Chapter 778

That's right, as soon as wechat was opened, Chef had a lot of information. He was popular in the world, but in the heavens he can only be described as restless where he passed. It is definitely more terrifying than a strong typhoon of level [-], and ten times hotter than the world.

It's a pity that he only read these messages, but the star officer's message had a strange taste.

"It's over, it's over, there's something wrong with Endless Sea, and now I'm in big trouble!"

It's over, it's over, there's trouble again, it's time to make money, Qin Fen is very happy. "Is it really okay for me to base my happiness on other people's worries?" Qin Fen couldn't help asking himself, but his hands moved quickly.

"Don't be afraid of any trouble, I'm a live**!"

This sentence was thrown into the water like a bomb, and the star officer on duty who rushed back from the East China Sea was stunned.

With a whoosh, the cloud under his feet disappeared and fell directly from mid-air.

Qin Fen, who was playing the video, didn't even want to say shit, what about it? "We haven't seen each other for so long. I didn't expect Mr. Xing to be so excited when he heard my voice? Don't be too happy. It's not like we haven't seen each other all year round. We know each other so well. If you have any trouble, just tell me!"

You can fucking die!The star official on duty was trembling, and I haven't seen you for a long time. I believed your evil, "I have met His Majesty Dong Wanggong. No, there is no trouble!" Is it not enough to be tricked by you?You treat me like a pig, you won’t be fooled if you beat him to death this time, just fool around!

"What's the situation on the New Year's Eve? Is it the eve of the New Year's Eve, that is, the night of the New Year's Eve?" Qin Fen remembered something. The star official mentioned it when he got the New Year's Eve, but the chef didn't care. Now At first glance, it seems that there is something hidden.

Could it be that the year is gone and Xi is about to come out? Qin Fen lit a cigarette, and his mind turned quickly only when he was smoking. He quietly glanced at the starry sky outside the window. It was very clear and full of stars. There was also a hint of spirit, "That's right, that's it!" He let out a puff of smoke ring and started typing.

"It's going to be Chinese New Year!"

Fuck, the star officer on duty wants to scold the public, how do you know everything? "Yeah, what's the problem then!"

"The problem is big. According to Xi's situation, it is determined by the law of heaven. Since the New Year is coming, and the earth fairy world also has a mortal kingdom, it means that it will definitely appear!"

Qin Fen narrowed his eyes, "The Endless Sea shouldn't be able to trap it. Where do you imprison it? It hasn't changed for so many years, so the year will be wasted, because its biggest role is to deal with Xi, but you can give it to you." Me, I explained that it has been suppressed for a long time, but there is a good saying that it is better to be blocked than to be sparse, instead of dying in silence, it will explode in silence, after so many years, you can't suppress it, right?"

Your sister, the star officer on duty didn't expect the other party to understand his plight in an instant. Naturally, this is the most disgusting part of the Taoist. It seems that he can't hide anything from him, and the information channels are quite developed.

That is!Qin Fen smiled strangely, recently he had a lot of business.

"That's right, what you said is right, but it's not impossible. I can't do it. There are many capable people and strangers in Heaven. I'm going to go back to report to the Jade Emperor and take countermeasures!" The subtext is obvious, so don't worry about it.

The star officer on duty didn't want to stay for a moment, restarted his feet, and the clouds swished towards the sky. He needed to go back as soon as possible, because he was afraid that there would be many nights and dreams on the road. No one wants to see what kind of ghost it becomes.

Looking at the anxious face of the star official on duty in the picture, Qin Fen leaned leisurely on the head of the bed. Xi is a product of heaven, even a sage is bound to deal with it, only Nian can do it, so what is his benefit?A running monk cannot run away from the temple.

"By the way, when it comes to Nian, those little guys don't know where they went!"

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao would be there, Xiao Xiaozi's back was grabbed by mynah, and he appeared on the window sill with Nian's tail in his mouth.

As soon as it hit the ground, Nian fell to the ground like a dead fish, and I jumped, what happened?Qin Fen's eyeballs are turning green, what year is this?The number one beast in heaven?Made it like this?

"What's the matter?" Qin Fen was a little confused, and Xiao Xiaozi couldn't figure it out either. Mynah shook his head, "Suddenly it looks like he's sick!"

Qin Fen held the devil fish in his hands with heartache, and the moment they touched, Nian vomited a bubble.

There was a strange flash on the phone, and puffs of purple air came to Qin Fen. He didn't know that in the dialog with Laojun, the kelp-like year-old was directly stunned.

As a Shenmu, it is also spiritual, but it is a pity that it cannot be cursed in the mobile phone, or else it is just a sentence, what kind of shit, just sucked yourself, and now sucks, you are not a plant, not a human?

Is it that beast?The hard-pressed power bank doesn't understand the current situation at all, even the old man can't do anything with it, but Qin Fen is not the old man, he has the Eastern Emperor Bell to press the new year, and the annual accumulation of luck is not comparable to the old man.

I just experienced a miraculous fight against an avalanche, Nian is very weak, and the chef is also very tired, well, I fell asleep and hit the pillow.Qin Fen's current situation is that the battery is too low and needs to be charged urgently, otherwise the godhead will be turned off.

When he came into contact with Nian Yi, it was as if his hands had connected a USB to Nian, and Nian was directly tragic.

Good luck tricks people, years old who has been in heaven for countless years, for the first time had the urge to cry, and the other party started to play with his life again, and if he sucked it up again, he was about to fuck and was beaten back to his original shape.

But it wanted to cry but couldn't cry, Nian didn't care about it, it knew that it was very hungry and tired, and needed energy, it sucked desperately, Qin Fen turned his head, "Hey, it seems to be getting more and more energetic Yes! The year is really a good thing!"

Xiao Douding is not convinced, this is absolutely wrong!Starling is speechless, I have never seen such a situation in Heavenly Court, how can there be two that need to be supplemented, and both of them can be high when they touch it, this is unscientific, and it understands the conservation of energy now!

But the facts speak louder than words, the huge bad luck accumulated by Sui Na was suppressed and turned, Nian swallowed it completely, and the Eastern Emperor Bell was recharged and reached a usable state.

Hello, hello, hello everyone, except for the year old, its spirituality tells it that there is a grandson cheating on it, and secretly swears, don't wait for my father to go out. After I go out, whoever I catch will harm others.Don't give anyone face, grandson, just wait for me.

Sui's heart was cool, and after being drained, his body began to shrink rapidly, and soon he became an egg, yes, it is also an egg, conceived as the way of heaven, not a natural god tree, when it was born In this way, the eggshell contains special rules of heaven.

Because of being suppressed, the current year is not full of bad luck. On the contrary, it is good luck after the new year is pressed, so this egg is full of auspicious luck!At first glance, it looks exactly the same as it did back then!
That's right, who said that they are all products of heaven, they are all a developer.Eggshell is the brand of Chiguoguo, produced by Tiandao, it must be a high-quality product!
With energy now, Qin Fen's heart moved, and he started typing to the star officer on duty, "You don't need to be so troublesome about Xi's words. I have years, and you sent me back then!"

At that time, I just ate lard and got confused. How could I give it to you? No, the star officer on duty suddenly covered his mouth. If others find out, what should I do?Xingjun is stupid, let alone the Jade Emperor, the old gentleman can kill him, it's over, it's over, this is fucked, and the Jade Emperor is going to ask nature to take out years to solve the crisis?Why don't the Jade Emperor kill me directly!

No, you have to be calm, you can do it, you must be calm!Don't let others know that Nian was given to Duke Dong.When he thought of this, he slapped himself fiercely, and with a roar in his heart, my buddies knew that nothing good would happen to him, and if nothing happened, I slapped myself first, and I couldn't imagine it later.

He felt that the road he was about to face seemed to be full of ups and downs and full of variables!
(End of this chapter)

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