the president's wife

Chapter 180: The Shangguan Jue Chapter is here

Chapter 1 Eighty: Shangguanjue is back Cheng Hanlei was forcibly pulled over by Ling Yuer, An Ran was away because of something.Zhu Yuqing has always disliked crowds, so Cheng Hanlei is the only one who can accompany her.Cheng Hanlei was really tormented by her petty hypocrisy, she took the initiative to call Lei Chenyi with her face down last night, and after she was on the phone all the time, she gave up the urge to call Lei Chenyi, even though she really wanted to.

It's just to pass the time, she's not interested in that baron.

This was Cheng Hanlei's first time participating in this kind of live show, and Ling Yu'er excitedly pulled Cheng Hanlei to sit in the second row, where she could clearly watch the recording scene.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Greeting Ling Yu'er, Cheng Hanlei stood up and stepped back cautiously.

Just when I walked into the bathroom, I heard someone calling: "Baron, this way please."

Hearing Baron's name, if it was someone else, they would have excitedly stepped forward to see Baron's demeanor, but when Cheng Hanlei heard Baron's name, she just walked into the bathroom without taking a look.At the same time, Baron was wearing a white suit, elegant like a prince, and walked into the studio with the recording assistant.

At the recording site, when the host introduced baron after the opening, the audience suddenly cheered.And Baron walked in with graceful steps, and sat on the guest seat, with a confident elegance in every gesture.At the moment of the host's introduction, those charming eyes glanced at the audience without a trace, and then swept to the second row.

One of the slots is empty.

The deep brows made it hard to see his emotional changes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth continued.Under the host's question, he answered confidently and with restraint.

The front is a series of questions about b&q and the company he founded, j&c, ​​after asking some questions about his career.

The host asked related questions about j&c...

"Baron, everyone knows that b&q is the abbreviation of the names of the founder of b&q, benson, and his beloved wife, queenie, implying the long-lasting love between the two. I don't know, baron, when you founded j&c, ​​did you have anything special? meaning?"

The host's question immediately sparked an uproar below.When he heard the host's question, the smile on the corner of Baron's mouth did not change. He glanced at the vacant seat and said with unclear meaning: "It is indeed to commemorate an unforgettable past."

The word "unforgettable" is particularly emphasized.

The host immediately asked, "Could it be Mr. Baron's first love?"

Baron just tugged at the corners of his lips and didn't answer any more.

"Hehe, I'm envious of another participant who made Mr. Baron's past unforgettable. Is there anything Baron wants to say to her?"

Baron was silent for a while, his gaze suddenly raised, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.Said in a low and charming voice but with a chill in his eyes: "I'm back."

It was just four simple words, and she was delayed in the bathroom for a long time. After coming out of the bathroom, the broadcast started and she was not allowed to go in.Cheng Hanlei was blocked outside. After walking around for a while, the recording inside was not over yet, so she had to turn around and go downstairs.Ling Yu'er, who was going to wait downstairs in the TV station for the recording to finish, listened to everyone discussing baron along the way.Walking downstairs, the live broadcast of this time is playing on the TV on the first floor.As soon as Cheng Hanlei walked down, she heard a familiar voice on the TV: "I'm back."

The four words made Cheng Hanlei raise his head to look at the screen reflexively, but the screen just cut off, and when he wanted to wait for the screen to cut back, the phone rang.

"Cheng Hanlei, where have you been? Did you leave the bathroom? Come here quickly, the recording is almost over, come and help me take a photo with baron. Hurry up."

Under Ling Yuer's urging, Cheng Hanlei had no choice but to sit in the elevator and go up to the fifth floor again. As soon as the elevator opened, she saw a group of people surrounding one person.Then Ling Yu'er's voice followed: "Han Lei, this way."

Following Ling Yu'er's cry, she stepped over.Ling Yu'er pulled Cheng Hanlei, then squeezed in desperately, then looked at baron with a sweet smile and said, "baron, can I take a photo with you?"

Ling Yu'er looks cute, she has two sweet dimples when she smiles, if she is not gossiping, standing there, she is also a delicate beauty.Especially when you laugh, people can't bear to refuse.Taking out the trump card is obviously a fight.

Before Cheng Hanlei could recover, she was dragged and squeezed in all the way, and her feet were stepped on several times.There was no time to look at the handsome guy Baron that Ling Yuer was talking about, until Ling Yuer invited Baron to respond, and the word "um" made Cheng Hanlei's eyes suddenly freeze when she looked down at her white sneakers.

The little hand that was held in Ling Yu'er's hand froze, and her body seemed to be plunged into an uncontrollable emotion.

"Han Lei, take a picture."

Ling Yu'er was so excited, Baron was surrounded by the staff all the time, answering their questions, but never agreed to let anyone take a photo with him, she was the first person.Seeing that Cheng Hanlei didn't respond, Ling Yu'er couldn't help pushing Cheng Hanlei anxiously.

Cheng Hanlei's hands were a little stiff, Ling Yu'er's cell phone was stuffed in her hands, and her eyes were closed when she raised her head.

While slowly opening her eyes, the body and face of the man standing beside Ling Yu'er slowly appeared in her eyes, almost as if she was about to shake her eyes blind, she quickly closed her eyes.Taking a step back with some unsteady footsteps, the phone that was clasped in his hand was loosened and almost fell out of his hand.

For a moment, the world seemed to be suddenly quiet, and everyone disappeared in their own world, only the familiar eyebrows could be seen in their eyes.In fact, his outline has been blurred. For more than a year, I dare not think about it, and I don't want to think about it.Gradually, the outline of Shangguan Jue's appearance was no longer in his mind, only the familiar eyes.Seeing Shangguan Jue at this moment, he realized that this man had never left in his heart.

His body was trembling, and his lips were trembling.His face was already pale without a trace of blood, his eyes just looked at Shangguanjue, his hands and feet were so cold that he couldn't move.I don't know what to say, should I say long time no see, or pretend I don't know him, and wait for his reaction.The contradiction was complicated, and Cheng Hanlei only felt that her body temperature was getting lower and lower.

"Hanlei, Cheng Hanlei."

A faint voice drifted into her ears, someone was pulling her by the hand.Cheng Hanlei's eyes slowly came back to consciousness, waving a small hand in front of her, which belonged to Ling Yu'er.Cheng Hanlei's eyes gradually recovered, and then looked at Shangguanjue in front of him. At this time, his eyes had already withdrawn, and there was no abnormality on his face.

From the beginning to the end, she was the only one who was at a loss and helpless, and she was the only one who sank into the past and felt guilty.

In fact, a lot can change in more than a year. He was once hurt to the bone, maybe he has already forgotten himself.Wasn't this her biggest wish when she watched him go?I just hope that he can completely forget about himself after he leaves.At this time, the strange eyes are what I want, why, there is still a faint sourness in my heart.

Shangguanjue is Baron, the girlfriend they are talking about.He now has his own happiness, which is what he wants to see.It doesn't matter if he doesn't know himself.

"Cheng Hanlei, I hate you to death."

With the support of the crowd, baron was taken away by the staff.His time was too precious to be wasted here.Until the crowd was far away, Cheng Hanlei was still standing there, holding the phone in her hand, listening to Ling Yuer's angry screams, pinching Cheng Hanlei's arm, wishing to tear Cheng Hanlei apart.

"My baron, my group photo. Cheng Hanlei, you actually stared at the baron at a critical moment and stared dumbfounded."

Ling Yu'er was still screaming, but after screaming for a long time, Cheng Hanlei didn't respond.And Baron, who had already walked some distance, said to Cheng Hanlei, "I'll wait for you downstairs."

After speaking, he immediately ran wildly to keep up with the big team.Cheng Hanlei was still standing there, the world was really quiet, and she was the only one left standing there.I thought I had forgotten all about it, but scenes from the past flashed before my eyes.

The body squatted down slowly, the cold air kept flowing into the body from the soles of the feet, and the mobile phone in the palm of the hand had been taken away by Ling Yu'er.Slowly clenched the little hands, the temperature of the body was already so cold that there was no warmth at all.


All the way back, until she got back to the dormitory, Ling Yu'er was still pouted angrily, and when she caught up again, Baron had already left in the car.The chance she finally got to take a photo with Baron was wasted when Cheng Hanlei lost the chain at a critical moment.

Cheng Hanlei was distracted all the way, looking preoccupied.

Walking into the dormitory one after the other, Cheng Hanlei went to the bed and sat down.He also heard Ling Yu'er chattering there, nothing more than gritted his teeth because of this incident.He stared at Cheng Hanlei resentfully.

When An Ran came back, she pushed open the door of the dormitory, and saw Cheng Hanlei leaning against the bed at a glance, more preoccupied than the previous few days.

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