Chapter 768

Qin Fen was playing with his mobile phone and seemed to come up with an idea. He had a bite of foie gras and another snail. This is life. Although the taste is not good, the taste of foreigners is very light and a bit strange. The chef likes it Strong taste.

He struggled for a while, and was quickly attracted by a message, "When did I add this public account? What the hell is the strong shield lighting?"

Looking at the information displayed on the official ZHONG account, the chef looked surprised, "Strong shield, strong shield, you can see the lights above your head when you squat down! has a flagship store, dear!"

Let me go, this ad is too crazy, Qin Fen's eyes suddenly drifted, he remembered that the WeChat Tianting team also has an official account, and can publish some information about the WeChat version, so why not do it himself, it is said that it is very impressive.

That's right, Qin Fen is no longer an ordinary person, but a star. Well, he feels a little ashamed when he thinks of this, but he is indeed famous.

There are also many middle-aged and elderly fans in the catering industry. Since it is a promotion, why not do both?In addition to the tongue-in-cheek column, which is about to publish a book, in fact, I can also play WeChat, and promote my own food and health care on my mobile phone.

Thinking of this, just do what you say, the new generation of activists is the pioneer, the chef immediately registered one, the name is called the rhythm under the lamp.

He was bluffing here, and the three guys next to him were eating very uncomfortable, because the chef didn't eat well.

"I said Qin Fen, can you play with your phone for a while less!" Song Shaoqing couldn't stand it any longer, she couldn't eat or sleep, just play with the phone, can you stop showing a weird expression while playing, and don't make strange expressions the sound of.

No, just now Qin Fen and Lao Jun negotiated in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, so it's no wonder he didn't hesitate.

"I'm working on my personal account! Add it, fellow daoists!" Qin Fen muttered.

Fu Qiang took out his mobile phone, "Why didn't you do it sooner, it's a waste of time, the best opportunity is when you're on the tip of your tongue, it's a bit late now, but after your book is published, I'll help you run it!"

A few guys also started to join in the fun.

It was the first time for Qin Fen to play. He wasn't very researched and didn't post any posts, but he received messages and could still chat?I'll go, so advanced.

But after chatting, I suddenly discovered a few weird names, Yuelao, Queen Mother, Yandi, Dizang and Guanyin!
What the hell is this?Qin Fen's eyes glared at the boss for a moment, staring at him firmly, can this number be added to people from the Heavenly Court?
This point is a bit weird, it seems that there is some ulterior secret, but when you look at it, you can see Yuelao's complaints, as Qin Fen's old friend, the second most contacted god, in the spirit of friendship and cooperation, Qin Fen decided to enlighten him.

As for the secret of this account, it needs to be explored slowly. There are not many people adding it now. When he goes to the trade union group to shout his voice, he will see the clue when there are many fellow daoists.Qin Fen was very melancholy, such a festive rhythm under the desk lamp, how come no one added it?

Now Qin Fen is only thinking about showing Yuelao a little care, so he was typing and chatting with Yuelao just now.

But he didn't know that during this conversation, the Dao of Heaven ruled the world, its majesty was everywhere, and all living beings were terrified.

As soon as the way of heaven came out, the information was blocked, and the chat was not one-on-one WeChat, but the account of rhythm under the desk lamp. Therefore, all Yuelao's inner activities were ruthlessly blocked. Qin Fen didn't know it at all, and he made a guest appearance again. Heaven.

It's not that he hasn't done such a thing before, but he has never been so frantic.

As soon as he opened his mouth, of course it was so humane, because this is not the real way of heaven, it is the chef who has changed his identity!He changed his job again, but he was a copycat. This is a man who wants to destroy the copycat.This time he copied the way of heaven.

Who do you think is suitable?This question stumped Yuelao, and at the same time it also baffled all the gods and gods. The way of heaven is too humane, and they actually have a friendly and harmonious conversation with Yuelao.
"It's unscientific, do you still have a bit of supreme reserve? How about your arrogance?" What Tathagata wants to do most now is to question Tiandao, but unfortunately, he dare not.

The Jade Emperor stared at the sky, his heart whimpered, can you choose a suitable time for convulsions?
Ziwei smiled wryly, but now it's all over, Tiandao asked, didn't it mean to use Yuelao's recommendation as a benchmark, and co-operated with them to calculate for nothing.

"Teacher, what should I do now?" Wenqu Xingjun said that he was full of ambition just now, but now he has no idea.

Confucius shook his hand, you ask me, who am I looking for?

No one knew, Heaven became very quiet all of a sudden, even Laojun did not dare to breathe, waiting for Yuelao's answer, because this answer, once the way of heaven is sure, then it is a decision, and no one can change the outcome.

Who should I choose?Yue Lao was actually very entangled, "He is a star official on duty, he works hard!"

As soon as the name came out, the Jade Emperor laughed, Ziwei could only turn black, Laojun didn't care, other immortals also began to think.

"You fart! I'm the most lazy!" A shout came out from the side, and the position of the headmaster, who was favored by the two emperors and countless powers, was now a piece of shit in the eyes of the star officer on duty.

You want to cheat me, there is no way, the star officer on duty is not willing, what you want to do is an idiot!Isn't Qin Fen's loss deep enough?

Oh, all the gods in the heaven covered their mouths and snickered, the ugliest one is the Jade Emperor, is this your confidant?Although Emperor Ziwei breathed a sigh of relief, he found that he seemed to have missed one factor. Yes, naturally that guy also wanted this position. Look at scaring the Jade Emperor's subordinates. If you want to grab it yourself, do you need to think clearly? Woolen cloth?
"The star officer on duty is too modest!" Qin Fen was also speechless, as for?He saw the news of the star officer on duty.This thing seems to be able to chat in groups, so advanced.

"Then, let's talk about Li Tianwang, he is serious and serious, he must be able to do a good job!"

Just finished speaking, Li Jing quit, "Fuck you grandma, you don't want to do it, why should I want to do it, I'm very busy, and I have to deal with a lot of military affairs, are you short-hearted? Besides, I'm just a boring gourd , I don’t know how to communicate with teachers and students, I have a lot of problems.” Li Jing couldn’t care less, and immediately came up and scolded, revealing his shortcomings.Zixiao Shenlei, Heavenly Dao is paying attention to the affairs of the school, maybe I will suffer next time, I pig, what do you do?
The immortals in the heaven burst into laughter again, the saddest one was the Jade Emperor, who are your confidantes?Either being lazy, or just swearing at others and being heartless, can't you find a normal one?
Ziwei's face is very blank now, "It seems that this principal is not easy to do!"

"Where is Confucius?"

Ziwei doesn't want to join the team anymore, so she plays cautiously, "Isn't there still the Jade Emperor? He has arrangements, let's watch the show!"

Laojun smiled, "Yue Lao, you bastard want to retreat? Dreaming, the more you say that, the more everyone quits, the more excited I am, it seems that I really want to punish you, cool! You all go Let's tear it apart."

"Then, it's alright to be a Taoist! After all, he was the one who came up with the school's idea and the plan. He has the deepest understanding of the school's development. No, it's not the deepest, only deeper!"

Yuelao went all out!
The Jade Emperor crushed the wine glass, and Confucius and Wen Qu dropped the tea cups to the ground at the same time.Emperor Ziwei couldn't stand it any longer, "Let's go to have supper!"

The entire Heavenly Court was eerily quiet, and an idea popped into everyone's minds, which seemed to make sense. It seemed that Prince Dong was indeed the most suitable.

Laojun stood in the small courtyard of his home, "I can't do this!" What if Tiandao made a decision?That's a fucking fart!

Do you recommend me?Qin Fen suddenly smiled, and looked around, "Well, how do you say that! Is the recommendation of the principal also based on his appearance these days?"

It's a bit shameful, no, it's a stern, Qin Fen blushed, he had never done such a meaningful leadership job, when he was a child, he thought the principal was the best person in the world, because the teachers were afraid of him.

"Not good!" Qin Fen replied.

PS: I recommend two books, which are relaxing, joyful and funny, "The Concentration Camp of the Great God" and "Heaven Above Me"

(End of this chapter)

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