the president's wife

Chapter 181: Come to my house

Chapter 181: When I came to my house, I called on the phone at night and said that I was going to watch the live broadcast of Baron with Ling Yuer. Why did I come back like this?

Looking at Ling Yu'er who was leaning on the bed, she also looked annoyed.

"what happened?"

"I guess I'm still stuck in Baron's demeanor."

Ling Yu'er said with some resentment, she always thought that Cheng Hanlei would not be fooled by masculinity, so she never thought that Cheng Hanlei would fall in love with baron when she saw it.But she didn't expect that when she saw baron, she couldn't turn her eyes, as if she lost her soul.

Baron, unable to extricate himself.

An Ran couldn't help frowning at the four words of inextricable.She knew the relationship between Cheng Hanlei and Lei Chenyi, of course Lei Chenyi's charm goes without saying.It's really hard to pick a few who can compare with Lei Chenyi, I'm used to seeing Lei Chenyi, it's hard to imagine that Cheng Hanlei can't help but look at baron, it's like a fairy tale.

"Han Lei, accompany me out to blow some air."

An Ran walked to Cheng Hanlei's side, patted Cheng Hanlei, and she didn't recover from her own thoughts when she came back from herself.After being slapped by An Ran, Cheng Hanlei finally reacted and looked at An Ran.

"You're back."

"Go to the balcony to blow some air?"

Pulling Cheng Hanlei, he handed over the coat to Cheng Hanlei, and then the two of them walked out of the dormitory.

"Yu'er said you became like this after seeing baron? Han Lei, did something happen?"

An Ran looked at Cheng Hanlei worriedly, there were very few people who could influence Cheng Hanlei.In the past few days, she has been a little out of shape because of Lei Chenyi, but she has never exaggerated.She and Lei Chenyi are already used to this way, she is very good at adjusting her mood, and now looking at Cheng Hanlei's profile, Cheng Hanlei's face changed when she heard the name baron.

When hearing the name baron, Cheng Hanlei's figure standing there trembled involuntarily.It seemed a little cold, and he stretched out his hand to pull his coat.Looking into the distance, his eyes were stained with a touch of sadness.

"An Ran, he's back."


An Ran just heard it for a long time and didn't realize it. When she did, she looked at Cheng Hanlei in shock. The tacit understanding between the two of them is just that they don't say a word clearly, and they both know the meaning of the words...

"Senior Shangguan? Baron is senior Shangguan?"

Enron quickly put it all together.Cheng Hanlei didn't speak, but her expression said it all.

An Ran was not too clear about Shangguan Jue's departure.All I know is that Shangguan Jue broke up with Cheng Hanlei and left.Not long after that, she found out that Shangguan Rui always believed that Lei Chenyi did what happened to Shangguan, that's why she asked someone to take pictures of Lei Chenyi and Han Lei.

After the accident at Shangguan's house, she only cared about Shangguan Rui, and didn't know how Han Lei felt.In the end, it was Han Lei who came to comfort her.At this time, looking at Cheng Hanlei's expression, at that time, Shangguan's senior liked Hanlei so much, and everyone envied her kindness to Hanlei.In the end, it was said that the two broke up, and then Shangguan senior left.

Even if we broke up, now that senior Shangguan is back, how could Hanlei look so sad...

"Are you worried that Senior Lei will know?"

Apart from this reason, An Ran really couldn't figure out why Han Lei was so preoccupied and conflicted when Shangguan Jue came back.

"I owe him a lot, a lot."

The wind blew away Cheng Hanlei's words.Also let the tears condensed in the eye sockets have been dried in the wind before shed.An Ran listened to the heavy and apologetic voice in Cheng Hanlei's voice. A period of time in the past contained unspeakable pain.


"Hello, beauty. We meet again."

There is a Porsche at the gate of M University, the dazzling speed yellow, which is so cool that it stimulates people's eyes.People coming and going have already looked sideways at the handsome guy sitting in the car from time to time, and the man sitting in the car is leaning there, with a smile of a public lover, and returns provocative eyes to the admiring eyes cast over him , that coquettish appearance caused a short-term blockage at the school gate.

Cheng Hanlei and An Ran came out of the school. The man sitting in the car saw Cheng Hanlei who blended into the crowd and could be easily caught. She was indeed the person Baron missed, and she was eye-catching.Especially those pure eyes, which British girls can't have.

If it weren't for the Chinese saying that a friend's wife should not be played, he really wanted to do it.

Hearing a familiar voice, Cheng Hanlei just looked over, and when she saw the face of the man who was pushing the door to get out of the car...

It's him……

The man I ran into at the airport was using the same shower gel as Shangguan Jue.

"What a coincidence."

Cheng Hanlei considered the words for a long time, and finally could only squeeze out two very safe words.For a moment, she couldn't figure out why this man suddenly appeared here, and her comments gradually faded over time. At this time, a Chinese-English mixed-race man with good looks once again hit her with a very familiar appearance. Say hello.

Go straight, it's not polite.Standing here, unfamiliar and don't know what to say.Moreover, under the gaze of everyone, Cheng Hanlei could only hold An Ran's hand for a while, not knowing how to respond.An Ran was also taken aback, looking at this somewhat strange man, she was almost always with Han Lei, and had never seen this man before.

I don't know who it is, and I don't know how to speak.

"I'm makkr. Today I was entrusted by a friend to pick you up for dinner. I think you should be familiar with my friend. Do you still remember this smell?"

Makkr smiled very gently, opened the car door with one hand, looked at Cheng Hanlei, and said the last sentence in a language that the two of them could hear.Being very close, the familiar smell spread in his breath, how could he not remember.From the moment I met this man named Makkr at the airport in S city, the familiar smell, plus Shangguanjue appeared as a baron, who didn't know his appearance at all, to this man named Makkr waiting at the gate of his school, Deliberately picking himself up in such a high-profile way, the words imply that the so-called friend is Shangguan Jue.

"He still knows you, he said, you will definitely not refuse this invitation."

Looking at Cheng Hanlei who sat in the car with a slightly solemn expression, Makkr whispered in Cheng Hanlei's ear while standing up straight and closing the door.

Cheng Hanlei gave An Ran a reassuring look, watched Makkr get into the car from the other side, and the car slid out amidst the discussions among the crowd.The dazzling Speed ​​Yellow, which was the focus of everyone, disappeared from sight.

The car was parked in a residential area about half an hour's drive away from m.When the car was parked downstairs, makkr got out of the car and opened the door, and said to Cheng Hanlei: "He said, you should know which floor and which room you are on. I have an appointment tonight, I wish you a happy day night."

After the car left, Cheng Hanlei stood at the entrance, which floor was which building.

From knowing that it was really him who came back, from being a stranger at first, to now inexplicably bringing me to a community.Cheng Hanlei didn't know what Shangguanjue wanted to do, and his behavior confused her.

After hesitating for a moment, he still walked in.Enter the elevator and press the floor.After the elevator stopped, Cheng Hanlei walked out of the elevator and stopped in front of a door.

In city m, the bachelor apartment he once bought for himself was this room on this floor.

Standing on the same floor and in the same location in different cities, there is a feeling of long-lost memory.It was there that she tore Shangguanjue's heart apart time and time again.It was there that she stepped on Shangguan Jue's sincerity.She owed Shangguan Jue, so if she could do something for him, she wouldn't have any objection.

Lifting his hand, he rang the doorbell.In fact, I'm not sure if he's really here, and even less sure if Shangguanjue is playing tricks on himself, but he just rang the doorbell with the intention of paying off his debts.Whether she really forgot or wanted revenge, she had to bear it.She really owed him...

I rang the doorbell and waited for a while, but there was no movement inside.He rang the doorbell again and waited again.After a few minutes, the door still didn't open.Cheng Hanlei's mouth curled into a wry smile, he was really playing tricks on her.

Turning around, just took two steps, the door opened from the inside.Cheng Hanlei heard the sound of the door opening, turned around and looked behind her.

Shangguanjue only had a bath towel around his waist, his hair was still dripping with water, and the water dripped onto his strong chest. It had been more than a year since he had seen him, and he seemed to be a little stronger. My heart was squeezed tightly.

Standing in place, watching Shangguanjue turned around, but unable to move.

"Come in, it's not that you haven't been trained, it's too hypocritical to look shy."

Shangguanjue walked a few steps, did not hear any sound behind him, did not turn around, just said coldly and mockingly, Cheng Hanlei was hit hard in the heart when he heard Shangguanjue's words.Unaccustomed to this kind of Shangguanjue, every gesture of his hand can directly make her unable to breathe.

Gently pursing his lips, he moved his steps and walked into the door. When the door was gently closed, Shangguanjue's figure had disappeared in the entrance.

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