm, the place that should be gentle is soft and sweet, Cheng Mo, a man who is far away, listens to the old man coaxing women, I heard goosebumps all over my body.

"If you really think she is bad, why do you want to have a baby with her?" Queen Drovna sneered and said, probably because the old man was a little slow to return, she immediately mocked, "Actions are more real than words, why can't you Have you explained it?"

"No, no, sweetheart. The baby is indeed mine and hers, but I really didn't touch her, it was just a few tadpoles, and she didn't get pregnant, and she just took a warm child and put it in the artificial womb. It’s just that Athena was bred here. I really have no relationship with her. I found her because my children were not up to date. At that time, I wanted her to find a way to see if she could use gene editing technology to make a perfect one for me. Boy, it turned out to be a monster."

The tone of the old man’s voice was very moody, and the depressed sigh had a story to it, it was sad for those who heard it, and Cheng Mo didn’t know whether he shed tears or not, but as an eavesdropper, Cheng Mo did have an objection. My father-in-law's sympathy.Want to see what it feels like to have your children killed by one of them?
Cheng Mo couldn't imagine that if ordinary people would have collapsed, but the father-in-law could still use it to please women, it would be cowhide brass.

The two were silent for a while in the sound of the gurgling water.Probably Drovna felt that she had really hit the father-in-law's weakness, so she spoke first, "I thought you entered the Winter Palace on purpose to save Chloe."

Sure enough, the unhappiness in Queen Drovna's heart was greatly relieved by the incomparable and profound tragedy of the old man.She didn't vent her dissatisfaction like she did at the beginning, but eased up a lot.

"I didn't know she was in the Winter Palace at all! Even if I knew, it would be impossible to take risks for her. But it is not my misfortune to be able to come to the Winter Palace, but my luck, because I met you here. Don't you I know how I felt when I saw you in the palace for the first time. You stood next to Alexei like a cup of fine wine made from tears. I don’t know why I felt this way. I just I felt your heart at the first sight, it is so passionate and fragile, one can't help but want to love with all my strength. Oh! Dear Drovna, if you want me to write poems for you, I can spend a day and a night Don't stop until I write that you smile for me. Because of you, I feel that I am really younger by several decades, as if I have returned to the youthful age when I was willing to give everything for love"

The old man's affectionate speech made Cheng Mo amazed. He believed that even if the old man had no money, he could use sweet words to make countless women sink.It's just that as a son-in-law, it's really strange for him to hear his father-in-law brandishing a hoe in other people's land and digging up the wall recklessly.In short, he has no qualifications to criticize and educate the father-in-law, and he himself is not a good person.

"what do you like about me?"

Cheng Mo thought to himself that women would ask this question.If you want to say that they are not confident, they are not. They probably want to hear the other party's love words with all their heart, or kneel and lick on the ground.Not to mention Queen Drovna, even a bystander like Cheng Mo was full of curiosity about how her old-timer father-in-law would answer.

"Drovna, you know, I'm not a good man. I've loved many people in my long life, but I've never been in such a deep place like this time. If you want to ask me why, you have to tell you honestly , when I entered the winter palace, I was very desperate, but from the moment I saw you, I forgot my despair, I thought I must get you. Because of this fucking environment, because of your annoying husband , because you are so beautiful and moving, because of your occasional willfulness, in short, I found too many things that make me happy in you. When I get up every day, as long as I can see you, no matter what the weather is, I think it is a good weather, outside the window The trees are beautiful, the lake is beautiful, and the annoying rain is beautiful. You know I'm a bastard who will press the nuclear button and destroy the whole world if I can't be redeemed by love. But now I feel that as long as you are alive, the world will There is hope. You see, I used to be stingy with every word of love, but now I am a great poet in front of you. Sure enough, you are my spring."

Cheng Moxin said that the old man is really good at rhetoric, he deserves to be a playboy who has married five wives and has countless lovers outside.The vast majority of people are called "Sea King" absolutely not worthy of the name, only Lao Zhangren, the richest ship lord in the world, who used the "Sea God's Trident" as the family badge as the previous head of the family, is not too much to be called "Sea King". in various senses.I don't know if I, as the son-in-law of the Onassis family, have inherited the glorious tradition of the family.It's no wonder that Athena has no requirements for her loyalty.

Since the father-in-law's remarks were approved by Cheng Mo, Queen Drovna was not particularly satisfied, she said noncommittally: "It sounds good, after you get me, you will gradually get bored, you men are all This is shameless and despicable."

Obviously, Queen Drovna has a clear understanding of men, and she is not the kind of little girl who can be coaxed into bed with 11 yuan Malatang.Cheng Mo was sweating for the old man, but he didn't expect that the old man's king operation was really the pinnacle.

"Oh! Sweetheart, don't doubt me. In order to prove my love for you, I am willing to help you reconcile with that bastard Alexei. As long as you trust me, I promise he will come back to you obediently. Yes, My love for you is so selfless, so great, as long as you can be happy, I am satisfied."

Queen Drovna was also surprised, she hesitated for a while before softly saying: "Really? Fake?"

"Of course it is true, Drovna, as long as you need it, I am willing to offer my life."

The old man's reply was so swearing that Cheng Mo almost believed it, but he thought about it carefully. The precondition of "as long as you need it" is really a chicken thief, which makes this sentence basically a vow that is difficult to keep.

Cheng Mo was feeling in his heart about the old man's sophistication, when he heard Drovna say softly: "What if I say I want "Book of Angels"?"

"Huh? The Book of Angels? Where is it?"

When the father-in-law exclaimed, Cheng Mo almost exclaimed too. He finally knew what the "thing" Paul XIV wanted was.No wonder Athena said that the "Book of Angels" (that is, the "Book of Wisdom") disappeared.

"Don't you know that the "Book of Angels" is in Chloe's hands?"

"Of course I don't know. As I said, I don't have a deep relationship with her. How could she tell me such a confidential matter!"

"Then based on what you know about Chloe, is there a way to get the "Book of Angels" out of her hands?"

"Well~~~~~~ It's not completely impossible."

"any solution?"


"what happened?"

"If you are willing to give me a kiss, I am willing to find a way for you"

Cheng Mo heard some unsuitable voices in shock, but he didn't dare to miss the conversation between the father-in-law and Queen Drovna, so he could only continue to listen carefully.

My young and beautiful mother-in-law is in the hall, while my old father-in-law is teasing his wife in the backyard.

He used to think that he was taking the script of a science fiction film, but later found out that he was taking the script of a romantic drama. Now that he knew that he was taking the script of a family ethics drama, it is so absurd that someone like Cheng Mo has a lot of troubles. Can't help but want to complain.

The most outrageous thing is that he has to hide here and listen to the corner.

But now is not the time to worry about these things. While wondering whether "Zorro" is also for the "Book of Angels" in his heart, he is listening to the red-faced conversations between the father-in-law and Queen Drovna.

Even a shameless person like Cheng Mo feels that the old man is really disrespectful.Just when the two were making out with each other unscrupulously, Cheng Mo heard slight footsteps coming from the palace.Thinking of the script arranged by Zorro, Cheng Mo immediately raised his vigilance.He hid among the bushes at the edge of the garden, looked towards the approaching corridor through the gaps in the dense leaves, and soon saw the tall and strong figure of Paul XIV, with a pair of shiny pectoralis major muscles Shines brightly in the light.

According to the script, Cheng Mo should guide Paul XIV to discover the scene where the father-in-law and Queen Drovna had an affair.But now, Cheng Mo was sure that it was a conspiracy, so he didn't know what to do.Do the tricks and act according to the plan, teach the old man a lesson, or help the old man escape?
Seeing that Paul XIV had already reached the stairs that he had avoided at the beginning, Cheng Mo didn't have time to think about it. He bent down, hid under the bushes, and quickly ran along the path towards the fountain.At the same time that Paul XIV entered the garden, Cheng Mo also ran to the fountain.

At this moment, the father-in-law and Queen Drovna were completely unaware of the danger, and they were kissing on the bench by the flowerbed at the other end of the fountain. Amid the sound of splashing water, the two of them didn't even hear the footsteps of Cheng Mo who were approaching quickly. Heard, tightly entangled like two paired snakes.

Cheng Mo could tell from Paul XIV's hurried footsteps that the other party was not far away, and after walking a few steps, he might be able to see the crime scene where the old man and Drovna cuckolded the king.There are many videos of catching rape online, and Cheng Mo didn't want his father-in-law to be so disrespectful, so he didn't care about revealing his whereabouts, speeded up, and rushed to the bench in one breath.

However, the father-in-law and Queen Drovna were so involved that they didn't even notice that Cheng Mo had arrived by his side, and they were still flirting with each other.Cheng Mo had no choice but to reach out and pat the old father-in-law's shoulder and said softly: "Mr. Onassis, stop kissing, the king has come!"

Socrates Onassis and Queen Drovna were startled, and the two disheveled figures bounced off the bench like springs,
Cheng Mo didn't care too much, grabbed the old man's arm and said softly, "Let's go first."

"Then what about me? .

"You find a way to stop the king. Don't let him find us." Cheng Mo said without looking back while grabbing the old man's head.

Socrates Onassis, who didn't even have time to put on his trousers, was dragged and dragged into the flowerbed by Cheng Mo. Just as the two dodged and hid behind a yellow poplar tree pruned into a ball, Paul was very Four's voice sounded.

"Who were you here with?"

"Who am I with?" Queen Drovna asked with a sneer, "Who do you think I can be with? Can I sit here alone?"

Paul XIV snorted coldly, "Didn't you say you were going back to the bedroom?"

"You want to control me?" Queen Drovna said confidently, "Go ahead and celebrate your Chloe's birthday! What are you doing with me, a titular queen?" Queen Drovna burst into tears, choking He said, "I have been with you in the Winter Palace for so many years, and you have never celebrated my birthday so grandly once."

Perhaps it was Drovna's tears that made Paul XIV feel bad conscience, he did not continue to question Queen Drovna, and fell silent.

Cheng Mo, who was hiding behind the boxwood tree, turned his head and looked at the father-in-law in dismay.The father-in-law didn't feel embarrassed at all, but calmly buttoned the unbuttoned shirt one by one, covering the thick chest hair on his chest.Even though Paul XIV was not far away, he looked at Cheng Mo calmly, smiled slightly at Cheng Mo and said, "Thank you."

Cheng Mo nodded, didn't speak, but said in his heart: Is this my father-in-law stealing experience by having an affair?How can you be so calm.He is really a role model for my generation, bah!object to be cast aside
Cheng Mo was a little worried that Paul XIV would find out that he would not speak, but the father-in-law was not worried. After fastening the belt, he watched Cheng Mo and stretched out his hand to him, "Socrates Onassis, nice to meet you." you."

(End of this chapter)

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