big fantasy

Chapter 73 Iron Body

PS: Read the exclusive story behind "Beautiful Man Fantasy", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, pay attention to the official account of Qidian Chinese website (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly!

"I can't tell, you still have a shy side." Qiao Jin joked with a smile.I think this big guy is very interesting.

"She's fine." Saul spread his hands at Jokin, and another can of beer flew over.

"You're really friendly, very friendly," Jokin said thoughtfully.

"Huh? What?" Sol didn't know that Jokin had a conversation with his brother, and Jokin was despised as a result.

"No, it's nothing, do you want to be with her, take her away, and return to your world?" Qiao Jin shook his head and looked at the sleeping woman.

"Who knows, I was permanently exiled because of my recklessness and ignorance." Sol sighed.

"Exile?" Qiao Jin finally heard an important message. This guy who seemed to be reduced to a mortal was exiled! ?

Sol shook his head, with a bitter expression, and didn't make a sound, as if he didn't want to talk too much about this matter.

"Uh..." Jokin said with a hint of expectation in his tone, "Can you still recover your abilities?"

"I don't know." Thor looked up at the stars in the sky, and fixed his eyes on a twinkling star. He knew that Hamdall (the guard of the Rainbow Bridge) was watching him.

"Well, it seems that the hammer that no one can pick up will stay on the earth for a while. I hope it will not cause any disaster. Will people from other worlds covet this treasure?" Qiao Jin thought of the mysterious man. Before leaving, the scene where he tried hard to pick up the hammer.

Sol was slightly taken aback, and said: "Except for a specific person, no one can pick him up. Moreover, other people don't know what happened to me, and other countries should not come to the earth."

"I hope your guess is correct." Jokin said, and the phone in the other pocket began to vibrate.


"What are you doing?" A woman's charming voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Bonfire, beer, and chatting with a man who lost his way." Jokin's heart tightened, and he lay back on the chair. What he said made Sol spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

finally!finally!Isabel called herself!This empathetic woman finally forgave Joo Jin!I thought there would be a sound of blame, but I didn't expect that the girl asked about the current situation lightly, which did not embarrass Qiao Jin!

"Drink less, you are not yet of age." A joking voice came, and this time it was Qiaojin's turn to be helpless, "It seems that your trip is safe this time, when will you come back?"

"I don't know, nothing unexpected, I should go back soon." Hearing the words of concern warmed Qiao Jin's heart, and it felt good that someone cared about him.

There was silence on the phone for a while, and he said softly: "Bring more weapons for self-defense. You are out alone, so don't be careless."

"Huh?" Qiao Jin smiled and responded softly.

"That won't bother you, stay safe." The phone hung up, and Jokin threw the phone into his pocket.

"Your wife?" Sol seemed to think of something, and looked at the sleeping Jane Foster.

"The future." Jokin nodded, looking up at the stars.

The bonfire burned for half the night, and it was only extinguished at dawn. The two of them stayed up all night, watching the stars in silence, until Jane Foster woke up in the morning, breaking the silence.

"You are!?" Jane Foster hurriedly sat up, and a pair of powerful hands behind her held her shoulders.

"Relax, relax, it's okay, he has no malice." Sol comforted softly.

Jane Foster looked at Saul, then at Jokin warily...

On the other end of the phone, Isabel held a few pictures in her hand, her fingers trembling slightly. On the picture was her beloved man, and on the other side was a strange human-shaped steel shell.

After randomly flipping through a few photos, the last one showed Qiao Jin wearing ancient costumes similar to Gua, drinking and chatting with a group of people in uniform and simple clothes, laughing wantonly.The magnificent palace is full of scenes and scenery that are impossible to see in the world.The location does not seem to be the earth.

Isabel held her forehead helplessly, not knowing whether her indulgence was for Qiaojin's good or harmed him.

"However, this is what he wants most in his heart." Isabel sighed silently. If Jokin was to follow the normal timeline, then Isabel would not dare to interfere too much with Jokin's current timeline.Therefore, even knowing that Jokin was about to face an extremely fierce battle, Isabel did not dare to intervene too much.

"Alas..." Isabel's voice contained a trace of helplessness, "What should I do?"


In the early morning, at several people's homes.

The old man, who was stupefied by Sol last night, threw the anti-alcohol medicine into the cup, and watched the water bubbling with dull eyes.The beautiful female student Daisy (Jane Foster's assistant) on the side stared at the big-eyed, smiling old man who was still dazed, and lost interest after watching for a while.The beautiful big eyes kept patrolling Saul and Jokin.

"A crazy handsome guy and a mysterious handsome guy, why are good things so far away from me." The female student Daisy put her hand on her chin, with a look of self-pity.

Breakfast was made for several people, Sol helped Jane Foster, and served food for several people, at this moment, Qiao Jin frowned and looked out the window from a distance, the communicator in his pocket rang again He stayed on his ear and pressed the on button.

Coulson's eager voice came: "Someone is coming, deal with it carefully, tell me you are still by that blond man's side!"

"Thank you." Jokin nodded friendlyly at Sol, looked at the breakfast served by the strong man, and whispered, "Well, what's the matter?"

"A few people in mysterious costumes, three men and one woman, be careful." Coulson ordered and hung up the phone.

"Dong dong dong!" After a while, there was a sound from the glass door, and several people looked around, only to see armed soldiers looking at Sol with smiles on their faces.

"Cosplay?" Qiao Jin scratched his head, the classical costume of three men and one woman is too eye-catching!

"Oh!" The old scientist who never believed what Sol said, thinking that Sol was a lunatic, looked at the four people outside the door stupidly, and the glass in his hand slipped quietly and shattered on the floor.

"Oh ha ha, my friend!" The bearded ax warrior hugged Sol, and after being happy for a while, he introduced to everyone, "Hello, we are the trio of Ms. Sif and Warrior!" Three men and one woman rushed Everyone nodded friendly.

"My friends, I'm so glad to see you, but you shouldn't come... You know, I was permanently expelled, and my father died because of me..." Sol looked guilty.

The Sif female warrior frowned and said, "Saul! Your father is not dead, is he?"

Just as a few people were reminiscing about the past, there was a loud noise in the distance!A giant fell from the sky!

The female student Daisy looked at several fighters and asked, "Is there anyone else coming?"

Walking out the door, several people have already started to evacuate the crowd!A few fighters are also facing a big enemy!Looks like they know what to expect!

"Sol, tell me, what is that?" Jokin asked while looking in the direction of the loud noise.

"Listen to me, Jokin, hurry up and organize the evacuation of people in your country, it is not something you can defeat." Although Thor and Jokin are not close friends, he is a very responsible person .

"I think you're too late!" When Qiao Jin asked, a big storm appeared in front of his eyes, and as the wind gradually dissipated, that steel-framed guy was already standing in front of him!

"Oh, God!" Qiao Jin's face became extremely excited. This guy was extremely tall, and his steel body was made of unknown material, so he simply called it "steel" first.The strange shape does not escape the scope of human beings, with two arms, two legs, and a head.It's just that the face is like two shutters.Under the sunlight, the huge steel body shines brightly!It's gorgeous!

"His weakness, I don't know." As soon as Thor's voice fell, the ax warrior on the side shouted, "Go, warriors!"

"Haha!" The mustache is obviously a warrior who loves to laugh, and he gestured to the bearded ax warrior.

"For Asgard!" The ax warrior shouted the slogan, his legs climbed on the arms of the mustache and the eastern face, and with his strength, he raised his big ax and rushed towards the big guy in front of him.

Jokin only felt a person fly over his head!Boom!The iron body flicked his arm, and Qiao Jin felt that there was another person flying back above his head...

"You're 28 centimeters, but you can't be hard enough for a fart!" Qiao Jin complained, looking at the ax fighters flying around with glee.

I saw that the iron body seemed to be attracted by the ax warrior. Looking at the ax warrior lying softly on the car hood, the head of the iron body kept accumulating energy, and the soaring flames were ready to go.

Whoosh, Qiao Jin casually picked up the steel bars scattered on the ground, threw them out fiercely like a javelin, and directly inserted them horizontally into the steel joints of the steel body!Tilt its headband!At the same time, a figure jumped down from the nearby building. The female warrior held a spear and directly penetrated the neck of the steel body!

"Hmm~" Ax Warrior wiped his sweat, and nodded friendlyly at Qiao Jin.

The female warrior Sif half-kneeled on the four-meter-high steel body, full of vigor.Looking down at the crowd, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.However, within a few seconds, that smiling face turned into a sad one!

"Wow!!!" Qiao Jin was very surprised, this is too dazzling and cool!

I saw the steel body that was originally stabbed, bent over and bowed its head. The unknown metals on its body flowed in an orderly manner, and they were constantly combined and pieced together. The body and footsteps did not move at all. body.Even the heads are combined and pieced together!

Schiff was shocked and jumped away.Dangerously escaped the crisis!


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