the president's wife

Chapter 57: 2 Days Off

Chapter 57: After two days of detention, Xu Peifen was quite gentle in her actions. If Mama Li took over, she would definitely only take a few breaths.She didn't forget the time Mama Li whipped herself, had a high fever for seven days, and went around the gate of hell, and almost died that time.

Xu Peifen also thought about that time, and after whipping Cheng Hanlei a few times, the anger in her heart also vented a little.

In addition, no matter how angry she is, she still has some sense of proportion, even if she doesn't want to admit it in her heart, she still has to admit Cheng Hanlei's temporary importance.

"Enough, don't give her food for two days..."

Passing the whip to Mama Li, Xu Peifen said coldly, turned around and walked out of this damp and cold place.

Li Ma gave Cheng Hanlei a hard look, she didn't vent her anger in her heart, but she couldn't disobey Xu Peifen's order, she could only kick Cheng Hanlei as if venting her anger, and then left behind Xu Peifen.

With a bang, the sound of the iron door being locked confirmed that the person had left, and Cheng Hanlei slowly opened her sweat-drenched eyelids.

With a slight movement, the whip wound on his body was burning with pain, sobbed, and carefully pulled off the school uniform on one side, wrapping his bloody body.

Slowly sat up and leaned against the wall.

Tighten the school uniform, panting lightly.He didn't even dare to breathe too hard, fearing that if he breathed hard, he would get more pain.

Fortunately, only two days.

Sleep, Cheng Hanlei, it won't hurt when you fall asleep.Sleep, you can see your mother when you fall asleep.Seeing my mother will not hurt anymore, and I will feel very warm when I have my mother hugging me.

There was the sound of rats scurrying around in my ears, and occasionally I could smell the smell of blood coming from here, crawling over Han Lei's body.

Cheng Hanlei is very afraid of these things, but now her body is completely unable to move a lot, let alone drive away the mice.I can only keep emptying my brain, trying to ignore the existence that keeps running around my body...

Cheng Hanlei was confused and couldn't tell whether she was really asleep or passed out from the pain.

******************************************************* *******


In the living room, Xu Peifen was watching TV, Lei Zhendong was dealing with business upstairs, Xiwen had taken the medicine and fell asleep, Xu Peifen was waiting for Lei Chenyi to come back, so she sat alone in the living room.

Seeing Lei Chenyi walk in, she was full of pride for this son.

"I'm back, I'll ask Mama Li to warm up the soup for you, and then go upstairs after drinking the soup."

"No, I drank at Zhenzhen's house today."

Reply politely, in this family, Lei Chenyi has always been indifferent, and looks like he is not easy to get close to anyone.In Xu Peifen's eyes, even though this son is calm, it makes her feel more and more proud.

"Okay, let's go upstairs and rest."

I am very satisfied with Lei Chenyi's way of handling things, and the relationship with Zhenzhen is also very stable. With the threshold of the mayor's daughter, after Chenyi graduates next year, his future will be limitless.


Walking upstairs, when Lei Chenyi passed by Cheng Hanlei's room, he saw the pitch-black space, and couldn't help but stop and take a look inside.

Because every time she came back, her door was closed, and she was usually reviewing her homework at this time, so there was no reason for her to sleep so late.

For some unknown reason, Lei Chenyi stretched out his hand and twisted Cheng Hanlei's door, which was not locked.

When the door opened, Lei Chenyi turned on the light, seeing that there was no figure of Cheng Hanlei inside, his brows were slightly furrowed.

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