Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1124 Winter Palace (6)

Chapter 1124 Winter Palace (6)

Bai Xiuxiu kept Sun Yong in Rio, and continued to trace the information of the "Winter Palace" through the abandoned Bombardier 900LR, while she, Feng Luwan and Athena rushed to Majuro non-stop.Since Marshall has not established diplomatic relations with Xia, Bai Xiuxiu and the others can only transit to Majuro via Papua New Guinea.

Majuro is composed of dozens of small islands and atolls, all of which are only ten square kilometers in size. It is a capital that cannot be smaller. Majuro Airport is also pitifully small, with only a narrow airstrip in the In the center of the island, there is only one road in the entire Majuro that barely passes through the airport to connect the two ends.The narrowest part of the whole city is only a few meters wide. Not only is it small, but the highest altitude is only 3 meters, so this small island is almost completely submerged by a huge wave.

Bai Xiuxiu and his team rushed back to Majuluo quickly, but found nothing after some investigation. After all, Marshall is basically under the jurisdiction of country A, and they are really powerful as Xia people.Feng Luwan tried to bribe the staff of Majuro Airport, but because of his oriental appearance, the police from Marshall also came to interrogate him.

And Sun Yong also found out that the Bombardier 900LR was rented by a shell company. For the time being, they have completely lost their clues.

After Bai Xiuxiu received Sun Yong's call, she thought about it and told Athena who didn't know the truth.Because they met for the first time, the relationship between the two was not very pleasant. From Rio to Majuro, she had never met Athena face to face. It was Feng Luwan who was dealing with Athena. It would be too much to ask Feng Luwan to communicate with Athena.

So Bai Xiuxiu calmed down, sorted out her thoughts, washed her face first, put on a little makeup, changed out of the pink dress that was disguised as a tourist, put on a more serious suit, and went to Athena's room.Although they live in the same hotel, the rooms of the two people are far apart, at the east and west ends of the hotel.

In the afternoon, the sun in Majuro is blazing, the sky is blue, the sea is blue, and the air is filled with warm but leisurely sea breeze. The front and back of the hotel are beaches, and walking in the corridors is also a beautiful view, giving people a feeling of relaxation.But Bai Xiuxiu's heart was extremely heavy. Even though it was a confrontation with open cards, Cheng Mo was taken away so easily, which was really unexpected for her.

To make matters worse, Bai Xiuxiu still had to inform another woman, a woman with complicated and delicate feelings, that her new husband had disappeared.

Bai Xiuxiu walked through the long corridor, through the gentle sea breeze and the bright sunshine, but her mood had already hit rock bottom.When standing at the door of Athena's room, she raised her hand, but she didn't wave her knuckles to knock the door for a long time.

She thought of herself.

Ten years ago, not long after she was newly married, she received the sad news that her husband was missing. At that time, she felt that the sky was about to fall. Be prepared.

She didn't expect to experience it all again in a dual role one day.Thinking of Cheng Mo carefully making her lip prints into specimens, Bai Xiuxiu felt a dull pain in her heart. The sun that should have been pleasant was shining on her body, as if thousands of sharp knives had pierced her skin, slashing her blood. dripping.

Just when Bai Xiuxiu was standing at the door in great pain, unable to figure out how to speak to Athena when she knocked on the door, the door opened by itself.

Athena, who was wearing a T-shirt and denim shorts, stood at the door, holding the doorknob, staring at Bai Xiuxiu expressionlessly, and said lightly, "Did you lose track?"

Bai Xiuxiu raised her hand in the air, but forgot to put it down for a while.She secretly took a deep breath, trying to say the word "yes", but her throat seemed to be blocked by some invisible object, and she couldn't make a sound.So in the end she just rolled her throat, nodded, and said nothing.

Athena didn't panic, and didn't even show a trace of worry. She opened the door and continued to say expressionlessly, "Come in."

Bai Xiuxiu entered Athena's room, but found that Athena's room was in a mess. Clothes and all kinds of odds and ends were thrown everywhere. It was very messy, which formed a strong contrast with her cold appearance, which made Bai Xiuxiu suspect that she was Not in the wrong room.

But Athena didn't care about it, and she didn't clear out the sofa and chairs where the clothes that needed to be changed were thrown away, so that Bai Xiuxiu could sit on them.He just walked to the balcony connected to the beach, pulled up the glass door and curtains, and asked nonchalantly, "What's the situation now?"

Bai Xiuxiu stared at Athena's quiet and calm face, and first wondered whether Athena was in love with Cheng Mo or not. Thinking of the scene in the Tai Chi Martial Arts Hall, she wondered if Athena had something behind her.In short, at this moment, Athena's calmness raised some hope in Bai Xiuxiu's heart. She whispered: "It's not Cheng Mo who is in Rio. When we return to Majuro, we suspect that when he landed in Majuro the day before yesterday, Cheng Mo Mo has been dropped."

Athena frowned and asked, "Switched? Isn't there a quantum tracker?"

"Yes." Bai Xiuxiu said in a deep voice, "But we didn't expect that they would perfectly evade our detection methods by exchanging blood. Originally, as long as those trackers were out of the blood environment, they would automatically alarm."

Athena raised her eyebrows, "Exchange blood?"

"Yes, blood exchange," Bai Xiuxiu immediately added, "However, it's not all bad news. What they exchanged for Cheng Mo was the blood of a pure-blooded lizard man."

Athena nodded, "This is a blessing in misfortune."

"The problem is that all the clues are broken now. We can't find out who leased that Bombardier, and we can't find out who was in Majuro, and what kind of transportation was used to pick up Cheng Mo."

Athena thought for a while and said, "Where was the blood exchange operation performed?"

"On that Bombardier. But they removed all the instruments. We went back to Majuro to investigate this matter, but it caught the attention of the Majuro police, so we can't continue." After a pause, Bai Xiuxiu said, "Even if the investigation continues, nothing may be found."

"That lizard dragon is still there?"

Bai Xiuxiu was keenly aware that Athena probably had something to do with the "lizardman", but she pretended not to notice and replied naturally: "It's still in Rio. But that Tianlongren no longer has any consciousness."

"Even if it's a dead body, the blood exchange operation is not a minor operation, and it's not so easy to find a pure-blooded celestial dragon. I'm familiar with these things." Athena said, "Tell your people to guard the celestial dragon, don't worry about it." Can't do it well."

Bai Xiuxiu raised her eyebrows, saw that Athena had turned around and started to pack her things, endured it for a while, but still didn't say anything harsh, and said in a low voice, "I'll find a way to send the plane over now."

Athena gave a "hmm", put her bag on her back and said, "I can go anytime."

Bai Xiuxiu glanced at the messy things in the room, such as Crayon Shin-chan pajamas, Crayon Shin-chan slippers, pajamas and skirts, "These."

"No more," said Athena.

Bai Xiuxiu didn't say much, and walked towards the door. She was very grateful that Athena was a doctor of the Black Death. If it wasn't for Athena, maybe she would fall into a situation where she had no idea, and could only wait passively and meditate for a solution. There were clues to follow, which made her anxious heart calm down a lot.However, there was something strange in her heart, she felt as if she was Cheng Mo's wife, and Athena was someone who had little to do with Cheng Mo.

This kind of thought made Bai Xiuxiu ashamed and ashamed. She closed her eyes and threw all these distracting thoughts into the vast and deep sea, but she heard Athena say coldly: "By the way, Cheng Mo told me that in case of It doesn't matter if all his trackers are eliminated. He is sure to escape from the 'Winter Palace', he told you not to blame yourself, and don't worry, this is his own choice."

Athena's indifferent tone made Bai Xiuxiu feel even more sad.

She regretted that she didn't say a softer word when Cheng Mo you left, and she was even stingy with her farewell words.

She thought: If something happened to Cheng Mo, she would never be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

Cheng Mo followed Lermontov out of the room, and the vermilion-carpeted corridor was staggeringly gorgeous.The oil paintings hanging on the side of the corridor are also all masterpieces, but Cheng Mo has no way of distinguishing the authenticity from the fake.

Lermontov said in an unhurried tour guide tone: "This is one of the main buildings of the palace, and it is the first stop for most of the guests who come to the 'Utopia'."

"The Republic? (Utopia)"

Lermontov spread his hands, "Yes, as you guessed, this name comes from Plato's "Utopia."

"Isn't it 'Winter Palace'?"

"'Hermitage' is the name of the continuation of history, in fact, those of us who live here call it 'Utopia'."

"Utopia is a serious name." Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be dissatisfied and said, "Yesterday you told me that this is Dahao Technical Institute, and today you told me that this is Utopia, my God, I really don't know how to understand it."

"Mr. Cheng, there is no conflict between the two." Lermontov turned his head and blinked at Cheng Mo, "You have had enough time to understand this place, I can guarantee that it is absolutely different from what you imagined, you must Will love it here”

"Really?" Cheng Mo replied noncommittally.

At this time, the two had reached the stairs, and outside the towering white gate was the extremely beautiful green labyrinth garden. Lermontov stood at the door and said with a smile: "Time will tell everything."

Standing at the door, Cheng Mo could smell the fresh air with the fragrance of tulips. He and Lermontov walked down the white jade steps side by side, and looked at the beautiful view of the garden.

Then Lermontov introduced him and led him on a tour of the garden.

This is a typical European-style garden, all the trees and flowers have been carefully pruned, presenting a neat geometric shape.In addition to tulip beds, there are beech decorations and tens of thousands of sunflowers.Among them are scattered fountains, ponds, and statues of mythological figures carved from snow-white sandstone. Hercules, the god of fire, wielding a fire stick, guards the central axis, and Venus, the god of love, and golden cherubs stand on the by the pond.On the edge of the garden, there is a large piece of grass and swamp. Beside a forest, Cheng Mo also saw orchid houses, rain forests, cacti and even many rare ancient trees, such as a long-standing acuminate magnolia
The strange thing is that Cheng Mo didn't see any animals. Apart from seeing a few robot gardeners, it's not incomprehensible not to see animals. What is incomprehensible is that Cheng Mo didn't even see a mosquito or a bee.

Cheng Mo raised his head again and stared at the sun in the sky that was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly at it, and suddenly realized that the sun was not as hot as he imagined.

Lermontov, who noticed Cheng Mo's movements, smiled slightly and said, "Let's go this way." He pointed to the house next to the bath that looked like a hobbit dwarf's hut and said, "Be careful in the future, don't enter other people casually. house, especially one with a 'Private Property, Do Not Enter' sign outside the door"

Cheng Mo was amazed, and said, "Aside from the robot, are there really other people here?"

"Of course, there are more than 900 residents in the entire Utopia. You are 993. Unfortunately, you are not the thousandth. When you are the thousandth, we will hold a grand event."

"Nine hundred and ninety-three? How big is the Winter Palace?" Cheng asked quietly.

"How big? I don't know about this, it's about 150 acres." (One acre=6.0702846336 acres)
"So big?" Cheng Mo asked, "Then I can move around freely?"

"Of course! Within the scope of the ideal country, you can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't affect others. If you want to build a house or something, you need to buy land."

"I can't live in the Winter Palace?"

"Yes, but you have to pay. For long-term planning, I suggest you buy a piece of land you like and build an ideal house yourself, just like Mr. Kennedy, he bought a large piece of land on the other side of the mountain and built it yourself. We planted a few acres of wheat, and raised a flock of chickens and a few cows. Most of the eggs in our Utopia are purchased from Mr. Kennedy.”

Shocked, Cheng Mo asked, "Joseph Kennedy?"

"Yes!" Lermontov said, and he pointed to a forest at the end of the swamp, where a tree house was built on six oak trees. "Look, there is Kramers' tree house, that The white-bearded old man is now obsessed with witchcraft, and he only thinks that he is a great magician who can cast magic without a carrier."

Under the guidance of Lermontov, Cheng Mo walked around the garden and got a general understanding of the basic situation of the "Winter Palace", that is, the "Utopia". In Cheng Mo's view, this is not like a prison. On the contrary, it looks like a paradise, if the consumption is not so expensive.

After visiting the garden, Lermontov took Cheng Mo to the palace for a visit. There was no one in the main hall of the palace, only some guards with weapons. They were wearing gold armor, some were holding long guns and some were carrying long swords. It looks very combative.Cheng Mo took a closer look, and saw that Kong Wu was as strong as the guards of the [-] warriors of Sparta, and they were all robots with intelligence above the second level.

But after visiting the entire garden and passing through the main hall of the palace, Cheng Mo still didn't see a living person except Lermontov. The huge utopia is like an empty city without people.Cheng Mo didn't feel popular until he entered the bedroom.This dormitory piled up with amber, gemstones, and gold is really resplendent and resplendent, making Chengmo doubt his life. This kind of naked luxury is completely beyond the scope of Chengmo's imagination. Even the scenes that cannot be presented even in the film and television drama sets are probably the same as the descriptions of heaven in various classics.
As for the women and men in various maid outfits and court attire, Cheng Mo couldn't tell whether it was an artificial intelligence or a real person. They would not only greet Lermontov, but also ask about Cheng Mo's origin.In short, Cheng Mo could not judge the true identities of these "people" by relying on a few simple words.

After walking through a garden and a corridor, Cheng Mo finally saw the owner of the Winter Palace—the Sphinx of the Winter Palace, Paul XIV, in a relatively "simple" Gothic study. Alexey Grigorievich.

He has white hair and looks very handsome, with a golden crown studded with huge diamonds, bare-chested, wearing only a pair of red shorts, and a huge red cape, like a Spartan warrior in a TV series .At this moment, he was sitting on the golden throne with his chin propped on one hand, as if he was thinking about something.
(End of this chapter)

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