the president's wife

Chapter 024: Grinding

Chapter 024: The eye-grinding injury was so obvious, Cheng Hanlei suddenly withdrew her hand.Lei Chenyi's heart tightened, but he didn't reach out to hold Cheng Hanlei's hand again.He just looked at Cheng Hanlei's injured face with a cold face, and added: "You know why Shangguanjue left in the first place. He is not a child, and he already has peony by his side. Peony will take good care of Shangguanjue, and he doesn't need you at all. Come worry."

"Cheng Hanlei, the three children and I are the ones you need to worry about, not Shangguanjue. Your excessive intervention will only add trouble to their lives. If you just want to show your concern and care for Shangguanjue. I'll book a ticket for you tomorrow, and if you can't wait all night, I can book a ticket for you right now, so you can go to Japan right away, and let you go and see if your Shangguan Jue is okay."

As Lei Chenyi said, he reached out and took the phone on the side, ready to call the secretary's phone to book a plane ticket.

Lei Chenyi had never spoken to Cheng Hanlei in such a tone since he got married, and the incomprehension between the words made Cheng Hanlei extremely uncomfortable.Just looking at Lei Chenyi like this, meeting his cold gaze.

She just wanted to ask his opinion and discuss with him.Why if he has this attitude, she is just worried about Jue. Is this wrong?

Snatching the phone from Lei Chenyi's hand with one hand, Cheng Hanlei's eyes turned red.Throwing the phone aside, stood up and walked to the bathroom in silence.After a while, the sound of water came from the bathroom. Lei Chenyi leaned on the bed, looked at the phone that was thrown on the bed, and silently reached out to pick it up and put it aside.His gaze turned to the bathroom again, the dark colors in his eyes were flowing, his thin lips were tightly pursed...

When Cheng Hanlei came out of the bathroom, Lei Chenyi had already fallen asleep with his back to her.The bedside lamp on his side had already been turned off, and she was standing there in her pajamas, all she could see was Lei Chenyi's back.

There was a pause in the movement of wiping his hair, his eyes seemed to be pierced even more, it was extremely uncomfortable.

He took a deep breath, dried his hair and lay down on the bed.Lying flat as usual, but Lei Chenyi didn't turn around and hugged him to pull her into his arms.There is no goodnight kiss, no passionate pestering for her.There is no good night, only a cold back.

This can be regarded as the most serious cold war after marriage. The two usually quarreled, but he gave way to him.

I can only let him hold her, and fall asleep tiredly.When I woke up the next day, I saw his smiling face and good morning kiss, and the conflict was resolved in this way.But tonight...

Accustomed to him coaxing herself, Cheng Hanlei silently pursed her lips facing Lei Chenyi's cold back.

Is she really wrong?

She was just worried about Jue...

She didn't want to abandon him and the child, why did a mistake make such a deep mark in his heart.Hurt yourself with such words, knowing that he said this, she will feel pain...

With red eyes, Cheng Hanlei stared quietly for a few seconds before reaching out to turn off the light.He didn't take the initiative to hug Lei Chenyi, but put a little distance between the two of them, turned his back to Lei Chenyi, and closed his eyes.In the dark space, Lei Chenyi opened his eyes.The black eyes became brighter in the night, and she knew the expression on Cheng Hanlei's face behind her without turning around, and sighed in her heart...

Cheng Hanlei's tears rolled out silently. It turned out that the embrace she was used to in her marriage suddenly lost his warmth, so it was so cold...


The atmosphere of the breakfast was very strange, Cheng Beibei and Lei Zitong looked at each other.

"Mom, did you and Dad play games again last night?"

When they were young, Lei Chenyi and Cheng Hanlei sometimes worked too hard at night, causing their eyes to swell up in the morning, and they looked like they didn't have enough sleep.Being questioned by Nian Nian, Lei Chenyi would tell Lei Zitong solemnly in Cheng Hanlei's blushing face that he and Cheng Hanlei couldn't sleep at night and were playing games, and this game could only be played by two people.She clamored for her parents to take her to play together, and her father said that she could only play when she grew up.

Cheng Hanlei didn't get enough sleep, and her complexion was not very good.When he heard his daughter's question, he was slightly taken aback, and looked at Lei Chenyi reflexively.This time, Lei Chenyi just stared at the newspaper and didn't look at her.

Cheng Hanlei was stabbed in the heart again, and her complexion became even worse.Looking at Lei Zitong's full of curiosity, he put the breakfast in front of her and said, "Don't talk while eating."


"Eat breakfast obediently, you will be late for school."

Lei Chenyi reached out and touched Lei Zitong's small head, then turned his gaze to the newspaper.

Lei Zitong lowered his head to eat breakfast, looked at Cheng Beibei and asked for help.

Cheng Beibei was much older than Lei Zitong, seeing a scene that was once in a century.While eating breakfast, he said: "Eat breakfast obediently, don't talk."

Lei Zitong wrinkled his nose, and started with poached eggs as if to vent his anger.

Then, there was harmony and silence at the dining table, and the six words of eating, sleeping, and talking were carried forward to the extreme...

They have a cold war...

Cheng Hanlei heard Lei Chenyi say that I will send the children to school, and you go to the company by yourself.Then without giving her a chance to speak, she led the three children to school.Usually, the driver picks up and drops off, but today my father sent me off.The three children screamed excitedly, the two daughters pulled Lei Chenyi and Cheng Hanlei to say goodbye, and Lei Zixuan's eyes were shining brightly, and his admiration for his father became more and more intense with time.

Cheng Hanlei stood upstairs with a bag in her hand.Just stood there, eyes red.

"I have to work overtime at night."

With a short word, I hung up the phone.Cheng Hanlei is sitting in the office, how long has he not worked overtime for entertainment.She knew that he was angry, so he didn't want to go home with her.Cheng Hanlei stood up and drove back home.Auntie had already cooked the meal, and the three children were clamoring for hunger as soon as she came back.

After eating, everything is like a routine.Stay with the children, and then return to the room after the children are asleep.Lei Chenyi hasn't come back yet, it seems that since he got married, he has no record of not coming back after ten o'clock.Sitting on the bed, Cheng Hanlei watched Lei Chenyi's figure disappear from the big bed.

Time ticked by, and at twelve o'clock in the evening, the door opened.

Lei Chenyi stepped in and looked at the dark bedroom.Cheng Hanlei had already fallen asleep curled up with her back turned, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

Go to the bed, lift the quilt and lie down.Try to lighten your hands and feet as much as possible, with a faint smell of shower gel on your body.

Cheng Hanlei didn't move, feeling the warmth beside her.But the distance in the middle cannot be shortened no matter what.

It was another night, sleeping with my back facing.

Early next morning

Cheng Hanlei got up, and Lei Chenyi also got up.

"Where did you go last night, why is it so late?"

"Entertainment in the clubhouse."

"You said you wouldn't be back so late."

Cheng Hanlei's voice was a little low, she didn't wear high heels, so she had to raise her head to look at Lei Chenyi.Behind him was the sunlight that came in through the curtains, looking at his face, his eyes felt a little stinging.

Lei Chenyi didn't answer right away, but looked into Cheng Hanlei's eyes, then calmly turned away and walked, and when he passed by Cheng Hanlei's side, he said lightly...

"What you don't want is done to others. Everything is mutual. You remember what I said, so what about what you said?"

Cheng Hanlei's body was tense, and her heart was stabbed again.It's really uncomfortable for him to speak so yin and yang.

"Lei Chenyi."

Lei Chenyi's hand was already holding the doorknob, Cheng Hanlei bit her lip and turned around, grabbing Lei Chenyi.There was already moisture in the fundus of his eyes, and he looked at Lei Chenyi blushingly.His chest was heaving and he was obviously in a state of collapse, and the uncomfortable emotion was spreading in his heart.

"Anything else?"

The voice was cold, and Cheng Hanlei felt as if she had been thrown into an ice cellar.His hands and feet were extremely cold, and the hand holding Lei Chenyi trembled slightly.

"Are you going to fight me like this?"

"cold war?"

Lei Chenyi raised the corners of his lips slightly, the calmness in his eyes made Cheng Hanlei uncomfortable.

"You clearly know that I will care about Jue... I never thought about leaving you and the child to go to Japan, I was just worried..."

"I don't care what you want to do. About Shangguanjue, I have already said what I should say. As for how you want to understand and care about him, it has nothing to do with me. Don't worry, the children are already grown up, even if it's me It's okay for people to take care of them."

"Lei Chenyi, don't talk to me in such a tone again."

Cheng Hanlei was irritated by Lei Chenyi's yin and yang voice, and pushed Lei Chenyi on the door. Because of his height, he needed to put his feet on Lei Chenyi's neck to get close to his face .

"Leilei, everyone has a bottom line. Your concern depends on whether others need it. What you don't need is to burden others and hurt those around you."

Lei Chenyi's eyes were bottomless, and the aura of the two blended together.Cheng Hanlei looked into Lei Chenyi's eyes, which revealed a light that she couldn't understand.Since the two got married, everything about him has become clear in front of her.So there are very few quarrels between the two, but at this moment, Cheng Hanlei can't see through Lei Chenyi...

He obviously doesn't care that much about the existence of Shangguanjue...

"It seems that you still insist on your own point of view."

Lei Chenyi's voice returned to the temperature just now, and he pulled Cheng Hanlei's hand without hesitation and pressed it down.

The suspicion in Cheng Hanlei's heart was destroyed in that instant, and she wrapped herself around Lei Chenyi without even thinking about it.With both hands around his neck, the whole body circled around him.The extremely soft legs wrapped around his waist, and the weight of the whole person was given to Lei Chenyi.

He could easily bear her weight, but Lei Chenyi still kept Cheng Hanlei firmly imprisoned on his body without moving his hands.

"Honey, let's stop the cold war, shall we?"

Since getting married, he has coaxed her far more times than her.Although Cheng Hanlei didn't think there was anything wrong with this matter, she didn't want to let the cold war between the two continue unnecessarily.Entirely imprisoned by Lei Chenyi's body, his eyes can finally be at the same level as him.

A flattering kiss on Lei Chenyi's thin lips, and another flattering kiss.The one who also provided bonuses gave him two smacks on his thin lips, then sucked him in, and kissed him.Seeing that Lei Chenyi's expression softened a little, he let go and stepped back.The lips touched each other just now, and the lips of both of them were a little shiny.

"Who is in a cold war with you?"

Lei Chenyi's face became more relaxed, and his whole body was not so gloomy anymore.Arms around Cheng Hanlei's waist, looking at her face close at hand.Those bright lips, eyes darkened a little.

"Also said no, you won't hug me to sleep at night."


"I haven't slept well for several nights, look at my dark circles."

When I woke up without makeup, the dark circles under my eyes were really serious.Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei's pretty appearance, and said in a hoarse voice: "You're not alone if you didn't sleep well."

Sitting in the office for two consecutive nights, not thinking about doing anything, I persisted until eleven o'clock before leaving the company.Just to prevent himself from seeing Cheng Hanlei's soft heart, all he can do is to use his best efforts to protect her.I would rather give her this brief pain than...

"Honey, calm down a little bit, the children are getting up soon..."

The two of them are so close, Lei Chenyi's side is more clear.At this time, it is really difficult to ignore them when they are pasted together.

"You annoying little woman!"

Lei Chenyi seemed to be complaining, but the words revealed an incomprehensible distress.Holding Cheng Hanlei's hands, she turned her body easily, and Cheng Hanlei was completely pressed against the door.


Cheng Hanlei groaned, that little woman's voice made people's bones crumble.

The two of them were inseparable when there was a knock on the door.

"Dad, Mom, get up."

The three children stood at the door, and Cheng Beibei knocked on the door.The three of them had already woken up, but there was no smell of breakfast downstairs.This is not scientific at all. My mother asked my aunt to go home these days, saying that she would make breakfast by herself...

"Husband, the children are up and outside!"

"The pocket money is in the drawer in the study. I went out to buy breakfast this morning and asked the driver to take you to school."

"Dad, are you and Mom playing games again?"

Lei Zitong asked excitedly...

"Whispering, hurry up, we won't have the chance to have breakfast outside if Dad changes his mind."

Cheng Beibei patted her sister's ass, usually very smart, she didn't know how to catch key words at critical moments, what kind of games did mom and dad play, and what did they have to do with them.Curiosity doesn't kill the cat, it makes the breakfast outside fly away.

Lei Zitong looked suddenly enlightened, and immediately shut up.The three quickly disappeared in front of Lei Chenyi and Cheng Hanlei's room door, and Cheng Hanlei who was inside the door looked at Lei Chenyi speechlessly.

"Now, no one bothers us."

Half an hour later, Cheng Hanlei pinched Lei Chenyi, shouting that she was about to go to work.

"Lei Chenyi, if you dare to come again, I..."

"Wife, where are you thinking?"

Lei Chenyi smiled evilly, Cheng Hanlei was very depressed.

Whenever he is like the weather in June, it is cloudy and sunny.When he got up in the morning, he still looked like he would never talk to her, but in a blink of an eye, he became enthusiastic again, as if leaving her was like a fish out of water.Who said women are fickle in action, men are even more fickle.


The night gradually deepened.

Qin Ziyan sat in her old place in the coffee shop, with her fingers resting on the keyboard, her fingertips still.Because of Qiu Ze's relationship, he was used to closing the doors early, and the coffee shop was quiet at this time, only the sound of his own breathing remained.Looking quietly at the lights of thousands of houses outside the window, there is still not a single word in the column that should be written.The brain seems to have stopped in one place, and I can't find any clues in my mind.

His gaze quietly turned back to the screen, and he saw that there were still those two lines of words on it.Having been in a daze like this for nearly two hours, Qin Ziyan retracted her hands a little tiredly, and leaned back on the chair behind her in a slumped manner.He closed his eyes and pursed his lips, hiding the faint emotion in his eyes.

He has not contacted himself for a long time.

Usually, he would take the initiative to contact her, but Quiet's mobile phone, Quiet's Q, and Quiet's only learned about his movements through newspapers.They went from being strangers at the beginning, to becoming close friends with each other, and then to the kind of hazy ambiguity, and finally returned to the original point.He was alienating her, she understood.

It turns out that habit is a terrible thing.It turns out that it is impossible for the heart that has fallen unconsciously to go back to the past.

He let out a heavy breath, the pain in his heart couldn't be suppressed no matter what.Qin Ziyan smiled self-deprecatingly, because she knew that he didn't have herself in her heart, so she didn't want to make a phone call on her own initiative.She didn't expect that after she was seriously injured once, she lost her carefully guarded heart like this, and fell into the mist of love again.I am about to lose sight of the road ahead, and I am about to lose my indifference.

The feeling of wanting to meet someone is always too crippling...


After closing the computer, Qin Ziyan stood up and walked towards her lounge.Buried in the quilt, knowing that love hurts, how can I fall into the boundless darkness again.Knowing that if you fall in love, pulling away will hurt your heart, and you have experienced that feeling, how can you not hold your heart.

Unbearable pain, Qin Ziyan lifted the quilt.He opened the drawer and rummaged through the drawer with his hands.When he saw the smoke inside, it was the last time Qiu Ze stayed here.Taking out the lighter and lighting a cigarette, Qin Ziyan sat in the chair, bent her legs and curled herself up inside.He took a deep breath, letting the smoke pass through his throat and into his lungs.

It seems to have seen the most indulgent and decadent painful days again, as if I have seen the days when I got drunk every night and smoked every night until dawn.My eyes were blurred, and I couldn't see the appearance of the person I loved the first time.He took another deep breath, sucking too fast, Qin Ziyan coughed violently.

With tears and snot all over her face in embarrassment, Qin Ziyan lost her composure, and tears poured out wantonly.

When did it start, the relationship has already become like this.

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