the president's wife

Chapter 19: I don't want to let you down

Chapter 19: I don't want to disappoint the car anymore, so I parked it downstairs in the hotel.Liu Yan came out from inside, looked at the car parked outside, and walked over.

After getting into the car, the inside was filled with smoke. It was obvious that Zhou Lei had been smoking for a while while waiting.

I was a little surprised when I received Zhou Lei's call. Last night was another night of poor sleep. During the night, too many fragments flashed by.It wasn't until early in the morning that she fell into a drowsy sleep, and she didn't open her eyes until Zhou Lei called.

This is the number I got after returning to China, and it is only reserved for two people...

"Cough cough."

After getting into the car, Liu Yan couldn't help but choked on the smell of smoke.Zhou Lei put out the cigarette in his hand and opened some windows.

"What to eat?"

"You decide……"

Liu Yan answered the conversation naturally, and some memories flashed by.Liu Yan added: "I really miss home-cooked dishes in China, do you have any introductions?"

The distance between them obviously wants to open up the distance between the two of them...


Zhou Lei didn't say much, and the car drove forward until it stopped at a small-looking restaurant.

I walked in one after the other, just after the lunch time, there are still a lot of people here, which shows that the taste here should be very good.

The two went to the small box and sat down, and the boss immediately brought the menu.

"See what you like to eat?"

Zhou Lei handed the menu to Liu Yan...

Liu Yan took it and flipped through it.Last night because she thought about it too much, it should be said that in the past few years, she has thought about it countless times. During the three years when the two of them were together, she recalled every bit of it repeatedly, so as to offset the missing that cannot be seen. .

"Is stone pot fish okay?"


Zhou Lei didn't have any objections, so Liu Yan put more emphasis on the taste of the two of them in the past.Stone has always had a strong taste, and I like spicy and salty food.So, I only ordered a portion of shrimp, which was relatively light.

The food was served quickly, the two of them didn't wait for ten minutes, and the food was already served one after another.In fact, Liu Yan's taste is not heavy, but with Zhou Lei, the taste is brought a little bit more.Eating these dishes, it seems that time has returned to the beginning, when the two of them were the happiest.

Knowing that it is impossible, but greedily trying to remember this moment as a future memory...

"A Lei, why don't you eat it? Isn't it your favorite food?"

Liu Yan was immersed in the memories, and when she came to her senses, she realized that Zhou Lei who was sitting across from him had only eaten a few mouthfuls with the shrimps in between, and barely moved his chopsticks for the rest...

"It's been a long time since I ate spicy food."

In a word, the table fell silent.Originally, Liu Yan, who was still eating happily, found it difficult to swallow now.

long time……

Indeed, it has been a long time, the last time we ate together was six years ago...

He is no longer his A Lei, the A Lei who holds himself in the palm of his hand and knows all his preferences.

People say that the most feared thing is time, and in six years, so much can be changed...

"A few more light dishes?"

"No, Xiaoxiao prepared lunch at noon and ate some."

Zhou Lei still has a faint expression...


Liu Yan didn't know what to pick up. When he called her, she said that she was a little hungry and had dinner together, and forgot the time.I didn't even ask if he had already eaten.In the past, he always put her first, no matter what he was like, he put her first in everything.

She forgot again that Ah Lei was no longer her Ah Lei, but a smiling stone.

Lowering his head and eating in silence, Zhou Lei glanced at Liu Yan's drooping eyebrows, a dark color flashed in his eyes.But he turned his eyes away, turning a blind eye...


"Cough cough..."

Liu Yan buried her head in eating, but after all, she hadn't eaten these dishes that were adapted to Zhou Lei's previous tastes for a long time. For a while, she roared with spicy air, and choked on the spicy food.The cough became more and more severe, covering her lips, Liu Yan's cough became more and more uncomfortable...

"I'll go to the bathroom."

With a faltering voice, Liu Yan lowered her head and quickly walked to the bathroom.

When he saw the door closed, Zhou Lei touched his pocket, ready to light a cigarette, but just as he was touching his pocket, he silently moved his hand away when he thought that smoking was not allowed here.

In the end, seeing her uncomfortable, I couldn't really turn a blind eye...


When Liu Yan came back again, her eyes were a little red.Zhou Lei's expression was already very calm, watching Liu Yan sit down without moving his chopsticks.


The dishes were withdrawn, and they ordered two cups of tea. The two of them sat there, Liu Yan lowered her head and sipped the tea lightly, her eyes were complicated...


Looking at the lingering tea fragrance, Zhou Lei suddenly spoke.


The hand holding the teacup was already trembling, in fact, as early as when he was eating, she had already understood when he said those words that seemed to be natural but intentional.

He called himself today, not to reminisce about the old days...

"A Lei, I didn't intend to spoil you. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I just wanted to see your residence. You didn't mention that Xiaoxiao lived with you, so I didn't expect to meet Xiaoxiao. Laughing. At that time, I just pressed the password in a momentary obsession, who knows..."

Zhou Lei heard Liu Yan mention the password...

"Just forgot to change."

As soon as Zhou Lei's words came out, Liu Yan's face suddenly changed...

The hope in the eyes was quietly annihilated, just like the brightest fireworks, when they were gorgeous, they finally declined and disappeared without a trace.

Even though he knew that it was impossible for the two of them, he didn't know what answer he wanted to get when he mentioned this.

The bitterness in Liu Yan's heart was unbearable. Was it wrong for her to come back...


Some words, he finally had to say it again.The choice he made, he decided to take responsibility for it.When he and Xiaoxiao talked together, the first reaction when he said it was stunned, but deep down in his heart he knew that it was what he wanted to say...

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect……

Not moved is false...


"Tomorrow, Xiaoxiao and I will see you off?"

When walking out together, Zhou Lei listened to Liu Yan talking, and when he returned to England in a few days, he took the initiative to speak.

"No, Ah Lei, just say goodbye here. Seeing that she takes good care of you, I feel relieved."

Liu Yan smiled softly, she just rushed back when she could.She just wanted to see if he was doing well, and now, seeing that he was accompanied by a beautiful woman, and that Xiaoxiao took care of him so well, she felt relieved...

Turning around, he gave Zhou Lei the most beautiful smile.

He refused Zhou Lei to give him a gift, saying that he wanted to go shopping alone.It's just that when I got into the taxi, I saw Zhou Lei standing in the same place, drifting away...

"Yan'er, I've failed you before, I can't fail Xiaoxiao anymore."

Always burst into tears...

Sitting in the back seat, I couldn't cry myself...


"You remember to eat on time."

Zhou Lei was going on a business trip for a week, and Shangguan Xuan reminded him while helping Zhou Lei pack his luggage.Every time he goes on a business trip, she is very worried.Just worried that he would not be able to take good care of himself without him.

"You remind me."

Zhou Lei embraced the busy Shangguan Xuan from behind, turned around, and looked down on her lips.

"What if I forget!"

"you will not."

Zhou Lei hugged Shangguan Xuan tightly, and kissed her lips.Shangguan Xuan faltered, seeing Zhou Lei reaching out and hugging herself face to face and pressing her on the sofa, she immediately flicked her legs...

"It's not packed yet..."


Between Zhou Lei's words.

Two hours later, after showering and wearing pajamas, Shangguan Xuan continued to tidy Zhou Lei's clothes.Get everything ready so that he can go out on time tomorrow morning...

After tidying up, Zhou Lei zipped it up and put it aside, Shangguan Xuan just stood up when Zhou Lei picked her up.

"Hey, Stone..."

As soon as Shangguan Xuan saw Zhou Lei's eyes, she knew that he was going to do it again...

Until being pressed on the bed, Shangguan Xuan's legs bounced...

"Didn' just do it?"

Shangguan Xuan uttered a word while blushing...

"not enough."

Zhou Lei looked at the shy Shangguan Xuan, lowered his head and bit her lips.

Tonight is extremely lingering...


Being entangled for too long last night, Shangguan Xuan woke up a little later than usual.

Pack up like a war, make breakfast, and then go out with Zhou Lei.Liu Jun was on a business trip with Zhou Lei. After putting Zhou Lei's luggage into the trunk, Zhou Lei looked at Shangguan Xuan who was standing in front of him.

"Remember the days when we were together?"


"wait me back."

Before Zhou Lei waited for Shangguan Xuan to answer, he knew that she must remember this day very well.Get in the car, the car quickly left.While Shangguan Xuan walked towards her car, she was still thinking about Zhou Lei's inexplicable words.

Why did it suddenly mention the day they were together.


Zhou Lei was not around, and Shangguan Xuan didn't have the heart to cook a lot of food.I left the company later than usual, ate something nearby, and then headed home.

After getting out of the elevator, Shangguan Xuan fumbled in the bag.After fumbling for the key for a long time, Shangguan Xuan patted his brain.In the morning, I was dragged out by a stone, saying it was too late.Then, she forgot to take the key...

Just, looking at the combination lock in front of me...

In fact, there is no need to care about these at all, is it?

It's just a password...

Shangguan Xuan stretched out her hand and pressed the number engraved in her mind.


When Shangguan Xuan saw the mistake, she thought she had made a mistake.If you don't believe it, you lose again, it's still a mistake.

"Remember the days when we were together?"

The words Zhou Lei said flashed inexplicably in his mind, and he stretched out his hand as if bewitched...

When the door opened, the corners of Shangguan Xuan's mouth gently curled up...

Even if he was kind to her, she would feel very happy...

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