the president's wife

Chapter 263: Get used to it

Chapter 263: The person who is used to the bed is already asleep, and the person who has been leaning on the side opens his eyes that have not fallen asleep, and the inside is clear.He lifted the quilt with one hand and got out of bed...

Footsteps, silently.The door opened, creaked, and then Lei Chenyi's figure walked freely in the living room.When standing still at the door of Cheng Hanlei's room, he clasped the doorknob with his hand and turned it lightly, and it was indeed locked...

There was a deep look in his eyes, his big hand reached into the pocket of his coat, and when his fingers touched lightly, there was a little metallic sound...


His sense of presence was too strong, but the moment he stayed in the room, it seemed that the whole room was already filled with his aura.Lingering in the breath, tossing and turning.Even if the door has been locked, even if he is in Beibei's room.But he couldn't help thinking about Beibei's small bed, how his limbs stretched...

Shaking his head, he shook everything about Lei Chenyi out of his mind, the more he shook, the clearer he became...

In fact, those words are the clearest in my mind.Running in his head like a single track, his behavior was intentional, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it.It is because she knows what he wants to do that Cheng Hanlei has such a complicated contradiction in her heart.Just turned around in the contradiction for half an hour...


Cheng Hanlei got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom...

Back on the bed again, Cheng Hanlei pulled the quilt to cover herself, closed her eyes, didn't dare to think about anything, her mind kept hypnotizing to go to sleep, the door was locked, it didn't matter.Under constant hypnosis, this time, he soon fell asleep in a daze.

The door was turned with the sound of a key being inserted into the hole, and then the door was twisted and slowly opened.Lei Chenyi's eyes were precisely locked on the bed in the darkness, he took a step, and closed the door with one hand, with a click, it was the sound of the lock falling.He approached the bed with catlike steps, sat down, and the bed sank deeply.

From the darkness at the beginning, after walking in, the faint light in the curtain was enough for him to see the figure lying on the bed clearly.

The figure curled up into a ball, four years later, she is still in this sleeping position.Always curled up into a ball, as if seeking a sense of security.The face was pressed against the pillow, half of the palm-sized face was sunk deep in the soft pillow, and the long black hair fell straight down, a few strands covered the cheeks, and most of it was scattered on the snow-white pillow, forming a A sub-visual impact...

The quilt was tightly wrapped around her body, making her look even smaller and slender...

Supporting the side of the bed with one hand, she brushed away the hair that covered Cheng Hanlei's small face with the other.When the covered cheeks slowly appeared in front of his eyes, Lei Chenyi slowly lowered his head.The image that was only hazy just now became clearer and clearer as the head got closer and closer.The heavy breath sprayed on her small face, with a feeling of itching.

With only remaining reason, when he saw Cheng Hanlei's expression, he immediately turned sideways and turned on the light with one hand...

With the sudden bright light, the face is no longer hazy, but clearly imprinted in the eyes.Cheng Hanlei, who was lying on the bed, had no blood on her face, and the broken hair on her forehead was drenched with sweat.The little face was wrinkled into a ball, and the whole person was still asleep.


Lei Chenyi was startled, and immediately stretched out his hand to pat Cheng Hanlei's small face, pulled off the quilt, and hugged Cheng Hanlei.Only then did I realize that Cheng Hanlei's hand was covering her stomach, and Cheng Hanlei, who was uncomfortable in the dream, just shed some cold sweat.And being woken up suddenly, the brain clearly received the pain from the abdomen...

The warmth behind her, and the unmistakable face at close range.The bursts of pain made Cheng Hanlei, who woke up, gasp in pain, and pressed her abdomen even tighter.

"Leilei, what's the matter?"

Lei Chenyi's voice was a little unsteady, he hugged Cheng Hanlei even tighter, and pressed his hands to her face, apart from sweat, there was no fever.But that expression was clearly as if he was being tortured by ten great torturers.For a while, I was a little anxious.

There was a flame burning in Cheng Hanlei's heart, and her complexion was even worse in pain.I just found out that something was going on, so I immediately went to the bathroom to get ready, lay on the bed and immediately fell asleep without distracting thoughts.In the past, if it was daytime, she would take medicine immediately.But this time it happened to be night, and there was no need to stay up late to work.Cheng Hanlei wanted to go to sleep immediately without taking medicine.

Now fell asleep and was woken up.The flames in his heart were soaring, and his face became more and more ugly.


"go out."

Gritting her teeth, Cheng Hanlei turned over and backed away from Lei Chenyi's arms, and curled up again.Biting her lip and covering her stomach, she prepared to get out of bed and take medicine...

A pair of big hands wrapped around her waist and brought her into his arms again.The other hand was ready to hug her horizontally, and said while moving, "Go to the hospital."

In Lei Chenyi's cognition, the pain was so severe even though he was covering his abdomen with his hands.It should be acute appendicitis. Seeing that she is in such pain, she still looks like she is not going to the hospital.He couldn't help but his voice became a little colder, and his hand movements became stronger.

Cheng Hanlei was already dying of pain, but her mind was very clear.As soon as he heard that he was going to the hospital, he looked at Lei Chenyi with the eyes of a neuropathy, shrank to one side, looked at Lei Chenyi with a frown and said, "No."

While backing away, he wanted to get out of bed again.Medicine, she urgently needs it now.Eating one second earlier means less pain.

Seeing that Cheng Hanlei was in such pain, Lei Chenyi was still stubbornly refusing to say anything, and his face became even more gloomy.

"must go."

The sound fell, and Cheng Hanlei was rolled back into his arms again.

"I said I'm not going."

Cheng Hanlei was in so much pain that she couldn't bear the pain, she swung Lei Chenyi away with all her strength, and didn't care about putting on her shoes.Covering his belly with one hand, he bent over and walked towards the drawer.

"Cheng Hanlei, you have to watch me for a while. You are in such pain. If you don't go to the hospital for surgery, you really want to die of pain, don't you?"

Seeing Cheng Hanlei's waywardness, Lei Chenyi's tone became more and more bad.Looking at her bare feet again, her eyes became deeper and deeper.Without his warning, I even forgot to wear slippers.Forcibly hugged Cheng Hanlei who had walked a few steps into her arms, picked up the coat hanging there with one hand, wrapped it around Cheng Hanlei, and walked out with a solemn expression.

Cheng Hanlei was hugged horizontally, her face was so pale that she hadn't realized the meaning of the so-called surgery...

"Surgery? What surgery?"

Lei Chenyi had already walked to the door of the room, and regretted that he had locked it in an insignificant way just now.Holding Cheng Hanlei in one hand, and opening the door with an extra program in the other.

"It's a small operation, just cut it off, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Lei Chenyi thought that it reminded Cheng Hanlei of the bad memories before, so his heart tightened immediately, and his voice softened from the coldness just now.

Cut off, cut off what?Cheng Hanlei looked at Lei Chenyi's serious face, and her face turned even paler.

"What do you want me to cut?"

Lei Chenyi had already opened the door, looking at Cheng Hanlei who was in such pain and was still babbling endlessly.The body held in his arms, the clothes on his body were already soaked.Afraid that this would cause her body to catch the wind and cold, her body is not good in the first place, so she couldn't help but tighten the coat on him...

"The cecum."


Was her cecum in his way?When Cheng Hanlei heard these two words, she was really stunned.Holding Lei Chenyi's clothes with his hands, he looked at Lei Chenyi as if he was looking at a monster.Even the pain was temporarily forgotten, he actually thought she had appendicitis...

"Lei Chenyi..."

"Shut up, you have to go to the hospital."

Lei Chenyi interrupted Cheng Hanlei's words impatiently because of worry, and walked out, whispering, not wanting to wake up the two children inside.Before taking two steps, I was just confused, why did Cheng Hanlei shut up so obediently, thinking that she was fainted from pain, who knew that as soon as she lowered her head, she saw Cheng Hanlei's eyes looking at him like an idiot...

He paused, frowning slightly...

"Mr. Lei Chenyi, I have dysmenorrhea. Are you going to take me to the hospital and have my uterus cut?"

That voice was squeezed out from between the teeth.


There are very few people in this world who can instantly kill Lei Chenyi.And Cheng Hanlei was honored to give Lei Chenyi a second glance, seeing Lei Chenyi's petrified expression in that instant...

Men, women, all know what dysmenorrhea is all about.But he didn't seem to see Cheng Hanlei's dysmenorrhea, so...

"I've never seen you hurt before."

Lei Chenyi turned back in embarrassment, turned back to the room, and closed the door.After putting Cheng Hanlei back on the bed, she covered up the embarrassment caused by her oolong with a deadpan face.

"Before, you would only take off my clothes."

What Cheng Hanlei said was not a deliberate accusation, but just stating a fact.But hearing Lei Chenyi's ears, his face changed slightly.Thinking of the time the two spent together, indeed, most of the time was in bed.And other times, it happened to be when she was normal.The only time something happened, it has already come.So never seen her so...

"Does it hurt like this every time?"

Seeing the pitiful little face that was already pale, Lei Chenyi's throat was a little dry, and there was an inexplicable feeling of guilt churning in his heart.

"got used to."

Those three words were like a heavy hammer hitting Lei Chenyi's heart.

"I'll pour you a glass of hot water."

Lei Chenyi found too many words, unable to express anything...

Leave a word, turn around and walk out.Cheng Hanlei is in so much pain that she is in no mood to tell him no, she really needs water.Without Lei Chenyi's mischief, Cheng Hanlei walked directly to the drawer, took the medicine she had always wanted to take in her hand, and just turned back to the bed, peeled off two pills, just in time, Lei Chenyi was holding hot water Push the door and come in.

At a glance, she saw the medicine on the bedside table and the two capsule-shaped pills in her hand.

After a few strides, Cheng Hanlei was about to reach out to catch the water, but the medicine in her hand was immediately taken away before the water was received.Unprepared, the medicine just fell into his big hand, put the water aside, and picked up the one on the table.Then he went straight to the drawer and rummaged through it.After confirming it, he turned around and walked into the bathroom.

Shocked by this series of actions, Cheng Hanlei saw that Lei Chenyi took all the pain-saving medicines into the bathroom. When he realized it, Lei Chenyi had already reached the door of the bathroom...

"Lei Chenyi, what are you doing...Give me the medicine..."

As soon as my feet landed and I stood up, I heard the sound of the toilet in the bathroom...

Then Lei Chenyi's figure appeared in sight, as if nothing had happened, completely unaware of what heinous thing he did just now.Does he know how important medicine is to her now? Does he know how painful she is without medicine?This man... is too much...

"Lei Chenyi!"

Cheng Hanlei's eyes widened, she looked at Lei Chenyi, with those eyes, she wished that Lei Chenyi could be swallowed up.Lei Chenyi walked over as if nothing had happened, stretched out his hand, seemingly gentle but with coercive force, to press Cheng Hanlei's shoulder and sit her on the bed.Cheng Hanlei was in pain and angry, and Lei Chenyi almost forcibly pressed her back on the bed and pulled the quilt back.

While moving, he said: "No more medicine is allowed in the future. The medicine has side effects and is not good for your health. I will ask you to prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine for you to drink in the future. Don't stare at me, the medicine is gone."


Cheng Hanlei held her breath in her heart, and she didn't even have the strength to argue right now.He could only cover his hands as if venting his anger, turned his face away and ignored Lei Chenyi, pressed his lower abdomen tightly with one hand, pulled up the quilt with the other to cover his face, and said coldly: "I'm going to sleep, get out."

No strength to make noise, and severe pain.Cheng Hanlei closed her eyes and turned her back to Lei Chenyi.

Standing aside, Lei Chenyi didn't respond to Cheng Hanlei's words that were almost venting his anger, but turned around and left.

The room was quiet, Cheng Hanlei held her stomach, the pain became worse.His eye sockets were involuntarily wet, and he curled up tightly, wishing someone would knock him out immediately.But it hurts, the more I want to sleep, the more I can't sleep.I hate Lei Chenyi so much that I really wish I had the strength to throw him into the toilet and suck it away, to the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, whichever ocean is fine, as long as I don't appear in front of her again...

Constantly slandering and talking, Cheng Hanlei's brain became more and more clear.Because he was sober, the sound of opening the door was very clear.Hearing the sound of the door being twisted, Cheng Hanlei's anger, which was so painful that she couldn't sleep, wanted to vent all her anger on Lei Chenyi.

Seeing that he came in again without knowing what to do, he immediately turned around and stared fiercely at Lei Chenyi...

"I tell you to get out, don't appear in front of me..."

Before the words finished, when he saw the steaming bowl in Lei Chenyi's hand, he could smell the familiar smell in the air.

In a daze, Lei Chenyi had already walked over.Cheng Hanlei watched as Lei Chenyi carefully held the bowl in his hand and walked over step by step.Smelling the scent, he already knew what he was holding.

Sit down and put it aside.

"Drink some of this, it is said to be useful on the Internet."

The first time he went out just now, he checked it with his ipad and knew it was useful.Although I haven't done it, but follow it, it can be considered to be done.The strong smell of ginger spread out in front of her nose, and Cheng Hanlei looked at the brown water in front of her.He frowned and turned his head away.

"Don't drink, take it out."

"Cheng Hanlei, I don't mind feeding you the way I like."

Seeing Cheng Hanlei shrinking there, she muttered in protest.Threatened bluntly, Cheng Hanlei's body froze, and she didn't know why she just remembered what he said he liked.Obviously everything before has been dusted, but at this time, it is so easy to remember...

He pursed his lips, hating the smell of ginger.Especially this boiled ginger, he was really abusing her.

Seeing Cheng Hanlei's compromise, Lei Chenyi stretched out his arms to hug Cheng Hanlei, took the brown sugar and ginger water aside with one hand, scooped up a spoon, and brought a spoonful to Cheng Hanlei's mouth...

Frowning, he opened his mouth as if he was going to die, took a sip and swallowed it directly.That expression was so ferocious that Lei Chenyi felt that what he was holding in his hand was poison.

"Don't like ginger?"

Cheng Hanlei didn't answer, she just wanted to finish her drink quickly and settle down.

The hot but not hot brown sugar ginger water enters the stomach, bringing a warm feeling.The coldness in the body has obviously receded a little bit. Although the effect of pain relief has not been achieved, the person is obviously a little more comfortable.After drinking a bowl, he heard Lei Chenyi's voice obviously softer and asked: "Is it better?"


Not knowing what to say to such Lei Chenyi, Cheng Hanlei could only lie down and close her eyes, pretending to be dead.

Xi Suo's voice, and after a while, he heard the sound of opening the wardrobe.Squinting her eyes slightly, she watched Lei Chenyi walking over with her pajamas.Immediately he said defensively, "What are you doing?"

"What can I do in your current situation?"

This is a bit suffocating.Staying with all my heart, preparing to succeed at night, everything is ready, I only owe this east wind, who knows that the east wind has not come, and there will be an incident...

Cheng Hanlei pursed her lips, what he said was true.It was also because of this that she felt a little relieved just before going to bed.Don't worry about him finding a way to break in, as expected, he didn't miss his wretchedness...

"Lei Chenyi, will you let me sleep peacefully? I'm so uncomfortable."

"Change your clothes and go to bed."

Lei Chenyi persisted in tugging on Cheng Hanlei's clothes.

"Need not."

"Change, don't think that if I can't move you, there is no other way..."

Lei Chenyi's hand was unbuttoning Cheng Hanlei's pajamas, and Cheng Hanlei's hand was still clasped on his wrist. Hearing Lei Chenyi's suggestive words, two red clouds could not help floating on his painfully pale eyes.

"My whole body, even with my eyes closed, I know what it looks like, what's awkward."

While taking off Cheng Hanlei's clothes, who had obviously resigned to his fate, Lei Chenyi stated the facts with his mouth.

"To shut up."

Cheng Hanlei was embarrassed, what was this man thinking about every day...

"I miss your taste..."

Changing her clothes was simply torturing herself.

Ask for it.

Lei Chenyi's comment to himself...

Cheng Hanlei's stiff body finally relaxed at the moment, she immediately lay down, pulled the quilt to cover herself and closed her eyes.

She thought Lei Chenyi would voluntarily leave, but Cheng Hanlei's curled up body suddenly felt that the quilt behind her was pulled away, and before she could react, a familiar warmth had already stuck to her back.His strong chest was pressed against her back, a natural fit.The familiar heat and warmth, because in the quilt, I felt the scorching heat immediately.

Sticking to his chest, he could even feel his rhythmic heartbeat, which was out of rhythm, and he actually went to his own bed...

Her small face was stained with anger, her hands left her lower abdomen, and she was about to turn around and kick Lei Chenyi off the bed, but at that moment, a pair of warm big hands took the place of her little hands just now, massaging rhythmically.

His hand may be very hot because of his hand, and through the thin sleepiness he deliberately held, it is no different from directly sticking to the skin...

The angry sound didn't have a chance to come out in his throat, but after Lei Chenyi put it on, he immediately began to gently massage back and forth.The hot hand, with just the right strength, pressed her belly rhythmically and patiently.I don't know if it's because he just drank the hot brown sugar and ginger water, or because his massage is really comfortable, and the pain in his lower abdomen seems to have really eased.At least it's not as painful as it was when I just woke up...

The words were swallowed.

Eyes, or slowly closed.At this moment, she couldn't resist such warmth.Behind him was the familiar breath of a man.And his body exists in a posture that surrounds her, like a big barrier, allowing her to temporarily stop and rest, rest without burden...

Lei Chenyi sticks behind Cheng Hanlei, it may not be said that he has no distracting thoughts, but his thoughts are all on her.Pay attention to the strength in your hands, but I don't know if it will help.It just crossed my mind to do so and I did it.Seeing Cheng Hanlei leaning against his arms obediently, even though everything just now was troublesome, but the result at this time still made him twitch the corners of his lips. He found that he didn't feel any impatience bearing such a burden. On the contrary, there is a lot of willingness...

night, already deep.The person in his arms finally fell asleep peacefully. Seeing that there was no painful expression on his little face, Lei Chenyi wanted to sleep but couldn't.It was finally hugged in my arms, but I couldn't do anything.This is comparable to the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty...

Cheng Hanlei slept soundly all night, but Lei Chenyi was tortured so sleepless all night, he couldn't even take a cold shower, afraid of waking Cheng Hanlei if he moved, so he could only bear it all night.I never thought that one day he would compromise so much for a woman, without a trace of unwillingness...


In the early morning, Cheng Hanlei had a good night's sleep.Waking up amidst the protesting sound of my stomach, I just opened my eyes and saw a magnified handsome face in front of me...

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