the president's wife

Chapter 112: Funeral (3000)

Chapter 112: Burial (3000) "Doctor Qi, she is dying, her heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker."

At this time, the stage was closing at the end of the operation, Lei Xiwen had already fallen into a coma from the pain, and the doctor glanced at Cheng Hanlei, whose face was already pale, and the progress of the operation.Almost without hesitation, he said: "It's okay, continue."

"Doctor Qi, if things go on like this, the patient is likely to suffer from brain hypoxia and suffocation."

"I said it's okay, continue."

Dr. Qi spoke in a cold voice, and when he saw that Doctor Xing was not doing anything, he couldn't help raising his voice a little, and said in a cold voice, "I said go ahead, I'll be responsible for anything."

One sentence made the intern involuntarily look away from Cheng Hanlei, and continued intently.

Cheng Hanlei, who was lying there, gradually became unable to hear words in her head, and the pain continued, but she could no longer regain her sanity.She just felt that she was thrown into the sea and kept sinking and sinking, no matter how painful the pain was, she couldn't regain some of her reason.Until the brain completely lost consciousness and fell into endless black sweetness.

The operation continued until the end of the operation.

************************************************** ****

The operating trolley was pushed out from inside, one in front and one behind, with Lei Xiwen pushing in front.Lei Zhendong and Xu Peifen waited outside. After seeing the lights in the operating room went out, Lei Xiwen also pushed out the operating trolley.

"Doctor, how is Xiwen?"

"The surgery was a success, don't worry."

"Thank you, Doctor Qi."

Xu Peifen excitedly held Dr. Qi's hand, and immediately turned back to look at Lei Xiwen excitedly.Lei Xiwen was lying on the operating cart, unconscious, her body drenched in sweat from the pain.Lei Zhendong also breathed a sigh of relief, stood beside the doctor and said, "Doctor Qi, thank you very much."

Without a trace, he stuffed a check into the pocket of Dr. Qi's white coat.

"What we should do."

Lei Zhendong nodded, and was just about to leave when the panicked voice of the doctor came from inside: "Doctor Qi, the patient's blood pressure keeps rising, and the heart rate has dropped to [-], and he needs first aid."

"Mr. Lei, what's inside..."

"Don't worry, we won't pursue it."

Lei Zhendong left a word, turned and left coldly.Now that Xiwen has recovered, if he can really die during this operation, it will save him a lot of trouble.

After hearing Lei Zhendong's words, Dr. Qi stood there, listening to Dr. Xing's panicked voice, and didn't move for a long time.

Lei Chenyi rushed back without stopping, and after knowing that Cheng Hanlei was sent to the operating room, he immediately bought a plane ticket and rushed back.When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Dr. Qi standing there, and the intern came out again, his voice trembling: "Doctor Qi, what should I do? The heartbeat of the patients inside has dropped to's about to die It's..."

When Lei Chenyi heard it, it was as if someone had punched him suddenly, and rushed into the operating room like crazy. Neither Doctor Qi nor the intern could react, and Lei Chenyi had already rushed in.And Dr. Qi immediately followed in, ready to let Lei Chenyi out.But when he saw that the person who rushed in was Lei Chenyi, he stood there for a while and was stunned.

He has met Lei Chenyi a few times, sometimes he will show up when Lei Xiwen is undergoing surgery, and recently Lei Chenyi is often seen on the news headlines and on TV, this is the first time he has seen Lei Chenyi so panicked.

After Lei Chenyi rushed into the operating room, he saw Cheng Hanlei who was still lying on the operating table. On one side of the instrument, the blood pressure was already jumping up, and the heartbeat was fluctuating around [-], but Cheng Hanlei was lying there quietly. Lying there, as if he would leave this world at any moment.

Those deep eyes had completely changed color at this time, slowly moving from Cheng Hanlei's body to the doctor's face, those eyes made Doctor Qi take a step back involuntarily.And Lei Chenyi approached Dr. Qi with a few strides, grabbed Dr. Qi's collar, and said in a cold voice: "Rescue her immediately. If there is anything wrong with her, I will let you all be buried with her."

His brain was almost blank. When he saw the instrument that was close to death, Lei Chenyi felt that all his emotions had been raised to the highest point. With that strength, he twisted the slightly shorter Dr. Qi out of the way. ground, waving with difficulty panting.

Until the intern realized it and tremblingly said: "It's too late... My heart is beating fast..."

"Go quickly."

Lei Chenyi suddenly flung Dr. Qi over there.And Dr. Qi was obviously terrified, behind him was Lei Chenyi's eyes that wanted to devour him, and in front of him was the instrument that had almost leveled off.Thinking of Lei Chenyi's threat just now, even though Lei Zhendong said that even if there were any accidents, he would not pursue it, but seeing Lei Chenyi's current state, and according to Lei Chenyi's current status, his words made him a little timid.

Stabilizing his mind, he looked at the intern doctor who had lost his composure after being frightened by the situation in front of him, and said, "First aid."

"How to do……"

The intern doctor was also obviously frightened by Lei Chenyi, how innocent he was, he had already been reminded at that time.But Dr. Qi said that he would be responsible, and now... Looking at Lei Chenyi standing there, under the light of the operating room, he looked like a demon from hell, which made people tremble with fear.

When Dr. Qi heard the intern's answer, he saw that the numbers of the instruments in front of him began to change polarizedly, and his expression became serious.Originally because of Lei Zhendong's reflection, he didn't take it to heart at all, even if he died on the operating table, it would be fine.But at this moment, being stared at by those eyes that almost pierced through him, Doctor Qi couldn't wait to order the doctor.

He stepped forward quickly and began to give emergency first aid.

During the operation, there was a lot of solemnity.

The air seemed to condense.I saw the numbers on the instrument soaring to the bottom from time to time, and every time I saw the numbers bouncing, Lei Chenyi felt that the muscles in his body were about to burst.

After a long time, as if centuries had passed, the intern doctor who had been staring at the instrument said with a trembling voice: "Heartbeat...heartbeat...recovered...blood pressure is normal...blood pressure is also normal... "

When the instrument returned to normal data, although it was slightly worse than ordinary people, it was finally rescued.

The intern doctor originally thought that this operation could learn a lot, but at this time, it seemed that it was the most painful operation in his life, and his whole body was overdrawn. The man fell limply on the ground, looking at the instrument above, panting heavily.

"Cheng Hanlei."

Lei Chenyi pulled Dr. Qi away, and he didn't care that Dr. Qi was pulled back a few steps by his force, and he fell to the ground unsteadily, his head hit the wall on one side with a bang.

Lei Chenyi quickly approached Cheng Hanlei, and looked at Cheng Hanlei who was lying on the operating table. His little face was pale again, and the ruddy little face that had finally recovered was already pale by this time.His eyes were so pierced that they were dyed a darker color, a patch of bright red...

"Cheng Hanlei, wake up, did you hear me, wake up. Did you hear me!"

With the commanding voice, Lei Chenyi clasped Cheng Hanlei's hand. When the big hand felt the cold temperature, as if it was the hand of a dead person, Lei Chenyi's heart froze instantly.

After yelling several times, Cheng Hanlei on the operating table still didn't respond, and her face became more and more ugly.

Dr. Qi, who was thrown and hit the wall, did not recover for a long time.I only felt buzzing in my ears, and I felt that there seemed to be some liquid sliding down the back of my head.Some dazedly, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and when he touched the wet limp, he moved it to his eyes and saw that it was bloody red.

When he raised his head and was about to say Lei Chenyi, he saw Lei Chenyi suddenly turned his head, his eyes that changed color looked so scary under the light.Just like the devil suddenly came into the world, every step I take can feel the strong sense of oppression.

"Why didn't she wake up? Huh?"

As soon as he picked up Dr. Qi and pinned it against the wall, Lei Chenyi looked at the doctor with a dazzling gaze, his eyes burned through Dr. Qi, and Dr. Qi's heart was twitching non-stop in shock.


The doctor was still dizzy, and now he was lifted up again, his throat was strangled by his collar, making it even more difficult to breathe.Looking at the magnified face in front of him, it seems that as long as he dares to say a word that is not pleasant to listen to, he will immediately end him here.


His face gradually turned liver-colored, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.The doctor struggled, and when Lei Chenyi saw that Dr. Qi's expression slowly changed, he let go of his hand, and Dr. Qi slipped and fell again due to lack of oxygen.And Lei Chenyi looked at Doctor Qi condescendingly, and said coldly, "Why didn't you wake up?"

"Cough cough..."

After getting fresh air, Dr. Qi coughed violently. When he heard Lei Chenyi's colder voice, he didn't dare to care about his own discomfort, so he could only answer Lei Chenyi's lisp: "Because of the short-term Oxygen, that's why she's in a coma now...she's fine, fine."

"You'd better hope she's okay, or else..."

Lei Chenyi said coldly, then looked at the intern who was slumped on the ground in shock and said, "Arrange the best ward."

"it is good……"

The intern doctor no longer dared to say that he didn't do it. Under the pressure from Lei Chenyi, even though his legs were weak, he still obediently stood up and stumbled out.

************************************************** **

It has been more than half a day since Cheng Hanlei was placed in the ward, and she still hasn't woken up.

Lei Chenyi's face was very ugly, as if he was covered with haze, watching the drips pouring into Cheng Hanlei's body non-stop.The instrument on one side was ticking, and the data on the instrument was normal.But Cheng Hanlei, who was lying on the bed, showed no signs of waking up.

He had only been away for three days, and this happened unexpectedly.

The bottom of the update on the 7th is 6000.

Early morning: The first update of 3000 words is delivered.

Monthly ticket [251] [270] plus change.

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