the president's wife

Chapter 183: What are you doing in such a hurry?

Chapter 183 : What are you doing in such a hurry?Cheng Hanlei felt sad, but couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.The meal has been prepared, just call Lei Chenyi and explain when he leaves.With this in mind, Cheng Hanlei prepared to put on her coat and carry her bag.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

When Cheng Hanlei was about to put on his coat, Shangguanjue spoke coolly and stood up.When Cheng Hanlei was stunned, the phone rang for the third time, and she knew it was Lei Chenyi without even looking.He is very clear about her daily classes, and it is absolutely impossible to use the class as an excuse. Now that she refuses to take it once or twice, one can imagine Lei Chenyi's anger later.

When Cheng Hanlei didn't know what to do, she saw Shangguanjue walking into the bedroom.Cheng Hanlei seemed to be saved, and quickly walked aside to answer the phone.


Lei Chenyi uttered two words coldly, without asking why he didn't answer the phone, but the cold words between the words revealed his deep displeasure.


Cheng Hanlei heard that Lei Chenyi hadn't heard from him for a few days, and the first time he spoke were such cold words, the panic in his heart was now tinged with resentment.All his attention was turned to Lei Chenyi's phone, but he didn't notice that Shangguanjue had already put on his nightgown and walked out of the bedroom. He was leaning a few steps away from her and watching Cheng Hanlei's thieves.

"What? It's shameful to be with me? Isn't the meal ready? Eat."

Shangguanjue's voice faintly sounded from behind, and when Cheng Hanlei was about to speak, he suddenly spoke. Of course, Lei Chenyi would be familiar with his voice.And the ambiguity in his words was so obvious, he walked directly to Cheng Hanlei who was too startled to cover the phone, took the phone in Cheng Hanlei's hand in one hand, cut off the phone in front of Cheng Hanlei, quickly turned it off, and debited it. Electric board, swiftly throwing the mobile phone aside.


Cheng Hanlei saw Shangguanjue's series of actions, and from the moment he opened his mouth, she was already terrified.She was still thinking about how to cover up this matter. From Lei Chenyi's perception, what he cared most about was Shangguanjue. If he found out that it was dark and still stayed with Shangguanjue, his anger...

Turning his head quickly, seeing Shangguan Jue's neat movements, when he reached for it, Shangguan Jue had already pulled out the electric board.Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue's calm face, but looked at Cheng Hanlei with a touch of coldness in his eyes.Cheng Hanlei lowered her raised hand slowly, bit her lips hard, looked at Shangguanjue and said, "What exactly do you want?"

This sentence, she has been reluctant to ask.I don't want any real hatred between the two of us.To him, she has always felt guilty, and to him she has always wanted to make amends.No matter what, he was once a very important existence in her heart, even at this time, she still thinks he is very important.

She didn't want the two of them to become enemies...

There was a sound of collapse, Ren Shangguanjue threw the phone aside and didn't go to get it immediately.Knowing that I have taken it, there is no way to explain it now. The main purpose of coming here is to find out what Shangguan Jue wants to do.

"Have a meal."

Another two words that were too calm, one second he seemed to be devouring her, and the next second he could talk calmly like talking about the weather.

Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue who was walking towards the dining table, sat there, looked at Cheng Hanlei who was still standing there in a daze, and said lightly, "Cheng Hanlei, you owe me this."

His voice was very soft, flowing gently between the two of them, and that voice carried an invisible wound.Gently stabbing Cheng Hanlei, Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue's handsome side face, stood there and closed his eyes.

After opening his eyes, he walked back to the kitchen, put the dishes on the table, and then sat on the other side, watching Shangguanjue without saying a word, and directly picked up the bowl and chopsticks to eat.

I owe him too. When he said that he would let her move out of Lei's house, she promised him that she would cook him a meal on the day he moved out.But when he pleasantly took her to the place he was looking for, she said those cruel words against her will because of Lei Chenyi's coercion.

Shangguanjue didn't say any more, and ate at a very slow pace.After eating half of it, Shangguanjue suddenly said, "Can't you eat it for me?"

Cheng Hanlei's hands trembled at Shangguanjue's words, and she looked at the rice in her hand that hadn't moved much.Then he said softly, "I don't have much taste."

"It turned out to be such a disgusting sight to see me."

Shangguanjue continued naturally, but at the same time he took the food with the chopsticks into his mouth and chewed.

"You clearly know that I don't mean that?"

"Cheng Hanlei, don't give me a high hat, I don't know you at all."

The chopsticks in Shangguanjue's hands froze, and he looked up at Cheng Hanlei with a slight mockery in his eyes, which made Cheng Hanlei speechless.

His tone was not aggressive, but between the lines he always stabbed her invisible.

"Shangguanjue, I know I owe you. I also know that I hurt you. I owe you an apology. I apologize to you. I'm sorry. Can you stop doing this? This is not you, Jue. You are not like this."

Cheng Hanlei silently put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, lowered her head, and spoke silently, choking with sobs every time she uttered a word, two tears came out of her eyes and fell into the bowl...


The chopsticks in Shangguanjue's hand were suddenly put down heavily, and he stood up abruptly from the chair, looking at Cheng Hanlei who was crying silently with her head bowed, her eyes gradually became cold.

"Cheng Hanlei, you owe me, and you want to send me off just by saying sorry?"

"What do you want? What should you do, so that you can forget the previous things and get your mental balance. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

In the same way, ask the exit for the second time.

"Stay here tonight."

Shangguanjue's voice did not seem to be joking, when Cheng Hanlei heard it, she looked up at Shangguanjue in shock.

"Don't look like I'm going to do something to you. I'm not interested in the rotten shoes worn by others, so I won't be so hungry."

Shangguanjue seemed to find that his emotions were too out of control, so he sat down slowly and continued to eat his meal gracefully.

All he could see was the top of his black head and his slow movements.Standing there, Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue like this, and couldn't believe that these words came from Shangguanjue's mouth.This is the first time since the reunion that Shangguan Jue used such strong words to speak to himself, insulting words are a kind of slander.I once said similar words, it was in a situation of extreme anger, but at this time...

he hates himself...

At this moment, Cheng Hanlei was finally sure.

"If saying that makes you feel better..."

Before Cheng Hanlei could finish speaking, Shangguanjue paused again, slowly raised his head to look at Cheng Hanlei, slightly raised the corners of his lips and said, "Isn't what I said the truth?"

Choked for a moment, looking at Shangguanjue's expression, Cheng Hanlei didn't even have a word of excuse.

"Cheng Hanlei, don't look like a pitiful victim. Don't look extremely wronged. If you don't want to stay here, you can get out immediately. The door is there. If you want to leave or stay, I didn't force it. There is no sincerity Express your apologies, and don't act like you are willing to do anything. What? After more than a year, you still want to use your best method to confuse me and achieve your own goals. Cheng Hanlei, what are you doing? Do you think highly of yourself, or look down on me too much."

The last sentence, Shangguanjue said it close to Cheng Hanlei's ear, when he felt that the color on Cheng Hanlei's face was turning pale, he sneered and walked sideways past Cheng Hanlei, walking towards the living room.

Cheng Hanlei stood where she was, looking at the half-eaten food on the table.He just stood there for a while, then silently walked to the dining table and started to tidy up.Go into the kitchen and clean up.

The detergent was too slippery, and Cheng Hanlei was unconsciously cleaning the dish with one hand and the other, the dish slipped from her hand, making a crackling sound.Cheng Hanlei reached into the foamy water, ready to pick it up.She stretched her hand in, and when a burst of pain came from between her fingers, Cheng Hanlei realized that the plate that had just fallen out of her hand was shattered.

The finger was cut open on the edge, and blood gushed out from it.Mixed with the salty detergent, bursts of pain spread from the fingers to the brain.Looking at the blood gushing out of his hand, it fell drop by drop into the foamy water, and some red flowers bloomed.Looking at the blossoming red flowers, Cheng Hanlei's eyes felt a little astringent...

After tidying up the kitchen, Cheng Hanlei turned back to the living room.Shangguan Jue was sitting in the living room, watching a very old movie.Leaning there lazily, with her legs stacked on the coffee table, she kept her eyes on the TV intently, making Cheng Hanlei who stood there momentarily at a loss for what to do.

"Pour a glass of water over here."

One command, one action.Without any doubt, he turned around and poured water for Shangguanjue, but when he came out with tea and put it on the coffee table, Shangguanjue took a look at the steaming boiling water, and said flatly: "It's too hot, change to a cup."

Without refuting, I reached out to fetch the water on the coffee table.The cup had been ironed with boiling water, and when he lifted it with his hand, it was so hot that Cheng Hanlei's hands flinched, and that action made the boiling water in the cup shake out and land on the back of Cheng Hanlei's hand.The hot boiling water scalded her skin, and Cheng Hanlei gasped in pain.

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