Chapter 23
"Zhao Chun, you immediately fly to Xijiang Province, go to Gancheng No. [-] Middle School, and find a candidate of Wang Hao. You must recruit him into Yan Dalai. If there is an accident, I will only ask you."

When Zhao Chun heard the voice on the other end of the phone, his heart suddenly shuddered. He was the director of the Admissions Office of Yanda University, but he suddenly received such a hasty order from the principal of Yanda University. He immediately guessed what was going on. A high-scoring champion, otherwise, the principal of Yan University would not personally intervene in such matters.

"Principal, is there a demon in Xijiang?" Zhao Chun said curiously.

"It's not as simple as a demon, full marks in all subjects, hurry up to book tickets, I allow you the right to kill first and then play, this student should not be easy, I guess Huaqing University has also gotten the news." Yan University President Wang Xiang again hurriedly Opening his mouth, he used his ability to check the student named Wang Hao.

His usual performance was mediocre, but he was a blockbuster in the college entrance examination. In his opinion, such a person has a very clear purpose. Moreover, Yizang is three years old, and all his performances in the three years are mediocre. The reason that made him curious was that this student was very difficult.

The same thing happened in Huaqing, except that the principal of Huaqing just informed the director of the admissions office.

He knew that Huaqing was not inferior to Yanda in the sciences for a long time. Even now, whether in terms of strength or research results, he is not weaker than Yanda. Yu Yanda.

However, in the competition of liberal arts students, Yanda experienced the same taste of failure as Huaqing.

On the second day, Wang Hao got up at six o'clock as before. Today is a special day for any candidate who takes the college entrance examination, because today's results will be released.

Even Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan didn't sleep in, but got up early, ate breakfast and waited for the college entrance examination to open at nine o'clock. Unspeakable tension appeared on the faces of Zhang's father and Zhang's mother.

Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan also had concerns on their faces, but Wang Hao had a calm face. He had already done a rough calculation during the college entrance examination. No matter how low the score was, it was impossible for it to be lower than 740 points.

As for how high it can be, it depends on the teacher's mood. Anyway, he doesn't feel that he has done something wrong.

As time drew nearer, Zhang Xin, Zhang Nan and Wang Hao's adoptive parents became more and more nervous.

"Xiaohao can check." Father Zhang looked at the time and said to Wang Hao.

"Okay." Wang Hao nodded, his face very calm.

I opened the college entrance examination website at will, and there was no lag. It is not that the current college entrance examination query website is so powerful and can accommodate so many people to query together, but Wang Hao's dragon brain has been protected by network speed, so that Wang Hao's Internet speed is fast.

"This." Father Zhang looked at the score displayed on the computer in disbelief.

"Brother, you are too scary..." Zhang Xin rubbed his eyes, shock in his eyes, but Zhang's mother and Zhang Nan looked at them dully.

Wang Hao's name and admission ticket number appeared on the screen. After careful comparison, Father Zhang finally let out a sigh.

"Xiaohao, you are really good." Zhang's father looked at the score displayed on the computer with emotion, 750 points, he knew what it meant, it meant that the son he recognized was the full score of Xijiang Province.

100% is the number one scholar in Xijiang Province. At this time, the bell rang suddenly. Wang Hao saw that his phone rang, and it was Fang Bing.

"Brother Hao, how many points?" Fang Bing knew that Wang Hao didn't perform very well, so he was always curious about Wang Hao's results. , but he was very satisfied, and his curiosity immediately made him make a phone call to Wang Hao.

"750, what about you?"

Fang Bing listened to the indifferent voice on the other end of the phone, and his eyes suddenly showed a dull look, "How much do you say?"


"I'm going... Brother Hao, you are awesome." Fang Bing shouted out with a shocked expression.

"Let's meet and talk in a while." Wang Hao smiled lightly, but he could hear Fang Bing's shock. He didn't expect it to be a perfect score, and a smile slowly appeared on his calm face.

"Okay." Fang Bing hung up the phone with a dull expression.

"How was Wang Hao's exam?" Fang's father was beside him, and asked curiously, his own son didn't like to study, he knew it, but he didn't force it.

"750." Fang Bing muttered to himself.

"It's 750 points higher than you. It's pretty good. Wait, how much did you say?" Fang's father didn't react at first and said, but after a while, he felt that something was wrong by [-] points. If he remembered correctly, This should be full marks.

"750 points, a perfect score is sure to be the champion." Fang Bing looked at his unresponsive father with a speechless expression.

At this time, the outside world has long since caused a huge sensation because of the top scorer in Xijiang Province. The fastest timeliness is naturally the Internet media. In an instant, there are overwhelming reports on the Internet, so that people all over the country know that Xijiang Province produces A monster, a perfect number one scholar who has never been in history.

"In the old revolutionary base of Xijiang Province, Gancheng No. [-] Middle School, a student named Wang Hao appeared with a perfect score. What is the different story behind this champion? Please visit Gancheng with our reporter. City No. [-] Middle School, let's see what the number one scholar Wang Hao thinks of him above his class."

"The following is the composition of Wang Hao, the champion of Xijiang Province. The topic of Chinese language in Xijiang Province is nostalgia, while Wang Hao used my hometown as the title to write what Gancheng looks like in his heart. To be honest, after reading the composition, I have a strong feeling The desire to go to Gancheng and look at the lifelike Gancheng written by Wang Hao. The text is not just praise, but also points out the shortcomings of Gancheng. In my opinion, the level is not written by a high school student at all. The composition, if I don’t know it, I would even think that this is an evaluation of Gancheng by an economist and a literary giant.”

At this time, because of the overwhelming reports on the Internet, many people on the Internet have seen the composition written by the champion of Xijiang Province. After reading it, many people have a strong expectation to go to Gancheng.

Take a look at some of the scenery in the text, and take a look at the humanities in the text.

"This composition is good..." In a conference room, there were at least a dozen people sitting.

"It's really well written, we also have to recognize our own shortcomings and work hard to make Gancheng develop better." A dignified middle-aged man said in a deep voice and paused, "Okay, let's continue the meeting, But the theme has changed, let's discuss this composition, strive for further progress on the good side, and discuss a solution as soon as possible on the bad side."

This is the regular meeting of the leaders of Gancheng. It just happened that the results of the college entrance examination were open. These mayors and deputy mayors took advantage of the break from the meeting to read the news on their mobile phones, and immediately found that Gancheng had once again produced a The champion is still a perfect champion.

Moreover, after the mayor glanced at the composition, he couldn't stop, because even as the leader of Gancheng, he did not find that Gancheng has so many cultural landscapes and there are so many things that can be improved.

 Mengxin is asking for a wave of collection recommendations.. oops, don't throw stones

(End of this chapter)

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