the president's wife

Chapter 439: You can marry me now

Chapter 439: You can marry me now, An Ran didn't move, didn't speak.Even though he had drafted many times in his heart, he should say the first sentence, but when he saw Qiu Ze, his throat seemed to be stuck.Qiu Ze stretched out his hand to close the car door, and walked to An Ran's side actively.

"go in."

The big hand took An Ran's small hand, and when it touched her cold fingertips, it still hurt.Tall him, petite her.An Ran's eyes became hot, and she quietly squeezed Qiu Ze's hand tightly.She is very nostalgic for the warmth of this moment.

The two walked in silently, Qiu Ze led An Ran to the sofa and sat down, then sat opposite An Ran himself.

An Ran pursed her lips and looked at Qiu Ze, looking into his eyes.

Qiu Ze looked at the emaciated An Ran, with the clothes on his body, he could see her skinny.She was so thin that his heart ached, and her so thin made his heart feel tight.


Gently caressing An Ran's face with his fingers, looking at this face that he loves so much.This is the woman he silently swore in his heart when he married her to love her for the rest of his life, not to let her suffer any grievances, and not let her shed a single tear.He wants to give her all the happiness, and wants to protect her for a happy life, so that she can break free from the ups and downs in the past and have happiness.

He didn't do it.He made the woman he loved so much more haggard and thinner, and even washed her face with tears.He once said that he wanted An Ran to be the happiest woman in the world, but after seven years of marriage, he only made An Ran more and more miserable.

An Ran seemed to have sensed something, her heart was trembling, her lips were trembling, and she stretched out her hand to hold Qiu Ze's hand with some unease...


Before the tears fell, they had already been wiped away by Qiu Ze's big hand.Qiu Ze hugged An Ran lightly, tightly tightened his arms, and slowly closed his eyes.


A year ago, Xiao Yi got engaged to a Jiangnan woman.It was almost impossible to remember how long it had been since I had seen Xiao Yi, Murong Xue was sitting quietly in the room on the second floor.I only eat one meal a day to maintain my strength.When we separated from Xiao Yi, our relationship with Xiaoxiao was closer.But because of that time, Xiaoxiao began to be afraid of her again.

If Murong Xue had put in some effort to save her at that time, Xiaoxiao would not have been farther and farther away from her in the past few years.

The relationship between mother and daughter became weaker and weaker. Murong Xue rarely went downstairs and lived a closed life.Every day I just pay attention to Xiao Yi's news, silently heartbroken.

The skinny ones are only skin and bones, and the bones can hurt even if the wrist is lightly grasped.

It is said that time is the best medicine for forgetting someone, and Murong Xue also thought that with the precipitation of time, she could forget Xiao Yi.When she knew that he had finally given up on compromise and wanted to marry another woman, Murong Xue hugged the newspaper and cried for a whole day.The next day, I called to buy a gift and sent it abroad, wishing him a happy engagement.

She has learned not to use coercive means, and if she chooses to let go, she will let him be happy, even if her heart feels like a knife is piercing her.

In this life, she has given up.I don't know how long I can last, I just feel like a flower that is slowly withering.

Murong Xue thought that she would never see that elegant woman again in this lifetime...

Until, a figure with a deep memory stood at the door.But the whole face was extremely emaciated, and in just a few years, it couldn't even overlap with the face in front of him.

The plane took off and landed in Suzhou.Murong Xue thought that she would cry, but from hearing Xiao's mother's words, to getting on the plane, to getting off the plane and walking to the hospital, she was so calm that it was abnormal.When standing in front of the hospital ward, Murong Xue suddenly stopped in her tracks.Mother Xiao stood aside, looking at this skinny woman.

Why on earth did you force your son to go this far...

Now I don't even have a chance to regret it again...

"Go in and see him..."

Murong Xue didn't know how she walked into the ward, and in the white snow, she saw the face she had been thinking about for several years.He was lying on the hospital bed, lying quietly.

"When I was sent to the hospital, when I was still conscious, I always called your name in a daze... We are sorry for you... It is my fault that caused Yi'er to become like this... I'm sorry..."

Murong Xue could no longer hear what Xiao's mother was saying, but she kept calling your name when she heard the phrase "When you were in a coma."She used to envy An Ran, being able to become Shangguan Rui was talked about by him when he was critically ill.But now, she is in such pain, she would rather Xiao Yi be fine than to be the person Xiao Yi never forgets in this way...

The knees landed heavily...

"Xiao Yi..."

Tears welled up in my eyes.Tears poured down like rain, Murong Xue held Xiao Yi's hand, buried her face in that big thin hand, unable to breathe due to heartache.

Xiao Yi who was lying there did not respond, Murong Xue looked at Xiao Yi's other gauze-wrapped wrist.

"Why do you do this? Didn't you say it? There is hope only when I live. As long as I live well, there must be hope? Why do you say nothing..."

Murong Xue held Xiao Yi's hand tightly, as if she could keep Xiao Yi in this way.

Before the wedding, Xiao Yi and his fiancée went to Jiangnan to pick up the woman's family, but Xiao Yi suddenly committed suicide.Everything happened too unexpectedly. Although Xiao Yi seldom smiled, he never knew that he would have such negative thoughts.After Xiao Yi committed suicide and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, he found out that he had been taking drugs for nearly three years.On the eve of the wedding, the inner pressure was too great, he took too much medicine and had hallucinations, and committed suicide...

Murong Xue's tears kept rolling down, and she and he suffered a lot.Tormenting each other in a corner where they can't see each other.And now, his life was dying.He is about to leave himself.

Xiao Yi, who was lying on the hospital bed, seemed to have heard Murong Xue's words, and moved his hands slightly.Surprised, Murong Xue immediately raised her head and looked at Xiao Yi.His eyes were a little distracted, and when he saw that it was Murong Xue, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Xue'er... let's get married..."

The big hand almost lost its strength, but it tried to hold Murong Xue's hand.Murong Xue's tears welled up even more, and she looked at Xiao Yi's thin face with a smile that was so faint that it was almost imperceptible, she nodded heavily, while the electrocardiogram on one side was fluctuating.Xiao's mother immediately asked the doctor to come for first aid. She knew that there was no hope, but she was unwilling to give up.

Murong Xue looked at Xiao Yi, and after looking at Xiao Yi, she would go to the emergency room.He didn't follow, but turned around and ran out under Xiao's mother's surprised eyes.


Shangguan Rui was in his office preparing to leave for City C, and the news about An Ran he had just received made him very worried.As soon as he picked up his coat, he heard the secretary's voice stopping him from outside, and then Murong Xue barged in.

Shangguan Rui looked at Murong Xue, frowning slightly.Living under the same roof, they hardly see each other.Seeing Murong Xue's appearance suddenly, Shangguan Rui was also startled.

Murong Xue's eyes were full of tears, and before Shangguan Rui had time to let the secretary leave, Murong Xue had already knelt down in front of Shangguan Rui.When Shangguan Rui was startled, he immediately asked the secretary to leave, closed the door, and Shangguan Rui was about to retreat.

Murong Xue grabbed Shangguan Rui's leg vigorously, raised her tear-wet face and looked at Shangguan Rui...

"He is dying. I beg you, please help us. Please, let him die in peace. Please, Shangguan Rui, I beg you, please."

Murong Xue's head fell heavily on the carpet, she knocked hard, only twice, her forehead was already red.Shangguan Rui's mind went blank for a moment, looking at the woman in front of him who had already had a nervous breakdown.This woman who was imprisoned with him was speechless for a long time.Still in the shock of what Murong Xue said...

"Shangguan Rui, I am the biggest villain, I am the one who made the most mistakes, Xiao Yi is innocent, I beg you, his last wish is to marry me...I beg you, let us be fulfilled..."

The body that was knocked down again was pulled up by Shangguan Rui, looking at the blood slid down Murong Xue's forehead, Shangguan Rui suddenly felt that he was in the darkness...

Until Murong Xue left, Shangguan Rui was still holding the pen in his hand, the door of the office had been closed again, and Shangguan Rui sat down slumped as if he couldn't bear it.The office chair sank heavily, and the pen in Shangguan Rui's hand slipped from his hand, fell to the ground, rolled a few times and stopped still...

In the heart, there is a breath of suffocation slowly covering up...


Regardless of how embarrassed she was at the moment, Murong Xue was holding the divorce agreement signed by Shangguan Rui in her hand.

When rushed to the emergency room, no one was there.When I returned to the outside of the ward, there were many people standing in the ward.Murong Xue didn't know who was who, Murong Xue only heard the sound of crying inside.When Mother Xiao saw Murong Xue, she immediately walked over.

"Yi'er, he..."

Murong Xue didn't seem to hear Xiao's mother's words, holding the divorce agreement in her hand, she walked towards the ward.People seem to be separated from each other to get out of the way.And Murong Xue quickly walked to the hospital bed, to the man lying there quietly.The crying around had already gone away, Murong Xue only saw Xiao Yi in his eyes, looking at his face.

"Xiao Yi, I'm divorced. Look, this is the divorce agreement. I divorced Shangguan Rui, and we can be together now."

Murong Xue handed the divorce agreement in front of Xiao Yi, looked at his tightly closed eyes, tears rolled down uncontrollably, falling on the divorce agreement drop by drop, dizzy one after another, slowly The words on it were fainted, and the signature was blurred.

Murong Xue called Xiao Yi several times, but there was no response.There was still a trace of warmth in those hands, but his eyes could no longer be opened...

"Xiao Yi, I have already put on the ring you bought for can marry me..."

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