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Chapter 892 Styx is crazy, Qin Fen goes online

Chapter 892 Styx is crazy, Qin Fen goes online

The weather in the world is good, the sky is clear and cloudless, at first glance, the sky is blue and blue, the chef is a little confused holding the phone. "What's happening here?"

What's happening here?There is no wind and no waves in Shura Dao, the red sea of ​​blood, at a glance, it is not so red, it looks like the heart is bleeding, it is cool, it hurts, the ancestor Minghe stood on the sea of ​​blood and began to be in a daze.

The chef scanned the phone with his mobile phone, and countless messages began to pop up, including those from the Queen Mother, Dizang, Yandi, and even Jingxigui. After browsing through the information, Qin Fen slapped his forehead and understood why it was so unreasonable. The traffic was regarded as money, and the affair of the Styx broke out, and the heavens, the immortal world, and even the underworld were all implicated.

Ancestor Minghe couldn't tolerate anything else in his eyes, stared at the sea of ​​blood, and kept repeating in his mouth, "How is this possible? Impossible?"

It is indeed impossible. If you want to say that a sow climbs a tree, mortals can’t do it, but gods can. If you want to say that iron trees bloom in the world, you can see them in heaven, but you can’t say that, the rules have changed, right? .

What is that, that is the foundation of everything, the reason for the existence of all things, does this thing change at will?Killing Styx, he couldn't even figure it out, why would he still bring such a thing?

That's the law, well, the general law may also be slightly adjusted with the changes of the times, that's what the Dao of Heaven does, what is it called?This is called technical adjustment, or adapting measures to local conditions and making the best use of the situation.

But the Six Paths of Reincarnation is the most core place of law under the Dao of Heaven. Does this rule change as soon as it is said?Isn't that messing around?

It doesn't matter if it changes, anyway, Styx has already come in, no matter how it changes here, can it still change from China to America?Certainly not, at most the root is still there, and it can be redeveloped on it.Then as long as you have time, you can slowly adapt.

So here comes the problem, even if the change is not thorough, Styx can only stare at the sea of ​​blood in a daze.Because he found that it would take a long process to adapt to the current rules. If he wanted to impose a time limit on this process, it might be a fucking 1 years!

1 years, Styx is an idiot. Looking at the sea of ​​blood, he doesn't want to talk. The ups and downs of life are too scary.It was so scary that he wanted to vomit blood. Looking at the familiar hometown, Styx said, "Damn it!" Because the home has not changed, but the owner has changed, Styx at this moment is like a migrant worker with a small property right certificate, Happily hanging out outside is flourishing.

I was preparing to return home, and when I got home, I saw that the fucking house was taken back by the government, and even demolished!Not giving him a dime.That kind of endless loss is not humane.

"I've been preparing for countless years!" Styx shouted heart-piercingly while standing above the sea of ​​blood, does it hurt?Pain, who knows the pain.Is it bitter?Bitter, bitter enough to vomit bile.

But there is nothing I can do. When I think of my embarrassment just now, who can stop me?Styx wanted to slap himself, look, I told you not to pretend, it's all right now!
This is not the most disgusting thing, a gust of breeze blows through the Asura Dao, Styx's body is swaying in the air, looking very lonely, as if he is the only one left in the world, so helpless.

"My God, this matter has come to this point, whether it is Tianting, Lingshan, Tathagata or Sanqing, they all know about my plot, and they will definitely not let me go, so what should I do now?" Styx sounded like killing a pig. roar.That's right, it's all come to this point, there is no retreat at all, and we can only go hard.

But what the hell, when I opened the door, it was a broad avenue, but now I opened it, and I went to it. It turned out to be a cliff, and the Styx River is not going to go, or not to go, go?Where can I go?The world is so big, where can I find shelter?If you really want to find him, the saint can come here, where can he go?
If you go, you will die, if you don't go, you will die!Ming He knelt down in the void with a plop, covering his face with his hands, "Oh my God, that's how you helped me. This is clearly a pit of death!"

Styx's heart was broken, he was about to go crazy, he couldn't figure it out, the ending was so unacceptable, it was so close to the door, it was worse than eating instant noodles, soaked in water, and found out Is it more disgusting without a seasoning packet?
Styx was in pain, heart-piercing, and Qin Fen was at a loss. Looking at the information, he found that there was a lot of information!

It turns out that floods, Jingwei reclamation, and Xingtianwu's relatives are all a series of conspiracies. The instigator behind the scenes is actually Styx, and the chef slammed his forehead. "That idiot? Didn't see it!"

It's a pity that Styx couldn't hear this sentence, otherwise there would be no future, and he could directly piss him off.

After receiving so many messages, Qin Fen also knew why everyone was in such a hurry, and the emotional Jade Emperor was playing tricks again.

He clicked on the Queen Mother's dialog box, and a video of Xuanguang Technique was thrown in one direction.

Soon the picture of Tianting also entered the mobile phone. Watching the video, Qin Fen frowned. It seems that it has nothing to do with me now.He quit the video, feeling a little anxious. The Six Paths of Reincarnation is his responsibility. Now that Styx is doing this, he is not trying to trap him into injustice.If the Jade Emperor really sacrificed to heaven, God knows what Tiandao would do.

Qin Fen is not afraid of the Dao of Heaven coming across the border, the human world has its own set of independent extremes, the Dao of Heaven, which is similar to a program, is not that big of a hand, but the underworld, the world of immortals, he said that there are too many things to worry about, something will happen, Dao of Heaven It's not so easy to hit the board.

He didn't know, Tiandao looked at him resentfully from the side, speechless and ruthless, you think too much, at least until Kaitian doesn't get it done, he will definitely not kill you.But Qin Fen was always messing around like this, and the way of heaven also had a fire going straight to the outside. This guy still needs to be beaten.

Qin Fen searched and found Styx, so he immediately added him as a friend. As soon as the video started, he was afraid of seeing some bloody scenes. It was said that Xingtian was miserable, and Emperor Yan was so anxious that he sent him a lot of messages, please The chef made a move, and he could help Xing Tian as much as possible.

Now Qin Fen opens the video and scans, if there is Xing Tian's shadow, I will go.

"But the picture is a bit wrong. What is Styx doing? Crying?" Qin Fen pricked up his ears and listened, damn it, he was crying, really crying!

Yes, Styx knelt there motionless, really crying, with tears all over his face, how many years of anticipation, how many years of planning, how many midnight dreams come back, if there is no, how can it be gone?
"Who can tell me what should I do?" Styx burst into tears, Qin Fen was confused, what is this?Shouldn't you be proud of horseshoe disease?This contrast is too big!

"He said that in the wind and rain, this little pain is nothing, wipe away the tears and don't be afraid, at least we still have dreams. He said that in the wind and rain, this little pain is nothing, wipe away the tears, don't ask, why!" Qin Fen was on the side Roaring, he wanted to know what was going on. Today's incident seemed to be full of weirdness.

I'll go to your uncle, Styx understands, this is someone playing tricks, otherwise why would there be an inexplicable voice in Shura!

The sound of this singing sounded in my ears, expressing firm belief and tenacity. It seemed to give a little motivation to the helpless people in the vast sea, but Styx didn't think so. Woolen cloth!Disgusting as hell.



Styx hesitated, his heart skipped a beat, because he was unhappy with the retribution of the law of heaven, so he said he wanted to kill him, but this guy appeared. Looking at it now, he might be the one who did it, "The one who killed a thousand swords turned out to be You, what the hell have you done to my Shura Dao, I will fight with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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