Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 418 Wang Hao's New Direction

Chapter 418 Wang Hao's New Direction
In a military area around Guangcheng, in a piece of sand, there was a five-meter-high cliff with a vertical angle. Suddenly, a tank appeared and rushed straight down from the cliff.

With a loud crash, the tank fell from the cliff and rolled a few times, causing the people watching on the high platform to vibrate slightly.

"The data is still wrong, Wu Tao, is there something wrong with our data collection method?"

A middle-aged man in military uniform turned his head and said to a man also in military uniform.

"Probably not, Nantian Group won't play tricks on this, and you have proofread the data of off-road vehicles with formulas, so there shouldn't be deviations." Wu Tao shook his head. After half a month, they were right Tanks were improved, but the results were not satisfactory.

"Wu Tao, how about asking the developer of this device to help us debug it?" Xiong Jun thought for a while and said.

"Didn't I tell you that this device was developed by one person. We have the device, and the calculation formula is also given to us. This requires someone to come to help. You are so kind, let him know that there are so many of us, and there is a formula. You have the equipment, but you can’t even modify a tank... You have face, but I don’t even have face.”

A flash of hesitation flashed across Wu Tao's face, but he really couldn't afford to lose that face. For this project, there were at least one hundred researchers. These are one hundred pure researchers, researchers of the national elite.

As for the transplantation of a device, the developer provided the transplantation under the formula. None of their more than 100 elite researchers could handle one person.

"Yeah, that's right. I feel ashamed when I think about it. Compared with more than 100 people, I can't compare with one person. You check to see if there are any omissions. We will continue to improve."

Xiong Jun's face flushed slightly, thinking that he had so many people and had a balance calculation formula, but he still hadn't managed to install a balance device, which made him feel ashamed.

After Wang Hao sent away the license, he began to conduct two new categories of research, and he exploded with great enthusiasm for research.

The four of them do not disturb each other in Haohan R&D Center, Yang Lu is busy with jet engine testing, and Lan Wei sometimes assists Wang Hao in some new experiments, but most of the time, he is writing a robot control program.

I want to make the control program of the robot smaller and more effective.

Zhang Nan, on the other hand, goes in and out of the Haohan R&D Center with Wang Hao every day. His affairs are not so complicated, only being abused. Being abused.

Zhang Nan may not feel his own improvement, but Wang Hao will watch Zhang Nan's training videos from time to time, and Zhang Nan's improvement is not insignificant.

It's just that Zhang Nan is in the middle of the game, and he's making progress little by little, so it's not obvious to him.

"Hey, I haven't really lived a robot so far, it's so cruel." Zhang Nan sighed softly, the football under his feet was still the same, and the ten robots in front of him were still waiting as before.

But he knows that although he has never owned a robot, he has persisted from one second to ten seconds without losing the ball. This is progress.

Zhang Nan paused, and then used his glasses and headset to review the mistakes he had made. He raised his foot again and touched the football. The robot moved instantly like a shark smelling blood.

He didn't panic, but activated in an instant, rushed out like a cheetah, dunked the ball slightly with his left foot, and dunked the ball to his right foot. It flew up in an instant, but the flying distance was not far, nor very high.

But he just jumped over one robot. Because the ten robots cooperated seamlessly, Zhang Nan would lose the ball if he was a little bigger.

The football was like an elf attached to Zhang Nan's feet, and he seemed to have a kind of enlightenment, and he took it off steadily before the robot got off his feet.

After passing one robot, the other two robots, like wingmen, came up immediately. When the two joined, they were immediately surrounded.

Bang bang bang bang
"Xiao Nan, that's right. I've seen such a wonderful performance since I came here." Wang Hao clapped his palms. He felt that he hadn't watched Zhang Nan practice for a long time. Come see Zhang Nan in action.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the door, I saw Zhang Nan passing a robot. This was a breakthrough from scratch.

"Brother, why are you here?" Zhang Nan looked excited, not at all discouraged by losing the ball. After three days, he finally passed a robot.

"I just happened to be free, so I came here to see you." Wang Hao smiled and said.

"Brother, I believe it won't be long before I can pass all ten robots." Zhang Nan said confidently after passing one robot.

"Well, it's good to have confidence. You can practice slowly. I'll go first." Wang Hao nodded and said approvingly, as if he suddenly thought of something, he paused slightly, turned his head and said something to Zhang Nan .

"By the way, Xiaonan's ten robots are divided into three stages. As long as you pass three robots, you will activate the second stage tactical option. Not only will you cooperate with each other to defend, but the robots you pass will also activate the retreat. After passing six robots, the third stage will be activated, I call that stage 1V11, you work hard."

How could it be possible for Wang Hao to come up with hell difficulty? For the first three units, at first only one will go forward, and the other two will block. After the first one, the two responsible for blocking will defend Zhang Nan at the same time.

This is why after Zhang Nan passed one, the two robots behind him would come together.

"Brother, do you want to make it so high-end? I feel very uncomfortable. I am full of sense of accomplishment, and I was hit instantly." Zhang Nan was stunned, and said with a bitter face.

"Take it easy."

After Wang Hao finished speaking, there was a smile on his face. In fact, he did not mention the difficulty. He was afraid of dampening Zhang Nan's enthusiasm. This robot is the masterpiece he is most satisfied with. Apart from the borneol, he is currently the most successful research result.

In the days that followed, Wang Hao once again fell into a very boring research life in the eyes of outsiders.

And Zhang Nan was like hell every day. After his brother said it, he didn't know that what he was facing now was only the easy level, and the hard level was still waiting for him.

However, as time passed, Zhang Nan's progress was very obvious.

On the fifth day, two robots were successfully passed.

On the tenth day, the difficult level was successfully opened, which is the difficulty of encircling six units.

No. 20 days, surrounded by six sides, but has improved, can successfully pass the fourth station.
No. 30 days, still surrounded by six sides, but successfully passed the fifth station.

However, he was unable to pass the sixth station, and Wang Hao stayed in the research center for a month peacefully. Xu Xu did not bother him during this time, because the understanding of the island is not that simple, and Xu Xu will go abroad from time to time. Check it out.

The purpose is to select the most suitable island for Wang Hao.

But the call Wang Hao received made Wang Hao put down the work at hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

"finally come."

Wang Hao looked at the phone after hanging up, a smile appeared on his face, and he also felt a little relaxed. The name of the call showed Ye Lao.

That's right, this is Ye Lao's call, and the purpose is to let him go to Guangcheng to do a technical support, and Wang Hao also knows something, it is not what he thought, because of some accident.

It was because more than 100 researchers, for the sake of the so-called face, tried to make some results, and then invited him, but the result was naturally tragic.

This is not actually a problem with his calculation method, but because the balance device requires very high requirements, and when he balances the bus, he designs it based on the balance device as the core, so the data naturally does not have so many loopholes .

But the current situation is different. This is a modified tank, and the requirements for the balance device are much higher. He was sure that Wu Tao would encounter such a problem before.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that Wu Tao is also a very strong person, he wants to save face, but he is right when he thinks about it, he made the balancing device by himself, but their more than 100 researchers, with the calculation formula, the progress is still very slow, If it was me, I probably wouldn't be too embarrassed to invite him.

This is also the research institute that Ye Lao went to, otherwise, Wang Hao would have to wait.

"Then my electromagnetic field will come in handy."

A smile appeared on Wang Hao's face, he looked at a box in his hand, hung up the phone, and continued the test.

(End of this chapter)

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