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Chapter 767 The Second Principal Killed

Chapter 767 The Second Principal Killed

The Jade Emperor didn't see it, but his clairvoyance had at least one hundred eyesight, so he could see that at the moment above Yuelao's mansion, Yuelao with white beard and white hair was flying towards the sky with a ferocious face, just like the launcher. Like a rocket.

No one knows what he wants to do, and not many people pay attention to him at the moment.

Because everyone was shocked by Laojun's sudden words, and they have also heard that there has been a lot of rumors about the candidates for the post of principal recently. Teaching, this is a professional talent.

It's a pity that the old man said that the wind blows the eggshells, and he was full of surprise.At this moment, Tianting began to discuss fiercely. Laojun's statement is not unreasonable, but everyone is more inclined to Wenqu in their hearts. After all, it is the number one official, and they are people who can study. For schools, don't they need such talents? ?
But Laojun’s words are well-organized and well-organized. Yuelao has indeed paid a lot to the school and has unique insights into its construction. There is a saying that is good, leaders don’t need to do things, they only need to employ people, and good steel is used wisely. That's what leaders should do.

Thinking about it this way, everyone is very entangled, should they accept it or not?If you don't accept it, you will have to play the Jade Emperor.

And the Jade Emperor is also waiting for this moment, what he wants is this effect.

Confucius' face darkened, and he recovered later, "Don't panic, the Jade Emperor must have made arrangements, and Yuelao should not be appointed!"

Hearing what the teacher said, Wen Quxing was also a little relieved, and let go of the big stone in his heart. He was really a little panicked at that moment.

"Since the teacher said so, I'm relieved!" Who doesn't want to start a career, and Wen Quxing is no exception. He was suppressed too hard by Wenchang. This time, it's hard for him to get ahead.

Just as they were waiting, the Jade Emperor sent a greeting.

Shunfeng Er rushed into Lingxiao Palace with a dark face, "Your Majesty Qizuo, Yuelao seems to be in a bad state!"

The Jade Emperor was quite happy at first, but this time Laojun resolutely supported him, it was a happy thing to beat Emperor Ziwei, but unfortunately, he didn't know, Laojun didn't think so at all.

"No? What's wrong?"

As soon as he asked, a huge roar came from the sky.

"I don't want to do it. I'm lazy and confused. Thank you Laojun for his love for me, but people value themselves. I can't afford this heavy burden!" Yuelao shouted heartbreakingly. The old man shouted loudly, as if he wanted to let Lao Jun know that this was a cry from his heart.

There are constant conflicts in my heart, Laojun uses him because he thinks highly of him, anyway, he thinks so, no one knows what Laojun thinks, but this matter is not so pleasant at all, naturally, what the hell is a Taoist, he is more than anyone else. Clearly, just look at the school uniform behind the school's Chuli. Naturally, I also made up my mind. The Antarctic fairy is a lesson from the past.

Playing with others, Yuelao has no pressure, but against Qin Fen, he can only kneel and sing Conquer. He is the most depressed one, and he has been in contact with the chef for the longest time, and the other party will not let go.

Naturally, he lost before, but he was fine. Nanji Xianweng became the first headmaster to be killed. Now let him come, sour. The first thing to face is the problem of school uniforms.

Thinking of this, Yuelao just wanted to jump off the building and have a good time. He is a member of the Jade Emperor, but he is entangled with Qin Fen. If he really wants to make trouble, he will be the only one who suffers. If the other party messes around again, who will be blamed? back?It must not be the Jade Emperor Laojun. Naturally, he can't afford to offend the Eastern Prince. The answer is not obvious, is it?Bad luck for me!

Absolutely don't do such a thing. Naturally, the Taoist is crazy. He will definitely not give up the school uniform. There is definitely a pitfall.The Dao of Heaven dares to provoke, there is nothing this guy can't do, every time Yue Lao thinks of contacting him, he will unconsciously look at the sky, fearing that Zixiao Shenlei will reappear in the world.

When Laojun recommended him, Yuelao peed on the spot and almost peed his pants!

So he rushed forward without hesitation, God is sorry, the Jade Emperor didn't notify him in advance, and he could resign automatically, waiting to make way for Wen Qu, and now he has one idea, killing me and not doing it.

The Jade Emperor heard it, his face was very dark, "Did Yuelao take the wrong medicine? What the hell are you screaming!" If he was comfortable just now, he is not there now, what about it?Afraid of becoming like this?

But this matter needs Yuelao's cooperation to be perfect, the Jade Emperor waved his hand violently, "Shunfenger will bring Yuelao here immediately, what's going on, I already have a comprehensive plan."

Emperor Ziwei also had a dazed expression on his face. He looked at the night sky and didn't react. The Po Jun behind him was overjoyed, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, He Xi, Your Majesty, Yuelao doesn't want to do it. It's well known now, and it's hard not to step down. Pity he hasn't done it yet." As soon as I took office, I became the second principal to be laid off, but this is fine, the Jade Emperor evaded this matter, and you are responsible, as long as you take the first step, you can win over Confucianism!"

Ziwei nodded, that's right, "The Jade Emperor is also shooting himself in the foot. If someone plays tomorrow morning, he still has a chance to relax, but now, I won't give him a chance. The time difference is the time difference. Before tomorrow morning, if the matter is settled quickly, Confucius can only write down my favor, and then he can continue to infiltrate the school and take it down!"

"High, it's really high." Greed quickly took a step forward, "Then this subordinate is going to prepare the imperial decree!"

Emperor Ziwei nodded in satisfaction, Jade Emperor, this time you have taken advantage of me.

At the moment when both sides were preparing to rescue the scene at the same time, Laojun smiled, "Haha, I knew you and nature would not deal with each other, this time I can't kill you, I'll tell you to play marriage pit old man!"

The sky suddenly sank, and a strange voice sounded, Ziwei opened her mouth wide, "This is not right."

The Jade Emperor was stunned, what a co-author for nothing!
It was the first time that the way of heaven descended, because a bad thing happened, Yue Lao flew so high that he seemed to be able to touch the sky with his hand, and he was able to stand side by side with the sun, and the sky heard his voice.

"Since you don't want to, then don't do it!" Tiandao's metallic voice sounded.

All the gods bit their tongues, do you always care about this?

Yuelao had a joyful face, "Oh my God, I'll see you."

Laojun is not convinced, what the hell is this?What about tearing up?

Everyone is dumbfounded, among them, Jade Emperor Ziwei and Laojun have already been caught blind, and the Dao of Heaven has intervened strongly, you can't resist yet.

Seeing the imperial decree thrown on the ground, Ziwei couldn't laugh or cry, "Forget it, wait, it won't work for anyone now!"

Confucius was also surprised, the corners of Wen Qu's mouth twitched, why is this so evil?

The Jade Emperor looked at the sky and couldn't calm down for a long time, "Your Majesty, are you still calling Yuelao?" Qianliyan asked in a low voice.

The Jade Emperor turned around sharply, "Get out!" Are you short-hearted?Did not see the boss appeared.

"Since you don't want to do it, who do you think is suitable?"

Since when did I become so humane when I went to Tiandao, Tathagata got up in the middle of the night and looked stupid at the sky!
Yes, Tiandao's appearance today contains a tinge of terrifying information. He is becoming more and more interesting and more like a living person.

Why this is so no one knows!

So what is Qin Fen doing?He is playing with his official account!
(End of this chapter)

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