the president's wife

Chapter 184: Stay here today

Chapter 184: The white and tender skin on the back of the hand left here today suddenly turned red. The muffled sound made Shangguanjue look slightly sideways. Seeing the red marks on the back of Cheng Hanlei's hand and the cuts on his fingers, he took it back at a glance. .

Without delay, Cheng Hanlei picked up the gloves, put them on, and left with water.

After a while, Cheng Hanlei was holding a glass of water with ice cubes in it. The ice cubes melted quickly in the hot water, and the water became icy cold.Putting it in front of Shangguanjue, Shangguanjue still didn't pick it up, and said coldly: "You let me drink cold water in this weather?"

Knowing that he was deliberately finding fault, Cheng Hanlei silently took the ice water away.

After a while, Cheng Hanlei came out of the kitchen. When Shangguanjue looked at the dozen cups of water of different temperatures on the coffee table, he heard Cheng Hanlei say, "Is there anything you are not satisfied with?"

Shangguanjue was blocked for a moment, gave Cheng Hanlei a cold look, picked up a glass of water casually, took a sip and put it on the coffee table.

Then, there was an endless silence.Except for the dialogue on TV, the two had no dialogue.Until after ten o'clock in the evening, Cheng Hanlei was sitting on the sofa beside her, but she was actually nervous all the time. She didn't know what Shangguan Jue was going to do with him?The words have been spoken, but she has her own bottom line.She dared to stay because Shangguan Jue said he was not interested in him.

She wants to make up for him, but that doesn't mean she will use her body.

This is her bottom line, even if she doesn't have the integrity of a Zhenjie Lie girl, she doesn't want to get involved in a physical relationship with Shangguanjue.Because... she couldn't do it...

Shangguanjue knew Cheng Hanlei's inner conflicts and cramps, and occasionally glanced over, and could see Cheng Hanlei's emotions that she was trying to hide, but he knew her well, and he could clearly see every subtle change in her.

Cigarettes in the hands, one after another, the living room is full of the smell of smoke.The smoke was inhaled into the nose, and Cheng Hanlei coughed non-stop.Shangguanjue just watched coldly, but the smoke never stopped.It seems to be intentional. In the past, he seldom smoked in front of her because he knew she didn't like the smell of cigarettes...


The two of them are no longer Shangguanjue and Cheng Hanlei...

Until the end of the movie, Shangguanjue suddenly stood up.Cheng Hanlei, who was sitting opposite, stood up following Shangguanjue, and her body froze.

Without looking at Cheng Hanlei, Shangguanjue just went straight to the room and closed the door with a bang.The sound was so loud that the eardrums were aching.

Sitting there, waiting for a long time, Cheng Hanlei did not see the door open again.

She quietly breathed a sigh of relief, Cheng Hanlei was really tired.In these short five hours, it seems that five centuries have passed.It took too much effort to deal with Shangguanjue, and I never felt so tired getting along with Shangguanjue.Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

After waiting for a while, the door still didn't open.Cheng Hanlei picked up her coat and glanced at the phone that she had been trying to ignore.I don't know how Lei Chenyi, who was hung up on the phone and heard Shangguanjue's voice, jumped into a rage at this moment.

My head hurts a bit, I reached out and pressed it.Don't dare to think about it, in fact, dare not imagine how angry Lei Chenyi would be.

He moved his eyes away from the phone, turned off the light in the living room, and looked at the door without the light. The darkness leaked through the crack of the door. It turned out that he had already fallen asleep.Somewhat relieved, he walked to the sofa where Shangguan Jue was sitting on, which was relatively wide.Shaking off his coat, he curled up on the sofa.Putting the coat on himself, I don't know if it's because the impression of Shangguanjue in my mind was too good or something else. I have a trust in Shangguanjue from the bottom of my heart, an inexplicable trust.

Even though the two are alone and living together in the same room, they have an intuition that Shangguan Jue would not touch him against his will.Even though, he is no longer the former Shangguanjue.But this feeling never caused her to have any doubts because of his change.

In fact, the spirit is still in a tense state, but the brain is very tired.When curled up on the sofa, Cheng Hanlei felt overwhelmingly tired.In the darkness, his eyes slowly closed.She tightened her coat with her hands. Even with the air conditioner turned on at night, Cheng Hanlei, who was already weak, still felt cold.

He curled up tightly into a ball and wrapped his coat around himself.In the twilight, he fell into a drowsy sleep.


The night was getting deeper and deeper, Cheng Hanlei didn't sleep very well, and the chill penetrated from the soles of her feet.Even curled up, the coat still couldn't cover the whole of his body.The feet exposed in the air are already very cold.At this time, it is like iron, as if it is in the ice and snow.

In the middle of the night, the door opened silently.In the darkness, a figure came out of the room.Standing in place for a moment, quietly looking at the figure curled up on the sofa, only when he felt that Cheng Hanlei was not awake, he continued to walk towards the figure on the sofa.

In the living room, the curtains of the windows were not closed, and a little light shone on Cheng Hanlei who was on the sofa.Shangguanjue slowly squatted down, this was the first time he had looked at Cheng Hanlei in such detail since he came back.

For more than a year, she hasn't changed much.The face is still the same as in his memory, not because he doesn't forget, but because he wants to deeply remember the appearance of this woman who once trampled his self-esteem under his feet, and he will get it back little by little.It's these eyebrows, these eyes, this outline, this midnight dream that supported him until now...

When the big hand was stretched out, when it was about to touch Cheng Hanlei, Cheng Hanlei suddenly let out an uncomfortable sound. The sound interrupted Shangguanjue's momentary distraction, and he withdrew his hand.

With the movement of one hand, the other hand was also clenched, and then, when he felt something in his big hand, he remembered why he hadn't slept until now...

Pulling back a corner of the coat, her gaze stopped at Cheng Hanlei's little hand on the sofa...

Cheng Hanlei woke up from the cold, and there seemed to be a faint fragrance floating in the air.With some difficulty, he opened his eyes and sneezed.Sitting up, the coat slipped off his body.Instinctively glanced at the door, and saw that the door was still closed.With one hand propped up on the sofa, I realized that my hand didn't seem to hurt much.

Logically speaking, since I got a cut last night, there should be some inflammation and pain this morning.Looking down at his hand, it was not swollen.The burn on the back of his hand also seemed to have faded a little, and he looked at the back of his hand in confusion.

Taking a look at the sky, Cheng Hanlei stood up.Walking to the door, he reached out and knocked on the door. He had already stayed here all night.I did what I said, and there are still classes in the morning.Just as he was about to say hello to Shangguanjue, he knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.Cheng Hanlei knocked again, but there was still no response.When knocking for the third time, Shangguan Jue's sleepy voice came from inside: "Get lost."

One word, full of unsettled anger.Woke up very angry.

Cheng Hanlei paused, heard Shangguanjue's words, picked up the coat, picked up the phone, picked up the bag, opened the door and went out.

When he heard the door slam shut, Shangguanjue, who had just fallen asleep on the bed, opened his eyes despite being sleepy.With Cheng Hanlei's departure, the tightly drawn curtains, the blackness, seemed to press down even more, devouring people.

As winter approached, when I walked out of the community, it was very cold in the morning.Cheng Hanlei sneezed a few times while reinstalling the phone, but when she was about to turn it on, she hesitated.His head was a little buzzing, and he didn't know how to explain to Lei Chenyi why he didn't return last night, and even more didn't know how to say why he hung up the phone, and he didn't return his call all night.

Thinking of Lei Chenyi's face full of anger, and thinking that the two of them were going to be domineering again, Cheng Hanlei had an urge to hide like an ostrich.

It's better to call him at night, put the phone in the bag almost to avoid it, and then reach out to stop a taxi.

Car, driving in the early morning in City M, Cheng Hanlei felt a little dizzy, as if she had caught a cold.Later, I will remember to go back to the dormitory to get some cold medicine. She knows better than anyone else how fragile her body is.The foundation of the body is getting worse and worse.While muttering, trying not to think about Shangguanjue and Lei Chenyi, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.Hiding for a while is a while.In fact, I clearly know that the result of hiding may be more turbulent waves...


Feeling dizzy right now, I really don't know how to deal with Lei Chenyi...

Leaning back in a daze, Cheng Hanlei opened her eyes until the car stopped and the driver called her.I paid in a daze, as if I was really uncomfortable.Cheng Hanlei opened the door and got out of the car, shaking her head.On the campus at eight o'clock, there are not many people.There were only a few people coming and going at the door, Cheng Hanlei got out of the car and shivered with a gust of cold wind, she seemed to wake up a little.Just as he was about to take a step, a horn suddenly sounded from across the road.

I was shocked.

Turning around reflexively, when she saw the familiar figure in the rolled-down car window on the opposite side of the road, Cheng Hanlei's body couldn't help trembling in the cold wind, and she didn't know whether it was because of the cold wind or Lei Chenyi. Frozen eyes.

Standing where he was, he couldn't go to the campus, and he didn't dare to get close to Lei Chenyi's car.Just standing there, looking in Lei Chenyi's direction, his face became more and more ugly.

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