the president's wife

Chapter 25: Falling

Chapter 25: The fall seemed to be swept by low pressure, and Cheng Hanlei, who was hiding in the closet, was breathing hard.Lei Chenyi's familiar voice floated in his ears, did he... find himself?

The hand was clasped tightly on the snow-white knee, and it was tightened forcefully, leaving fingerprints, obviously struggling to die...

don't move, don't speak...

The outside sound seemed to disappear, and after Lei Chenyi spoke, there was silence.

Sure enough, didn't you find it?

Just as self-deceiving thoughts flooded into my mind, the closed wardrobe door was suddenly pulled open.

Cheng Hanlei, who had been hypnotizing herself with her head down, felt the sudden bright light, raised her head in panic and looked towards the light source, and her panicked eyes directly hit Lei Chenyi.

Her lips twitched, trying to say something, but when she saw Lei Chenyi's gloomy gaze, Cheng Hanlei shrank subconsciously, and pulled her coat even tighter. coat.

Lei Chenyi didn't expect to see such an exciting scene when he opened the closet. Cheng Hanlei sat in the closet with her knees bent, her coat could only cover her upper body...

Her untied hair hung loose over her shoulders, and the water dripped through her clothes, sticking to her back.The bottom of the hair was still dripping with water, one drop, two drops, and finally it slid down silently. The scene inexplicably made Lei Chenyi's throat tighten, and a stream of heat flowed through his body following the scene in front of him. I forgot my anger just now...


Cheng Hanlei, who was shivering, suddenly felt that her shoulders were firmly clasped, and then pulled over with a strong force, Cheng Hanlei's slender body was directly pulled out of the closet and fell to the ground.

His knee hit the ground directly, and Lei Chenyi's brows did not even move at the crisp sound.

The pain swept over, and it was conceivable that the knee would be bruised and purple again tomorrow.

Biting her lower lip, she didn't dare to make a sound.It's just that after being pulled out of the closet, he quickly pulled his coat, trying to cover his exposed skin, the more he pulled, the more he exposed.

The feeling of embarrassment made Cheng Hanlei's body tremble slightly. Even though it was covered by some clothes at this time, but being looked down by Lei Chenyi, the feeling of being naked made Cheng Hanlei couldn't help lowering her eyelids...

"Who allowed you to come in?"

Cheng Hanlei's body reflexively flinched from the voice that could not be heard in anger.Carefully tightening his clothes, he stood up slowly, lowered his head, and whispered, "I'm sorry... I... didn't mean it... I'm going out right now."

Taking small steps backwards, Cheng Hanlei just took two small steps when she felt a strong breath sweeping over her instantly, and reflexively stepped back even more to avoid that aggressive movement.

Guessing to step back, Lei Chenyi's hand had already clasped her shoulders. The moment Cheng Hanlei stepped back, Cheng Hanlei felt her hand tightening her clothes, and it was too late to tighten them any more. In this way, Lei Chenyi vigorously pulled her away from her body.

The naked self, and the well-dressed man behind him...

Such a comparison, as if she is a very lowly woman.

"Jianren's daughter is full of cheapness..."

I don't know why such a sentence suddenly flashed in my mind, and the emotion in my body became a touch of irony...

She is not trampling, and her mother is not...

I don't know where the strength came from, Cheng Hanlei leaned on the mirror with one hand and slammed back vigorously, her body quickly bounced to one side, when Lei Chenyi was surprised, she quickly picked up the clothes on the other side, and didn't care to put them on, just Quickly ran towards the door.

Wrapping clothes while running, legs are still weak, tears are still rolling in the eyes, that feeling is not only insulted, but more...

Lei Chenyi was still propped on the wardrobe with one hand, and looked at Cheng Hanlei who had already arrived at the door. When he was pushed away at that moment, he saw the tears rolling out of her eyes, and the sight through the mirror , that touch of self-disgust and a touch of incomprehensible emotions.

In his heart, he was inexplicably depressed, and just watched Cheng Hanlei open the door and rush out.

The door closes lightly.

The air flow in the air was driven by Cheng Hanlei's running, and the delicate fragrance rushed into her nose even more.

Standing on the same spot, Lei Chenyi looked at his already heightened desire|desire. Since she accidentally bumped into him that day, he has been a little astonished by her influence on his body.

Although he is only 21 years old, but because he needs to enter politics in the future, he has learned how to hide his emotions slowly since he was 16 years old.

It seemed that the soft touch still remained between the fingers. Without Cheng Hanlei in her arms, the desire did not subside, but became more intense.

Stepping back to the table, he stretched out his hand towards his uncomfortable place...


Rushing into her small room, Cheng Hanlei quickly closed the door, her legs trembling limply, unable to bear the weight of her body.

Seeming to have exhausted all her strength, Cheng Hanlei only felt her legs go limp, and her whole body collapsed to the ground.

The body still seemed to be burning hot, and the temperature with electricity attached to his back seemed to still remain.

The uncontrolled tears just now seemed to turn on a switch when they rolled out of the eye sockets. Uncontrollable, like a faucet turned on, the lacrimal glands collapsed in an instant, and the tears gushed out of the eye sockets quickly like pearls with broken strings. Roll down the beautiful cheeks.

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