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Chapter 755 Old Master, You Are Finished

Chapter 755 Old Master, You Are Finished
Qin Fen looked at the crescent moon in the sky. It was a dark and windy day in the dead of night. The corners of his mouth were upturned and slightly cracked, revealing his white teeth, "Didn't that old fox be killed by a monkey?" ?”

Miaomiao pursed her lips and landed on Qin Fen's shoulder, "Don't you have the Nine-Turn Golden Pill? Besides, the two low-end servants, the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, are not willing to let the monkey kill them." , not to mention his tranquility! At that time, Xianfan was not separated."

Qin Fen turned his head and looked at Starling, "You're very insightful. No wonder he gave the other party his waistband as a magic weapon and wobbled the golden rope? It's not the waistband!"

"Little Douding, bring me your phone, and suddenly I feel like writing a poem!" Qin Fen smiled strangely.

As the two pets who knew him well, my heart skipped a beat. Who is Qin Fen?The existence of a capsized ship in the prime minister's stomach, in layman's terms, is that every grievance must be punished.Qin Fen didn't suffer from the matter of the sailor uniform on campus, but he faltered for a while in the face of Laojun's deep powerlessness.

As a pissy man, Qin Fen won't pinch his head. Now he is looking at Moments with his mobile phone, and sure enough, he easily added someone he never thought he could add so easily, Taishang Laojun!

After clicking on the dialog box, the smile on Qin Fen's face became wider and wider. He was definitely not beating a dog in the water. "As a friend of women in the heavenly court, I want to uphold justice for half the sky and give justice to women and children."

Miao Miao rolled her eyes, you really are righteous!
Holding the mobile phone, Qin Fen typed quickly.

The old gentleman who sent away the two flute boys was recuperating. With his eyes closed, he began to calm down and analyze today's situation. He learned from a loss and gained wisdom. As the incarnation of a saint, he needs to remind himself all the time, because they often plan deeper.

But the eyelids twitched for no reason, Laojun hasn't felt this way for a long time, the last time the eyelids twitched was half a month, or a month ago, the reason was natural Taoist.

"In the past, the sea was too difficult to be water, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud! Women, too, will be empty, lonely and cold!" Qin Fen couldn't help laughing.

Laojun suddenly opened his eyes, "Who are you? You are the natural Taoist of the East Prince?" Laojun remembered the characteristics of natural Taoists, that is, they never show their faces. Ordinary people don't dare to play like this, even so, Laojun only needs to do the calculation with his fingers, and he can understand it clearly, but this guy seems to have been deceived by others.

There are no more than three people in the world who can hide from him, Lingbao, Yuanshi, Nuwa, and Tathagata are all close, because these guys have no magic weapons.

Since it wasn't them, who would be so bored to play with himself? The answer is ready to come out, a natural Taoist who is favored by heaven.

"No, I'm just an unknown journalist!" Qin Fen started typing.Qin Fen suddenly remembered that the old demon had lost his front teeth. Looking at Laojun, the chef yelled in his heart, beast!It knocked people's teeth away!Look at Laojun again, he deserves to be an alchemist, Huiren Shenbao tablets are no problem, old and strong!

Journalists?Laojun opened his mouth wide and kept mumbling, what the hell is this?

"What the hell?" Lao Jun was not convinced. He knew all the gods in the heaven, so he didn't know there was a journalist!Sun Xingzhe did.

"It's the popular girl who restores the truth and gives an explanation to the public. The incarnation of justice, call me the red scarf!" Qin Fen suppressed a smile, what should I use to beat you, Laojun?

I'm ashamed of you, the old man opened his mouth wide, what kind of mess is this, and he still restores the truth, who do you think you are?

"Then what do you want to do?" Laojun counted quietly with his hands behind his back, but found that he still couldn't figure it out. He secretly activated the Taiji diagram to cover the surroundings, but the voice still gently entered his mind. The Taiji diagram didn't work?This is not scientific!
"I just want to be quiet!" Qin Fen pouted, look at your life, how awesome you are, and look at that old demon, how pitiful, you are a typical girl who recognizes shoes when she gets out of bed!
What the chef hates the most in his life is this kind of scum, you give them 100 yuan anyway, and there is no 100 yuan, what is this?No, you gave it, the belt you gave!

quietly?It was quiet again, Laojun's eyes froze, but he quickly calmed down, "Why don't you go and be quiet, what do you mean by looking for me?" Laojun said, and began to go through all the characters, No, no one knows about this except Jinjiaoyinjiao. He has already hoodwinked the secret, even Yuan Shi couldn't discover this secret.

"You really think so?" Qin Fen still maintained a smile, impatient to eat hot tofu, he was very patient.

"Yeah, who are you, my patience has a limit!"

"Didn't you say that, an unknown journalist!" Qin Fen observed Laojun, who was still probing, and it seemed that he would not give in easily. This was his confidence in his own strength.

You thought I would believe it, "Pretending to be a ghost, don't think that I don't know it's you, a natural Taoist!"

"Hu Xiaojing!" Qin Fen typed three words!
The corner of Laojun's mouth twitched, "Boy, do you know what you are doing? Do you know who you are facing?"

"da Ming Lake!"

Damn it, Laojun feels like punching the empty space.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." Laojun said with a gloomy face.


I do!Laojun has the heart to die, the more he talks about this, the deeper he gets, does the other party know?Laojun has a secret. According to the legend, Laozi turned into a beard, so in the process, he also has an unbearable past, forging an indissoluble bond with a monster.It was Hu Xiaojing near Pingdingshan.

"Who the hell are you and what do you know?"

"Fox spirit!"

As soon as these words came out, Laojun's heart jumped.

Just as he was about to speak, Qin Fen said, "Hey, sir, your waistband is very unique, can you make me one!"

"Do you think it's easy to make a magic weapon?" The grandson wanted to cheat.Laojun's heart began to sink continuously.

"I have seen!"

This sentence is the most terrifying weapon. Have you ever seen a man's belt?That means!Laojun bit his lip hard, he understood that the other party had mastered his secret.

"Are you threatening me?" Laojun's face became more and more ugly, who is he?The incarnation of a sage was actually beaten in the autumn wind today. Is there any reason for this?Simply audacious.

This is absolutely true, there is really nothing that a chef is afraid to do.

"Don't make it so ugly, I'm trying to restore the truth and give the public an explanation!"

You are paralyzed!Laojun's egg hurts.What do you want to restore and tell me?Do you dare to lie a little more?

"Do you think I will be threatened by you?" Lao Jun blushed, stood up from the bed abruptly, and glanced around coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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