Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 417 The Island Project

Chapter 417 The Island Project
"Brother Hao, which piece should I get next?"

Lan Wei followed behind Wang Hao, and after coming out of the test building, got on the balance car, and said with some doubts.

"Go and work on the previous arrangement first, let me think about it." Wang Hao said after thinking for a while.

"it is good."

After Wang Hao and Lan Wei separated, he randomly found a place to meditate, thinking about the direction of the next research. The content will definitely not deviate from physics, but the direction must be carefully considered.

For example, the robot has reached the current limit. Wang Hao knows that if he persists, there will be no major breakthrough.

"Physics involves a wide range of mechanics, optics, electromagnetism, heat, atomic physics. There are too many types. And machinery should have deepened to my own limit level. So which one should I study next?"

Wang Hao frowned slightly, sitting in a gazebo in the R&D center, sitting the computer on the table, and thinking seriously.

Like machinery, because of the research on robots, he has deepened the machinery to an almost limit.

And once his skills break through, he learns other knowledge too quickly. For example, physics is now at level [-]. When he learns other types of physics content, he just reads it once and understands it. Knowledge can be attracted to achieve the degree of integration.

But learning is completely different from scientific research. Learning is just to let you master the knowledge, while scientific research is to put the knowledge into practical application.

The improvement of skills and the comprehensive knowledge allowed Wang Hao to shorten the study time. As long as he is willing to deepen the research on a certain content, there will definitely be results, it's just whether the results are more or less.

Like machinery, he deepened it very deeply and innovated a lot. After it was manufactured, it spent a lot of time on optimization, so that the mechanical performance of the robot reached the peak level of a sixth-level physics, while other categories, He also needs to spend time researching, so that he can reach the peak level of the sixth level like the mechanical category.

This is the difference between learning and spending time on research. Only when you spend time on research, combine the knowledge in your mind, and apply it in practice, can you achieve the desired level
And some subjects are relatively narrow, like teaching, reaching the seventh level, except for making others understand what he said faster, there is no other effect.

But physics is different. There are too many subcategories of physics. If physics can reach level [-], even level [-] physics will undoubtedly be a treasure trove of information for Wang Hao, because there are many types of physics involved.

"The next step is to deepen microelectronics and electromagnetics, mainly electromagnetics"

After thinking for a long time, Wang Hao quietly weighed the pros and cons, and finally decided on two in-depth research directions. Knowledge is in his mind. In these areas, because he has read a lot of books, he has a foundation in this area. , I just didn't have time to study it before.

The in-depth research of these two categories has Wang Hao's own considerations.

Like microelectronics, the development of smaller microelectronic components and placing them on the hardware can make the hardware area smaller. Putting them on the robot, the reduced hardware can allow the robot to have more space to use. Take a little time, Studying microelectronics can still provide convenience for his follow-up research.

As for electromagnetism, Wang Hao's research is purely for one goal, that is, the jet engine that Yang Lu is researching. After the jet engine is researched, it must be tested by then, right?
Wang Hao has a reputation for self-knowledge. With his own personality, he definitely can't stand a research and can't accept the actual test. The preliminary test of the jet engine can be carried out in the R&D center, but once the jet engine is formed, he will definitely use it. At that time, the aviation test will definitely be carried out.

Aviation tests are being carried out, but such tests are subject to regulation, and domestic aviation manufacturing companies are all controlled by the state. It is still a question of whether he will be allowed to establish an airline.

So he wants to use electromagnetism to develop a jet unmanned aircraft for testing. Even if he fails to apply for an airline, he can still have a way to go, which is to create an electromagnetic stealth aircraft and try to avoid the monitoring of the national radar.

"The country hasn't approached me yet. Could there be internal disagreements? It seems that I have to ask permission to feature an uninhabited island, and buy an uninhabited island to test some shady things."

Wang Hao thought of electromagnetism, and couldn't help but think of the balance device he had handed over before. Now the country has not contacted him. Is it possible to overcome the migration problem of the balance device without him?

It is impossible for him to take the initiative, because then he lacks value.

"Let's do it like this, let's take care of it." Wang Hao's eyes flickered for a moment. The balance device has been handed over for so long, but there is still no news, which makes him have to reconsider his situation.

After thinking for a long time, he still decided to prepare a reserved escape route and implement the previous 'Sea Island Plan'.

Well, this matter will be handled by the workaholic license, and that's it, the license can be suspended for a few days.

After Wang Hao made his decision, he began to prepare two new types of research. Microelectronic component research can make electronic components smaller, while electromagnetic research can enhance the concealment of the carrier and reduce the sense of presence.

"I don't know what step I can do with my sixth-level physics. Electromagnetic guns and the like. If I have the opportunity, I can try to study it." Wang Hao thought about it, and now he doesn't know if the electromagnetic field can achieve what he wants. need.

But to him, he doesn't care about these things. Even if he doesn't improve at the sixth level of physics, he will definitely be able to research electromagnetic guns and the like when he reaches the seventh level of physics.

After thinking about it, Wang Hao began to plan seriously on the computer.

He stayed for a whole morning. At noon, Wang Hao did not go back to the villa for dinner. Instead, he arranged for a robot to prepare meals among the ten small buildings that had been built before.

"Brother Hao, when the scenic spot opens, you can participate if you have time..." Fang Bing raised his head and said as if he had thought of something when he was about to go out after eating.

"Look at the specific schedule? I guess I don't have much time recently." Wang Hao wanted to start microelectronics from scratch, as well as electromagnetic research, he thought for a while and said.

"Then it will depend on the exact time. I'll go first." Fang Bing nodded. He also knew that Wang Hao had a lot of research and was very busy.

After sending Fang Bing away, Zhang Nan continued to practice in the test building. Although he felt a little tired, he was not exercising all the time. From time to time, after Zhang Nan was intercepted by the ball, he would stop to learn and then try to improve his movements .

As for Wang Hao, Lan Wei, and Yang Lu, the three ignored Zhang Nan and were all busy with their own affairs. Wang Hao was thinking about the directional research of the two physics categories and their practical application.

It wasn't until a phone call came in that he returned to the villa from the R&D center and waited for the permission to arrive. The call was made by Licensing, saying that the task had been completed.

Wang Hao opened the door of the villa for Xu Xu, and after returning to the villa, he sat for about 5 minutes before Xu Xu arrived.

"Boss, the task is completed." Xu Xu said with some excitement.

This time the negotiation went more smoothly than he had expected, and he didn't even expect that the task would be completed so smoothly.

"Han Tian contributed. 5% of the shares. You are too dark." After Wang Hao looked at the report Xu Xu handed over, he felt a little regretful, and he forgot one more thing, that is, he forgot to tell Han Tian Yes, let Han Tian make the license more difficult, and look at every clause in it, it is in his favor.

How could Wang Hao not know that Han Tian didn't fight for it at all, but did what he agreed to do.


Wang Hao murmured in his heart. When he was busy studying, he tended to forget other things, but he forgot to ask Han Tian to be tough so that Xu Xu could spend more time with Han Tian.

Li Ke listened to Wang Hao's words, his face darkened obviously. He said hesitantly: "Boss, why is it so dark? I read about the technology. As far as your technology is concerned, it has a great advantage, and we provide a complete set of For Mr. Han, this technology is completely the same as picking it up."

"Permit, let's be human, we can't be too dark, how about this, you can talk to Han Tian again, he contributes 5.00% of the shares..." Wang Hao said earnestly, with an extremely serious expression, this [-]% He doesn't care at all about the shares. Although this equipment has advantages, the market is still too small for Wang Hao, so he doesn't care at all.

"Okay, Boss, what else can I order?" Xu Xu nodded with a strange expression. He felt that he had seen it. He had seen a profit-making one, but he had never seen such a profit-making one. He was invincible.

But the boss said so. He can only do so.

"No more, go get busy." Wang Hao shook his head and looked at the materials that were given by the license. This Han Tian really agreed to everything, and the other terms would not be modified. Han Tian gave him a good impression. It can be considered that I have known each other for quite a long time, and every time I see myself, I am respectful and respectful, and I don't want to bully honest people like this.

Wang Hao also found some excuses for himself. In fact, these excuses are plain, that is, he thinks that Han Tian is a good person, and he also understands sports. It won't be bad for one person to manage.


Before Wang Hao thought it back, he heard Xu Xu speak again.

"Is there anything else?" Wang Hao looked up at Xu Xu suspiciously, and walked back within a minute after leaving the villa.

"It's been resolved, a phone call."

Wang Hao's face was stunned. After a long while, he roared in his heart, how could I forget about the phone call.

"Permission, I want to find an independent island. You can find some islands for me, preferably untouched ones. You can go abroad for actual inspection. You must have autonomy. Even if the living environment is bad, there is no problem. , the focus should be larger, a small island with few people." Wang Hao thought for a while and said.

He thought about this island before. The country has not contacted him for a long time, and it is time to leave a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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