the president's wife

Chapter 58: Love her

Chapter 58: When the door to her heart was opened, Lei Chenyi turned on the light, saw that there was no figure of Cheng Hanlei inside, and frowned slightly.

In Lei's house, Cheng Hanlei didn't dare to leave Lei's house when everyone was awake, and she didn't dare to return late, so there was only one possibility that she wasn't in the room at this time.

Heart, gently tugged, a very strange feeling.

Closing the door without a trace, Lei Chenyi was going to walk to his room as if he hadn't seen it, but after taking two steps, it was as if a voice in his heart was pulling him, and he couldn't move forward no matter what .


Silence for a few seconds.

Turn around and go downstairs.


Hearing the sound behind her, Xu Peifen turned her head and saw Lei Chenyi who came down from upstairs, and seeing him walking directly towards her, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Chen Yi, do you have something to talk to Mom about?"

The relationship between their mother and child is not like other mothers and children, and there are still some topics to talk about.

Except for the basic etiquette towards her and Zhendong, Lei Chenyi has always been very indifferent.She once cared about it, but as Zhendong said, those who do great things must learn to hide their emotions from an early age, and don't reveal too much emotion to prevent being seen through by others.Chen Yi will be in the officialdom in the future, so no one can easily capture his emotions.Hearing Zhendong's explanation, the grudge in her heart was completely eliminated.


Nodding his head, Lei Chenyi walked over to the seat opposite Xu Peifen and sat down, then looked at Xu Peifen's eyes full of joy, and a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes.

The deep and charming eyes concealed the true emotions in the eyes.

"What is it? Mom will help you if she can do it."

Looks like a loving mother.

"She's locked up?"

Straight to the point, there was no ups and downs in Lei Chenyi's voice, and the lightly uttered words made the smile on Xu Peifen's face harden.She looked at the son sitting across from her with probing eyes. Because this son is so good at restraining his emotions, it is difficult for even her biological mother to guess what he is thinking.

"Well, what happened?"

Without a trace, Xu Peifen's complexion also became cold, and she looked at Lei Chenyi with scrutiny, trying to catch some clues from his face...

"what's going on?"

Picking up the twigs on the table and feeding one into his mouth, the moment he lowered his head, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, while Lei Chenyi was chewing, he raised his head again, meeting Xu Peifen's eyes without a trace of panic.

"That little Jianren dared to make a small move to Xi Wen today, pushing Xi Wen down the stairs. Fortunately, our Xi Wen was lucky, but his forehead was bruised a little, it's nothing serious, if there is something wrong , I have to ask that little Jianren to pay for his life."

Seeing that Lei Chenyi was just asking, without a trace of concern, Xu Peifen let go of her heart a little. When Cheng Hanlei was mentioned, her tone became much sharper. , especially when you hear the word Jianren.

After Xu Peifen finished speaking, seeing Lei Chenyi just eating the twigs and not speaking, the deep thought on his face was hard to understand.

The heart that had just been let go quietly hung up again.

Considering the words, he asked tentatively: "Chen Yi, why do you suddenly care about that little fellow Cheng Hanlei? You must be fascinated by her!"

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