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Chapter 756 Kneel, Laojun!

Chapter 756 Kneel, Laojun!

"How is it possible? You are an old gentleman, the incarnation of a sage. Even if I am ambitious, I dare not threaten you. I don't want to die!" Qin Fen said lightly, and leisurely lit a cigarette.

Would you like some face?Isn't that a threat?Pretend, you and I continue to pretend?Laojun suddenly felt very depressed. Today, he was cheated to death. He didn't expect that a journalist who poached a corner came tonight. Do you have the face to say that you are unknown?
You are blatantly threatening and extorting.Laojun's beard shook again, and he felt irritable, "It's useless to talk, I'll give you a choice, either get lost, or don't even think about going anywhere, I've never been threatened!"

Qin Fen nuzui, you are arrogant, do you know where your buddy is?Stay here, you think too much, Qin Fen turned on the voice, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Don't you want to kill someone?"

Laojun was almost suffocated to death, he found out with difficulty that he really didn't know where this guy was, he didn't know where it was, and he even said that he killed someone to silence him, he didn't know who the other party was.This guy was disgusting him, and he was disgusted too.

That exaggerated cry of surprise pierced his heart like a knife, it was so sour!Laojun almost bit his tongue, this bastard, "I advise you not to play with fire, you can't threaten me!"

"Oh, do you want to kill people to silence them?" Qin Fen covered his mouth and smiled.

I give you a lung, can't you change the dialogue?Laojun's face turned dark, "Okay, you can do it, but don't be too happy, I will find you, don't think you can hide it from me forever!"

"I see, you want to kill Jingjing!" Qin Fen said worriedly.

Laojun's heart trembled, and he didn't open his mouth. He did have this idea at that moment. Now that Qin Fen said it abruptly, his heart was tangled. After a while, a light flashed in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

But just as he thought of this, Qin Fen said, "But if you kill her and I spread your story everywhere, wouldn't more people pay attention to it? You are Laojun, and I am an unknown journalist , no one believes me, and there are many people who believe in you. When I spread the news, they will just laugh it off, but if Jing Jing dies at this time, guess what they will think? 300 taels?"

Qin Fen leisurely exhaled a smoke ring.

The old man was in pain, his face turned from black to red, what this guy said made sense.That's right, once there is a change, Yuanshi Lingbao and even Tathagata will explore it. Once found, it will be bad for oneself, and this method will not work.

But Laojun suddenly smiled, "Yes, thank you for reminding me, no one will believe you!"

"That's right, but I have the screen record of the Mysterious Light Technique, and it's still quiet. What do you think will happen if I send it out?" Qin Fen took a puff on his cigarette.

Damn it!Laojun's face changed, people are you, and ghosts are you, isn't it that no one believes it?what do you want "Do you think others will believe it?" Laojun snorted coldly.

"Yes, there are not many people who believe in it, but they will gossip, and everyone has the heart of gossip. When everyone sees it, they will think that I am fooling around, so they will be curious and refute me, so as to find evidence for the answer. Wow, that's not a lot of people going back to find the truth! I don't even need to promote it."

Your uncle!Laojun has the heart to die. If you don’t kill, someone will look for it, and if you kill it, someone will look for it. Isn’t this the same?

"What do you want?" Laojun's momentum weakened a lot in an instant, this guy is hard to deal with.

Qin Fen chuckled, it was very difficult to fool around in the past, but now, it's cool, it feels good to have the news.

"I am a person with a bottom line, and it is my duty to restore the truth!" Qin Fen said angrily.

You fucking stop farting, there is no such thing as you, you clearly want to kill me!Look at what this grandson said, it has already blocked all the back roads of Laojun.

This won't work, that won't work, co-authoring the dignified Taishang Laojun is a fish on the chopping board, waiting for the other party to make a knife, Laojun feels uncomfortable, as the incarnation of a saint, how awesome, today, I bumped into a ghost, this bastard The egg is too dark, the key is that you can't find him, there is nothing you can do about him, you can only wait for the other party to make a move.

This kind of passive life from the beginning to the end, the old man will not be able to survive, he can take the initiative to attack in the cesspit like a natural Taoist, and the other party has to be cowardly, now?
Where the hell are journalists?Laojun can't figure it out, there are only three people in the world who know his secret, Jinjiao, Yinjiao, Jingjing, and nothing else, how did the other party know?Is there something wrong with the people around you?
The leader should be from the Buddhist side, isn't it the grandson of Tathagata?No wonder I can't figure it out!You wait for me.

Tathagata, who was closing his eyes and resting his mind, twitched his eyelids for no reason, "Pinch your fingers, someone scolded me! My cultivation level is not low!"

The old man was very complicated, and he didn't know what to do next?
"Tell me, what do you want?" Laojun is not stupid, the other party did not directly release the news but came to him first, so the thought is self-evident, this is to extort money, or a daring master who dares to blackmail the incarnation of the saint .

"How can you think of me like that? As a decent person, I won't sell my bottom line because of material things, such as a dozen gourds and nine-turn golden pills!" Qin Fen was very tangled, interpreting something completely from words and expressions It's called an inner struggle, and he won't compromise easily.

Fuck you, uncle, more than a dozen gourds?What about your morals?Laojun's heart almost jumped out.

"Okay!" Laojun gritted his teeth and said, "Then you come to Tushita Palace tomorrow to pick it up, I need to prepare!" If you don't see it, there is nothing you can do, but as long as you see it, hehe, Laojun sneered in his heart, I will kill you you!

"No, you just need to hold it in your hand and secretly contact me in your heart to receive it!" Qin Fen won't be fooled, you don't have big dreams of spring and autumn, buddies never face base.

Laojun wants to kill people, so what a fart, "But I need time!"

"I don't need it. As a journalist, I'm very leisurely. I haven't revealed anything recently, so I'm just pointing at your gossip!"

"But, but I don't have that many!" Laojun was persuaded, "It is not easy to refine the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. It takes seven to seven 49 days. This is the most basic, and the most difficult thing is the collection of materials! After so many years, collecting There are not many materials. You see how it looks like, I will give you some first, and then I will give you slowly."

"You're right!" Qin Fen nodded.

Laojun's heart moved, and the next thing he said, he wished to rush forward and find this grandson to single out.

"I'd better report the truth, it's my responsibility, how can I give up my principles! I'm very decent, everyone in the heaven knows it!" Qin Fen said.

Beast!Laojun wanted to die, why was he so unlucky today, he burst into a rage, "You?"

Qin Fen didn't wait for the other party to finish, "As a person of integrity, I'd better post this picture as Tathagata! Yaozu is also a human being, and a woman. It's not easy to go out alone, and you have to bring dozens of children. I can't bear it, God really can't stand it."

Are you still human?Laojun's beard is all crooked, and his whole face is starting to deform. Why didn't I know that there is a child of Nima?Can you be a little principled when you hold the shit pot?But if the other party said it, if they really found Hu Xiaojing, then even if he had no children, he would still be covered in shit, which couldn't be washed off. People couldn't be so shameless.

He took a deep breath, touched his hideous face, and instantly turned into a friendly face, just like the face of a Sichuan opera, "I don't know, fellow journalist, what do you want? I don't want a lot of things recently. , I can’t use it, and it’s a waste to keep it, so you’ll be troubled, so help me deal with it.”

As soon as the words were finished, Laojun's stomach was overwhelmed, as if the old vinegar had been broken, and he was about to spit out his gall!
(End of this chapter)

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