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Chapter 777 Miracle, Chef's Popularity

Chapter 777 Miracle, Chef's Popularity

Laozi's head was squeezed by the door, and Qin Fen's body began to tremble, shaking the snowflakes on his forehead, feeling that the whole world was shaking, and his strength seemed to be drained.

The rapid depletion of energy and spirit, even Qin Fen's super-strong physical fitness, can't bear it. This is the sorrow of being separated from immortals, even if golden immortals come to the world, they are still scum.Not to mention using spells, if Qin Fen faced such an unlucky Buddha as Ran Deng, he would beat him up and crush him to death.This is why luck is scrambled by saints.

Looking at the mess in front of him, Qin Fen was a little surprised. Is this his own strength?
He couldn't help lowering his head and looking at his hands, he couldn't accept it for a while, this was completely inhuman ability.

No, this should be said to be a miracle!
"Miracle, my God, we are saved!" One by one, the foreigners started to get up from the ground, throwing things that could be thrown into the sky.

Song Shaoqing patted his clothes, "I'm actually fine, I survived the avalanche, and if I survive a catastrophe, there will be good luck!"

"That's right, you can brag when you go back in the future, this is an avalanche!"

Xue Beng, an almost unsolvable death situation, but now it is suddenly broken. Apart from excitement, everyone is excited. The joy of escaping from death made them cry with joy, and some even knelt on the snow and kissed the ground.

No one thought that Qin Fen did all of this, because it was impossible, and the word "miracle" became the hottest topic nowadays.

A miracle happened today, and they witnessed it!

"Fuck, I just took a picture of it. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect to die, hahaha! I want to post it on the Internet and share it with everyone! Dude, you are awesome, I believe you!" A staff member stood up abruptly , holding up the phone and shouting.

This sound also reminded the people around, "Send it to me, and I will repost it on my circle of friends!"

"Yes, brother, you are too ruthless! You are not even afraid of an avalanche!"

"Hero! Right, you are a hero from the East!"

"No, he ran so fast just now, this is Chinese Kung Fu! Yes, it must be Kung Fu!"

The surrounding discussions began to explode, and countless voices attacked the chef.

After hearing this, Qin Fen just wanted to scold the street. He turned his head with a mournful face, "Actually, I'm also very afraid. Anyway, I'm going to die anyway, so I might as well stand and die!"

Qin Fen said something on purpose, could it be that he saved the world and there is a lot of pressure to maintain world peace?That is the disease.And he found a little doubt, it seems that after the power is exhausted, the feeling of controlling everything disappears. Doesn't it mean that he is a superman with one blow, and he will be useless after the blow?
He kept this question in his heart, and now he didn't have time to think about it, a group of fellow staff rushed up, picked up the chef, and threw him into the air!

The foreigners around him also stared at him, and most of them even took out their mobile phones to take pictures. They had to keep in mind this moment, this turning point of fate, and there was no other oriental who would sacrifice his life for others.

Foreigners have a feeling of personal heroism, and this feeling has a huge market until now. Now, Qin Fen's approach is the most perfect embodiment. They want to turn this moment into eternity and become a witness of history. Unknowingly , the photo of Qin Fen standing in front of the snow waves began to spread on the Internet.

It spread from Chamonix to France, Germany, and Italy. In less than a moment, it spread quietly throughout Europe. Qin Fen's fan base of foreigners began to grow huge. I know that my own impulsiveness can cause immeasurable impact, and foreigners are crazy, that's kung fu!That's a real-life superhero.

He's famous, no, hot!

Today, the avalanche in Chamonix was also known to the outside world. More and more people paid attention to this matter, and the media began to gather here. Unseen waves.

After the lifeguard arrived, everyone left on the plane. The assistant was already blushing, and was in a daze looking at Qin Fen's photo and video. The number of clicks and views began to jump violently. In just over an hour, it went from hundreds of points to There are tens of thousands of points, and the comments below are even more shocking.

The number of retweets has changed from dozens to thousands now, and the whole of Europa is inadvertently making gods, "posted, posted."

The assistant started to make a call with trembling hands, "Mr. Zhou, Master Qin is hot, hot, we're posting, posting!"

Jay Chou had just finished preparing the booth, and his buttocks hadn't landed yet. He was a little dazed when he heard the assistant's yelling. What's going on?
"Talk slowly!" Jay Chou was very depressed. There were a lot of things to do today. It was only the first day, and the spokesperson was like that. This is not a good sign for a boss. Because of this, we don't expect him to be better than Wei Tianlong, after all, his popularity is there, and the other party is a professional star.

But things have come to this point and there is no way to change it. It is better to use Qin Fen than nothing.Besides, he's selling favors.

Ding dong, a post was sent to Jay Chou's cell phone, Jay Chou clicked on it, his hairs stood on end.

"The Chinese chef shows his power in Europe, resists the avalanche, and is mighty and domineering!" This is a message from China.

Jay Chou pulled it down to take a look, damn Qin Fen! "Do you need to play so big for an exterior scene? Do you want to be so careless? It's made of special effects!" He muttered, and then looked down.

Hanging, two words, very hanging, three words, very hanging, he immediately picked up the phone, "The person who came up with this idea is really a genius! This poster advertisement is really crazy, tell the director this time, I am very satisfied , I want him to come next time!"

"No, boss, listen to me!"

"No, listen to me!" Jay Chou was twitching, it was a hype, no one knew, "You did a good job! Next time, don't let the avalanche happen. How about the tsunami? There's no one here, the key point It's still cheap."

"No, not really!"

"I understand, I understand, I have to say no now, and then find someone to take the blame for clarification, I understand, I know how to deal with it, it's hard not to post it now, good guy, the click rate is so high."

The assistant really wanted to cry!Next time there is a tsunami, I will give you a lung.

Jay Chou turned on the TV, and a news break appeared.

"At 23:[-] this afternoon, a small-scale avalanche occurred in the ski resort above the small town of Chamonix! The reporter of our station is currently tracking and reporting, and will provide you with the latest information at any time!"

Snow, avalanche?Jay Chou's eyeballs bulged, and the phone almost fell to the ground, "Damn it, it's really an avalanche!"

The boss of a dignified listed company swears!

"It's really an avalanche!"

Jay Chou's forehead went dark, and he wanted to slap himself, no wonder the special effects were so realistic, let's just say, who the hell eats too much for a commercial and spends so much money.It's a bit embarrassing!tsunami?
But the assistant didn't care about this at all, "Boss, you are too wise. Using Master Qin is simply a stroke of genius. It doesn't matter if you think about it or not!"

Jay Chou almost bit his tongue, he is so wise, Song Shaoqing and Fu Qiang's instigation was part of it, well, he was reluctant at first.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fen lost today, and Qin Fen succeeded. Wei Tianlong became bitter because of the secret fight with him. It may cause the name Sea House to appear in thousands of households in Europa.

He felt a little fluttering now, "Is everyone okay?"

"It's okay, everything is fine!"

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine!" Jay Chou hung up the phone and looked out the window stupidly, "Nimma, this fashion show is really bumpy, and you can still encounter an avalanche when you're shooting on location? This is only the first day ! Didn’t I read the almanac when I went out? Fortunately, there are noble people to help!”

Your Excellency?Whether he is a nobleman or not, we will have to look into the future. Anyway, Qin Fen has no information about being in the accident world. He is now locked in a hotel room alone. He is really tired and seems to be drained. He wants to have a good rest.

Picking up the phone in boredom, a message suddenly caught his attention, "What the hell is Xi?"

(End of this chapter)

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