the president's wife

Chapter 355: He is really sick

Chapter 355: He is really sick "Doctor Liu, is there something wrong with Jue?"

Seeing Cheng Hanlei's attitude, Liu Xing heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, her tense expression proved that she cared about Shangguanjue...

"Miss Cheng, I asked you out today to talk to you about..."

Bang, before Liu Xing could finish his sentence, the door was suddenly pushed open.The doctor's words were stuck in his throat, and Shangguanjue stood there looking at Liu Xing with a cold expression, walked over and directly reached out and grabbed Cheng Hanlei's arm, pulling Cheng Hanlei up slightly.


The arm holding Cheng Hanlei was a little tight, but he looked at Liu Xing with warning eyes.

"Jeez, let go."

Cheng Hanlei frowned slightly when she saw Shangguanjue who suddenly appeared. On the one hand, it was because of the pain in her wrist, and on the other hand, it was because of what Liu Xing hadn't said yet.She knew very well in her heart that Liu Xing's next words were very important.

"You have too much to do."

Without letting go of her hand, Hanlei stared at Liu Xing who was sitting there, and her icy voice was chilling.


Cheng Hanlei was dragged out by Shangguanjue and stuffed into the car. Someone looked at her along the way as she was dragged out. Cheng Hanlei was inconveniently struggling. When she was pushed into the car, there was anger in her voice.

"If you want to know anything, just ask me."

Shangguanjue looked at Cheng Hanlei...

"Will you tell me? If you will tell me, first tell me what the medicine here is?"


Without hesitation, it was still the last answer.

"Vitamins? Shangguan Jue, do you think I'm a fool?"

If it was just pure vitamins, Dr. Liu would not be so cautious about asking himself out today.

Shangguanjue didn't answer, just took out the bottle that Cheng Hanlei saw last time, it was the same bottle that he saw last time, and threw it into Cheng Hanlei's arms...

Cheng Hanlei caught the bottle, but she didn't take her eyes off Shangguanjue immediately, as if she wanted to see whether Shangguanjue was telling the truth or not.Shangguanjue looked at Cheng Hanlei, without a trace of avoidance in his eyes, Cheng Hanlei turned his gaze to the bottle in his hand, and opened it.The medicine in it is very familiar to me, it is indeed the vitamins that I usually take...

"Believe it?"

Shangguan Jue reached out to take back the vitamins, and casually threw them aside...

Cheng Hanlei didn't speak, but looked at Shangguanjue with deep eyes...

After being quiet for more than ten seconds, Cheng Hanlei said in a low voice: "Jeez, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Shangguanjue's expression was slightly startled, and there were too many emotions in his slightly drooping eyelids.After a few seconds of silence, he turned his gaze, and there was a serious promise in his eyes.

"I'll be fine."

"You said, don't lie to me."

"Do not lie to you."

Shangguanjue's expression softened, and he reached out to rub Cheng Hanlei's hair.Looking at Shangguanjue's eyes, Cheng Hanlei smiled, but her heart sank into a bottomless abyss.Even though what he saw were really vitamins, even if he assured himself that he was fine, the uneasiness in his heart was still so strong.


"Doctor Liu? I'm Cheng Hanlei, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

After Shangguanjue sent her back to the company, the first thing he did when he sat in the office was to call Liu Xing.At the beginning, no one answered the phone, but after calling several times, the call was finally answered.

"I am, convenient."

Liu Xing's voice came from the phone.

"Are you going to tell me about Jue today? Is he sick?"

Cheng Hanlei leaned there, looking down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the words she asked were a bit dry.


One word from Liu Xing must have made Cheng Hanlei's heart twitched immediately, and her hands almost crushed the phone.Shangguan Jue, who was standing opposite Liu Xing, changed his expression slightly, and looked at Liu Xing sharply.As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was ready to take Liu Xing's phone.

"What disease?"

Cheng Hanlei's pronunciation trembled a little...

There was silence on the other side of the phone, and Shangguanjue paused for a few seconds when he saw Liu Xing flashing his big hand.Shangguanjue said something with his lips, Liu Xing looked away, and his voice changed: "Don't be nervous, he's fine. It's just that he has a bad stomach, and he doesn't take care of himself. He keeps making fun of his body like this, but it's really true." There will be accidents. I have persuaded him many times, but he does not listen to my advice as a doctor. Knowing that you have a good relationship, I am going to use you to persuade Shangguanjue to let him cherish his body. Career is important, and body is even more important. "

The heart mentioned in the throat fell down.

"I will persuade him, Doctor Liu, don't worry."

Liu Xing is a professional doctor, and he speaks with authority and persuasion. Cheng Hanlei couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard his voice.

After saying a few more words, he hung up the phone.

After Liu Xing hung up the phone, he looked at Shangguanjue who was about to leave and said, "Don't forget what you promised me."

Shangguanjue didn't speak, but just gave Liu Xing a cold look, and then walked away.


"What are you thinking about?"

This was already the nth time Cheng Hanlei's mind was distracted, she sat on the sofa and didn't even notice that the glass was empty, she poured it into her mouth again, and was a little dazed when she didn't drink it.

Hearing Lei Chenyi's question, Cheng Hanlei turned to look at Lei Chenyi.

Facing the deep and deep, Cheng Hanlei's words twirled on the tip of her tongue, and finally swallowed them silently...


She has something to hide from herself...

Keeping his composure, Lei Chenyi saw that Cheng Hanlei was unwilling to say more, so he didn't ask any more...

I'm fine...

"Mom, look at Red Wolf is beating Big Big Wolf with a frying pan..."


With a very perfunctory word, Cheng Beibei climbed onto Cheng Hanlei's body resolutely, then held Cheng Hanlei's face and said, "Mom, mom, you're back to your senses."

Cheng Hanlei found that she was distracted again, looking at Cheng Beibei in front of her, the corners of Cheng Hanlei's mouth curled up slightly...

"what happened?"

"Mom, what are you thinking? Oh... Beibei understands, Mom, do you want to be a bride like a godmother..."

Giggling laughter, children's way of thinking will never be understood by adults...

Cheng Hanlei didn't know how Cheng Beibei thought of the bride from her distraction, but seeing the cute appearance of Cheng Beibei in front of her, she couldn't help but hugged her baby and kissed her on the cheek...

"Mom, isn't it, mother..."

Cheng Hanlei shook Cheng Hanlei, Cheng Hanlei was a little speechless, and Lei Chenyi, who had just walked out of the kitchen, heard the interaction between Cheng Beibei and Cheng Hanlei...

Is her mind-wandering and saying it's okay really like Beibei said because she wants to get married?


Although Shangguanjue's attending doctor said it was fine, Cheng Hanlei couldn't really feel relieved.

Things that she didn't think about before, but now that she really starts to pay attention, she will find that there are many places that she has overlooked. Thinking of Shangguan Jue, he seems to be getting thinner and thinner, but she never seems to really pay attention to it.

"Han Lei."

Peony walked in and saw Cheng Hanlei at a glance.When the restaurant was full of people, Peony could still see Cheng Hanlei at a glance. She was just sitting there quietly, but she was like a luminous body that people could see at a glance...


Seeing Peony, Cheng Hanlei raised her head and smiled at Peony.That smile made Peony slightly startled, is this the smile Shangguanjue likes?

When Cheng Hanlei came over from Peony, she realized that this British girl was a little strange. She was wearing a wig that was about the same length as her own.Her beautiful eyes even wore black dilated pupils, covering up the original color of her eyes, and replaced them with black pupils that only Chinese girls have...

Seeing Cheng Hanlei's gaze, Peony's face was slightly shocked...

"Han Lei, do you mind if I learn from you?"

This is her latest look. She wants to turn herself into the appearance that Shangguan Jue likes. Will Shangguan Jue stop being so indifferent to her?

She has never chased anyone before, nor has she really liked anyone, so in her limited thinking, she only thinks that turning herself into what he likes can be close to his heart...

"Peony, you don't have to deliberately make yourself like this..."

"I want him to be happy. Since I met him, he seldom smiles, and only when facing you, he will smile. I want him to smile, so I became like this, I want to find him later , so that he can feel better."

Cheng Hanlei was a little blocked...

"Peony, I'm looking for you today because I have something to ask you..."

This is the best way she thought all night...


Shangguan Jue was very busy at the beginning. Although he was relieved to hand over the work to Shangguan Rui, each company's operating mode was different, and there were still many things that needed to be explained.Originally, he wanted to talk to Shangguan Rui more in the office, but at seven o'clock, Shangguan Jue's phone rang on time.

"Is something wrong?"

Shangguan Rui glanced at Shangguan Jue and frowned slightly, but his movements stopped.

"Well, I'll go first."

Shangguanjue stood up and picked up the phone while walking outside.

"Do you want to call my house in half an hour to make sure I'm home?"

With a sarcastic voice, Liu Xing on the other side of the phone didn't seem to be fluctuating. He lost a sentence and called your home in half an hour before hanging up...

I haven't laughed with you for two days. Shangguan Rui also started to pack up after Shangguan Jue left. At this time, I can still laugh with you when I go home...

When Shangguanjue came home, he opened the door and smelled the smell of soup...

After closing the door and looking at the kitchen, which usually wouldn't fire at all, there was a figure standing there.

Wearing home clothes, and with long black hair hanging loose, Shangguanjue's eyes are a little deeper through the glass stained by fog...

"Han Lei."

He walked to the kitchen door almost in stride, and stretched out his hand to open the kitchen door. His heart rose to his throat almost instantly, and the sound he made was a little trembling due to excitement...

The person with his back to Shangguanjue turned around, and the light in Shangguanjue's eyes went out immediately. In fact, when he opened the kitchen door and saw the figure clearly, he knew it was not Cheng Hanlei.

Peony is much taller than Cheng Hanlei...

"Jeez, you're back."

Peony didn't seem to hear who Shangguanjue called just now, holding a spoon in his hand, he was very satisfied with the results of his experiment all afternoon, smelling the aroma and tasting the taste.

"I made you a stomach-nourishing soup, and I will take care of your daily life in the future. I will definitely keep your stomach healthy. You go to the restaurant first, and I will serve you a bowl of soup first."

Peony picked up the bowl and started serving soup...

Putting the back end in his hand, he walked out without paying attention to it, which was a little hot.

Shangguanjue, who was still standing there, felt the shock in his heart.

He is very familiar with the taste of this soup. When eating at Han Lei's house, he will drink this kind of soup. This is what she boiled for Lei Chenyi to nourish his stomach.And now...

Breathing is a little condensed, feeling like heaven for a moment, hell for a moment, it hurts...

I clearly know that there should be no hope...

Sanity is torn at one point...

When peony passed by him, his big hand was within the control of his reason, and the bowl of hot soup had already been swung to the ground...

Broken porcelain, splashed soup...


Taking a deep breath, Peony reflexively took a step back when he felt the pain.His body hit the wall, and his body hurt a little.

"You are not her, and you don't need to imitate her, peony, don't waste time on me, I will help you book a ticket back to England tomorrow."

He didn't look at the fragments on the ground, but fixed his eyes on Peony's black pupils, who wore the same light makeup as Cheng Hanlei...

With a bang, the door was slammed loudly.

Peony looked at the shards on the ground, and the opened clothes were covered with scalded red spots.It hurts, and tears welled up in my eyes.She just likes him, she tried so hard so many times, the back of her hand was burned, her fingers were cut, but she still didn't give up.Doesn't the Chinese have a saying that persistence is victory?

She has been so persistent, why can't she win...



Peony stood there with red eyes, while Shangguanjue stood aside with a cold expression.

When Cheng Hanlei arrived at the airport, she saw this scene.

When I met Peony yesterday, Peony asked her about what happened to Shangguan Jue during his time in England, and asked about Shangguan Jue's physical condition without any trace.After noticing anything unusual, he changed the subject.But Peony asked Cheng Hanlei with great interest how the soup was boiled when he went to her house for dinner last time...

Cheng Hanlei looked at Peony's eager look, and patiently told her the steps, what ingredients to put in, and the time for each step.

Received a call from Peony saying that he was going back to the UK, his voice was a little hoarse, it was obvious that he had been crying for a long time.

But now, looking at Peony's red and swollen eyes, she looks like she has been crying all night.

After seeing peony off, Cheng Hanlei followed behind Shangguanjue who was walking a bit too fast...

In the parking lot, Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue whose back was stiff. She remembered the last time Shangguanjue warned her not to meddle in her own business.And now thinking of how she told Peony how to make the soup yesterday, she must have tried to make it for Shangguanjue, but now seeing Shangguanjue's face, he looks angry.

He must have misunderstood that he deliberately let Peony cook soup, deliberately dressed up like her, and then deliberately pushed Peony to him...

Although she felt that peony was really nice to him, she also understood that it was really not suitable for her to match him.At that time, she would say that it was entirely because of her own selfishness. After hearing Shangguan Jue's words, she already knew that she really shouldn't do that.


Cheng Hanlei was going to explain to Shangguanjue...

Just as he opened his mouth, Shangguanjue suddenly grabbed Cheng Hanlei's hand with one hand, and Cheng Hanlei's body was pressed against the car door with such force, and his whole body was pressed down.He stared closely at Cheng Hanlei, clasped Cheng Hanlei's forehead with his big hand, and looked at Cheng Hanlei intently with that aura.

He was tightly attached to Cheng Hanlei's body, as if he would devour her at any moment...

"Cheng Hanlei, you don't need to worry about whether I am alone or two people. You are so troublesome to push me to others, you just want to disarm a time bomb. How afraid are you that I will disturb you and Lei Chenyi? How afraid are you that Lei Chenyi misunderstood our relationship?"

"Jeez, it's not..."

"No? Didn't you tell peony how to make that soup? Didn't she imitate you? Cheng Hanlei, no matter when it is, you know how to use the most hurtful way to crush other people's hearts. You are very afraid that Lei Chenyi will misunderstand that it is ?"

"Jeez, don't..."

When Cheng Hanlei realized that Shangguanjue's emotions were a little out of control, her body immediately began to struggle. When her hand touched his chest, before she pushed it, her first reaction was the tactile sensation on her hand...

How did you lose weight like this?

At close range, the hands touched were so thin that her heart clenched together...

It was only a moment of hesitation, his lips were already kissed by Shangguanjue, holding Cheng Hanlei's face, Shangguanjue closed his eyes...

The whole body was pressed down, and the opportunity to refuse was lost. The person was pressed against the car door and was completely unable to move, and his hands were pressed into the gap between the two of them.After an unknown amount of time, Shangguanjue suddenly turned around and let go of Cheng Hanlei, looking at Cheng Hanlei who was let go...

"Cheng Hanlei, if you meddle in your own business again, I won't be polite to you next time. You should know how difficult it is for me to restrain myself."

Turning around, Cheng Hanlei was pulled a step by Shangguanjue. When she stabilized her body, she saw that Shangguanjue had opened the door and got into the car.

Standing at the same spot, not yet recovered from the series of events just now, watching Shangguanjue's car leave...

what happened to him?

At the moment of leaving, she saw the bottomless emotion in his eyes...

Outside the airport, a car on the side watched Cheng Hanlei's car leave, then started the car, and the car followed slowly.

He can only kiss her in this way...


"Mom, it's not like this, this should be put here."

The two sat on the ground with a jigsaw puzzle in front of them.Cheng Beibei pouted and picked up the jigsaw puzzle that Cheng Hanlei had just put down, and put it in the correct position, looking at Cheng Hanlei with a look of disgust in her eyes.

Mom, you are so stupid.Not as smart as her, or as smart as my uncle.

Seeing Cheng Beibei's disgusted expression, Cheng Hanlei was speechless.From the airport back to the company, then from the company to pick up Beibei, and then back home, she couldn't figure out why Shangguan Jue was so abnormal today.

It is reasonable for him to misunderstand, but it is not reasonable. If he is really angry, then the kiss just now should not make her feel that she has not been violated. He kissed too carefully, too...

She couldn't explain the feeling in her heart, but when his thin lips touched her, she didn't feel sick, but a touch of distress.Because when Jue posted it, he didn't feel like he was going to violate her...

Especially when he left, when she saw the bottomless emotion in his eyes, a gash was cut in her heart, and her heart ached.

The heart that has never let go, is even more uneasy...

That feeling is really like being in...

Shaking his head vigorously, he shook away the bad mood, and he couldn't think about it.


There was a sound from the door, and Cheng Beibei immediately turned her head happily...

"Uncle, you are finally back."

Cheng Beibei turned to look at the door, Lei Chenyi put down the bag in his hand and took off his coat.Cheng Beibei didn't rush over immediately, knowing that Lei Chenyi would go over.

Walking into the house, surrounded by warmth.

Looking at Cheng Hanlei and Cheng Beibei who were sitting there, Cheng Beibei was smiling sweetly, and Cheng Hanlei's eyes turned around, and he saw her lips at first sight...

His gaze deepened a little without any trace, and then he walked over.

"Uncle, Mom is so stupid. You see, Beibei can spell it well, but the stupid mother spells it wrong every time."

Leaning into Lei Chenyi's arms, Cheng Beibei looked at Cheng Hanlei with a disgusted expression, then looked up at Lei Chenyi who wanted Lei Chenyi to praise him...

"Bebe is awesome, uncle will fight with you?"

"it is good."

Cheng Beibei nodded immediately, and just lay in Lei Chenyi's arms.

"Shall I make you a hot bowl of soup?"


In response, he did not take his eyes off the puzzle.Cheng Hanlei stood up and walked into the kitchen to warm up the soup. When the soup was ready, she saw Lei Chenyi and Cheng Beibei talking to each other, and the eyes they occasionally met were so warm.

He really loves Beibei, he is very patient in front of Beibei, and he smiles very lovingly.

I couldn't help touching my stomach, this menstruation seems to be a few days late, maybe...

Standing there in a daze, I will go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test tomorrow and come back to try it...

Her mind finally turned back from the episode of Shangguanjue, thinking about the possibility of pregnancy, the corners of Cheng Hanlei's mouth softened.

Lei Chenyi raised his head to look at Cheng Hanlei, seeing her staring blankly, immersed in her own world, his eyes deepened a little bit involuntarily.

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