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Chapter 925 Is the Greek god chapter made of a stick?

Chapter 925 Greek mythology is made of sticks?
As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun dyes the earth with a light new dress. Circles of light golden halos radiate from the tips of the grass. The green water is clear and the wind blows, and the face is not cold. A vigorous figure is running under the setting sun, as if Looking for his lost youth, under the setting sun, his pimple flesh exudes a layer of delicate oily light, and his bronzed skin looks so sunny and healthy.

The handsome face, the firm cheeks, the sincere and melancholy eyes, the spirited hairstyle, and the exquisite shorts all show that this is an awesome tall man who is not ordinary at first glance.

"Artemis, can't you accept me? I am sincere to you!" The man behind shouted at the girl in front while running.

That's right, it's this guy again, the god of war and bloodshed, Ares, one of the twelve main gods in Greek mythology!

"But I don't have feelings for you!" The girl in front has long black hair, which is so elegant. It is said that the long black hair is more suitable for the sunset. In the sunset, the long black hair is shining with streamers , too beautiful to behold.

The girl has exquisite facial features, white skin like milk, not to mention her figure, the waves are turbulent, and it seems that she is about to emerge, and that black robe and skirt can't stop her from being full of spring.In one word, the beauty is bubbling.

"It doesn't matter, I want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, the world is waiting for me to change, I want to dream, I am not afraid of being seen by others, as long as I persist, I can achieve it, I believe that I am me, I believe in tomorrow, I believe that time can change everything !
You will fall in love with me sooner or later, Artemis give me a chance! "Aris once again uttered the declaration of love loudly.

"Isn't the sun my brother?" The girl in front said with a speechless face, you're such a jerk—does your mother know?
That's right, the sun is really her brother, Ares is speechless, but this embarrassment can't stop his determination to win the beauty's heart.He was running, running wildly.

The two tandem, one behind the other, and the classic Hollywood chase scene started again. These days, if there is no chase scene, you are too embarrassed to go out and say you are the screenwriter.

The setting sun in the sky flashed suddenly, and a little golden light appeared quickly, like a light spot, to be precise, it was a carriage, a chariot, and a handsome man in golden armor stood on it, the same sunlight, The same look at the high-end atmosphere and high-grade!

The man looked down gloomyly, shook the reins angrily, started the carriage and rushed down.

With a whoosh, a figure appeared beside the girl. Qin Fen suddenly appeared, and the horse that broke out halfway was startled. He immediately exclaimed loudly, turned to one side, and rushed towards the girl.

Chef Qin, who was holding a talisman and clutching his phone, appeared. As soon as he appeared, he felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the surroundings were so beautiful that it was like a paradise.

It's not bad here, look, people's travel has improved now, but it's also low-carbon and environmentally friendly, with zero emissions, but it's a horse-drawn carriage.

Qin Fen looked behind, why is it you again?I'm here again?It's Greek mythology again, and you're fucking chasing girls again?

The chef was stunned, and the historic scene was repeated. He watched the horse startled and changed direction. At that moment, countless people were caught off guard. The armored man looked dull, what the hell?

Ares looked panicked, he was about to be hit again, this scene was so familiar!
The girl was taken aback, brother, why are you here?But she is not an ordinary person after all, just when she regained consciousness a little bit, she jumped to the side with a diving leap, and then, then there must be no more.

Just now, she kept turning her head and entangled with Ares, and then the girl who looked at the sky carriage didn't pay attention at all, and a strange costume appeared beside her.

Qin Fen was dumbfounded when he saw the girl flying towards him vertically, and he just said in his heart, you are so special, right?Hit again?Do you need such blood?Can you die if you don't hit a car and have a car accident?Can you still lose your memory again?

Qin Fen wasn't afraid. He had experienced it once. Now that he had experience, he couldn't hide from it. The best way now is to close his eyes and not think about anything.In a word, life is helpless like that, we can't resist, just enjoy it, the chef has given up.

With a bang, Oh my god, Ares was also stunned, and looked at Qin Fen with a strange expression, why is it you again?Then, looking at the girl who fell headfirst into the chef's chest, she bounced back with a whoosh, what a familiar bell!
No, what a familiar rolling, Ares subconsciously shouted, "Artemis!" Then he watched the girl rolling on the grass.

Such a familiar picture, dare you not to be bloody!Qin Fen was speechless, this is such a fucking routine!
Facts have proved that there are routines, but there are also innovations. With a hiss, the armored man grabbed the horse. Unfortunately, the girl rolled under the carriage, and the wheels shook. The armored man stared at the front in a daze. The pressure passed!
Fuck, the armored man looked panic-stricken, he didn't think about beating Qin Fen, but rushed off the chariot to see his sister.

Ares picked up the girl mechanically, his eyes were blue, why is this happening again?

Qin Fen's eyes are also blue, Artemis?Isn't that one of the three goddesses in Greek mythology, the goddess of the moon, then the armored man is one of the same twelve main gods, the elder brother of Artemis, the sun god Apollo!
At this moment Ares shook the girl, "How are you, Artemis?"

"You, who are you?"

Qin Fen and Ares were speechless at the same time, another car crash and amnesia?That's right, the Eastern Emperor Bell was killed at close range, and his mind was lost.

"Have you lost your memory too? It doesn't matter, I don't care, I still like you until the end of the world!"

Why do you want to say a word?Qin Fen remembered the black line on Athena's forehead.

The girl was about to speak, but she fainted in an instant. Ares became nervous, and the armored man picked up his sister, "She is injured! I want to take her back for treatment, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"How is it possible, isn't it just amnesia?" Ares is also an old driver now.

"No, I am the sun god, and she is the goddess of the moon. Although we are brothers and sisters, our divine powers clash. I was crushed by my scorching sun chariot just now. She was eroded by the sun's divine power. She may only have one year of life. I must go Find the Goddess of Wisdom for a cure!" Apollo looked sad.

One year life?Ares was stunned, "No, I don't believe it!"

No, I don't believe it, isn't this a routine for terminal illness?Car crash, amnesia, terminal illness!Qin Fen was speechless, so frightfully familiar.

"There's nothing you can do if you don't believe it, it's a fact!" The man put his sister on the carriage.

"Even if life is short, I don't want to be separated from her!" Ares stood up with determination on his face.

"No, you can't be together!" Apollo didn't look back.


Qin Fen suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Because you are brothers and sisters, she is your half-sister!"

After speaking, Apollo drove away in the carriage, "My God, why is this again?" Ares knelt on the ground with a plop.

God, do you dare to be a little more bloody?So again, is this Greek mythology?I don't watch much TV, don't lie to me, this is obviously a fucking Korean drama!Qin Fen was also heartbroken!Zeus, you hang up, you hang up to blow up the sky, you harm the perfect woman, and you can also harm the children, you are the worst.

(End of this chapter)

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