the president's wife

Chapter 356: Pregnancy Test

Chapter 356: Pregnancy Test "Yeah, Uncle, we're done. Uncle, you're amazing."

Cheng Beibei's cheers brought Cheng Hanlei back to her mind, and she looked at the big one and the little one again. The puzzle in front of her was completed, and the little one spun around in Lei Chenyi's arms, and completely fell into Lei Chenyi's arms. In Chen Yi's arms, he hugged his neck and generously sent his own sweet kiss.

Take a sip...

Lei Chenyi's gaze was also withdrawn because of Cheng Beibei's cheers, he hugged Cheng Beibei in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her little cheek, the love in his eyes was even more obvious.

Cheng Hanlei looked at this scene, her eyes became softer...


Cheng Beibei obediently tilted the two of them, watched an episode of cartoons, and then the phone was about to ring at eight o'clock...

"Smelly Anze."

Cheng Beibei immediately got up from Lei Chenyi's arms, lay down on the sofa and reached out to answer the phone.

The voice is a little sweet and greasy, and the corners of the eyes are smiling.

I don't know what Anze said on the other side of the phone, Cheng Beibei giggled amusedly.

"No, Beibei doesn't want to smell Anze."

Shaking his head, his little head shook like a rattle.The ghostly little face was full of smiles, Cheng Hanlei looked at her precious daughter who rushed to the phone as soon as she heard the phone ring, glanced at Lei Chenyi and saw that his eyes were also looking at her, but His eyes revealed something that she couldn't see through...

Without Cheng Beibei crouching between the two of them, Cheng Hanlei took the initiative to move closer to Lei Chenyi, leaning her head gently on his shoulder...

He didn't dare to touch his lower abdomen with his hands, his eyes were squinted, and the corners of his mouth were slightly drawn. A person was immersed in that kind of nervous and expectant mood.

The reason why he didn't tell Lei Chenyi what he had imagined was because he knew that Lei Chenyi really loved children and wanted her to have his children.It's better to tell Lei Chenyi after confirming, so there will be a surprise...

Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei who would voluntarily lean over in front of Cheng Beibei, instead of holding Cheng Hanlei in his arms like before, he silently watched the beaming scene on TV...

Cheng Hanlei was immersed in her own world, but she didn't notice anything strange about Lei Chenyi.

"Brother Ze, Beibei lied to you, Beibei misses you, really."

Cheng Beibei stuck out her tongue, and stretched out three fingers in her little hand, assuring there, as if Anze could see it.

After finishing speaking, Cheng Beibei's little face became even more flushed, not knowing what Anze said again.

When Cheng Beibei hung up the phone and squeezed between the two of them, her pretty little face was flushed, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was even more adorable.

"Cheng Beibei, it's time to go to bed."

"it is good."

Obediently climbed onto Lei Chenyi's body, let Lei Chenyi carry her into the room...


Cheng Beibei sleeps very well now, Lei Chenyi only told a story, Cheng Beibei has already obediently said that he wants to sleep, lie down and close his eyes obediently.

Leaving Cheng Beibei's room, Lei Chenyi pushed open the room of the two of them and saw Cheng Hanlei making the bed. Hearing Lei Chenyi's door opening, he turned his back to Lei Chenyi and said, "The bath water is ready for you. You take a shower first."

As soon as the voice fell, I felt a heat behind me.

The waist was hugged by Lei Chenyi, and the bent body was pulled into his arms by him.

"Lei Chenyi, go take a shower."

Being hugged, Cheng Hanlei turned around in Lei Chenyi's arms, put her hands on his chest, and resisted a little.

"Look at what?"

No matter what the reason is for Shangguanjue, Shangguanjue kissed her, if Lei Chenyi knew, his temper would definitely be very angry, if he didn't tell him, he just didn't want to add trouble...

"It's nothing."

Lei Chenyi was silent for a while, and didn't speak or ask.

Let go of Cheng Hanlei and stand up.

"I'm going to take a shower."

Drawing her lips with her fingers, Cheng Hanlei looked at the bathroom door thoughtfully...

If he was overpowering her just now, she still felt lucky that Lei Chenyi didn't notice, but the way he kissed her just now made her understand very clearly that he was using his own breath to wipe the breath of other people on her lips. Go, only his breath left before leaving.

He didn't ask, because of his trust and respect for her.But at the same time, he couldn't allow and accept that she smelled like someone else.

Cheng Hanlei doesn't know why she just understands. It seems that two people seem to be able to understand each other's thoughts more and more as they get along day by day. This feeling is really good.

My heart throbbed inexplicably, because Lei Chenyi didn't ask anything, he used his way to express his attitude towards this matter...

He is changing, for her, he is changing more and more...

The door of the bathroom opened, and Lei Chenyi came out of the bathroom.The fire in the eyes has faded.Looking at Cheng Hanlei who was still sitting in place, his eyes swept over.

"It's washed."

Standing up, walked to Lei Chenyi's side, stretched out his hand to hold Lei Chenyi's arm and pressed on the chair beside him.

"I'll blow your hair for you."

Without waiting for Lei Chenyi to accept or refuse, with a thought of doing what he wants, he picked up the hair dryer and turned it on, and started to help Lei Chenyi blow his hair seriously.

Fingers ran through Lei Chenyi's hair, the wet hair was stained with water on his hands, and he stood to the side, looking intently at Lei Chenyi's face.

The two have known each other for a long time. She has seen too many faces of him. If she had been told that Lei Chenyi would choose to trust her and be considerate of what he is now, she might not believe it.

However, the man in front of him is still the Lei Chenyi he knew before, and he is really changing for her.

The water on his hair was thrown away by Cheng Hanlei's fingers.

The hair on my hands was almost dry, and the soft hair was running through my fingers, and I felt like it was flowing into my heart...

Before it finished blowing, the hand was suddenly held, the hair dryer was turned off by a pair of big hands, and the hair dryer was left aside in the cold and slid down the ground directly along the line.Pressing against his shoulder, he murmured hoarsely, "Thank you."

Two words, no need to explain, everyone knows what it is for.

Lei Chenyi didn't respond, he just stretched out his arms to hug Cheng Hanlei, and pulled her closer into his arms...

The corners of Cheng Hanlei's mouth turned up slightly, but she felt very comfortable physically and mentally when she was tired.


"Shangguan Rui."

Murong Xue looked at Shangguan Rui who was ignoring her leaving, and finally couldn't help but stepped forward to stop Shangguan Rui.

He treats her even more unobtrusively, completely treating her as air, and used to say a few words to her in front of Xiaoxiao, but now he directly keeps away from her even with Xiaoxiao.In my mind, Xiaoxiao avoids her hand with red eyes, and tells her that she doesn't want to recognize her as a mother, because of her relationship, Xiaoxiao is ridiculed by her classmates...

Xiaoxiao stayed away from her, and Shangguan Rui didn't even look at her.

He ignored her and didn't divorce her.He even sent someone to follow her, as soon as she met Xiao Yi, a reporter would appear immediately.She knew that those people were sent by Shangguan Rui, and she hadn't seen Xiao Yi for a few days...

Shangguan Rui's eyes did not stop on Murong Xue, and he walked out directly.

"Shangguan Rui, stop. What do you want? I want to see Xiao Yi and keep your people away from me."

Scream, lost composure.

She wanted to see Xiao Yi, very much.

When Shangguan Rui heard Murong Xue's scream, his footsteps finally stopped.

"If you want Xiaoxiao to become a laughing stock again, you can go to see Xiao Yi. But I warn you, if Xiaoxiao goes to the hospital because of you being ridiculed again, I can't guarantee what I will do."

Shangguan Rui's voice was very cold, looking at Murong Xue's painful face, his heart didn't fluctuate in any way.

From the day of An Ran's wedding, the heart is dead.

In his world, only Xiaoxiao is left, and only La Murongxue is left to suffer together.

Murong Xue's complexion was slightly pale, Shangguan Rui's words pierced her heart.No matter what she does, she doesn't want Xiaoxiao to be involved in all of this. Even if Xiaoxiao likes Shangguan Rui and doesn't have much affection for this mother, she doesn't want her only daughter to be hurt.

But Xiao Yi...

Seeing Murong Xue standing there, looking thin and haggard, Shangguan Rui suddenly turned his gaze when he bent over to get into the car, and finally looked squarely at Murong Xue...

"Murong Xue, I hope your Xiao Yi can hold on."

With a bang, the door closed and the car sped away.

Shangguan Rui, who was sitting in the car, looked cold. After the car drove away, he slowly closed his eyes...


"My surname is Lei, this is the most humane thing you've ever done."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Yin Kejia looked at Lei Chenyi, this was the first time he felt that Lei Chenyi actually looked quite pleasing to the eye.

"My client hasn't agreed yet, what are you so happy about?"


Cheng Hanlei began to let go of work to her subordinates, and went to pick up Cheng Beibei on time every day.

Today, I left the company 10 minutes earlier than usual, and stopped in front of a pharmacy on the way to pick up Cheng Beibei from the kindergarten.

She was no longer a shy girl. Even though she was a little nervous when she walked into the pharmacy, she walked up to the clerk with a calm expression as if nothing had happened, and asked the clerk where the pregnancy test stick was.

After listening to the clerk's introduction, I took three brands of pregnancy test sticks with good reputation and went to the cashier to pay, put them in my bag, and turned to leave.Sitting in the car, looking at the bag on the side, he was a little dazed.This kind of mood, the comparison between expectation and fear is so strong.The same tension, but this time, I hope to win the lottery.This kind of waiting is really like waiting for a big prize...

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, he started the car, and the car drove towards the kindergarten...

In the evening, Lei Chenyi didn't come back for dinner. After Cheng Hanlei and Cheng Beibei finished their meal, they asked Cheng Beibei to watch TV in the living room. Cheng Hanlei walked into the room with her bag.

Actually still nervous...

Afraid of being inaccurate, Cheng Hanlei took out all three pregnancy test sticks and walked into the bathroom.

Although this matter has been done once before, it is still a bit unfamiliar to do it now.Trembling unpacking, I don't know what I'm nervous about...

Following the instructions, Cheng Hanlei put three pregnancy test sticks on the toilet seat, picked up the first one...

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