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Chapter 893 Heaven suppresses, Jade Emperor rises

Chapter 893 Heaven suppresses, Jade Emperor rises

A sentence that kills a thousand swords made the listeners sad and the hearers shed tears. The key is that this guy is disgusting. Styx is already so uncomfortable that he wants to die. If there is no comfort, Qin Fen even comes to give shit in the snow!

Is Qin Fen short-hearted?Certainly not, he didn't know what was going on, according to what the Queen Mother said, Styx should have reached the pinnacle of his life at this moment, Xing Tian was KO'd by him, and he mastered the law of Shura Dao, and once he returned to the sea of ​​blood, he would be unparalleled in the world , the rhythm of flying into the sky, but after Qin Fen saw it, he found that the gap was not ordinary.

Although I don't know what happened to Styx, but it looks like the situation is not going anywhere?This is not right, and after a sweep, Xing Tian was not found, Qin Fen was stunned for a moment, that's why he ridiculed him, but he got some information that there was something wrong with Shura Dao.

"Depending on the situation, it doesn't merge with the sea of ​​blood!" Qin Fen didn't turn off his voice.

brute!Styx is going crazy, but unfortunately there is nothing he can do about Qin Fen. He still hasn't figured out how the other party can only hear his voice but not see him. You must know that this is the Six Paths, not the Heavenly Court, and he can transmit voices casually.

He knew what was wrong, he was pecked by wild geese all day long, he had arranged this matter for a long time, even the sage and the Tathagata were kept in the dark, it can be seen how cautious he was, but he couldn't imagine that he would be tricked by others life and death.

"It's you, I understand, everything is you, Taoist, you are ruthless, you are too ruthless!" Styx began to speak incoherently.Unexpectedly, after the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole, the natural Taoist came up with such a trick, and he was so frantic that he turned himself into a bereaved dog.

"What's wrong with me?" Qin Fen didn't understand, Shura said something wrong, what's the problem?
Shameless, knowingly asking, bastard, Styx wants to smack this grandson, pretend, you keep pretending! "It's not you, you changed the law of Shura Dao, bastard!"

"Well, let me tell you why you haven't merged with the sea of ​​blood yet!" Qin Fen understood, but how did this change?He didn't understand.

Your uncle, these words are too cruel, and Styx's heart is broken again. You don't hit people in the face, and you don't expose your faults when you swear. You have done everything, are you still a person?

In fact, many people don't understand, or even know. For example, Dizang, he is still in the underworld, professionally playing six ways, and he still doesn't understand it now. Anyway, he vaguely feels that this matter must have something to do with the bloody flame falling from the sky.

Not only did he think so, some great powers also thought so, but no one knew why?I don't know how to do it?What are the consequences of doing so?A series of questions no one can answer.

The situation in the sea of ​​blood, what happened to Shura Dao, did Styx succeed?no one knows.

On the heavenly court, before offering sacrifices to the heavenly platform, all the immortals stretched their necks, staring straight at the screen of the Xuanguang technique, anxious, worried, and nervous.Even the Jade Emperor, the supreme being of all ages, is in pain at the moment, he doesn't know what he will face next, but one thing is for sure, no matter what it is, he will suffer.

Master of the Heavenly Court, poor management, how did you become the squad leader?The Jade Emperor can jump off a building as long as he thinks of Tiandao's evaluation.

Because Emperor Yan's face is ugly at this moment, Xing Tian is gone, and the end can be imagined, an inexplicable grief rose in his heart, he took a hard look at the Jade Emperor, "No matter what will happen next, this emperor will Sacrifice to Heaven!" This sentence goes without saying, you will be in bad luck, Jade Emperor.

Everyone is speechless, they can't do anything now, except to be anxious and watch the two emperors start to fight.But there is always a dense fog that cannot be dispelled above the head, and it is not a good thing for everyone that the Styx River enters the Asura Dao.

It's like a heavy boulder pressing on their hearts.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the heaven was still very quiet at this moment, the real Taiyi and Yuding had returned, but unfortunately, the beginning was unfavorable, and the haze of the Styx had already weighed on their heads.

"Jade Emperor, this matter is of great importance. We must go back to Heaven 33 to return to our mission. Please ask the teacher to come forward to solve it. Once the Styx River is sanctified, the common people will be miserable!"

The Jade Emperor nodded. This matter is of great importance and must not be played around with again. "I'm sorry, both of you!"

Looking at the two real people, the Jade Emperor looked at the old mother of Lishan and the old gentleman, "You two are extraordinary, and the crisis has emerged now, please return to your real body, and save the common people from the fire and water!"

The Jade Emperor was also helpless, he didn't expect such a trouble at all.

There is no shirking responsibility in this matter, Li Shan's old mother nodded, she was wearing Nuwa, and Laojun also represented a saint.If a sage can't do it, then the three Qings can come out together. If it still doesn't work, then the Jade Emperor thought thoroughly and contacted Nuwa and Tathagata.

This is also no way.

It's a pity that his idea is very good, but the reality is very skinny. The old man looked sad, "It's useless to be afraid of too many people. After all, once Styx controls the six realms, the power of law is not something we can contend with, unless Pangu is resurrected, or Heavenly Dao makes a move! Otherwise, it would not be easy to trap him!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the altar was filled with sadness.

"Is there really no way?" The Jade Emperor felt depressed, why did it happen?
"Yes, the six realms are the core of heaven and earth, where living beings revolve. The six realms of reincarnation are all-encompassing. Nuwa made people holy, and her merits are immeasurable. But the six realms are not only human, but also all spirits in the world. Manipulating the circulation order of all things, tell me, what is its status?" Tathagata's voice appeared beside him.

There is nothing he can do if he doesn't come, it really has too much to do with him, he can't stand it alone, once Styx succeeds, his strength will be as strong as ever!

The Jade Emperor didn't meet the Tathagata, so he couldn't take care of it. This matter was going to make a big fuss, and he was finished.

Tathagata didn't take it too seriously, if this happened, he would have a hard time.Lingshan Buddhism is not as great as the Tianting Taoist family, and there are several saints.He is alone.

"Is there really no good solution?" The Jade Emperor was still unwilling.

Tathagata shook his head, "Difficult, even more difficult!"

The old gentleman looked at the sky speechlessly, full of entanglements, "A saint is invincible, immortal and immortal, and there is no way to completely solve Styx. Once he becomes a saint of the Six Paths, his strength will surpass us. If he wants to kill everyone in the world People can do it.

We can't do it, even if all the saints in the world come out, we can't do it, that's an immortal existence! "

The hearts of all the immortals in the heavenly court are so cold that the two of them said one sentence, what should we do?What should I do?

Lishan's old mother made up her sword, "Pangu didn't open the sky to die. With Pangu's ax to open the sky, there is still a chance to kill Styx, but is it possible? Now there is only one existence that can deal with Styx." The old mother pointed Sky.

"Which one?" The Jade Emperor was speechless.

The three saints nodded at the same time.

The Jade Emperor is so conflicted, he doesn't want to sacrifice to the heavens now, he originally intended to kill Qin Fen, but now he sacrifices to the heavens?Damn it, isn't that cheating yourself?He deserves to be blamed!The Jade Emperor's heartache at this moment is not under the Styx.

He didn't want to do it, but Emperor Yan did it. Emperor Yan was angry, thinking about the girl, Xingtian, and the countless creatures who died in the prehistoric waters.

"Yandi Shennong, worshiping the heavens, still has eyes for the heavens, and for the sake of all beings in the world, prevent them from being burnt!"

"I implore the way of heaven!" Swish, swish, countless gods knelt down, the Eight Immortals knelt down, Yuelao knelt down, Li Jiajun knelt down, even rebellious ones like Yang Jian knelt down, the heavenly court Wuyang Wuyang knelt for a while a lot.

Several great emperors immediately went up to the altar and began to respond to Emperor Yan. At this moment, the emperor returned to his heart and was really under pressure.

Several saints also stood aside, bowing their heads.

There was a bang, the sky was gloomy and covered with dark clouds, a pair of huge eyes looked down on the common people, and as soon as the endless coercion came out, all the creatures in the world knelt down on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

But the first sentence after Tiandao appeared, all the creatures were stunned, "Qin Fen, just mess around, you really think I'm talking fart!"

When the Dao of Heaven appeared, the first thing he did was scold the street, which shocked the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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