the president's wife

Chapter 264: Is it fun?

Chapter 264: Is it fun?In the early morning, Cheng Hanlei had a good night's sleep.Waking up amidst the protesting sound of my stomach, I just opened my eyes and saw a magnified handsome face in front of me...

Cheng Hanlei had just woken up, her brain was not fully awake, when she suddenly saw Lei Chenyi's magnified face in front of her, she backed away in shock.

"Why are you here?"

He frowned reflexively, and his voice sank a bit.

"feel better now?"

Lei Chenyi ignored Cheng Hanlei's coldness, looked at Cheng Hanlei's recovered cat's paw, and just asked a simple rhetorical question, which immediately made Cheng Hanlei recall the episode of last night's brief amnesia.

The coldness on her face froze for a moment, she coughed lightly, Cheng Hanlei raised the quilt a little, looked at Lei Chenyi and said, "En."

"Come out for breakfast."

Seeing Cheng Hanlei's actions, Lei Chenyi turned around and walked out without saying a word.Cheng Hanlei shook her head, shaking off the fall of last night.She just hurt too much last night, and his hand was too comfortable last night.She just regarded him as a hot water bag, a hot water bag that can massage...

After changing clothes, I found out that Cheng Beibei and An Ze were not there...

"I've already sent them to kindergarten."

Cheng Hanlei didn't speak, and went directly to wash up.After coming out, he found that there were two things covered with plates on the table, and Lei Chenyi had already sat down on one of them.Then he pointed to the opposite position and said, "Have breakfast."

These three words are quite normal, but hearing Cheng Hanlei's ears, it's really scary.Last night, I saw how magnificent he was when he entered the kitchen. I really couldn't believe that he could make breakfast.

I was really hungry, and my body was still a little weak.Go to the dining table, recover your strength first, and then have an in-depth discussion with him about whether he intends to stay here.

Although she had no hope, when the plate was lifted, Cheng Hanlei almost choked on her shocked saliva.

"The appearance is not very good, but the taste is not bad. Take a look at mine, and you will be satisfied."

Lei Chenyi's rare ridicule, when he saw the plate that Lei Chenyi had uncovered.Cheng Hanlei immediately understood what he meant by contentment.

Maybe it was the episode last night that made her let go of her guard, sitting here with Lei Chenyi face to face, she didn't even have much resistance.Picking up the tableware, I tried it tentatively, the legendary poached egg.Although the appearance is not very good, the taste is really good.Cheng Hanlei ate a little, and then drank some hot milk.

Physical strength has been replenished, and the body is obviously stronger.Stand up and put away the dishes.

Lei Chenyi followed behind, took it from Cheng Hanlei's hand, and put it in the pool beside him.Then she was really about to pick up the rag and prepare to wash the dishes. Cheng Hanlei was about to speak, but after thinking about it, she swallowed the words again.Turn around and get ready to go out of the kitchen to go to work, passing the trash can, looking at the trash can that was changed yesterday, it was already full again in the morning.

It is full of poached eggs, and it can be said that there is no poached eggs...

Cheng Hanlei suddenly had a very strange feeling, standing at the kitchen door and looking at Lei Chenyi who was washing dishes with his back turned...

Does he have a purpose, or is he really changing...

At this moment, Cheng Hanlei herself was a little confused...

When Cheng Hanlei was ready to come out, Lei Chenyi was already leaning there waiting for her.Finally, I still have some self-consciousness, knowing that I should leave.Cheng Hanlei walked out without saying a word, but walked into the elevator all the way, and then went downstairs.

As soon as Cheng Hanlei took out the car keys, Lei Chenyi directly took the keys with his big hand.Then the shoulders were buckled, and then she was about to hug Cheng Hanlei to the co-pilot...

Cheng Hanlei froze for a moment, frowning and trying to struggle away.

"Leilei, are you going to stay stuck with me here until you are late? I have a day to waste."

Cheng Hanlei couldn't even despise her, so she broke away and walked to the co-pilot by herself.Sit in, and just when she was about to fasten her seat belt, Lei Chenyi's big hand has replaced her hands, quickly and skillfully helping her fasten her seat belt, as if she often does this...

Cheng Hanlei felt inexplicably acidic about Lei Chenyi's proficient movements. It goes without saying who trained him for such proficiency.

"You are so skilled, Mayor Lei."

There was a touch of sarcasm in that voice. In fact, these words should not have been said, but the sour words were accidentally uttered from his mouth, and it was too late to take them back.

"The only thing I can do is this one sitting next to me."

When he was fastened and sitting upright, Lei Chenyi spoke lightly.However, the corners of his mouth were raised a little. If it was the case before, he would be displeased, but now it sounds pleasant to his ears no matter what...

"Who asked you this?"

Cheng Hanlei's heart tightened, but her small mouth spoke forcefully, don't be overly annoyed by the sour words she just said.Lei Chenyi didn't say much, but that chuckle still made the temperature on Cheng Hanlei's face rise a bit.

Then, the car drove on the road smoothly, watching Lei Chenyi drive the car as if he had lived in the United States for a long time.Originally, he was still waiting for Lei Chenyi to make a fool of himself, but now seeing Lei Chenyi's familiar appearance, he couldn't help pursing his lips.After driving for more than ten minutes, Cheng Hanlei suddenly realized that the route was wrong.

"Lei Chenyi, my company is not here."


"Don't rush to drive if you don't know the way."

"Go to the hospital."

The clouds are clear...

Cheng Hanlei frowned at such insipid words, when did she say she was going to the hospital.What's more, why go to the hospital without pain or illness?

"I have a meeting in the morning, Lei Chenyi, turn left immediately."

"You have a cold body. It's not a small problem to have pain every time. There are professional gynecologists in the hospital. I have asked Zuo to find a few Chinese herbalists in China. After returning to China, I will go and have a look."

"Lei Chenyi, I said I can't go to the hospital, turn left ahead. Why do you order me with this tone, you have seriously interfered with my life. I know whether I need to go to the hospital, I don't need you Make the decision for me."

Cheng Hanlei's temper couldn't help rising, even though she knew that he was doing it for her own good, she really couldn't afford this kind of kindness.Don't think that if she just explained a few words, said a few nice words, and suppressed her temper, she should let him lead her away again...

Lei Chenyi heard Cheng Hanlei's slightly raised voice, but his facial expression remained unchanged.Still looking ahead intently, he clasped his hands on the steering wheel and turned right, heading towards the hospital.

"Lei Chenyi, did you hear me when I said stop!"

Seeing that Lei Chenyi didn't react at all, Cheng Hanlei's anger seemed to hit a soft object, and she bounced back with all her strength.It made her angry and didn't start, and she felt baffled when she was angry.

After two more turns, the car stopped.


Already at the gate of the hospital, more than half an hour before work...

"If you hurry up, there's still time."

While getting off the car, Lei Chenyi nonchalantly spoke to Cheng Hanlei who was sitting on the side...

Cheng Hanlei almost gritted her teeth and walked in together with Lei Chenyi. This hospital actually set up a Chinese medicine clinic.Cheng Hanlei didn't think dysmenorrhea was a big deal at first, but in the end the dispute was just a waste of time.After sitting down, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine with the same yellow skin came out, took Cheng Hanlei's pulse, and then gave a few needles.Then I reminded some daily things to pay attention to, and prescribed some traditional Chinese medicine by the way, saying that I drank the conditioning and conditioning, and my body was too cold.It is best to rest more during menstruation in the future, otherwise it will only get worse...

Lei Chenyi carried the medicines, and the two walked out of the hospital one after the other.


Cheng Hanlei ignored Lei Chenyi and walked straight forward.

When he was about to walk to the car, Lei Chenyi seemed to hesitate for a while, and said hesitantly: "Your pants are dirty."

This is an embarrassment that all women have encountered, but Cheng Hanlei has not had this embarrassment for a long time, and she has already tidied up before going out.It's only been a while, how did it get on the pants.A burst of hot air rushed straight to his forehead, and he stood there, frozen and at a loss.No matter how close they were to Lei Chenyi before, they have nothing to do with each other after all.In front of a man, this made Cheng Hanlei feel really awkward.

Standing there, I felt that the eyes of people entering the hospital were looking at her from time to time.Cheng Hanlei felt the embarrassment she hadn't felt in a long time. Lei Chenyi took a step forward, and the coat was easily wrapped around her waist, tied a simple knot, and then opened the car door with one hand.Cheng Hanlei was extremely embarrassed at the moment, so she sat in without thinking.

I'm embarrassed to go shopping for clothes like this, but in the end I can only compromise and go home to change clothes first.Putting on her coat, Cheng Hanlei rushed into the room as soon as she got home.

After a few minutes……

"Lei Chenyi, is it fun? Is playing with me really that fun?"

Cheng Hanlei, who rushed out, couldn't hide her anger on her small face.I was in an embarrassing state along the way just now, and I couldn't pretend to be calm when faced with this situation.When I rushed into the bathroom and took off my clothes, I found that the clothes were clean and not dirty at all.It was obvious that Lei Chenyi was playing tricks on her, from the beginning to the end, he just wanted to play tricks on her.

Lei Chenyi was putting down the medicine when he heard the question behind him.Turning sideways, he looked at the angry eyes standing at the door of the room.Turning around, Lei Chenyi's eyes were bottomless.So, looking at Cheng Hanlei.Looking at that look, Cheng Hanlei felt a strange feeling in his heart.His eyes, as if her words, hurt him.Even though his facial expression is so calm, there is a feeling of suffocation in the deep Wang Wang...

"Tricking you? I came all the way to the United States to play tricks on you? Cheng Hanlei, I have so much time."

There was no anger, not even the voice.But that look was like a thorn, and Cheng Hanlei stood where he was.He couldn't answer the conversation for a long time, so he watched Lei Chenyi take the medicine and walked into the kitchen, stopped at the door of the kitchen and said indifferently: "Just now the doctor told you that you are cold, and you need enough rest to replenish your energy during menstruation. You The problem is already very serious now, if you don’t pay attention, the consequences will only get worse. You don’t cherish your body, someone cherishes it. I’ve already asked for leave for you, and Wang Yalan’s company won’t collapse just because you take a day off.”

Lei Chenyi's voice was neither loud nor soft, echoing in the quiet space.Cheng Hanlei stood there, always feeling that she was quite eloquent, but now, facing Lei Chenyi's words, she couldn't catch a word...

In fact, deep down in her heart, she knew very well whether Lei Chenyi was playing or serious... It's just... can she believe it?In the same place, she didn't want to fall down again.Again, she wondered if she could get up again...

In the end, no more words were spoken.I just got a few needles, and my body seems a little tired.In fact, in the past few years, even if I have been paying attention to my body.But it is inevitable to stay up late, even if you let yourself eat well, but sleep and a lot of mental consumption.Before and after menstruation, there will always be dizziness and cold sweats.Every month, I often wake up in cold sweat in the middle of the night, and my hands and feet are often cold, like the ice of a thousand years...

Because I want to make myself better, I actually have no time to take care of these.If it wasn't because Lei Chenyi made her go to the hospital in such a way, she wouldn't have gone at all...

Silently turned around and walked back to the room. At this moment, I felt that I didn't know what to say other than being silent...

Lie on the bed and pull on the quilt and close your eyes...

A few minutes later, there was a sound outside the door.Lei Chenyi walked in with a bowl of medicine in his hand, walked to the bedside with a blank expression and passed the medicine over...

"Drink before going to bed."

Opening his eyes, he looked at Lei Chenyi's big hand and the bowl in his hand.

Inexplicable emotions spread in the chest...

He reached out to take it, wrinkled his nose and drank the Chinese medicine he hated.The warm concoction was swallowed into the stomach with the unpleasant smell and unchanging bitterness, and the brows were almost knotted.The bowl in his hand had already been taken away, Lei Chenyi turned around without further words.Looking aside, there was a bag of candied fruit on the bedside table at some point...

I took one and fed it into my mouth, but I couldn't say thank you in my throat.Until Lei Chenyi walked to the door, and when he opened the door with his hand, the door closed with a very soft sound.In Cheng Hanlei's mouth, there is still that sweet and greasy feeling circling on the tongue buds, but a place in the heart seems to be torn open...

Slowly spreading, did her attitude really hurt him...

Is he—— Lei Chenyi, a man who can get hurt so easily?He was never the only one who hurt others. Once upon a time, he would be hurt by others?


I don't know if it's because of the medicine and the injection, but Cheng Hanlei fell into a deep sleep after a while.She vaguely felt someone coming in and approaching her.The eyelids are heavy and cannot be opened.While struggling to wake up or not, the man whispered something in his ear, and left soon.Then Cheng Hanlei fell asleep again, and not long after, she heard the sound of the door again, Cheng Hanlei frowned and opened her eyes, her first reaction was that she thought it was Lei Chenyi...

Let her rest, going in and out like this, whether to let her rest...

I didn't sleep well, and my face looked a little strange.

"Han Lei? Why are you at home? Are you feeling unwell?"

An Ran turned on the light, lighting up the somewhat dark room with the curtains drawn.The sudden bright light made Cheng Hanlei, who was lying on the bed, narrow her eyes slightly, and the expression on her face was visibly relaxed when she heard An Ran's voice...

As soon as I relaxed, I thought of a very real problem, Lei Chenyi...

Without answering An Ran's question, he looked behind An Ran...

"What's the matter? What are you looking at?"

An Ran followed Cheng Hanlei's gaze and looked behind her, asking in confusion.


Judging by An Ran's expression, he doesn't seem to be there...

"I feel a little uncomfortable, so I asked for leave to rest."

"Where is it uncomfortable? Is it serious?"

When An Ran heard that Cheng Hanlei was uncomfortable, she immediately stepped forward nervously, reaching out to lean on Cheng Hanlei's forehead.The seriousness on his face is hard to hide...

"It's just that a good thing is coming, it's a little false."

Seeing An Ran's nervous face, Cheng Hanlei explained with a chuckle.

An Ran breathed a sigh of relief, walked over and opened the curtains and said, "I'll pick up Anze and Beibei tonight, shall we go out to eat or eat at home?"

"Let's eat at home, there are a lot of dishes at home."

There are still a lot of vegetables that Lei Chenyi bought yesterday in the refrigerator.


An Ran agreed, and the curtains were pulled open.Cheng Hanlei fell asleep, perhaps because of the effect of the medicine.The body is obviously not so uncomfortable, and those few needles seem to be really helpful.Wake up and prepare to make the bed...

"Han Lei..."


Cheng Hanlei was still pulling the quilt with one hand, when she heard An Ran call her when she folded back, she raised her head to look at An Ran.When she saw that An Ran's eyes did not stop on her face, but on the quilt.Confused, she followed An Ran's eyes and looked down, but when her gaze was fixed on the quilt, it should be precisely said on her wrist, the expression on Cheng Hanlei's face froze...


Isn't this Liu Ma's white jade bracelet?Didn't you give it to Xia Ruoyu?When did it get on your wrist?A hazy memory flashed through his brain, not long after he fell asleep, he felt someone coming in.There was a chill on his wrist, but he was fast asleep and didn't want to open his eyes.At this time, looking at the white jade bracelet on his wrist, he felt all kinds of complicated feelings in his heart.

"Han Lei, what's wrong?"

An Ran saw a white jade bracelet on Cheng Hanlei's wrist, which looked familiar.Just as she was about to ask what was going on, she saw Cheng Hanlei staring at the jade bracelet in a daze for a while, then suddenly put down the quilt, immediately went to the closet, took the clothes and began to change.

"It's okay, I'll go out for a while."

Cheng Hanlei quickly changed into her clothes, ignoring makeup and arranging her hair, and directly took the hat and put it on.Walking out in a hurry, the airport...

"Han Lei."

When An Ran chased her out, Cheng Hanlei had already left the door, only to see the closed door...


In the elevator, Cheng Hanlei confirmed Lei Chenyi's flight.Glancing at the time, he quickened his pace.

When I rushed to the airport, I watched the people coming and going at the airport.

Among the tall figures, a figure still had a strong sense of existence.People coming and going, standing in the airport hall, can see that figure at a glance.Cheng Hanlei saw some people surrounding her, so she immediately walked over.There are still 10 to [-] minutes before the plane to S City, and they have almost passed the security check, but the man who came half an hour earlier, has been standing at the airport as if waiting for something...

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