big fantasy

Chapter 74 Emergencies

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"It's interesting, let me test the water!" Qiao Jin was full of interest, picked up a scattered steel bar, and jumped out quickly!

"Well, it seems that his dodging skills are quite good. Is he a soldier of the earth?" The female warrior Sif looked at Jokin's ghostly figure, dodging the energy shot out of the steel body, and was quickly approaching the target.

"His body is pretty good, and he's also very strong." A warrior with an oriental face had sharp eyes, and he said as he walked, looking at the steel bar waving in Qiaojin's hand, and praised him.

"But he doesn't have an effective attack method." Another handsome mustache soldier said to the point.

"What the hell is this? Is it really interesting?" Jokin tried to find a weakness, but he found that this thing really came from another world, no doubt about it!Because this guy is just an empty shell, the body is full of amazing energy, and the outside is covered with unknown materials. There is no joint similar to bones, and the whole body is completely natural!

Qiao Jin dodged, dodging the huge soles of the steel body, shook his hand, and the steel bar hit the steel body's calf, and then rebounded, jumped, narrowly dodging the attack of the steel body.Qiaojin put his feet against the wall, kicked his feet, dodged again, rolled on the ground to vent his strength, and stood up.Behind him, that poor building had been blasted to pieces!

"Oh my god, the person who had breakfast with us today is so powerful!" The female student's eyes widened. She didn't expect this mysterious handsome guy to be so skilled!It's like watching an action movie!

Jane Foster also widened her eyes, this very silent young man turned out to be so fierce!

"OK! I have nothing good to do." From the beginning to the end, Jokin did not reveal his mutant ability, but relied on a human-limited body to attack.After playing casually for a couple of times, Qiao Jin realized that he couldn't continue playing like this, and something serious would happen if he played any longer!

The flames of war burned extremely fiercely, and the steel body continuously shot out fiery red energy. Under the dodge of everyone, the southwest corner of the town had become dilapidated, and various buildings were destroyed.

"That's enough! Brother!" Sol didn't know when he had already walked up, and Jokin was stunned for a moment. What kind of tricks is Sol playing?But found that the iron body actually stopped the bombing.

"Brother, no matter what I did wrong, let you treat me like this, please accept my sincere apology, but these people are innocent, killing them is of no use to you!" Sol stood in front of the steel body, face Shang Man was firm, "So, kill me, and then, end this battle."

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, the flames radiating from the iron body slowly extinguished.A smile appeared on Sol's face. After all, he was still a brother who grew up together.

Boom!Contrary to everyone's expectations, maybe the person who controls this steel body is such a person who likes to play with others and applauds. He gave everyone hope, but crushed people's hope after just a few seconds!


"Don't!" Amid Jane and Sif's shrieking screams, Sol's ordinary body was blown away by a punch, and he fell heavily to the ground, with blood and scars all over his face.

"No, don't, don't." Jane Foster ran over, holding Sol's injured cheek with both hands, with a sad face.

"It's over, everything is over." Sol passed out with a relieved smile on his face.

The soldiers mourned silently. Sif threw away the spear in her hand and knelt on the ground crying softly. In the distance, the female student Daisy supported the old scientist and looked at Jane Foster who was crying on Saul. What should I say.

"This is?" Qiao Jin's expression finally became serious. Is Thor, the god of thunder in the fairy tale book, known as the son of Odin and the prince from Asgard's realm of gods, dead?

In the sad atmosphere, no one was willing to speak, but a voice broke the silence.

"See, this is me, the ruler of everything! An ant." In the steel body, a slightly crazy and slightly excited voice came out.


"Rocky!" Several soldiers roared angrily, as if they were about to go up and do their best.

"By the way, I give you death, you humble bug." The energy in the head of the iron body was constantly accumulating, and it aimed at Jokin.

"The mysterious man from yesterday?" Qiao Jin rubbed his chin. Unexpectedly, this guy is quite vindictive!If you buy him a cup of coffee yourself, you will be sentenced to death?Really domineering!

Boom!In the desert in the distance, a ray of light shot straight into the sky, flying towards this side!

Sol, who had already passed out, opened his eyes suddenly, and the hammer that no one could lift was shot at Sol like a cannonball!


A series of sharp lightnings kept rushing against Thor's body, repairing his injured body, holding Thor's hammer, and the power of Thor returned to his body.

"Oh! Me! My God!" Saying the same words, the female student Daisy simply passed out this time.

Several soldiers cheered and jumped with joy on their faces, excitedly watching their leader return!It seems that Saul, who was originally competitive and militaristic, has been forgiven and approved by his father. Indeed, he has become more compassionate, better able to understand sacrifice and dedication, and understand fraternity.

Sol was wearing exquisite battle armor, holding Thor's Hammer, turned around, and rushed towards the tall steel body without caring about talking to everyone.

And then... the strong wind swept through, the thunder and lightning added to the body, and the steel body that made everyone helpless was solved by Sol!Such an understatement!So clean and neat!

Qiao Jin's excited eyes were almost bleeding!Looking at Sol, it's like a strange uncle looking at the little loli holding a lollipop!

Really God!marvelous!Norse mythology is true!There really are other planets!Didn't Saul talk about the "story meeting" time last night?A total of nine worlds!so perfect!

A short dozen seconds later, Agent Coulson rushed over with a group of people from S.H.I.E.L.D. He was surprised to see Thor, who was completely different from yesterday.At this time, Sol was still talking sweetly to the female scientist Jane, and led her to the sky.

Jokin hurriedly followed the remaining Asgardian fighters, led by S.H.I.E.L.D., and found Thor and Jane who were exchanging saliva.

Under the feet of the two of them is a strange symbol. It seems that this is the so-called Rainbow Bridge teleportation point?

"Open the Rainbow Bridge and send me back!" Sol Yiyi bid farewell to Jane, raised his head, and shouted into the sky.

"That, Saul, can you..." Qiao Jin stepped forward, just about to make his request.

Suddenly, his body became cold, and a sharp blade struck from behind him!Subconsciously, Qiao Jin bent down, and the bright blade slashed along Qiao Jin's back!

"Little devil, miss me? When are you going to give me back my knife? Damn it, you thief, robber, didn't your mother teach you to be polite? Didn't your father tell you to be honest and trustworthy?" ?” A series of cannon-like words stunned everyone.I saw a burly man in black and red tight-fitting uniform, holding two samurai swords, playing with swords casually, staring at Qiao Jin.

"Wade!?" Jokin frowned. When did this evil spirit come?It's not a good feeling to be targeted by such an assassin with weird agility and super strength!

"Call me Deadpool! You stinky brat, I'm going to spill your blood and eat it as ketchup on French fries! You stinky kid, stinky kid, stinky kid!" Forcibly asking others to call themselves "Deadpool" The man was babbling and slashing at the same time, Qiao Jin avoided carefully, a little stretched!

The snowballs were accumulated one by one!Finally, a thrilling scene appeared!Seeing Deadpool sprint, Qiao Jin bent down dangerously, and the sharp blade brushed Qiao Jin's nose and pierced it!

Deadpool changed his move and slashed downwards. As a last resort, Qiao Jin disappeared instantly, suddenly appeared behind Deadpool, and kicked him!

Deadpool leaned forward, and under the lunge, the right foot in front of him exerted force, and the whole person did a somersault!The left foot kicked Qiaojin's chin accurately!It directly threw Qiaojin into the sky!

There is no doubt that, against this kind of assassin with countless experience and super strength, a simple flaw can kill you!

Deadpool, who was still upside down in the air, disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Jokin!Facing the dizzy Joe Jin who was kicked, Deadpool showed his katana sword without hesitation!

"Jojin!" Thor finally couldn't hold back anymore, and threw Thor's hammer out. Looking at the flight path of the heavy hammer, he responded to the wisecrack: use a kitchen knife to chop wires, sparks and lightning along the way. .....

"Huh? What's the use of having a broken hammer? Do you want to be a repairman? Dad will buy a car in a while, and let you fix it after smashing it? You just stand aside obediently." Deadpool said rap , A whip kick!He slammed it on Qiao Jin's chest mercilessly!Following the rebound, the two people in the air separated in an instant, and the giant hammer flew between them in this second!It's empty!

"Give me this hammer if you don't want it, let me take a look, ahhhhhh..." Deadpool is really flexible, rebounding and flying backwards, grabbing his left hand, trying to catch the flying hammer. The giant hammer in the distance, as a result, the hand did hold the handle of the hammer, but it couldn't be pulled off no matter how hard it was, and it flew away directly with the giant hammer...

"Huh?" Thor frowned, stretched out his hand, and the giant hammer flew back in violation of several laws of science!Deadpool disappeared again!


Qiao Jin, who was still landing in the air, subconsciously opened the diamond skin, only to hear a crisp sound, and Deadpool's knife snapped!Qiao Jin was taken aback for a moment, and was about to blame himself for being reckless and turned into a diamond man, afraid that Deadpool would chop him up, but he didn't want to, the knife that Deadpool used this time was an ordinary knife!

"Opportunity!" Qiao Jin's eyes suddenly opened, and he threw an elbow back. The gleaming diamond elbow shone brightly under the sunlight.Swipe it over!

This powerful elbow smashed the dead waiter who was caught off guard!Like a cannonball, it flew out with a whoosh!

At the same time, in the sky, a colorful and mysterious beam of light descended, covering Thor's body!

Qiao Jin's heart moved... (A good event for pies in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), Participate now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow the qdread WeChat official account!)

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