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Chapter 924 This is the chapter of the Greek God, you lied to me!

Chapter 924 This is Greek mythology, you lied to me!

A muscular man is running under the scorching sun. He is full of tendons and looks very imposing. With his fit body, resolute face, and cheetah-like figure, he looks tall, handsome and rich at first glance. No, to be more precise, Not trivial, not ordinary people.

"Ares, I said, please don't pester me!" The girl in front turned her head while running, and her white robe was flying in the air like an elf.

"No, Athena, you are the goddess of war and justice, I am the god of war and blood, we are a match made in heaven, please accept my love, for you, I am willing to go to the sky to pick the stars, for you You, I am willing to go to the sea to search for pearls, and for you, I am willing to fight death!" Ares looked at the girl in front of him obsessively.

"Ke Ke!" Before the girl could finish speaking, a figure appeared in front of her with a whoosh, and Chef Qin appeared with a talisman and a cell phone.As soon as he appeared, he felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the surroundings were so beautiful that it was like a paradise, with green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and absolutely no smog. Look at the people who travel, they are low-carbon and environmentally friendly and do not drive.

Qin Fen was enjoying himself, and was a little dazed for a while. Low-carbon environmental protection is good, but this nima is definitely not heaven, because these two foreigners have explained everything, "Is the way to open it still wrong?" Qin Fen was disgusted, Moonlight Can't you position the box more precisely?What the hell is this place?

Qin Fen was depressed and wanted to ask someone, but just about to speak, he heard a ouch.

Athena, who just turned her head to look forward, stared at the road, and suddenly there was a guy in a strange dress in front of her, but as the goddess of victory, she was one of the twelve main gods in Greek mythology, and she was still ranked fourth. Only under the three giants, Tian Haiming.

When it comes to Greek mythology, everyone knows that the three giants Tianhaiming represent Zeus, the god of lightning in the sky, and the king of gods.Hades, the manager of the soul of the lord of the underworld, is the elder brother of Zeus, the master of the ocean and the shaker of the earth, Poseidon!

Then, as the goddess of victory, there are still a lot of positions such as justice and fairness. Athena is not as famous as the three giants. She is a proper fourth person and exists like a main god. At this moment, Athena saw that there was one more person in front of her. She didn't worry about herself at all. What she worried about was Qin Fen. Although the other party's dress was a little strange, she didn't feel the power of the chef.

Thinking of this, Athena exclaimed, "Be careful, avoid!"

Qin Fen looked bewildered, and then wanted to run, but unfortunately, his speed was comparable to that of a goddess. This time, he might be smashed into a meatloaf.

But Qin Fen didn't think too much about it, he just avoided it, because now he didn't know who he was facing.

Ares wasn't worried either. When he saw Qin Fen blocking the way, he smiled happily. He didn't care about the chef's life or death. What he thought was that Athena's speed was hindered and he could catch up to her.

It's a pity that the facts are so cruel. Dangdang, three deep and simple bells rang in an instant. The Donghuang Bell is now in full condition. Once Qin Fen encounters danger, he will automatically protect it. The golden crow on his ear flashes, and the bell rings , an invisible film of light wrapped the chef in it.

Then, of course there is no more, although the chef is a war scum, but he can't stand the magic weapon!The most powerful Divine Artifact, the Xiantian Supreme Treasure Donghuang Bell is definitely a killer weapon. Athena was knocked into the air, fell to the ground with a whoosh, and kept rolling, her hair disheveled like being hit by a car.

Qin Fen was a little speechless. As soon as his old driver drove, he hit someone.But at this moment, the chef is also a little cautious. Generally, the Donghuang Bell will not appear when bumping into someone, so when the guardian is turned on, it can only show that this woman is not ordinary, and the collision of the other party may exceed his own ability.Qin Fen subconsciously thought, anyway, looking at clothes is definitely not as simple as in ancient times.

Seeing the woman who was still rolling, Qin Fen wanted to go up to have a look, but Jin Xian couldn't stand being shaken by the Eastern Emperor's bell, so nothing happened, as soon as he moved, a pig-like voice sounded from the side, "Athens na!"

I go, Athena?Seeing the man rushing forward and looking at himself angrily, Qin Fen knew, "Have I come to Greek mythology? Day!"

Ares's face was full of anger, his eyes were red, he picked up Athena, and stared at this strange man. The man appeared strangely, and his power was unfathomable. Athena was knocked into the air, and the bell rang At that moment, he suddenly sensed a terrifying force, and he couldn't help being on guard, not daring to make a move.

"Athena, Athena, what's wrong with you?" Ares said nervously, this was his first love.

The woman shook her head, her disheveled hair flicked, revealing a pale face. She was shaken by the Eastern Emperor Bell at close range. It was absolutely uncomfortable. The sound of the bell in her head was about to explode. She raised her head to look at the man, with a look on her face Confused, "You, who are you?"

Damn, Qin Fen wiped his sweat carefully, did he hit Athena and lose his memory?Car crashes, amnesia, why are they so familiar and weird?

"I'm Ares, Athena, don't you remember me? It doesn't matter, even if you don't remember, I will always be by your side!" Ares looked affectionately, and suddenly, a figure appeared in the sky, a A beautiful woman appeared in the air, looking down, she gave Qin Fen a strange look, then ignored it, and looked at Ares instead.

"She seems to have amnesia, she has already forgotten about you!"

Ares was already mentally prepared for the woman's words, "Even so, I won't give up!"

"But I don't know you!" Athena said, and Ares was so heartbroken that he was about to cry.

"No, you can't be together!" The woman in the sky said calmly!

Ares looked angry, "Why, I really like her, not to mention amnesia, even if I get old and ugly, I don't care!"

Love, Qin Fen looked surprised, but at the moment he decided to play soy sauce, what if he wants to claim compensation?But no insurance.Besides, what the hell is this?A chef needs silence.

"Even if you are sincere and you don't care about her status and appearance, you are destined not to be together!" The woman was still not moved by the declaration of Ares, the God of War.

"I don't believe it!" Ares yelled.

The woman looked at him, and sighed leisurely. That sound was like a cuckoo dripping blood and flying frost in June. Anyway, Qin Fen felt a sense of sadness.

"Because you are brother and sister, she is your half-sister!" The woman told the truth.

Qin Fen opened his mouth wide, what the fuck, is this bloody?Then I thought, Nima, it is true that Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and it seems that Ares is the son of Zeus!Really brother and sister.

Ares stared blankly at the sky, "No! Why?" He was heartbroken, and had already forgotten about Qin Fen who hit someone with his car.

With a whoosh, the chef appeared in the toilet, and he looked around quietly, "Your sister, after wearing it once, you watched an idol drama? This is Greek mythology. It's a car crash and amnesia. Coupled with siblings, why do you have a sense of sight? I am not reconciled! I will give you a lung!" Qin Fen decided to do it again.

In the setting sun, a man and a woman are running, so harmonious!

(End of this chapter)

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