Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 24 The Joy of Zhou Xin

Chapter 24 The Joy of Zhou Xin

At this time, Zhao Yi was sitting in the office, picked up the newspaper in the office and read it.

"Wang Hao." After Zhao Yi glanced at the newspaper, the headlines were all about the top scorer in Xijiang Province. She immediately thought of the student she was invigilating because she knew that the perverted student she was invigorating was also called Wang Hao.

But she didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"Sister Yi, what's wrong, Wang Hao is the pride of Gancheng now, stronger than last year's Lan Wei." There were still a few teachers sitting in the office. After hearing Zhao Yi's loss of voice, he said with a smile, they had seen it before. this newspaper.

"This student was invigilating me. I remember telling you." Zhao Yi explained the invigilation situation at that time.

"I remembered that you said that there was a student in the proctor who finished each exam within 10 minutes? Is this Wang Hao?"

One of the teachers said in horror, and did not doubt the authenticity of what Zhao Yi said, because Zhao Yi said before that she found a perverted student when she was invigilating the exam.

"This is more than a scholar, it's obviously a scholar..."

The other teachers also remembered that Zhao Yi had mentioned the student's name before.

At the same time, in Gancheng No. [-] Middle School, the principal of Gancheng No. [-] Middle School was in the office, looking at the two people in front of him speechlessly. Since the two people met, they began to quarrel and start arguing, but the identity of the other side made him Not too good to say.

This one is the director of the admissions office of Yan University, and the other is the director of the admissions office of Tsinghua University. He is only the principal of a middle school in a prefecture-level city.

"You two stop arguing. I have informed Wang Hao's head teacher. As soon as he comes to school, he will be brought here. You can talk to Wang Hao about the specifics." The principal of Gancheng No. It was both excited and distressed.

Last year, it was only the admissions teachers of two schools who came to his office to compete for Lanwei, but this year, two directors came directly.

"Principal, admissions teachers from several schools in Fudan and Nankai are here." The principal of Gancheng No. [-] Middle School, who was having a headache at this time, suddenly looked bitter after hearing the words of the assistant principal.

These two people have already exhausted him. If there are a few more people from top universities, he will not be able to live in peace at all, but at this moment, his phone suddenly rang, and his expression suddenly relaxed.

When Wang Hao came to school, he immediately asked Wang Hao's head teacher, Teacher Zhou, to bring Wang Hao over, then he could be relieved. Now he is suffering and happy.

"Brother Hao, you go, I'll go to the classroom first." Fang Bing said with a smile.

"Well, teacher, let's go." Wang Hao looked indifferent. He was stopped by Teacher Zhou as soon as he stepped into the school.

At this time, Teacher Zhou's face was full of excitement. She never thought that Wang Hao could hide so deeply and became the champion of Xijiang Province. When she first saw the news, she was still sighing that the same name is different , but after reading the introduction of the news carefully.

She found out that something was not right. The champion was actually from Gancheng like last year. So where is the best student in Gancheng? It is not at Gancheng No. [-] Middle School, and there are not many people named Wang Hao who took the college entrance examination today. .

At this time, she thought about Wang Hao's unusual appearance on the grassy mountain, and the indifference in his expression, which made her feel a little expectation, but she didn't mention this expectation to anyone, for fear of being caught Others see it as a neuropathy.

It wasn't until the headmaster's phone call came directly to her cell phone that the director of the admissions office at Yanda and Huaqing was in his office, waiting for Wang Hao in her class, and he jumped up excitedly.

"Wang Hao, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply." Teacher Zhou showed a touch of emotion on his face.

"Teacher, you teach well." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Don't wear a high hat now, I don't know you yet. Every day in my class with other teachers, I don't know what to do with writing and drawing." Teacher Zhou glanced angrily.

Wang Hao smiled embarrassingly, because he had already finished his high school knowledge, he often started his own business in the classroom, thinking about the code of dragon brain, writing and drawing on the notebook, and was also confiscated by the teacher. A few times, but the teacher couldn't understand what he wrote with the password at all.

After Wang Hao flipped through and admitted his mistake, he had to come back. Later, Wang Hao used different methods to record according to the difference of each teacher. For numbers, he used formulas. For Chinese, he used a poetic text. It was recorded that after the teacher found out, what Wang Hao wrote seemed to be taking notes for his own class. Although it was a bit specious, it was difficult for them to confiscate Wang Hao's notebook.

"I really envy Zhou Xin, he just picked up a champion..."

"Hey, who would have thought that Wang Hao, as you usually know, is just above average in the class. Zhou Xin's luck is really good."

The fact that Wang Hao in Zhou Xin's class became the champion of Xijiang Province has long been spread among the teachers, and they all envied Zhou Xin. He just picked up a champion, and the school will definitely reward Zhou Xin.

"Mr. Chen, you are Wang Hao's teacher, so it is estimated that the reward will not be small." One of the teachers said to Mr. Chen who was beside him.

The teacher's words immediately focused the attention of other teachers on that teacher Chen. You must know that Lan Wei's first-scholar exam last year, and the school rewarded Lan Wei's teacher a lot of money.

"I don't know if there are any, let's see." At this time, Teacher Chen smiled. He didn't expect Wang Hao to become the champion, but if there was a champion in his class, he would have the bragging rights. capital.

The other teachers looked at Teacher Chen with envy, this was totally just money for nothing.

"Principal." Teacher Zhou brought Wang Hao to the school's conference room.

After Wang Hao came in, he glanced at it, and probably guessed why he had to transfer from the principal's office to this conference room, because there were too many people, about seven or eight.

"Sit down, Mr. Zhou, too. You are Wang Hao's head teacher. Let's chat together." The principal smiled kindly at Wang Hao and Mr. Zhou.

"Principal, I'm not here anymore, I have to go back to preside over the class meeting." Teacher Zhou shook his head slightly and said, if she knew Wang Hao very well, she would sit down when she sat down, but she didn't care about Wang Hao at all. Understand, if other people ask some questions, she can't answer them.

"Also." The principal of Gancheng No. [-] Middle School nodded lightly, turned to Wang Hao and said, "Wang Hao, this time I'm looking for you, and I want to hear what you mean, all the top leaders are here. The admissions office staff of the university have no intention of choosing a university.”

(End of this chapter)

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